fixed writing out entries in advective bc
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / ODE / sixDOF / sixDOFqODE / sixDOFqODE.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Class
26     sixDOFqODE
28 Description
29     6-DOF solver using quaternions
31 Author
32     Dubravko Matijasevic, FSB Zagreb.  All rights reserved.
34 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 #include "sixDOFqODE.H"
38 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
40 // Runtime type information
41 // Not possible because of I/O error: incorrect type, expecting dictionary
42 // HJ, 11/Feb/2008
43 // namespace Foam
44 // {
45 //     defineTypeNameAndDebug(sixDOFqODE, 0);
46 // }
49 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
51 void Foam::sixDOFqODE::setCoeffs()
53     // Set ODE coefficients from position and rotation
55     // Linear displacement relative to spring equilibrium
56     const vector& Xval = Xrel_.value();
57     coeffs_[0] = Xval.x();
58     coeffs_[1] = Xval.y();
59     coeffs_[2] = Xval.z();
61     // Linear velocity
62     const vector& Uval = U_.value();
63     coeffs_[3] = Uval.x();
64     coeffs_[4] = Uval.y();
65     coeffs_[5] = Uval.z();
67     // Rotational velocity in non - inertial coordinate system
68     const vector& omegaVal = omega_.value();
69     coeffs_[6] = omegaVal.x();
70     coeffs_[7] = omegaVal.y();
71     coeffs_[8] = omegaVal.z();
73     // Quaternions
74     coeffs_[9] = rotation_.eInitial().e0();
75     coeffs_[10] = rotation_.eInitial().e1();
76     coeffs_[11] = rotation_.eInitial().e2();
77     coeffs_[12] = rotation_.eInitial().e3();
81 Foam::dimensionedVector Foam::sixDOFqODE::A
83     const dimensionedVector& xR,
84     const dimensionedVector& uR,
85     const HamiltonRodriguezRot& rotation
86 ) const
88     return
89     (
90        - (linSpringCoeffs_ & xR)    // spring
91        - (linDampingCoeffs_ & uR)   // damping
92        + force()
93          // To absolute
94        + (rotation.invR() & forceRelative())
95     )/mass_;
99 Foam::dimensionedVector Foam::sixDOFqODE::OmegaDot
101     const HamiltonRodriguezRot& rotation,
102     const dimensionedVector& omega
103 ) const
105     return 
106         inv(momentOfInertia_)
107       & (
108             E(omega)
109             // To relative
110           + (rotation.R() & moment())
111           + momentRelative()
112         );
116 Foam::dimensionedVector Foam::sixDOFqODE::E
118     const dimensionedVector& omega
119 ) const
121     return (*(momentOfInertia_ & omega) & omega);
126 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
128 // Construct from components
129 Foam::sixDOFqODE::sixDOFqODE(const IOobject& io)
131     IOdictionary(io),
132     mass_(lookup("mass")),
133     momentOfInertia_(lookup("momentOfInertia")),
134     Xequilibrium_(lookup("equilibriumPosition")),
135     linSpringCoeffs_(lookup("linearSpring")),
136     linDampingCoeffs_(lookup("linearDamping")),
137     Xrel_(lookup("Xrel")),
138     U_(lookup("U")),
139     Uaverage_(U_),
140     rotation_
141     (
142         vector(lookup("rotationVector")),
143         dimensionedScalar(lookup("rotationAngle")).value()
144     ),
145     omega_(lookup("omega")),
146     omegaAverage_(omega_),
147     omegaAverageAbsolute_(omega_),
148     force_(lookup("force")),
149     moment_(lookup("moment")),
150     forceRelative_(lookup("forceRelative")),
151     momentRelative_(lookup("momentRelative")),
152     coeffs_(13, 0.0)
154     setCoeffs();
158 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
160 Foam::sixDOFqODE::~sixDOFqODE()
164 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
166 void Foam::sixDOFqODE::derivatives
168     const scalar x,
169     const scalarField& y,
170     scalarField& dydx
171 ) const
173     // Set the derivatives for displacement
174     dydx[0] = y[3];
175     dydx[1] = y[4];
176     dydx[2] = y[5];
178     dimensionedVector curX("curX", dimLength, vector(y[0], y[1], y[2]));
179     dimensionedVector curU("curU", dimVelocity, vector(y[3], y[4], y[5]));
180     const HamiltonRodriguezRot curRotation
181     (
182         y[9],
183         y[10],
184         y[11],
185         y[12]
186     );
