fixed writing out entries in advective bc
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / lagrangian / molecularDynamics / molecule / interactionLists / referredCellList / referredCellList.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "referredCellList.H"
28 #include "interactionLists.H"
29 #include "polyBoundaryMeshEntries.H"
30 #include "PstreamCombineReduceOps.H"
31 #include "Time.H"
32 #include "globalMeshData.H"
33 #include "processorPolyPatch.H"
34 #include "cyclicPolyPatch.H"
36 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
38 void Foam::referredCellList::buildReferredCellList
40     bool pointPointListBuild
43     Info << nl << "Building list of referred interaction neighbours" << endl;
45     const polyMesh& mesh(il_.mesh());
47     DynamicList<referredCell> referredInteractionList;
49     // realCellsWithinRCutMaxOfAnyReferringPatch
50     DynamicList<label> rCellsWRRP;
52     // realFacesWithinRCutMaxOfAnyReferringPatch
53     DynamicList<label> rFacesWRRP;
55     // realEdgesWithinRCutMaxOfAnyReferringPatch
56     DynamicList<label> rEdgesWRRP;
58     // realPointsWithinRCutMaxOfAnyReferringPatch
59     DynamicList<label> rPointsWRRP;
61     labelListList processorPatchSegmentMapping
62     (
63         mesh.globalData().processorPatches().size()
64     );
66     List<vectorList> allNeighbourFaceCentres
67     (
68         mesh.globalData().processorPatches().size()
69     );
71     List<vectorList> allNeighbourFaceAreas
72     (
73         mesh.globalData().processorPatches().size()
74     );
76     label nUndecomposedPatches = 0;
78     if (Pstream::parRun())
79     {
80         dictionary patchDictionary;
82         DynamicList<word> patchNames;
84         Time undecomposedTime
85         (
86             Time::controlDictName,
87             mesh.time().rootPath(),
88             mesh.time().caseName().path()
89         );
91         IOobject undecomposedBoundaryHeader
92         (
93             "boundary",
94             undecomposedTime.constant(),
95             polyMesh::meshSubDir,
96             undecomposedTime,
97             IOobject::MUST_READ,
98             IOobject::NO_WRITE,
99             false
100         );
102         if (undecomposedBoundaryHeader.headerOk())
103         {
104             polyBoundaryMeshEntries undecomposedPatchEntries
105             (
106                 undecomposedBoundaryHeader
107             );
109             forAll(undecomposedPatchEntries, patchi)
110             {
111                 patchNames.append
112                 (
113                     undecomposedPatchEntries[patchi].keyword()
114                 );
116                 patchDictionary.add
117                 (
118                     undecomposedPatchEntries[patchi]
119                 );
120             }
121         }
122         else
123         {
124             FatalErrorIn ("referredCellList.C")
125                 << nl << "unable to read undecomposed boundary file from "
126                 << "constant/polyMesh" << nl
127                 << abort(FatalError);
128         }
130         labelIOList faceProcAddressing
131         (
132             IOobject
133             (
134                 "faceProcAddressing",
135                 mesh.time().constant(),
136                 polyMesh::meshSubDir,
137                 mesh,
138                 IOobject::MUST_READ,
139                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
140                 false
141             )
142         );
144         labelList procPatches(mesh.globalData().processorPatches());
146         nUndecomposedPatches = patchNames.size();
148         // processorPatchSegmentMapping works by mapping the original patch and
149         // half that a face on a processor patch was on before decomposition.
150         // This creates a patch segment for each half of each original (cyclic)
151         // patch which can be assessed separately.  There are n =
152         // patchNames.size() original patches, k = 0 to n-1.  The mapping is:
153         // value = 0: originally an internal face value = k, was originally on
154         // the on the patch k-1, 1st half value = -k, was originally on the on
155         // the patch k-1, 2nd half
157         forAll(procPatches,pP)
158         {
159             const processorPolyPatch& patch = refCast<const processorPolyPatch>
160             (
161                 mesh.boundaryMesh()[procPatches[pP]]
162             );
164             labelList& procPatchSegMap = processorPatchSegmentMapping[pP];
166             procPatchSegMap.setSize(patch.size());
168             forAll (patch, pI)
169             {
170                 label decomposedMeshFace = patch.start() + pI;
172                 label faceProcAdd = faceProcAddressing[decomposedMeshFace];
174                 label globalFace = abs(faceProcAdd)-1;
176                 label minStart = -1;
178                 forAll(patchNames, pN)
179                 {
180                     if (patchDictionary.found(patchNames[pN]))
181                     {
182                         const dictionary& patchDict =
183                         patchDictionary.subDict(patchNames[pN]);
185                         label startFace
186                         (
187                             readLabel
188                             (
189                                 patchDict.lookup("startFace")
190                             )
191                         );
193                         label nFaces(readLabel(patchDict.lookup("nFaces")));
195                         if (minStart < 0 || startFace < minStart)
196                         {
197                             minStart = startFace;
198                         }
200                         if
201                         (
202                             globalFace >= startFace
203                          && globalFace < startFace + nFaces/2
204                         )
205                         {
206                             procPatchSegMap[pI] = pN + 1;
207                         }
208                         else if
209                         (
210                             globalFace >= startFace + nFaces/2
211                          && globalFace < startFace + nFaces
212                         )
213                         {
214                             procPatchSegMap[pI] = -(pN + 1);
215                         }
