fixed writing out entries in advective bc
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / lagrangian / molecularDynamics / molecule / interactionLists / interactionLists.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "interactionLists.H"
29 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
31 Foam::scalar Foam::interactionLists::transTol = 1e-12;
34 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
36 void Foam::interactionLists::buildCellReferralLists()
38     Info<< nl << "Determining molecule referring schedule" << endl;
40     const referredCellList& refIntL(ril());
42     DynamicList<label> referralProcs;
44     // Run through all referredCells to build list of interacting processors
46     forAll(refIntL, rIL)
47     {
48         const referredCell& rC(refIntL[rIL]);
50         if (findIndex(referralProcs, rC.sourceProc()) == -1)
51         {
52             referralProcs.append(rC.sourceProc());
53         }
54     }
56     referralProcs.shrink();
58 //     Pout << "referralProcs: " << nl << referralProcs << endl;
60     List<DynamicList<label> > cellSendingReferralLists(referralProcs.size());
62     List<DynamicList<DynamicList<label> > >
63         cellReceivingReferralLists(referralProcs.size());
65     // Run through all referredCells again building up send and receive info
67     forAll(refIntL, rIL)
68     {
69         const referredCell& rC(refIntL[rIL]);
71         label rPI = findIndex(referralProcs, rC.sourceProc());
73         DynamicList<DynamicList<label> >& rRL(cellReceivingReferralLists[rPI]);
75         DynamicList<label>& sRL(cellSendingReferralLists[rPI]);
77         label existingSource = findIndex(sRL, rC.sourceCell());
79         // Check to see if this source cell has already been allocated to
80         // come to this processor.  If not, add the source cell to the sending
81         // list and add the current referred cell to the receiving list.
83         // It shouldn't be possible for the sending and receiving lists to be
84         // different lengths, because their append operations happen at the
85         // same time.
87         if (existingSource == -1)
88         {
89             sRL.append(rC.sourceCell());
91             rRL.append
92             (
93                 DynamicList<label> (labelList(1,rIL))
94             );
95         }
96         else
97         {
98             rRL[existingSource].append(rIL);
100             rRL[existingSource].shrink();
101         }
102     }
104     forAll(referralProcs, rPI)
105     {
106         DynamicList<DynamicList<label> >& rRL(cellReceivingReferralLists[rPI]);
108         DynamicList<label>& sRL(cellSendingReferralLists[rPI]);
110         sRL.shrink();
112         rRL.shrink();
113     }
115     // It is assumed that cell exchange is reciprocal, if proc A has cells to
116     // send to proc B, then proc B must have some to send to proc A.
118     cellReceivingReferralLists_.setSize(referralProcs.size());
120     cellSendingReferralLists_.setSize(referralProcs.size());
122     forAll(referralProcs, rPI)
123     {
124         DynamicList<DynamicList<label> >& rRL(cellReceivingReferralLists[rPI]);
126         labelListList translLL(rRL.size());
128         forAll(rRL, rRLI)
129         {
130             translLL[rRLI] = rRL[rRLI];
131         }
133         cellReceivingReferralLists_[rPI] = receivingReferralList
134         (
135             referralProcs[rPI],
136             translLL
137         );
138     }
140     // Send sendingReferralLists to each interacting processor.
142     forAll(referralProcs, rPI)
143     {
145         DynamicList<label>& sRL(cellSendingReferralLists[rPI]);
147         if (referralProcs[rPI] != Pstream::myProcNo())
148         {
149             if (Pstream::parRun())
150             {
151                 OPstream toInteractingProc
152                 (
153                     Pstream::blocking,
154                     referralProcs[rPI]
155                 );
157                 toInteractingProc << sendingReferralList
158                 (
159                     Pstream::myProcNo(),
160                     sRL
161                 );
162             }
163         }
164     }
166     // Receive sendingReferralLists from each interacting processor.
