fixed writing out entries in advective bc
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / tetDecompositionFiniteElement / tetPolyMeshCellDecomp / tetPolyPatches / constraint / global / calcGlobalTetPolyPatchCellDecompAddr.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Description
26     Calculate cut edge global addressing, needed for vector-matrix
27     multiply on global boundaries.
29 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 #include "globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp.H"
32 #include "tetPolyBoundaryMeshCellDecomp.H"
33 #include "tetPolyMeshCellDecomp.H"
34 #include "boolList.H"
36 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
38 namespace Foam
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcLocalEdgesIndices() const
45     if (debug)
46     {
47         Info<< "labelList globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
48             << "calcLocalEdgesIndices() const : "
49             << "calculating local edge indices"
50             << endl;
51     }
53     // Get reference to the mesh
54     const tetPolyMeshCellDecomp& mesh = boundaryMesh().mesh();
56     // Get reference to edges
57     const edgeList& patchEdges = meshEdges();
59     localEdgeIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(patchEdges.size(), -1);
60     labelList& localEdgeInd = *localEdgeIndicesPtr_;
62     const lduAddressing& lduAddr = mesh.lduAddr();
64     forAll (patchEdges, edgeI)
65     {
66         localEdgeInd[edgeI] =
67             lduAddr.triIndex
68             (
69                 patchEdges[edgeI].start(),
70                 patchEdges[edgeI].end()
71             );
72     }
74 #   ifdef DEBUGtetFemMatrix
75     if (localEdgeInd.size() > 0 && min(localEdgeInd) < 0)
76     {
77         FatalErrorIn
78         (
79             "void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
80             "calcLocalEdgesIndices() const"
81         )   << "Problem in local edge addressing"
82             << abort(FatalError);
83     }
84 #   endif
86     if (debug)
87     {
88         Info<< "void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
89             << "calcLocalEdgesIndices() const : "
90             << "finished calculating local edge indices"
91             << endl;
92     }
96 void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcCutEdgeIndices() const
98     if (debug)
99     {
100         Info<< "void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
101             << "calcCutEdgeIndices() const : "
102             << "calculating cut edge indices"
103             << endl;
104     }
106     if (cutEdgeIndicesPtr_)
107     {
108         FatalErrorIn
109         (
110             "void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
111             "calcCutEdgesIndices() const"
112         )   << "addressing already allocated"
113             << abort(FatalError);
114     }
116     // Get reference to the mesh
117     const tetPolyMeshCellDecomp& mesh = boundaryMesh().mesh();
119     // Get reference to edges
120     const edgeList& patchCutEdges = meshCutEdges();
122     cutEdgeIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(patchCutEdges.size(), -1);
123     labelList& cutEdgeInd = *cutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
125     const lduAddressing& lduAddr = mesh.lduAddr();
127     forAll (patchCutEdges, edgeI)
128     {
129         cutEdgeInd[edgeI] =
130             lduAddr.triIndex
131             (
132                 patchCutEdges[edgeI].start(),
133                 patchCutEdges[edgeI].end()
134             );
135     }
137     if (debug)
138     {
139         Info<< "void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
140             << "calcCutEdgeIndices() const : "
141             << "finished calculating cut edge indices"
142             << endl;
143     }
147 void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcCutEdgeAddressing() const
149     if
150     (
151         cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_
152      || cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_
153      || cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_
154      || cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_
155      || doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_
156      || doubleCutOwnerPtr_
157      || doubleCutNeighbourPtr_
158      || ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_
159     )
160     {
161         FatalErrorIn
162         (
163             "void globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
164             "calcCutEdgeAddressing() "
165             "const"
166         )   << "addressing already allocated"
167             << abort(FatalError);
168     }
171     // Make a list over all edges in the mesh.  Mark the ones that are local
172     // to the patch and then collect the rest.