216                     }
217                 }
219                 if (globalFace < minStart)
220                 {
221                     procPatchSegMap[pI] = 0;
222                 }
223             }
224         }
226         forAll(procPatches,pP)
227         {
228             const processorPolyPatch& patch = refCast<const processorPolyPatch>
229             (
230                 mesh.boundaryMesh()[procPatches[pP]]
231             );
233             {
234                 OPstream toNeighbProc
235                 (
236                     Pstream::blocking,
237                     patch.neighbProcNo()
238                 );
240                 toNeighbProc << patch.faceCentres() << patch.faceAreas();
241             }
242         }
244         forAll(procPatches,pP)
245         {
246             const processorPolyPatch& patch = refCast<const processorPolyPatch>
247             (
248                 mesh.boundaryMesh()[procPatches[pP]]
249             );
251             vectorList& neighbFaceCentres = allNeighbourFaceCentres[pP];
253             neighbFaceCentres.setSize(patch.size());
255             vectorList& neighbFaceAreas = allNeighbourFaceAreas[pP];
257             neighbFaceAreas.setSize(patch.size());
259             {
260                 IPstream fromNeighbProc
261                 (
262                     Pstream::blocking,
263                     patch.neighbProcNo()
264                 );
266                 fromNeighbProc >> neighbFaceCentres >> neighbFaceAreas;
267             }
268         }
270         // *************************************************************
271         // Tests that all processor patch segments from different
272         // original patches prior to decomposition produce the same
273         // transform. Check before 1st iteration.
274         // *************************************************************
276         forAll(procPatches,pP)
277         {
278             const processorPolyPatch& patch = refCast<const processorPolyPatch>
279             (
280                 mesh.boundaryMesh()[procPatches[pP]]
281             );
283             const vectorList& neighbFaceCentres = allNeighbourFaceCentres[pP];
285             const vectorList& neighbFaceAreas = allNeighbourFaceAreas[pP];
287             label nUP;
289             for
290             (
291                 nUP = -nUndecomposedPatches;
292                 nUP <= nUndecomposedPatches;
293                 nUP++
294             )
295             {
296                 DynamicList<vector> refOff;
298                 DynamicList<tensor> refTrans;
300                 forAll (patch, faceI)
301                 {
302                     if (processorPatchSegmentMapping[pP][faceI] == nUP)
303                     {
304                         referredCell testRefCell
305                         (
306                             mesh,
307                             -1,
308                             -1,
309                             patch.faceCentres()[faceI],
310                             neighbFaceCentres[faceI],
311                             patch.faceNormals()[faceI],
312                             neighbFaceAreas[faceI]
313                             /(mag(neighbFaceAreas[faceI]) + VSMALL)
314                         );
316                         refOff.append(testRefCell.offset());
318                         refTrans.append(testRefCell.rotation());
319                     }
320                 }
322                 refOff.shrink();
324                 refTrans.shrink();
326                 if (refOff.size())
327                 {
328                     if
329                     (
330                         sum(mag(refOff-refOff[0]))/refOff.size()
331                             > interactionLists::transTol
332                      || sum(mag(refTrans-refTrans[0]))/refTrans.size()
333                             > interactionLists::transTol
334                     )
335                     {
336                         FatalErrorIn ("referredCellList.C")
337                             << nl << "Face pairs on patch "
338                             <<
339                             << ", segment " << patchNames[nUP]
340                             << " do not give the same referring "
341                             << " transformations to within tolerance of "
342                             << interactionLists::transTol << nl
343                             << " Referring offsets:" << refOff << nl
344                             << " Average sum of mag difference: "
345                             << sum(mag(refOff-refOff[0]))/refOff.size() << nl
346                             << " Referring transforms:" << refTrans << nl
347                             << " Average sum of mag difference: "
348                             << sum(mag(refTrans-refTrans[0]))/refTrans.size()
349                             << nl << abort(FatalError);
350                     }
351                 }
352             }
353         }
354     }
356     label cellsReferredThisIteration = 1;
358     label iterationNo = 0;
360     while (cellsReferredThisIteration)
361     {
362         label refIntListStartSize = referredInteractionList.size();
364         forAll (mesh.boundaryMesh(), patchI)
365         {
366             // Treat local cyclics on each processor before processor
367             // boundaries.  Separate treatment allows the serial version to run
368             // transparently.
370             if (isA<cyclicPolyPatch>(mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI]))
371             {
372                 const cyclicPolyPatch& patch = refCast<const cyclicPolyPatch>
373                 (
374                     mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI]
375                 );
377                 if (patch.size())
378                 {
379                     if (iterationNo == 0)
380                     {
381                         // Tests that all combinations of face pairs produce the
382                         // same transform.  Only check on 1st iteration.
384                         label faceL;
385                         // A face in the 1st half of the patch
387                         label faceM;
388                         // Face corresponding to faceL in the 2nd half of the
389                         // patch. Assumes correct face ordering.