168     forAll(referralProcs, rPI)
169     {
170         if (referralProcs[rPI] != Pstream::myProcNo())
171         {
172             if (Pstream::parRun())
173             {
174                 IPstream fromInteractingProc
175                 (
176                     Pstream::blocking,
177                     referralProcs[rPI]
178                 );
180                 fromInteractingProc >> cellSendingReferralLists_[rPI];
181             }
182         }
183         else
184         {
185             cellSendingReferralLists_[rPI] = sendingReferralList
186             (
187                 Pstream::myProcNo(),
188                 cellSendingReferralLists[rPI]
189             );
190         }
191     }
195 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
198 Foam::interactionLists::interactionLists
200     const polyMesh& mesh,
201     scalar rCutMaxSqr,
202     bool pointPointListBuild
205     mesh_(mesh),
206     rCutMaxSqr_(rCutMaxSqr),
207     dil_(*this, pointPointListBuild),
208     ril_(*this, pointPointListBuild),
209     cellSendingReferralLists_(),
210     cellReceivingReferralLists_()
212     buildCellReferralLists();
216 Foam::interactionLists::interactionLists(const polyMesh& mesh)
218     mesh_(mesh),
219     dil_(*this),
220     ril_(*this)
224 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
226 Foam::interactionLists::~interactionLists()
230 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
232 bool Foam::interactionLists::testPointPointDistance
234     const label ptI,
235     const label ptJ
236 ) const
238     return (magSqr(mesh_.points()[ptI] - mesh_.points()[ptJ]) <= rCutMaxSqr_);
242 bool Foam::interactionLists::testEdgeEdgeDistance
244     const edge& eI,
245     const edge& eJ
246 ) const
248     const vector& eJs(mesh_.points()[eJ.start()]);
249     const vector& eJe(mesh_.points()[eJ.end()]);
251     return testEdgeEdgeDistance(eI, eJs, eJe);
255 bool Foam::interactionLists::testPointFaceDistance
257     const label p,
258     const label faceNo
259 ) const
261     const vector& pointPosition(mesh_.points()[p]);
263     return testPointFaceDistance(pointPosition, faceNo);
267 bool Foam::interactionLists::testPointFaceDistance
269     const label p,
270     const referredCell& refCell
271 ) const
273     const vector& pointPosition(mesh_.points()[p]);
275     forAll (refCell.faces(), rCF)
276     {
277         if
278         (
279             testPointFaceDistance
280             (
281                 pointPosition,
282                 refCell.faces()[rCF],
283                 refCell.vertexPositions(),
284                 refCell.faceCentres()[rCF],
285                 refCell.faceAreas()[rCF]
286             )
287         )
288         {
289             return true;
290         }
291     }
293     return false;
297 bool Foam::interactionLists::testPointFaceDistance
299     const vectorList& pointsToTest,
300     const label faceNo
301 ) const
303     forAll(pointsToTest, pTT)
304     {
305         const vector& p(pointsToTest[pTT]);
307         // if any point in the list is in range of the face
308         // then the rest do not need to be tested and
309         // true can be returned
311         if (testPointFaceDistance(p, faceNo))
312         {
313             return true;
314         }
315     }
317     return false;
321 bool Foam::interactionLists::testPointFaceDistance
323     const vector& p,
324     const label faceNo
325 ) const
327     const face& faceToTest(mesh_.faces()[faceNo]);
329     const vector& faceC(mesh_.faceCentres()[faceNo]);
331     const vector& faceA(mesh_.faceAreas()[faceNo]);
333     const vectorList& points(mesh_.points());
335     return testPointFaceDistance
336     (
337         p,
338         faceToTest,
339         points,
340         faceC,
341         faceA
342     );
346 bool Foam::interactionLists::testPointFaceDistance
