fixed writing out entries in advective bc
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / OpenFOAM / db / memberFunctionSelection / memberFunctionSelectionTables.H
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Class
26     Foam::memberFunctionSelectionTables
28 Description
29     Macros to enable the easy declaration of member function selection tables.
31 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "token.H"
35 #ifndef memberFunctionSelectionTables_H
36 #define memberFunctionSelectionTables_H
38 #include "HashTable.H"
40 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 // external use:
44 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
45 // declare a run-time selection:
46 #define declareMemberFunctionSelectionTable\
47 (returnType,baseType,memberFunction,argNames,argList,parList)                 \
48                                                                               \
49     /* Construct from argList function pointer type */                        \
50     typedef returnType (*memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionPtr)argList; \
51                                                                               \
52     /* Construct from argList function table type */                          \
53     typedef HashTable                                                         \
54         <memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionPtr, word, string::hash>     \
55         memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTable;                        \
56                                                                               \
57     /* Construct from argList function pointer table pointer */               \
58     static memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTable*                     \
59         memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_;                    \
60                                                                               \
61     /* Class to add constructor from argList to table */                      \
62     template<class baseType##Type>                                            \
63     class add##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionToTable                \
64     {                                                                         \
65     public:                                                                   \
66                                                                               \
67         add##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionToTable                  \
68         (                                                                     \
69             const word& lookup = baseType##Type::typeName                     \
70         )                                                                     \
71         {                                                                     \
72             construct##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables();      \
73             memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_->insert         \
74             (                                                                 \
75                 lookup,                                                       \
76                 baseType##Type::memberFunction                                \
77             );                                                                \
78         }                                                                     \
79                                                                               \
80         ~add##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionToTable()               \
81         {                                                                     \
82             destroy##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables();        \
83         }                                                                     \
84     };                                                                        \
85                                                                               \
86     /* Table memberFunction called from the table add function */             \
87     static void construct##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables();  \
88                                                                               \
89     /* Table destructor called from the table add function destructor */      \
90     static void destroy##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables()
93 // internal use:
94 // constructor aid
95 #define defineMemberFunctionSelectionTableMemberFunction\
96 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                            \
97                                                                               \
98     /* Table memberFunction called from the table add function */             \
99     void baseType::construct##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables()\
100     {                                                                         \
101         static bool constructed = false;                                      \
102                                                                               \
103         if (!constructed)                                                     \
104         {                                                                     \
105             baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_       \
106                 = new baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTable;\
107                                                                               \
108             constructed = true;                                               \
109         }                                                                     \
110     }
113 // internal use:
114 // destructor aid
115 #define defineMemberFunctionSelectionTableDestructor\
116 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                            \
117                                                                               \
118     /* Table destructor called from the table add function destructor */      \
119     void baseType::destroy##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables()  \
120     {                                                                         \
121         if (baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_)      \
122         {                                                                     \
123             delete baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_;\
124             baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_ = NULL;\
125         }                                                                     \
126     }
129 // internal use:
130 // create pointer to hash-table of functions
131 #define defineMemberFunctionSelectionTablePtr\
132 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                            \
133                                                                               \
134     /* Define the memberFunction table */                                     \
135     baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTable*                  \
136         baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_ = NULL
139 // not much in use:
140 #define defineTemplateMemberFunctionSelectionTablePtr\
141 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                            \
142                                                                               \
143     /* Define the memberFunction table */                                     \
144     typename baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTable*         \
145         baseType::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_ = NULL
148 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
150 // external use:
151 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
152 // define run-time selection table
153 #define defineMemberFunctionSelectionTable\
154 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                            \
155                                                                               \
156     defineMemberFunctionSelectionTablePtr                                     \
157         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames);                                   \
158     defineMemberFunctionSelectionTableMemberFunction                          \
159         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                    \
160     defineMemberFunctionSelectionTableDestructor                              \
161         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)
164 // external use:
165 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
166 // define run-time selection table for template classes
167 // use when baseType doesn't need a template argument (eg, is a typedef)
168 #define defineTemplateMemberFunctionSelectionTable\
169 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                            \
170                                                                               \
171     template<>                                                                \
172     defineMemberFunctionSelectionTablePtr                                     \
173         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames);                                   \
174     template<>                                                                \
175     defineMemberFunctionSelectionTableMemberFunction                          \
176         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)                                    \
177     template<>                                                                \
178     defineMemberFunctionSelectionTableDestructor                              \
179         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames)
182 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
184 // internal use:
185 // constructor aid
186 // use when baseType requires the Targ template argument
187 #define defineTemplatedMemberFunctionSelectionTableMemberFunction\
188 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames,Targ)                                       \
189                                                                               \
190     /* Table memberFunction called from the table add function */             \
191     void baseType<Targ>::construct##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables()\
192     {                                                                         \
193         static bool constructed = false;                                      \
194                                                                               \
195         if (!constructed)                                                     \
196         {                                                                     \
197             baseType<Targ>::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_       \
198                 = new baseType<Targ>::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTable;\
199                                                                               \
200             constructed = true;                                               \
201         }                                                                     \
202     }
205 // internal use:
206 // destructor aid
207 // use when baseType requires the Targ template argument
208 #define defineTemplatedMemberFunctionSelectionTableDestructor\
209 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames,Targ)                                       \
210                                                                               \
211     /* Table destructor called from the table add function destructor */      \
212     void baseType<Targ>::destroy##memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTables()  \
213     {                                                                         \
214         if (baseType<Targ>::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_)      \
215         {                                                                     \
216             delete baseType<Targ>::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_;\
217             baseType<Targ>::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_ = NULL;\
218         }                                                                     \
219     }
222 // internal use:
223 // create pointer to hash-table of functions
224 // use when baseType requires the Targ template argument
225 #define defineTemplatedMemberFunctionSelectionTablePtr\
226 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames,Targ)                                       \
227                                                                               \
228     /* Define the memberFunction table */                                     \
229     baseType<Targ>::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTable*            \
230         baseType<Targ>::memberFunction##argNames##MemberFunctionTablePtr_ = NULL
233 // external use:
234 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
235 // define run-time selection table for template classes
236 // use when baseType requires the Targ template argument
237 #define defineTemplatedMemberFunctionSelectionTable\
238 (baseType,memberFunction,argNames,Targ)                                       \
239                                                                               \
240     template<>                                                                \
241     defineTemplatedMemberFunctionSelectionTablePtr                            \
242         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames,Targ);                              \
243     template<>                                                                \
244     defineTemplatedMemberFunctionSelectionTableMemberFunction                 \
245         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames,Targ)                               \
246     template<>                                                                \
247     defineTemplatedMemberFunctionSelectionTableDestructor                     \
248         (baseType,memberFunction,argNames,Targ)
250 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
252 #endif
254 // ************************************************************************* //