391                         vectorList refOff(patch.size()/2);
393                         List<tensor> refTrans(patch.size()/2);
395                         for
396                         (
397                             faceL = 0, faceM = patch.size()/2;
398                             faceL < patch.size()/2;
399                             faceL++, faceM++
400                         )
401                         {
402                             referredCell testRefCell
403                             (
404                                 mesh,
405                                 -1,
406                                 -1,
407                                 patch.faceCentres()[faceL],
408                                 patch.faceCentres()[faceM],
409                                 patch.faceNormals()[faceL],
410                                 patch.faceNormals()[faceM]
411                             );
413                             refOff[faceL] = testRefCell.offset();
415                             refTrans[faceL] = testRefCell.rotation();
416                         }
418                         if
419                         (
420                             sum(mag(refOff - refOff[0]))/(patch.size()/2)
421                                 > interactionLists::transTol
422                          || sum(mag(refTrans - refTrans[0]))/(patch.size()/2)
423                                 > interactionLists::transTol
424                         )
425                         {
426                             FatalErrorIn ("referredCellList.C")
427                                 << nl << "Face pairs on patch "
428                                 <<
429                                 << " do not give the same referring "
430                                 << " transformations to within tolerance of "
431                                 << interactionLists::transTol << nl
432                                 << " Referring offsets:" << refOff << nl
433                                 << " Average sum of mag difference: "
434                                 << sum(mag(refOff-refOff[0]))/refOff.size()
435                                 << nl
436                                 << " Referring transforms:" << refTrans << nl
437                                 << " Average sum of mag difference: "
438                                 << sum(mag(refTrans-refTrans[0]))
439                                    /refTrans.size()
440                                 << nl << abort(FatalError);
441                         }
442                     }
444                     // *********************************************************
445                     // 1st half of face list - 1st side of boundary
446                     // *********************************************************
448                     label faceI;
450                     DynamicList<label> meshFacesOnThisSegment;
452                     for (faceI = 0; faceI < patch.size()/2; faceI++)
453                     {
454                         // unable to use the normal accessors for the polyPatch
455                         // because points on separate halves need used
456                         // separately
458                         meshFacesOnThisSegment.append(faceI + patch.start());
459                     }
461                     meshFacesOnThisSegment.shrink();
463                     DynamicList<label> meshEdgesOnThisSegment;
465                     DynamicList<label> meshPointsOnThisSegment;
467                     forAll(meshFacesOnThisSegment, mFOTS)
468                     {
469                         const label segFace = meshFacesOnThisSegment[mFOTS];
471                         const labelList& faceEdges = mesh.faceEdges()[segFace];
473                         forAll (faceEdges, fE)
474                         {
475                             const label faceEdge(faceEdges[fE]);
477                             if
478                             (
479                                 findIndex
480                                 (
481                                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
482                                     faceEdge
483                                 ) == -1
484                             )
485                             {
486                                 meshEdgesOnThisSegment.append(faceEdge);
487                             }
488                         }
490                         const face& facePoints(mesh.faces()[segFace]);
492                         forAll (facePoints, fP)
493                         {
494                             const label facePoint(facePoints[fP]);
496                             if
497                             (
498                                 findIndex
499                                 (
500                                     meshPointsOnThisSegment,
501                                     facePoint
502                                 )
503                              ==
504                                 -1
505                             )
506                             {
507                                 meshPointsOnThisSegment.append(facePoint);
508                             }
509                         }
510                     }
512                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment.shrink();
514                     meshPointsOnThisSegment.shrink();
516                     if (iterationNo == 0)
517                     {
518                         // Assessing real cells in range is only required on
519                         // the 1st iteration because they do not change from
520                         // iteration to iteration.
