fixed writing out entries in advective bc
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / tetDecompositionFiniteElement / tetPolyMeshCellDecomp / tetPolyPatches / constraint / processor / calcProcessorTetPolyPatchCellDecompAddr.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Description
26     Calculate cut edge processor addressing, needed for vector-matrix
27     multiply on processor boundaries.
29 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 #include "processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp.H"
32 #include "tetPolyBoundaryMeshCellDecomp.H"
33 #include "tetPolyMeshCellDecomp.H"
34 #include "boolList.H"
35 #include "globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp.H"
36 #include "primitiveFacePatch.H"
38 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
40 namespace Foam
43 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
45 void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcCutEdgeIndices() const
47     if (debug)
48     {
49         Info<< "void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
50             << "calcCutEdgeIndices() const : "
51             << "calculating cut edge indices"
52             << endl;
53     }
55     if (cutEdgeIndicesPtr_)
56     {
57         FatalErrorIn
58         (
59             "void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcCutEdgesIndices() const"
60         )   << "addressing already allocated"
61             << abort(FatalError);
62     }
64     // Make a list over all edges in the mesh.  Mark the ones that are local
65     // to the patch and then collect the rest
67     boolList isLocal(boundaryMesh().mesh().nEdges(), false);
69     // Get reference to local edge indices
70     const labelList& localEdges = localEdgeIndices();
72     forAll (localEdges, edgeI)
73     {
74         isLocal[localEdges[edgeI]] = true;
75     }
77     // Get reference to parallel shared edges
78     const labelList& sharedEdges =
79         boundaryMesh().globalPatch().localEdgeIndices();
81     forAll (sharedEdges, sharedI)
82     {
83         isLocal[sharedEdges[sharedI]] = true;
84     }
86     const labelList& sharedCutEdges =
87         boundaryMesh().globalPatch().cutEdgeIndices();
89     forAll (sharedCutEdges, sharedCutI)
90     {
91         isLocal[sharedCutEdges[sharedCutI]] = true;
92     }
94     // Count the maximum number of edges coming from the patch
95     label maxEdgesOnPatch = 0;
97     const tetPolyMeshCellDecomp& mesh = boundaryMesh().mesh();
99     const labelList& mp = meshPoints();
101     forAll (mp, pointI)
102     {
103         maxEdgesOnPatch += mesh.nEdgesForPoint(mp[pointI]);
104     }
106     // Allocate the array
107     cutEdgeIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(maxEdgesOnPatch, -1);
108     labelList& cutEdgeInd = *cutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
110     label nCutEdgeInd = 0;
112     // Go through all the local points and get all the edges coming
113     // from that point.  Check if the edge has been marked as local;
114     // if not, add it to the list of cut edges.
115     forAll (mp, pointI)
116     {
117         labelList curEdges = mesh.edgesForPoint(mp[pointI]);
119         forAll (curEdges, edgeI)
120         {
121             if (!isLocal[curEdges[edgeI]])
122             {
123                 cutEdgeInd[nCutEdgeInd] = curEdges[edgeI];
124                 nCutEdgeInd++;
125             }
126         }
127     }
129     // Reset the size of the edge list
130     cutEdgeInd.setSize(nCutEdgeInd);
132     if (debug)
133     {
134         Info<< "void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::"
135             << "calcCutEdgeIndices() const : "
136             << "finished calculating cut edge indices"
137             << endl;
138     }
142 void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcCutEdgeAddressing() const
144     if
145     (
146         cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_
147      || cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_
148      || cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_
149      || cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_
150      || doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_
151      || doubleCutOwnerPtr_
152      || doubleCutNeighbourPtr_
153     )
154     {
155         FatalErrorIn
156         (
157             "void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcCutEdgeAddressing() "
158             "const"
159         )   << "addressing already allocated"
160             << abort(FatalError);
161     }
163     // Make a list over all edges in the mesh.  Mark the ones that are local
164     // to the patch and then collect the rest.
