fixed writing out entries in advective bc
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / lagrangian / molecularDynamics / potential / pairPotential / pairPotentialList / pairPotentialList.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "pairPotentialList.H"
28 #include "OFstream.H"
29 #include "Time.H"
31 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
33 void Foam::pairPotentialList::readPairPotentialDict
35     const List<word>& idList,
36     const dictionary& pairPotentialDict,
37     const polyMesh& mesh
40     Info<< nl << "Building pair potentials." << endl;
42     rCutMax_ = 0.0;
44     for (label a = 0; a < nIds_; ++a)
45     {
46         word idA = idList[a];
48         for (label b = a; b < nIds_; ++b)
49         {
50             word idB = idList[b];
52             word pairPotentialName;
54             if (a == b)
55             {
56                 if (pairPotentialDict.found(idA + "-" + idB))
57                 {
58                     pairPotentialName = idA + "-" + idB;
59                 }
60                 else
61                 {
62                     FatalErrorIn("pairPotentialList::buildPotentials") << nl
63                         << "Pair pairPotential specification subDict "
64                         << idA << "-" << idB << " not found"
65                         << nl << abort(FatalError);
66                 }
67             }
68             else
69             {
70                 if (pairPotentialDict.found(idA + "-" + idB))
71                 {
72                     pairPotentialName = idA + "-" + idB;
73                 }
75                 else if (pairPotentialDict.found(idB + "-" + idA))
76                 {
77                     pairPotentialName = idB + "-" + idA;
78                 }
80                 else
81                 {
82                     FatalErrorIn("pairPotentialList::buildPotentials") << nl
83                         << "Pair pairPotential specification subDict "
84                         << idA << "-" << idB << " or "
85                         << idB << "-" << idA << " not found"
86                         << nl << abort(FatalError);
87                 }
89                 if
90                 (
91                     pairPotentialDict.found(idA+"-"+idB)
92                  && pairPotentialDict.found(idB+"-"+idA)
93                 )
94                 {
95                     FatalErrorIn("pairPotentialList::buildPotentials") << nl
96                         << "Pair pairPotential specification subDict "
97                         << idA << "-" << idB << " and "
98                         << idB << "-" << idA << " found multiple definition"
99                         << nl << abort(FatalError);
100                 }
101             }
103             (*this).set
104             (
105                 pairPotentialIndex(a, b),
106                 pairPotential::New
107                 (
108                     pairPotentialName,
109                     pairPotentialDict.subDict(pairPotentialName)
110                 )
111             );
113             if ((*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].rCut() > rCutMax_)
114             {
115                 rCutMax_ = (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].rCut();
116             }
118             if ((*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].writeTables())
119             {
120                 OFstream ppTabFile(mesh.time().path()/pairPotentialName);
122                 if
123                 (
124                     !(*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].writeEnergyAndForceTables
125                     (
126                         ppTabFile
127                     )
128                 )
129                 {
130                     FatalErrorIn("pairPotentialList::readPairPotentialDict")
131                         << "Failed writing to "
132                         << << nl
133                         << abort(FatalError);
134                 }
135             }
136         }
137     }
139     if (!pairPotentialDict.found("electrostatic"))
140     {
141         FatalErrorIn("pairPotentialList::buildPotentials") << nl
142             << "Pair pairPotential specification subDict electrostatic"
143             << nl << abort(FatalError);
144     }
146     electrostaticPotential_ = pairPotential::New
147     (
148         "electrostatic",
149         pairPotentialDict.subDict("electrostatic")
150     );
152     if (electrostaticPotential_->rCut() > rCutMax_)
153     {
154         rCutMax_ = electrostaticPotential_->rCut();
155     }
157     if (electrostaticPotential_->writeTables())
158     {
159         OFstream ppTabFile(mesh.time().path()/"electrostatic");
161         if(!electrostaticPotential_->writeEnergyAndForceTables(ppTabFile))
162         {
163             FatalErrorIn("pairPotentialList::readPairPotentialDict")
164                 << "Failed writing to "
165                 << << nl
166                 << abort(FatalError);
167         }
168     }
170     rCutMaxSqr_ = rCutMax_*rCutMax_;
174 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
176 Foam::pairPotentialList::pairPotentialList()
178     PtrList<pairPotential>()
182 Foam::pairPotentialList::pairPotentialList
184     const List<word>& idList,
185     const dictionary& pairPotentialDict,
186     const polyMesh& mesh
189     PtrList<pairPotential>()
191     buildPotentials(idList, pairPotentialDict, mesh);
195 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
197 Foam::pairPotentialList::~pairPotentialList()
201 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
203 void Foam::pairPotentialList::buildPotentials
205     const List<word>& idList,
206     const dictionary& pairPotentialDict,
207     const polyMesh& mesh
210     setSize(((idList.size()*(idList.size() + 1))/2));
212     nIds_ = idList.size();
214     readPairPotentialDict(idList, pairPotentialDict, mesh);
218 const Foam::pairPotential& Foam::pairPotentialList::pairPotentialFunction
220     const label a,
221     const label b
222 ) const
224     return (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)];
228 bool Foam::pairPotentialList::rCutMaxSqr(const scalar rIJMagSqr) const
230     if (rIJMagSqr < rCutMaxSqr_)
231     {
232         return true;
233     }
234     else
235     {
236         return false;
237     }
241 bool Foam::pairPotentialList::rCutSqr
243     const label a,
244     const label b,
245     const scalar rIJMagSqr
246 ) const
248     if (rIJMagSqr < rCutSqr(a, b))
249     {
250         return true;
251     }
252     else
253     {
254         return false;
255     }
259 Foam::scalar Foam::pairPotentialList::rMin
261     const label a,
262     const label b
263 ) const
265     return (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].rMin();
269 Foam::scalar Foam::pairPotentialList::dr
271     const label a,
272     const label b
273 ) const
275     return (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].dr();
279 Foam::scalar Foam::pairPotentialList::rCutSqr
281     const label a,
282     const label b
283 ) const
285     return (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].rCutSqr();
289 Foam::scalar Foam::pairPotentialList::rCut
291     const label a,
292     const label b
293 ) const
295     return (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].rCut();
299 Foam::scalar Foam::pairPotentialList::force
301     const label a,
302     const label b,
303     const scalar rIJMag
304 ) const
306     scalar f = (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].force(rIJMag);
308     return f;
312 Foam::scalar Foam::pairPotentialList::energy
314     const label a,
315     const label b,
316     const scalar rIJMag
317 ) const
319     scalar e = (*this)[pairPotentialIndex(a, b)].energy(rIJMag);
321     return e;
325 // ************************************************************************* //