522                         labelList realCellsFoundInRange
523                         (
524                             il_.realCellsInRangeOfSegment
525                             (
526                                 meshFacesOnThisSegment,
527                                 meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
528                                 meshPointsOnThisSegment
529                             )
530                         );
532                         forAll(realCellsFoundInRange,cFIR)
533                         {
534                             const label realCell = realCellsFoundInRange[cFIR];
536                             referredCell cellToRefer
537                             (
538                                 mesh,
539                                 Pstream::myProcNo(),
540                                 realCell,
541                                 patch.faceCentres()[0],
542                                 patch.faceCentres()[patch.size()/2],
543                                 patch.faceNormals()[0],
544                                 patch.faceNormals()[patch.size()/2]
545                             );
547                             // Test all existing referred and real cells to
548                             // check duplicates are not being made or cells
549                             // aren't being referred back onto themselves
551                             bool addCellToRefer = true;
553                             // Check if cellToRefer is an existing referred cell
555                             forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
556                             {
557                                 if
558                                 (
559                                     cellToRefer.duplicate
560                                     (
561                                         referredInteractionList[rIL]
562                                     )
563                                 )
564                                 {
565                                     addCellToRefer = false;
567                                     break;
568                                 }
569                             }
571                             // Check for cellToRefer being referred back
572                             // ontop of a real cell
574                             if
575                             (
576                                 cellToRefer.duplicate
577                                 (
578                                     Pstream::myProcNo(),
579                                     mesh.nCells()
580                                 )
581                             )
582                             {
583                                 addCellToRefer = false;
584                             }
586                             if (addCellToRefer)
587                             {
588                                 referredInteractionList.append(cellToRefer);
589                             }
591                             // add real cells found in range of cyclic patch
592                             // to whole mesh list
594                             if (findIndex (rCellsWRRP, realCell) == -1)
595                             {
596                                 rCellsWRRP.append(realCell);
597                             }
598                         }
599                     }
601                     referredInteractionList.shrink();
603                     labelList referredCellsFoundInRange
604                     (
605                         il_.referredCellsInRangeOfSegment
606                         (
607                             referredInteractionList,
608                             meshFacesOnThisSegment,
609                             meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
610                             meshPointsOnThisSegment
611                         )
612                     );
614                     forAll(referredCellsFoundInRange,cFIR)
615                     {
616                         referredCell& existingRefCell =
617                             referredInteractionList
618                             [
619                                 referredCellsFoundInRange[cFIR]
620                             ];
622                         referredCell cellToReRefer =
623                             existingRefCell.reRefer
624                             (
625                                 patch.faceCentres()[0],
626                                 patch.faceCentres()[patch.size()/2],
627                                 patch.faceNormals()[0],
628                                 patch.faceNormals()[patch.size()/2]
629                             );
631                         // Test all existing referred and real cells to check
632                         // duplicates are not being made or cells aren't being
633                         // referred back onto themselves
635                         bool addCellToReRefer = true;
637                         // Check if cellToRefer is an existing referred cell
639                         forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
640                         {
641                             if
642                             (
643                                 cellToReRefer.duplicate
644                                 (
645                                     referredInteractionList[rIL]
646                                 )
647                             )
648                             {
649                                 addCellToReRefer = false;
651                                 break;
652                             }
653                         }
655                         // Check for cellToRefer being referred back
656                         // ontop of a real cell
658                         if
659                         (
660                             cellToReRefer.duplicate
661                             (
662                                 Pstream::myProcNo(),
663                                 mesh.nCells()
664                             )
665                         )
666                         {
667                             addCellToReRefer = false;
668                         }
670                         if (addCellToReRefer)
671                         {
672                             referredInteractionList.append(cellToReRefer);
673                         }
674                     }
676                     // *********************************************************
677                     // 2nd half of face list - 2nd side of boundary
678                     // *********************************************************
680                     meshFacesOnThisSegment.clear();
682                     for (faceI = patch.size()/2; faceI < patch.size(); faceI++)
683                     {
684                         // unable to use the normal accessors for the polyPatch
685                         // because points on separate halves need used
686                         // separately
688                         meshFacesOnThisSegment.append(faceI + patch.start());
689                     }
691                     meshFacesOnThisSegment.shrink();
693                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment.clear();
695                     meshPointsOnThisSegment.clear();
697                     forAll(meshFacesOnThisSegment, mFOTS)
698                     {
699                         const label segFace = meshFacesOnThisSegment[mFOTS];
701                         const labelList& faceEdges = mesh.faceEdges()[segFace];
703                         forAll (faceEdges, fE)
704                         {
705                             const label faceEdge(faceEdges[fE]);
707                             if
708                             (
709                                 findIndex
710                                 (
711                                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
712                                     faceEdge
713                                 )
714                              ==
715                                 -1
716                             )
717                             {
718                                 meshEdgesOnThisSegment.append(faceEdge);
719                             }
720                         }
722                         const face& facePoints(mesh.faces()[segFace]);
724                         forAll (facePoints, fP)
725                         {
726                             const label facePoint(facePoints[fP]);
728                             if
729                             (
730                                 findIndex
731                                 (
732                                     meshPointsOnThisSegment,
733                                     facePoint
734                                 )
735                              ==
736                                 -1
737                             )
738                             {
739                                 meshPointsOnThisSegment.append(facePoint);
740                             }
741                         }
742                     }
744                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment.shrink();
746                     meshPointsOnThisSegment.shrink();
748                     if (iterationNo == 0)
749                     {
750                         // Assessing real cells in range is only required on
751                         // the 1st iteration because they do not change from
752                         // iteration to iteration.