165     // For doubly cut edges, mark up the local points
167     const tetPolyMeshCellDecomp& mesh = boundaryMesh().mesh();
169     // Get reference to local edge indices
170     const labelList& localEdges = localEdgeIndices();
172     // Get reference to mesh point addressing for the patch
173     const labelList& mp = meshPoints();
175     // Mark up the local edges
177     boolList isLocal(mesh.nEdges(), false);
179     forAll (localEdges, edgeI)
180     {
181         isLocal[localEdges[edgeI]] = true;
182     }
184     // Get reference to parallel shared edges
185     const labelList& sharedEdges =
186         boundaryMesh().globalPatch().localEdgeIndices();
188     forAll (sharedEdges, sharedI)
189     {
190         isLocal[sharedEdges[sharedI]] = true;
191     }
193     const labelList& sharedCutEdges =
194         boundaryMesh().globalPatch().cutEdgeIndices();
196     forAll (sharedCutEdges, sharedCutI)
197     {
198         isLocal[sharedCutEdges[sharedCutI]] = true;
199     }
201     labelList localPointLabel(mesh.nPoints(), -1);
203     forAll (mp, pointI)
204     {
205         localPointLabel[mp[pointI]] = pointI;
206     }
208     // Count the maximum number of edges coming from the patch
209     label maxEdgesOnPatch = 0;
211     forAll (mp, pointI)
212     {
213         maxEdgesOnPatch += mesh.nEdgesForPoint(mp[pointI]);
214     }
216     // Get reference to addressing
217     const lduAddressing& ldu = mesh.lduAddr();
219     // Allocate doubly cut arrays
220     doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(maxEdgesOnPatch, -1);
221     labelList& doubleCutEdges = *doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
223     doubleCutOwnerPtr_ = new labelList(maxEdgesOnPatch, -1);
224     labelList& doubleCutOwn = *doubleCutOwnerPtr_;
226     doubleCutNeighbourPtr_ = new labelList(maxEdgesOnPatch, -1);
227     labelList& doubleCutNei = *doubleCutNeighbourPtr_;
229     label nDoubleCut = 0;
231     const labelList& globalOwner = ldu.lowerAddr();
232     const labelList& globalNeighbour = ldu.upperAddr();
234     // Owner side
235     //~~~~~~~~~~~
237     // Allocate the array
238     cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(maxEdgesOnPatch, -1);
239     labelList& own = *cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_;
240     label nOwn = 0;
242     cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_ = new labelList(meshPoints().size() + 1, -1);
243     labelList& ownStart = *cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_;
245     // Go through all the local points and get all the edges coming
246     // from that point.  Check if the edge has been marked as local;
247     // if not, add it to the list of cut edges.
248     forAll (mp, pointI)
249     {
250         ownStart[pointI] = nOwn;
252         const label curPointID = mp[pointI];
254         // get owner edges indices
255         const label startFaceOwn = ldu.ownerStartAddr()[curPointID];
256         const label endFaceOwn = ldu.ownerStartAddr()[curPointID + 1];
258         for
259         (
260             label edgeLabel = startFaceOwn;
261             edgeLabel < endFaceOwn;
262             edgeLabel++
263         )
264         {
265             if (!isLocal[edgeLabel])
266             {
267                 isLocal[edgeLabel] = true;
269                 if (localPointLabel[globalNeighbour[edgeLabel]] == -1)
270                 {
271                     // Singly cut edge
272                     own[nOwn] = edgeLabel;
273                     nOwn++;
274                 }
275                 else
276                 {
277                     // Doubly cut edge
278                     doubleCutEdges[nDoubleCut] = edgeLabel;
279                     doubleCutOwn[nDoubleCut] = pointI;
280                     doubleCutNei[nDoubleCut] =
281                         localPointLabel[globalNeighbour[edgeLabel]];
283                     nDoubleCut++;
284                 }
285             }
286         }
287     }
289     // reset the size of owner edges
290     own.setSize(nOwn);
292     // set the last start label by hand
293     ownStart[meshPoints().size()] = nOwn;
295     // Neighbour side
296     //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
298     // Allocate the array
299     cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_ = new labelList(maxEdgesOnPatch, -1);
300     labelList& nei = *cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_;
301     label nNei = 0;
303     cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_ = new labelList(meshPoints().size() + 1, -1);
304     labelList& neiStart = *cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_;
306     const unallocLabelList& losort = ldu.losortAddr();
308     // Go through all the local points and get all the edges coming
309     // from that point.  Check if the edge has been marked as local;
310     // if not, add it to the list of cut edges.