173     // For doubly cut edges, mark up the local points
175     const tetPolyMeshCellDecomp& mesh = boundaryMesh().mesh();
177     // Get reference to mesh points
178     const labelList& mp = meshPoints();
180     // Get reference to local edge indices
181     const labelList& cutEdges = cutEdgeIndices();
183     // Get the cut edge mask.  It will be used to create the new mask
184     const scalarField& cutMask = meshCutEdgeMask();
186     // Mark up the cut edges
188     labelList cutIndexLookup(mesh.nEdges(), -1);
190     forAll (cutEdges, edgeI)
191     {
192         cutIndexLookup[cutEdges[edgeI]] = edgeI;
193     }
195     labelList localPointLabel(mesh.nPoints(), -1);
197     forAll (mp, pointI)
198     {
199         localPointLabel[mp[pointI]] = pointI;
200     }
202     // Get reference to addressing
203     const lduAddressing& ldu = mesh.lduAddr();
205     const labelList& globalOwner = ldu.lowerAddr();
206     const labelList& globalNeighbour = ldu.upperAddr();
208     // Allocate doubly cut arrays
209     doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(cutEdges.size(), -1);
210     labelList& doubleCutEdges = *doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
212     doubleCutOwnerPtr_ = new labelList(cutEdges.size(), -1);
213     labelList& doubleCutOwn = *doubleCutOwnerPtr_;
215     doubleCutNeighbourPtr_ = new labelList(cutEdges.size(), -1);
216     labelList& doubleCutNei = *doubleCutNeighbourPtr_;
218     label nDoubleCut = 0;
220     // Owner side
221     //~~~~~~~~~~~
223     // Allocate the array
224     cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(cutEdges.size(), -1);
225     labelList& own = *cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_;
226     label nOwn = 0;
228     cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_ = new labelList(mp.size() + 1, -1);
229     labelList& ownStart = *cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_;
231     // Go through all the local points and get all the edges coming
232     // from that point.  Check if the edge has been marked as cut;
233     // add it to the list of cut edges and grab the mask value that goes
234     // with it.
235     forAll (mp, pointI)
236     {
237         ownStart[pointI] = nOwn;
239         const label curPointID = mp[pointI];
241         // get owner edges indices
242         const label startFaceOwn = ldu.ownerStartAddr()[curPointID];
243         const label endFaceOwn = ldu.ownerStartAddr()[curPointID + 1];
245         for
246         (
247             label edgeLabel = startFaceOwn;
248             edgeLabel < endFaceOwn;
249             edgeLabel++
250         )
251         {
252             if (cutIndexLookup[edgeLabel] >= 0)
253             {
254                 if (localPointLabel[globalNeighbour[edgeLabel]] == -1)
255                 {
256                     // Singly cut edge
257                     own[nOwn] = edgeLabel;
258                     nOwn++;
259                 }
260                 else
261                 {
262                     // Doubly cut edge
263                     doubleCutEdges[nDoubleCut] = edgeLabel;
264                     doubleCutOwn[nDoubleCut] = pointI;
265                     doubleCutNei[nDoubleCut] =
266                         localPointLabel[globalNeighbour[edgeLabel]];
268                     nDoubleCut++;
269                 }
270             }
271         }
272     }
274     // reset the size of owner edges
275     own.setSize(nOwn);
277     // set the last start label by hand
278     ownStart[mp.size()] = nOwn;
280     // Neighbour side
281     //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
283     // Allocate the array
284     cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(cutEdges.size(), -1);
285     labelList& nei = *cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_;
286     label nNei = 0;
288     cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_ = new labelList(mp.size() + 1, -1);
289     labelList& neiStart = *cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_;
291     const unallocLabelList& losort = ldu.losortAddr();
293     // Go through all the local points and get all the edges coming
294     // from that point.  Check if the edge has been marked as local;
295     // if not, add it to the list of cut edges.