754                         labelList realCellsFoundInRange
755                         (
756                             il_.realCellsInRangeOfSegment
757                             (
758                                 meshFacesOnThisSegment,
759                                 meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
760                                 meshPointsOnThisSegment
761                             )
762                         );
764                         forAll(realCellsFoundInRange,cFIR)
765                         {
766                             const label realCell = realCellsFoundInRange[cFIR];
768                             referredCell cellToRefer
769                             (
770                                 mesh,
771                                 Pstream::myProcNo(),
772                                 realCell,
773                                 patch.faceCentres()[patch.size()/2],
774                                 patch.faceCentres()[0],
775                                 patch.faceNormals()[patch.size()/2],
776                                 patch.faceNormals()[0]
777                             );
779                             // Test all existing referred and real cells to
780                             // check duplicates are not being made or cells
781                             // aren't being referred back onto themselves
783                             bool addCellToRefer = true;
785                             // Check if cellToRefer is an existing referred cell
787                             forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
788                             {
789                                 if
790                                 (
791                                     cellToRefer.duplicate
792                                     (
793                                         referredInteractionList[rIL]
794                                     )
795                                 )
796                                 {
797                                     addCellToRefer = false;
799                                     break;
800                                 }
801                             }
803                             // Check for cellToRefer being referred back
804                             // ontop of a real cell
806                             if
807                             (
808                                 cellToRefer.duplicate
809                                 (
810                                     Pstream::myProcNo(),
811                                     mesh.nCells()
812                                 )
813                             )
814                             {
815                                 addCellToRefer = false;
816                             }
818                             if (addCellToRefer)
819                             {
820                                 referredInteractionList.append(cellToRefer);
821                             }
823                             // add real cells found in range of cyclic patch
824                             // to whole mesh list
826                             if (findIndex (rCellsWRRP, realCell) == -1)
827                             {
828                                 rCellsWRRP.append(realCell);
829                             }
830                         }
831                     }
833                     referredInteractionList.shrink();
835                     referredCellsFoundInRange =
836                         il_.referredCellsInRangeOfSegment
837                         (
838                             referredInteractionList,
839                             meshFacesOnThisSegment,
840                             meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
841                             meshPointsOnThisSegment
842                         );
844                     forAll(referredCellsFoundInRange,cFIR)
845                     {
846                         referredCell& existingRefCell =
847                             referredInteractionList
848                             [
849                                 referredCellsFoundInRange[cFIR]
850                             ];
852                         referredCell cellToReRefer =
853                             existingRefCell.reRefer
854                             (
855                                 patch.faceCentres()[patch.size()/2],
856                                 patch.faceCentres()[0],
857                                 patch.faceNormals()[patch.size()/2],
858                                 patch.faceNormals()[0]
859                             );
861                         // Test all existing referred and real cells to check
862                         // duplicates are not being made or cells aren't being
863                         // referred back onto themselves
865                         bool addCellToReRefer = true;
867                         // Check if cellToRefer is an existing referred cell
869                         forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
870                         {
871                             if
872                             (
873                                 cellToReRefer.duplicate
874                                 (
875                                     referredInteractionList[rIL]
876                                 )
877                             )
878                             {
879                                 addCellToReRefer = false;
881                                 break;
882                             }
883                         }
885                         // Check for cellToRefer being referred back
886                         // ontop of a real cell
888                         if
889                         (
890                             cellToReRefer.duplicate
891                             (
892                                 Pstream::myProcNo(),
893                                 mesh.nCells()
894                             )
895                         )
896                         {
897                             addCellToReRefer = false;
898                         }
900                         if (addCellToReRefer)
901                         {
902                             referredInteractionList.append(cellToReRefer);
903                         }
904                     }
905                 }
906             }
907         }
909         if (Pstream::parRun())
910         {
911             labelList procPatches(mesh.globalData().processorPatches());
913             forAll(procPatches,pP)
914             {
915                 const processorPolyPatch& patch =
916                     refCast<const processorPolyPatch>
917                     (
918                         mesh.boundaryMesh()[procPatches[pP]]
919                     );
921                 DynamicList<referredCell> referredCellsToTransfer;
923                 const vectorList& neighbFaceCentres =
924                     allNeighbourFaceCentres[pP];
926                 const vectorList& neighbFaceAreas = allNeighbourFaceAreas[pP];
928                 label nUP;
930                 for
931                 (
932                     nUP = -nUndecomposedPatches;
933                     nUP <= nUndecomposedPatches;
934                     nUP++
935                 )
936                 {
937                     // faceT is used to specify one face on this patch segment
938                     // that will be used to calculate the transformation values.
939                     // All faces are guaranteed to produce the same transform
940                     // because of the checks carried out at the start of the
941                     // function.  Setting to -1 until the 1st face on this
942                     // segment is found.
944                     label faceT = -1;
946                     DynamicList<label> meshFacesOnThisSegment;
948                     forAll (patch, faceI)
949                     {
950                         if (processorPatchSegmentMapping[pP][faceI] == nUP)
951                         {
952                             if (faceT == -1)
953                             {
954                                 faceT = faceI;
955                             }
957                             meshFacesOnThisSegment.append
958                             (
959                                 faceI + patch.start()
960                             );
961                         }
962                     }
964                     meshFacesOnThisSegment.shrink();
966                     DynamicList<label> meshEdgesOnThisSegment;
968                     DynamicList<label> meshPointsOnThisSegment;
970                     forAll(meshFacesOnThisSegment, mFOTS)
971                     {
972                         const label segFace = meshFacesOnThisSegment[mFOTS];
974                         const labelList& faceEdges = mesh.faceEdges()[segFace];
976                         forAll (faceEdges, fE)
977                         {
978                             const label faceEdge(faceEdges[fE]);
980                             if
981                             (
982                                 findIndex
983                                 (
984                                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
985                                     faceEdge
986                                 )
987                              ==
988                                 -1
989                             )
990                             {
991                                 meshEdgesOnThisSegment.append(faceEdge);
992                             }
993                         }
995                         const face& facePoints(mesh.faces()[segFace]);
997                         forAll (facePoints, fP)
998                         {
999                             const label facePoint(facePoints[fP]);
1001                             if
1002                             (
1003                                 findIndex
1004                                 (
1005                                     meshPointsOnThisSegment,
1006                                     facePoint
1007                                 )
1008                              ==
1009                                 -1
1010                             )
1011                             {
1012                                 meshPointsOnThisSegment.append(facePoint);
1013                             }
1014                         }
1015                     }
1017                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment.shrink();
1019                     meshPointsOnThisSegment.shrink();
1021                     if (meshFacesOnThisSegment.size())
1022                     {
1023                         if (faceT == -1)
1024                         {
1025                             FatalErrorIn ("referredCellList.C")
1026                                 << nl << "faceT == -1 encountered but "
1027                                 << meshFacesOnThisSegment.size()
1028                                 << " faces found on patch segment."