348     const vector& p,
349     const labelList& faceToTest,
350     const vectorList& points,
351     const vector& faceC,
352     const vector& faceA
353 ) const
355     vector faceN(faceA/mag(faceA));
357     scalar perpDist((p - faceC) & faceN);
359     if (magSqr(perpDist) > rCutMaxSqr_)
360     {
361         return false;
362     }
364     vector pointOnPlane = (p - faceN * perpDist);
366     if (magSqr(faceC - pointOnPlane) < rCutMaxSqr_*1e-8)
367     {
368         // If pointOnPlane is very close to the face centre
369         // then defining the local axes will be inaccurate
370         // and it is very likely that pointOnPlane will be
371         // inside the face, so return true if the points
372         // are in range to be safe
374         return (magSqr(pointOnPlane - p) <= rCutMaxSqr_);
375     }
377     vector xAxis = (faceC - pointOnPlane)/mag(faceC - pointOnPlane);
379     vector yAxis =
380         ((faceC - pointOnPlane) ^ faceN)
381        /mag((faceC - pointOnPlane) ^ faceN);
383     List<vector2D> local2DVertices(faceToTest.size());
385     forAll(faceToTest, fTT)
386     {
387         const vector& V(points[faceToTest[fTT]]);
389         if (magSqr(V-p) <= rCutMaxSqr_)
390         {
391             return true;
392         }
394         local2DVertices[fTT] = vector2D
395         (
396             ((V - pointOnPlane) & xAxis),
397             ((V - pointOnPlane) & yAxis)
398         );
399     }
401     scalar localFaceCx((faceC - pointOnPlane) & xAxis);
403     scalar la_valid = -1;
405     forAll(local2DVertices, fV)
406     {
407         const vector2D& va(local2DVertices[fV]);
409         const vector2D& vb
410         (
411             local2DVertices[(fV + 1) % local2DVertices.size()]
412         );
414         if (mag(vb.y()-va.y()) > SMALL)
415         {
416             scalar la =
417                 (
418                     va.x() - va.y()*((vb.x() - va.x())/(vb.y() - va.y()))
419                 )
420                /localFaceCx;
422             scalar lv = -va.y()/(vb.y() - va.y());
425             if (la >= 0 && la <= 1 && lv >= 0 && lv <= 1)
426             {
427                 la_valid = la;
429                 break;
430             }
431         }
432     }
434     if (la_valid < 0)
435     {
436         // perpendicular point inside face, nearest point is pointOnPlane;
437         return (magSqr(pointOnPlane-p) <= rCutMaxSqr_);
438     }
439     else
440     {
441         // perpendicular point outside face, nearest point is
442         // on edge that generated la_valid;
443         return
444         (
445             magSqr(pointOnPlane + la_valid*(faceC - pointOnPlane) - p)
446          <= rCutMaxSqr_
447         );
448     }
450     // if the algorithm hasn't returned anything by now then something has
451     // gone wrong.
453     FatalErrorIn("interactionLists.C") << nl
454         << "point " << p << " to face " << faceToTest
455         << " comparison did not find a nearest point"
456         << " to be inside or outside face."
457         << abort(FatalError);
459     return false;
463 bool Foam::interactionLists::testEdgeEdgeDistance
465     const edge& eI,
466     const vector& eJs,
467     const vector& eJe
468 ) const
470     vector a(eI.vec(mesh_.points()));
471     vector b(eJe - eJs);
473     const vector& eIs(mesh_.points()[eI.start()]);
475     vector c(eJs - eIs);
477     vector crossab = a ^ b;
478     scalar magCrossSqr = magSqr(crossab);
480     if (magCrossSqr > VSMALL)
481     {
482         // If the edges are parallel then a point-face
483         // search will pick them up
485         scalar s = ((c ^ b) & crossab)/magCrossSqr;
486         scalar t = ((c ^ a) & crossab)/magCrossSqr;
488         // Check for end points outside of range 0..1
489         // If the closest point is outside this range
490         // a point-face search will have found it.