311     forAll (mp, pointI)
312     {
313         neiStart[pointI] = nNei;
315         const label curPointID = mp[pointI];
317         // get neighbour edges indices
318         const label startFaceNei = ldu.losortStartAddr()[curPointID];
319         const label endFaceNei = ldu.losortStartAddr()[curPointID + 1];
321         for
322         (
323             label edgeLabel = startFaceNei;
324             edgeLabel < endFaceNei;
325             edgeLabel++
326         )
327         {
328             if (!isLocal[losort[edgeLabel]])
329             {
330                 isLocal[losort[edgeLabel]] = true;
332                 if (localPointLabel[globalOwner[losort[edgeLabel]]] == -1)
333                 {
334                     // Singly cut edge
335                     nei[nNei] = losort[edgeLabel];
336                     nNei++;
337                 }
338                 else
339                 {
340                     // Doubly cut edge
341                     doubleCutEdges[nDoubleCut] = losort[edgeLabel];
342                     doubleCutOwn[nDoubleCut] =
343                         localPointLabel[globalOwner[losort[edgeLabel]]];
344                     doubleCutNei[nDoubleCut] = pointI;
346                     nDoubleCut++;
347                 }
348             }
349         }
350     }
352     // reset the size of neighbour edges
353     nei.setSize(nNei);
355     // set the last start label by hand
356     neiStart[meshPoints().size()] = nNei;
358     // Reset the size of double cut edge data
359     doubleCutEdges.setSize(nDoubleCut);
360     doubleCutOwn.setSize(nDoubleCut);
361     doubleCutNei.setSize(nDoubleCut);
365 void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcOwnNeiDoubleMask() const
367     if (ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_)
368     {
369         FatalErrorIn
370         (
371             "void processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::calcOwnNeiDoubleMask() "
372             "const"
373         )   << "ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_ already allocated"
374             << abort(FatalError);
375     }
377     // Algorithm:
378     // Make a point lookup field which marks all points belonging to
379     // Other processor patches.
380     // Go through all the cut edges and cheeck the points of the edge.
381     // If the point belongs to another parallel patch, set the mask to zero
383     const tetPolyMeshCellDecomp& mesh = boundaryMesh().mesh();
385     boolList otherProcPoint(mesh.nPoints(), false);
387     forAll (boundaryMesh(), patchI)
388     {
389         if
390         (
391             isA<processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp>(boundaryMesh()[patchI])
392         )
393         {
394             // Get the local points and mark up the list
395             const labelList& mp = boundaryMesh()[patchI].meshPoints();
397             forAll (mp, i)
398             {
399                 otherProcPoint[mp[i]] = true;
400             }
401         }
402     }
404     // Go through all cut edges and set the mask
406     // Get matrix addressing
407     const labelList& mp = meshPoints();
409     const unallocLabelList& L = mesh.lduAddr().lowerAddr();
410     const unallocLabelList& U = mesh.lduAddr().upperAddr();
412     const labelList& cutOwn = cutEdgeOwnerIndices();
413     const labelList& cutNei = cutEdgeNeighbourIndices();
414     const labelList& doubleCut = doubleCutEdgeIndices();
416     ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_ =
417         new scalarField
418         (
419             cutOwn.size() + cutNei.size() + doubleCut.size(),
420             1.0
421         );
422     scalarField& mask = *ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_;
424     label coeffI = 0;
426     // Owner side
427     // ~~~~~~~~~~
428     {
429         const labelList& cutOwnStart = cutEdgeOwnerStart();
431         forAll (mp, pointI)
432         {
433             label ownIndex = cutOwnStart[pointI];
434             label endOwn = cutOwnStart[pointI + 1];
436             for (; ownIndex < endOwn; ownIndex++)
437             {
438                 if(otherProcPoint[U[cutOwn[ownIndex]]])
439                 {
440                     mask[coeffI] = 0;
441                 }
442                 coeffI++;
443             }
444         }
445     }
447     // Neighbour side
448     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
449     {
450         const labelList& cutNeiStart = cutEdgeNeighbourStart();