1029                                 << abort(FatalError);
1030                         }
1032                         if (iterationNo == 0)
1033                         {
1034                             // Assessing real cells in range is only required on
1035                             // the 1st iteration because they do not change from
1036                             // iteration to iteration.
1038                             labelList realCellsFoundInRange
1039                             (
1040                                 il_.realCellsInRangeOfSegment
1041                                 (
1042                                     meshFacesOnThisSegment,
1043                                     meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
1044                                     meshPointsOnThisSegment
1045                                 )
1046                             );
1048                             forAll(realCellsFoundInRange,cFIR)
1049                             {
1050                                 const label realCell =
1051                                     realCellsFoundInRange[cFIR];
1053                                 referredCell cellToRefer
1054                                 (
1055                                     mesh,
1056                                     Pstream::myProcNo(),
1057                                     realCell,
1058                                     patch.faceCentres()[faceT],
1059                                     neighbFaceCentres[faceT],
1060                                     patch.faceNormals()[faceT],
1061                                     neighbFaceAreas[faceT]
1062                                     /(mag(neighbFaceAreas[faceT]) + VSMALL)
1063                                 );
1065                                 referredCellsToTransfer.append(cellToRefer);
1067                                 // add real cells found in range of processor
1068                                 // patch to whole mesh list
1070                                 if (findIndex (rCellsWRRP, realCell) == -1)
1071                                 {
1072                                     rCellsWRRP.append(realCell);
1073                                 }
1074                             }
1075                         }
1077                         referredInteractionList.shrink();
1079                         labelList referredCellsFoundInRange
1080                         (
1081                             il_.referredCellsInRangeOfSegment
1082                             (
1083                                 referredInteractionList,
1084                                 meshFacesOnThisSegment,
1085                                 meshEdgesOnThisSegment,
1086                                 meshPointsOnThisSegment
1087                             )
1088                         );
1090                         forAll(referredCellsFoundInRange,cFIR)
1091                         {
1092                             referredCell& existingRefCell =
1093                                 referredInteractionList
1094                                 [
1095                                     referredCellsFoundInRange[cFIR]
1096                                 ];
1098                             referredCell cellToReRefer =
1099                                 existingRefCell.reRefer
1100                                 (
1101                                     patch.faceCentres()[faceT],
1102                                     neighbFaceCentres[faceT],
1103                                     patch.faceNormals()[faceT],
1104                                     neighbFaceAreas[faceT]
1105                                     /(mag(neighbFaceAreas[faceT]) + VSMALL)
1106                                 );
1108                             referredCellsToTransfer.append(cellToReRefer);
1109                         }
1110                     }
1111                 }
1113                 referredCellsToTransfer.shrink();
1115                 // Send these cells to the neighbouring processor.
1117                 {
1118                     OPstream toNeighbProc
1119                     (
1120                         Pstream::blocking,
1121                         patch.neighbProcNo()
1122                     );
1124                     toNeighbProc << referredCellsToTransfer;
1125                 }
1126             }
1128             forAll(procPatches,pP)
1129             {
1130                 const processorPolyPatch& patch =
1131                 refCast<const processorPolyPatch>
1132                 (
1133                     mesh.boundaryMesh()[procPatches[pP]]
1134                 );
1136                 // Receive the cells from neighbour
1138                 List<referredCell> referredCellsFromNeighbour(patch.size());
1140                 {
1141                     IPstream fromNeighbProc
1142                     (
1143                         Pstream::blocking,
1144                         patch.neighbProcNo()
1145                     );
1147                     fromNeighbProc >> referredCellsFromNeighbour;
1148                 }
1150                 // Check to see if they are duplicates, if not append
1151                 // them to the referredInteractionList
1153                 forAll(referredCellsFromNeighbour,rCFN)
1154                 {
1155                     referredCell& cellToRefer =
1156                     referredCellsFromNeighbour[rCFN];
1158                     // Test all existing referred and real cells to check
1159                     // duplicates are not being made or cells aren't being
1160                     // referred back onto themselves
1162                     bool addCellToRefer = true;
1164                     // Check if cellToRefer is an existing referred cell
1166                     forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
1167                     {
1168                         if (cellToRefer.duplicate(referredInteractionList[rIL]))
1169                         {
1170                             addCellToRefer = false;
1172                             break;
1173                         }
1174                     }
1176                     // Check for cellToRefer being referred back ontop of a real
1177                     // cell
1179                     if
1180                     (
1181                         cellToRefer.duplicate
1182                         (
1183                             Pstream::myProcNo(),
1184                             mesh.nCells()
1185                         )
1186                     )
1187                     {
1188                         addCellToRefer = false;
1189                     }
1191                     if (addCellToRefer)
1192                     {
1193                         referredInteractionList.append(cellToRefer);
1194                     }
1195                 }
1196             }
1197         }
1199         if (iterationNo == 0)
1200         {
1201             // record all real cells in range of any referring patch (cyclic or
1202             // processor) on the first iteration when the real cells are
1203             // evaluated.