188     const vector accel = A(curX, curU, curRotation).value();
190     dydx[3] = accel.x();
191     dydx[4] = accel.y();
192     dydx[5] = accel.z();
194     // Set the derivatives for rotation
195     dimensionedVector curOmega
196     (
197         "curOmega",
198         dimless/dimTime,
199         vector(y[6], y[7], y[8])
200     );
202     const vector omegaDot = OmegaDot(curRotation, curOmega).value();
204     dydx[6]  = omegaDot.x();
205     dydx[7] = omegaDot.y();
206     dydx[8] = omegaDot.z();
208     dydx[9] = curRotation.eDot(curOmega.value(), 0);
209     dydx[10] = curRotation.eDot(curOmega.value(), 1);
210     dydx[11] = curRotation.eDot(curOmega.value(), 2);
211     dydx[12] = curRotation.eDot(curOmega.value(), 3);
215 void Foam::sixDOFqODE::jacobian
217     const scalar x,
218     const scalarField& y,
219     scalarField& dfdx,
220     scalarSquareMatrix& dfdy
221 ) const
223     Info << "jacobian(...)" << endl;
224     notImplemented("sixDOFqODE::jacobian(...) const");
228 void Foam::sixDOFqODE::update(const scalar delta)
230     // Update position
231     vector Xold = Xrel_.value();
233     vector& Xval = Xrel_.value();
235     Xval.x() = coeffs_[0];
236     Xval.y() = coeffs_[1];
237     Xval.z() = coeffs_[2];
239     // Update velocity
240     Uaverage_.value() = (Xval - Xold)/delta;
242     vector& Uval = U_.value();
244     Uval.x() = coeffs_[3];
245     Uval.y() = coeffs_[4];
246     Uval.z() = coeffs_[5];
248     // Update omega
249     vector& omegaVal = omega_.value();
251     omegaVal.x() = coeffs_[6];
252     omegaVal.y() = coeffs_[7];
253     omegaVal.z() = coeffs_[8];
255     rotation_.updateRotation
256     (
257         HamiltonRodriguezRot
258         (
259             coeffs_[9],
260             coeffs_[10],
261             coeffs_[11],
262             coeffs_[12]
263         )
264     );
266     omegaAverage_.value() = rotation_.omegaAverage(delta);
267     omegaAverageAbsolute_.value() = rotation_.omegaAverageAbsolute(delta);
271 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
273 bool Foam::sixDOFqODE::writeData(Ostream& os) const
275     os << *this;
276     return os.good();
280 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IOstream Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
282 Foam::Ostream& Foam::operator<<(Ostream& os, const sixDOFqODE& sds)
284     os.writeKeyword("mass") << tab << sds.mass_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
285     os.writeKeyword("momentOfInertia") << tab << sds.momentOfInertia_
286         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl << nl;
288     os.writeKeyword("equilibriumPosition") << tab << sds.Xequilibrium_
289         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
290     os.writeKeyword("linearSpring") << tab << sds.linSpringCoeffs_
291         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
292     os.writeKeyword("linearDamping") << tab << sds.linDampingCoeffs_
293         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl << nl;
295     os.writeKeyword("Xrel") << tab << sds.Xrel() << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
296     os.writeKeyword("U") << tab << sds.U() << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
297     os.writeKeyword("rotationVector") << tab << sds.rotVector()
298         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
299     os.writeKeyword("rotationAngle") << tab << sds.rotAngle()
300         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
301     os.writeKeyword("omega") << tab <<
302         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl << nl;
304     os.writeKeyword("force") << tab << sds.force()
305         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
306     os.writeKeyword("moment") << tab << sds.moment()
307         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
308     os.writeKeyword("forceRelative") << tab << sds.forceRelative()
309         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
310     os.writeKeyword("momentRelative") << tab << sds.momentRelative()
311         << token::END_STATEMENT << endl;
313     return os;
317 // ************************************************************************* //