492         return
493         (
494             s >= 0
495          && s <= 1
496          && t >= 0
497          && t <= 1
498          && magSqr(eIs + a*s - eJs - b*t) <= rCutMaxSqr_
499         );
500     }
502     return false;
506 const Foam::labelList Foam::interactionLists::realCellsInRangeOfSegment
508     const labelList& segmentFaces,
509     const labelList& segmentEdges,
510     const labelList& segmentPoints
511 ) const
513     DynamicList<label> realCellsFoundInRange;
515     forAll(segmentFaces, sF)
516     {
517         const label f = segmentFaces[sF];
519         forAll (mesh_.points(), p)
520         {
521             if (testPointFaceDistance(p, f))
522             {
523                 const labelList& pCells(mesh_.pointCells()[p]);
525                 forAll(pCells, pC)
526                 {
527                     const label cellI(pCells[pC]);
529                     if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellI) == -1)
530                     {
531                         realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellI);
532                     }
533                 }
534             }
535         }
536     }
538     forAll(segmentPoints, sP)
539     {
540         const label p = segmentPoints[sP];
542         forAll(mesh_.faces(), f)
543         {
544             if (testPointFaceDistance(p, f))
545             {
546                 const label cellO(mesh_.faceOwner()[f]);
548                 if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellO) == -1)
549                 {
550                     realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellO);
551                 }
553                 if (mesh_.isInternalFace(f))
554                 {
555                     // boundary faces will not have neighbour information
557                     const label cellN(mesh_.faceNeighbour()[f]);
559                     if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellN) == -1)
560                     {
561                         realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellN);
562                     }
563                 }
564             }
565         }
566     }
568     forAll(segmentEdges, sE)
569     {
570         const edge& eJ(mesh_.edges()[segmentEdges[sE]]);
572         forAll (mesh_.edges(), edgeIIndex)
573         {
574             const edge& eI(mesh_.edges()[edgeIIndex]);
576             if (testEdgeEdgeDistance(eI, eJ))
577             {
578                 const labelList& eICells(mesh_.edgeCells()[edgeIIndex]);
580                 forAll(eICells, eIC)
581                 {
582                     const label cellI(eICells[eIC]);
584                     if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellI) == -1)
585                     {
586                         realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellI);
587                     }
588                 }
589             }
590         }
591     }
593     return realCellsFoundInRange.shrink();
597 const Foam::labelList Foam::interactionLists::referredCellsInRangeOfSegment
599     const List<referredCell>& referredInteractionList,
600     const labelList& segmentFaces,
601     const labelList& segmentEdges,
602     const labelList& segmentPoints
603 ) const
605     DynamicList<label> referredCellsFoundInRange;
607     forAll(segmentFaces, sF)
608     {
609         const label f = segmentFaces[sF];
611         forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
612         {
613             const vectorList& refCellPoints
614                 = referredInteractionList[rIL].vertexPositions();
616             if (testPointFaceDistance(refCellPoints, f))
617             {
618                 if (findIndex(referredCellsFoundInRange, rIL) == -1)
619                 {
620                     referredCellsFoundInRange.append(rIL);
621                 }
622             }
623         }
624     }
626     forAll(segmentPoints, sP)
627     {
628         const label p = segmentPoints[sP];
630         forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
631         {
632             const referredCell& refCell(referredInteractionList[rIL]);
634             if (testPointFaceDistance(p, refCell))
635             {
636                 if (findIndex(referredCellsFoundInRange, rIL) == -1)
637                 {
638                     referredCellsFoundInRange.append(rIL);
639                 }
640             }
641         }
642     }
644     forAll(segmentEdges, sE)
645     {
646         const edge& eI(mesh_.edges()[segmentEdges[sE]]);
648         forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
649         {
650             const vectorList& refCellPoints
651                 = referredInteractionList[rIL].vertexPositions();
653             const edgeList& refCellEdges
654                 = referredInteractionList[rIL].edges();
656             forAll(refCellEdges, rCE)
657             {
658                 const edge& eJ(refCellEdges[rCE]);
660                 if
661                 (
662                     testEdgeEdgeDistance
663                     (
664                         eI,
665                         refCellPoints[eJ.start()],
666                         refCellPoints[eJ.end()]
667                     )
668                 )
669                 {
670                     if(findIndex(referredCellsFoundInRange, rIL) == -1)
671                     {
672                         referredCellsFoundInRange.append(rIL);
673                     }
674                 }
675             }
676         }
677     }
679     return referredCellsFoundInRange.shrink();
683 // ************************************************************************* //