1205             rCellsWRRP.shrink();
1207             // construct {faces, edges, points}WithinRCutMaxOfAnyReferringPatch
1209             forAll(rCellsWRRP, rCWR)
1210             {
1211                 const label realCell(rCellsWRRP[rCWR]);
1213                 const labelList& rCFaces
1214                 (
1215                     mesh.cells()[realCell]
1216                 );
1218                 forAll(rCFaces, rCF)
1219                 {
1220                     const label f(rCFaces[rCF]);
1222                     if (findIndex(rFacesWRRP,f) == -1)
1223                     {
1224                         rFacesWRRP.append(f);
1225                     }
1226                 }
1228                 const labelList& rCEdges
1229                 (
1230                     mesh.cellEdges()[realCell]
1231                 );
1233                 forAll(rCEdges, rCE)
1234                 {
1235                     const label e(rCEdges[rCE]);
1237                     if (findIndex(rEdgesWRRP,e) == -1)
1238                     {
1239                         rEdgesWRRP.append(e);
1240                     }
1241                 }
1243                 const labelList& rCPoints
1244                 (
1245                     mesh.cellPoints()[realCell]
1246                 );
1248                 forAll(rCPoints, rCP)
1249                 {
1250                     const label p(rCPoints[rCP]);
1252                     if (findIndex(rPointsWRRP,p) == -1)
1253                     {
1254                         rPointsWRRP.append(p);
1255                     }
1256                 }
1257             }
1259             rFacesWRRP.shrink();
1261             rEdgesWRRP.shrink();
1263             rPointsWRRP.shrink();
1264         }
1266         iterationNo++;
1268         cellsReferredThisIteration =
1269             referredInteractionList.size() - refIntListStartSize;
1271         reduce(cellsReferredThisIteration, sumOp<label>());
1273         Info<< tab << "Cells added this iteration: "
1274             << cellsReferredThisIteration << endl;
1275     }
1277     referredInteractionList.shrink();
1279     //     Info<< "referredInteractionList.size() = "
1280     //         << referredInteractionList.size() << endl;
1282     //     forAll(referredInteractionList,rIL)
1283     //     {
1284     //         Info<< referredInteractionList[rIL];
1285     //     }
1287     (*this).setSize
1288     (
1289         referredInteractionList.size()
1290     );
1292     forAll(referredInteractionList, rIL)
1293     {
1294         (*this)[rIL] = referredInteractionList[rIL];
1295     }
1297     Info<< nl << "Finding real cells in range of referred cells" << endl;
1299     forAll(*this, rC)
1300     {
1301         const polyMesh& mesh(il_.mesh());
1303         referredCell& refCell = (*this)[rC];
1305         DynamicList<label> realCellsFoundInRange;
1307         const vectorList& refCellPoints = refCell.vertexPositions();
1309         forAll(rFacesWRRP, rCF)
1310         {
1311             const label f(rFacesWRRP[rCF]);
1313             if (il_.testPointFaceDistance(refCellPoints,f))
1314             {
1315                 const label cellO(mesh.faceOwner()[f]);
1317                 if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellO) == -1)
1318                 {
1319                     realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellO);
1320                 }
1322                 if (mesh.isInternalFace(f))
1323                 {
1324                     // boundary faces will not have neighbour information
1326                     const label cellN(mesh.faceNeighbour()[f]);
1328                     if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellN) == -1)
1329                     {
1330                         realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellN);
1331                     }
1332                 }
1333             }
1334         }
1336         forAll(rPointsWRRP, rCP)
1337         {
1338             const label p(rPointsWRRP[rCP]);
1340             if (il_.testPointFaceDistance(p,refCell))
1341             {
1342                 const labelList& pCells(mesh.pointCells()[p]);
1344                 forAll(pCells, pC)
1345                 {
1346                     const label cellI(pCells[pC]);
1348                     if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellI) == -1)
1349                     {
1350                         realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellI);
1351                     }
1352                 }
1353             }
1354         }
1357         const edgeList& refCellEdges = refCell.edges();
1359         forAll(rEdgesWRRP, rCE)
1360         {
1361             const label edgeIIndex(rEdgesWRRP[rCE]);
1363             const edge& eI(mesh.edges()[edgeIIndex]);
1365             forAll(refCellEdges, rCE)
1366             {
1367                 const edge& eJ(refCellEdges[rCE]);
1369                 if
1370                 (
1371                     il_.testEdgeEdgeDistance
1372                     (
1373                         eI,
1374                         refCellPoints[eJ.start()],
1375                         refCellPoints[eJ.end()]
1376                     )
1377                 )
1378                 {
1379                     const labelList& eICells(mesh.edgeCells()[edgeIIndex]);
1381                     forAll(eICells, eIC)
1382                     {
1383                         const label cellI(eICells[eIC]);
1385                         if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellI) == -1)
