1 if (pbMesh[patch(face())].isWall())
3 keepParcel = sDB.wall().wallTreatment(*this, face());
7 scalar vs = U() & sDB.axisOfSymmetry();
8 vector Us = U() - (vs * sDB.axisOfSymmetry());
9 scalar magUs = mag(Us);
11 scalar magV1 = mag(v1);
12 U() = (magUs/magV1)*v1*n() + vs*sDB.axisOfSymmetry();
15 else if (isA<wedgePolyPatch>(pbMesh[patch(face())]))
17 // check if parcel is trying to move out of the domain
18 label patchi = patch(face());
19 label patchFacei = patchFace(patchi, face());
20 const polyPatch& patch = mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchi];
21 vector nf = patch.faceAreas()[patchFacei];
26 scalar Un2 = U() & n();
30 else if (isA<symmetryPolyPatch>(pbMesh[patch(face())]))
32 // check if parcel is trying to move out of the domain
33 label patchi = patch(face());
34 label patchFacei = patchFace(patchi, face());
35 const polyPatch& patch = mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchi];
36 vector nf = patch.faceAreas()[patchFacei];
43 U() -= 2.0*(U() & n())*n();
48 U() -= 2.0*(U() & nf)*nf;
52 else if (isType<polyPatch>(pbMesh[patch(face())]))
54 // Parcel has hit an inlet or outlet or some such so throw it away