296     forAll (mp, pointI)
297     {
298         neiStart[pointI] = nNei;
300         const label curPointID = mp[pointI];
302         // get neighbour edges indices
303         const label startFaceNei = ldu.losortStartAddr()[curPointID];
304         const label endFaceNei = ldu.losortStartAddr()[curPointID + 1];
306         for
307         (
308             label edgeLabel = startFaceNei;
309             edgeLabel < endFaceNei;
310             edgeLabel++
311         )
312         {
313             if (cutIndexLookup[losort[edgeLabel]] >= 0)
314             {
315                 if (localPointLabel[globalOwner[losort[edgeLabel]]] == -1)
316                 {
317                     // Singly cut edge
318                     nei[nNei] = losort[edgeLabel];
319                     nNei++;
320                 }
321                 else
322                 {
323                     // Doubly cut edge
324                     doubleCutEdges[nDoubleCut] = losort[edgeLabel];
325                     doubleCutOwn[nDoubleCut] =
326                         localPointLabel[globalOwner[losort[edgeLabel]]];
327                     doubleCutNei[nDoubleCut] = pointI;
329                     nDoubleCut++;
330                 }
331             }
332         }
333     }
335     // reset the size of neighbour edges
336     nei.setSize(nNei);
338     // set the last start label by hand
339     neiStart[mp.size()] = nNei;
341     // Reset the size of double cut edge data
342     doubleCutEdges.setSize(nDoubleCut);
343     doubleCutOwn.setSize(nDoubleCut);
344     doubleCutNei.setSize(nDoubleCut);
346     // Allocate the reordered mask that corresponds to the owner-neighbour
347     // coefficient ordering
348     ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_ =
349         new scalarField
350         (
351             own.size() + nei.size()
352           + doubleCutOwn.size() + doubleCutNei.size()
353         );
354     scalarField& ownNeiDoubleMask = *ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_;
356     label nMask = 0;
358     forAll (own, i)
359     {
360         ownNeiDoubleMask[nMask] = cutMask[cutIndexLookup[own[i]]];
361         nMask++;
362     }
364     forAll (nei, i)
365     {
366         ownNeiDoubleMask[nMask] = cutMask[cutIndexLookup[nei[i]]];
367         nMask++;
368     }
370     forAll (doubleCutOwn, i)
371     {
372         ownNeiDoubleMask[nMask] = cutMask[cutIndexLookup[doubleCutOwn[i]]];
373         nMask++;
375         ownNeiDoubleMask[nMask] = cutMask[cutIndexLookup[doubleCutNei[i]]];
376         nMask++;
377     }
381 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
383 const labelList& globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::localEdgeIndices() const
385     if (!localEdgeIndicesPtr_)
386     {
387         calcLocalEdgesIndices();
388     }
390     return *localEdgeIndicesPtr_;
394 const labelList&
395 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeIndices() const
397     if (!cutEdgeIndicesPtr_)
398     {
399         calcCutEdgeIndices();
400     }
402     return *cutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
406 const labelList&
407 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeOwnerIndices() const
409     if (!cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_)
410     {
411         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
412     }
414     return *cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_;
418 const labelList&
419 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeOwnerStart() const
421     if (!cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_)
422     {
423         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
424     }
426     return *cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_;
430 const labelList&
431 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeNeighbourIndices() const
433     if (!cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_)
434     {
435         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
436     }
438     return *cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_;
442 const labelList&
443 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeNeighbourStart() const
445     if (!cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_)
446     {
447         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
448     }
450     return *cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_;
454 const labelList&
455 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::doubleCutEdgeIndices() const
457     if (!doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_)
458     {
459         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
460     }
462     return *doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
466 const labelList& globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::doubleCutOwner() const
468     if (!doubleCutOwnerPtr_)
469     {
470         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
471     }
473     return *doubleCutOwnerPtr_;
477 const labelList&
478 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::doubleCutNeighbour() const
480     if (!doubleCutNeighbourPtr_)
481     {
482         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
483     }
485     return *doubleCutNeighbourPtr_;
489 const scalarField&
490 globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::ownNeiDoubleMask() const
492     if (!ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_)
493     {
494         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
495     }
497     return *ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_;
501 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
503 } // End namespace Foam
505 // ************************************************************************* //