1386                         {
1387                             realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellI);
1388                         }
1389                     }
1390                 }
1391             }
1392         }
1394 //         scalar rCutMaxSqr = molCloud_.rCutMax()*molCloud_.rCutMax();
1396 //         forAll (molCloud_.mesh().points(), pointIIndex)
1397 //         {
1398 //             const point& ptI
1399 //             (
1400 //                 molCloud_.mesh().points()[pointIIndex]
1401 //             );
1403 //             forAll(refCellPoints, rCP)
1404 //             {
1405 //                 if (magSqr(ptI - refCellPoints[rCP]) <= rCutMaxSqr)
1406 //                 {
1407 //                     const labelList& ptICells
1408 //                     (
1409 //                         molCloud_.mesh().pointCells()[pointIIndex]
1410 //                     );
1412 //                     forAll(ptICells, pIC)
1413 //                     {
1414 //                         const label cellI(ptICells[pIC]);
1416 //                         if (findIndex(realCellsFoundInRange, cellI) == -1)
1417 //                         {
1418 //                             realCellsFoundInRange.append(cellI);
1419 //                         }
1420 //                     }
1421 //                 }
1422 //             }
1423 //         }
1425         refCell.realCells() = realCellsFoundInRange.shrink();
1426     }
1430 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1432 Foam::referredCellList::referredCellList
1434     interactionLists& il,
1435     bool pointPointListBuild
1438     List<referredCell>(),
1439     il_(il)
1441     buildReferredCellList(pointPointListBuild);
1445 Foam::referredCellList::referredCellList(interactionLists& il)
1447     List<referredCell>(),
1448     il_(il)
1450     Info<< "Read referredCellList from disk not implemented" << endl;
1454 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1456 Foam::referredCellList::~referredCellList()
1460 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1462 void Foam::referredCellList::referMolecules
1464     const List<DynamicList<molecule*> >& cellOccupancy
1467     // Create referred molecules for sending using cell occupancy and
1468     // cellSendingReferralLists
1470     forAll(il_.cellSendingReferralLists(), cSRL)
1471     {
1472         const sendingReferralList& sRL
1473         (
1474             il_.cellSendingReferralLists()[cSRL]
1475         );
1477         List<DynamicList<referredMolecule> > molsToReferOut(sRL.size());
1479         forAll(sRL, sRLI)
1480         {
1481             List<molecule*> realMols = cellOccupancy[sRL[sRLI]];
1483             forAll (realMols, rM)
1484             {
1485                 molecule* mol = realMols[rM];
1487                 molsToReferOut[sRLI].append
1488                 (
1489                     referredMolecule
1490                     (
1491                         mol->id(),
1492                         mol->position(),
1493                         mol->sitePositions()
1494                     )
1495                 );
1496             }
1498             molsToReferOut[sRLI].shrink();
1499         }
1501         // Send lists of referred molecules to other processors
1503         if (sRL.destinationProc() != Pstream::myProcNo())
1504         {
1505             if (Pstream::parRun())
1506             {
1507                 OPstream toInteractingProc
1508                 (
1509                     Pstream::blocking,
1510                     sRL.destinationProc()
1511                 );
1513                 toInteractingProc << molsToReferOut;
1514             }
1515         }
1516         else
1517         {
1518             // Refer molecules directly for referred cells on the same
1519             // processor.
1521             const receivingReferralList& rRL
1522             (
1523                 il_.cellReceivingReferralLists()[cSRL]
1524             );
1526             forAll(rRL, rRLI)
1527             {
1528                 forAll(rRL[rRLI], rC)
1529                 {
1530                     referredCell& refCellToRefMolsTo = (*this)[rRL[rRLI][rC]];
1532                     refCellToRefMolsTo.referInMols(molsToReferOut[rRLI]);
1533                 }
1534             }
1535         }
1536     }
1538     // Receive referred molecule lists to and distribute to referredCells
1539     // according tocellReceivingReferralLists, referredCells deal with the
1540     // transformations themselves
1542     forAll(il_.cellReceivingReferralLists(), cRRL)
1543     {
1544         const receivingReferralList& rRL
1545         (
1546             il_.cellReceivingReferralLists()[cRRL]
1547         );
1549         List<List<referredMolecule> > molsToReferIn(rRL.size());
1551         if (rRL.sourceProc() != Pstream::myProcNo())
1552         {
1553             if (Pstream::parRun())
1554             {
1555                 IPstream fromInteractingProc
1556                 (
1557                     Pstream::blocking,
1558                     rRL.sourceProc()
1559                 );
1561                 fromInteractingProc >> molsToReferIn;
1562             }
1564             forAll(rRL, rRLI)
1565             {
1566                 forAll(rRL[rRLI], rC)
1567                 {
1568                     referredCell& refCellToRefMolsTo = (*this)[rRL[rRLI][rC]];
1570                     refCellToRefMolsTo.referInMols(molsToReferIn[rRLI]);
1571                 }
1572             }
1573         }
1574     }
1578 // ************************************************************************* //