452         forAll (mp, pointI)
453         {
454             label neiIndex = cutNeiStart[pointI];
455             label endNei = cutNeiStart[pointI + 1];
457             for (; neiIndex < endNei; neiIndex++)
458             {
459                 if (otherProcPoint[L[cutNei[neiIndex]]])
460                 {
461                     mask[coeffI] = 0;
462                 }
464                 coeffI++;
465             }
466         }
467     }
469     // Doubly cut coefficients
470     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
471     // Not needed.  HJ, 18/Apr/2002
475 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
477 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::localEdgeIndices() const
479     if (!localEdgeIndicesPtr_)
480     {
481         if (isMaster())
482         {
483             localEdgeIndicesPtr_ =
484                 new labelList(calcProcLocalEdgesIndices(procPolyPatch_));
485         }
486         else
487         {
488             // Slave side.  Create the reversed patch and pick up its points
489             // so that the order is correct
490             const polyPatch& pp = patch();
492             faceList masterFaces(pp.size());
494             forAll (pp, faceI)
495             {
496                 masterFaces[faceI] = pp[faceI].reverseFace();
497             }
499             // To adhere to the interface, the primitive patch is created
500             // from master faces locally and lost after use
501             localEdgeIndicesPtr_ =
502                 new labelList
503                 (
504                     calcProcLocalEdgesIndices
505                     (
506                         primitiveFacePatch
507                         (
508                             masterFaces,
509                             pp.points()
510                         )
511                     )
512                 );
513         }
514     }
516     return *localEdgeIndicesPtr_;
520 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeIndices() const
522     if (!cutEdgeIndicesPtr_)
523     {
524         calcCutEdgeIndices();
525     }
527     return *cutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
531 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeOwnerIndices() const
533     if (!cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_)
534     {
535         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
536     }
538     return *cutEdgeOwnerIndicesPtr_;
542 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeOwnerStart() const
544     if (!cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_)
545     {
546         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
547     }
549     return *cutEdgeOwnerStartPtr_;
553 const labelList&
554 processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeNeighbourIndices() const
556     if (!cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_)
557     {
558         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
559     }
561     return *cutEdgeNeighbourIndicesPtr_;
565 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::cutEdgeNeighbourStart() const
567     if (!cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_)
568     {
569         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
570     }
572     return *cutEdgeNeighbourStartPtr_;
576 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::doubleCutEdgeIndices() const
578     if (!doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_)
579     {
580         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
581     }
583     return *doubleCutEdgeIndicesPtr_;
587 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::doubleCutOwner() const
589     if (!doubleCutOwnerPtr_)
590     {
591         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
592     }
594     return *doubleCutOwnerPtr_;
598 const labelList& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::doubleCutNeighbour() const
600     if (!doubleCutNeighbourPtr_)
601     {
602         calcCutEdgeAddressing();
603     }
605     return *doubleCutNeighbourPtr_;
609 const scalarField& processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp::ownNeiDoubleMask() const
611     if (!ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_)
612     {
613         calcOwnNeiDoubleMask();
614     }
616     return *ownNeiDoubleMaskPtr_;
620 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
622 } // End namespace Foam
624 // ************************************************************************* //