Fix tutorials: coupled/conjugateHeatFoam/conjugateCavity: fix Allrun file
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / meshTools / searchableSurface / searchableSurfaceCollection.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "searchableSurfaceCollection.H"
28 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
29 #include "SortableList.H"
30 #include "Time.H"
31 #include "ListOps.H"
33 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
35 namespace Foam
38 defineTypeNameAndDebug(searchableSurfaceCollection, 0);
39 addToRunTimeSelectionTable
41     searchableSurface,
42     searchableSurfaceCollection,
43     dict
49 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
51 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::findNearest
53     const pointField& samples,
54     scalarField& minDistSqr,
55     List<pointIndexHit>& nearestInfo,
56     labelList& nearestSurf
57 ) const
59     // Initialise
60     nearestInfo.setSize(samples.size());
61     nearestInfo = pointIndexHit();
62     nearestSurf.setSize(samples.size());
63     nearestSurf = -1;
65     List<pointIndexHit> hitInfo(samples.size());
67     const scalarField localMinDistSqr(samples.size(), GREAT);
69     forAll(subGeom_, surfI)
70     {
71         subGeom_[surfI].findNearest
72         (
73             cmptDivide  // Transform then divide
74             (
75                 transform_[surfI].localPosition(samples),
76                 scale_[surfI]
77             ),
78             localMinDistSqr,
79             hitInfo
80         );
82         forAll(hitInfo, pointI)
83         {
84             if (hitInfo[pointI].hit())
85             {
86                 // Rework back into global coordinate sys. Multiply then
87                 // transform
88                 point globalPt = transform_[surfI].globalPosition
89                 (
90                     cmptMultiply
91                     (
92                         hitInfo[pointI].rawPoint(),
93                         scale_[surfI]
94                     )
95                 );
97                 scalar distSqr = magSqr(globalPt - samples[pointI]);
99                 if (distSqr < minDistSqr[pointI])
100                 {
101                     minDistSqr[pointI] = distSqr;
102                     nearestInfo[pointI].setPoint(globalPt);
103                     nearestInfo[pointI].setHit();
104                     nearestInfo[pointI].setIndex
105                     (
106                         hitInfo[pointI].index()
107                       + indexOffset_[surfI]
108                     );
109                     nearestSurf[pointI] = surfI;
110                 }
111             }
112         }
113     }
117 // Sort hits into per-surface bins. Misses are rejected. Maintains map back
118 // to position
119 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::sortHits
121     const List<pointIndexHit>& info,
122     List<List<pointIndexHit> >& surfInfo,
123     labelListList& infoMap
124 ) const
126     // Count hits per surface.
127     labelList nHits(subGeom_.size(), 0);
129     forAll(info, pointI)
130     {
131         if (info[pointI].hit())
132         {
133             label index = info[pointI].index();
134             label surfI = findLower(indexOffset_, index+1);
135             nHits[surfI]++;
136         }
137     }
139     // Per surface the hit
140     surfInfo.setSize(subGeom_.size());
141     // Per surface the original position
142     infoMap.setSize(subGeom_.size());
144     forAll(surfInfo, surfI)
145     {
146         surfInfo[surfI].setSize(nHits[surfI]);
147         infoMap[surfI].setSize(nHits[surfI]);
148     }
149     nHits = 0;
151     forAll(info, pointI)
152     {
153         if (info[pointI].hit())
154         {
155             label index = info[pointI].index();
156             label surfI = findLower(indexOffset_, index+1);
158             // Store for correct surface and adapt indices back to local
159             // ones
160             label localI = nHits[surfI]++;
161             surfInfo[surfI][localI] = pointIndexHit
162             (
163                 info[pointI].hit(),
164                 info[pointI].rawPoint(),
165                 index-indexOffset_[surfI]
166             );
167             infoMap[surfI][localI] = pointI;
168         }
169     }
173 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
175 Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::searchableSurfaceCollection
177     const IOobject& io,
178     const dictionary& dict
181     searchableSurface(io),
182     instance_(dict.size()),
183     scale_(dict.size()),
184     transform_(dict.size()),
185     subGeom_(dict.size()),
186     mergeSubRegions_(dict.lookup("mergeSubRegions")),
187     indexOffset_(dict.size()+1)
189     Info<< "SearchableCollection : " << name() << endl;
191     label surfI = 0;
192     label startIndex = 0;
193     forAllConstIter(dictionary, dict, iter)
194     {
195         if (dict.isDict(iter().keyword()))
196         {
197             instance_[surfI] = iter().keyword();
199             const dictionary& subDict = dict.subDict(instance_[surfI]);
201             scale_[surfI] = subDict.lookup("scale");
202             transform_.set
203             (
204                 surfI,
205                 coordinateSystem::New
206                 (
207                     "",
208                     subDict.subDict("transform")
209                 )
210             );
212             const word subGeomName(subDict.lookup("surface"));
213             //Pout<< "Trying to find " << subGeomName << endl;
215             const searchableSurface& s =
216                 io.db().lookupObject<searchableSurface>(subGeomName);
218             // I don't know yet how to handle the globalSize combined with
219             // regionOffset. Would cause non-consecutive indices locally
220             // if all indices offset by globalSize() of the local region...
221             if (s.size() != s.globalSize())
222             {
223                 FatalErrorIn
224                 (
225                     "searchableSurfaceCollection::searchableSurfaceCollection"
226                     "(const IOobject&, const dictionary&)"
227                 )   << "Cannot use a distributed surface in a collection."
228                     << exit(FatalError);
229             }
231             subGeom_.set(surfI, &const_cast<searchableSurface&>(s));
233             indexOffset_[surfI] = startIndex;
234             startIndex += subGeom_[surfI].size();
236             Info<< "    instance : " << instance_[surfI] << endl;
237             Info<< "    surface  : " << << endl;
238             Info<< "    scale    : " << scale_[surfI] << endl;
239             Info<< "    coordsys : " << transform_[surfI] << endl;
241             surfI++;
242         }
243     }
244     indexOffset_[surfI] = startIndex;
246     instance_.setSize(surfI);
247     scale_.setSize(surfI);
248     transform_.setSize(surfI);
249     subGeom_.setSize(surfI);
250     indexOffset_.setSize(surfI+1);
254 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
256 Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::~searchableSurfaceCollection()
260 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
262 const Foam::wordList& Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::regions() const
264     if (regions_.size() == 0)
265     {
266         regionOffset_.setSize(subGeom_.size());
268         DynamicList<word> allRegions;
269         forAll(subGeom_, surfI)
270         {
271             regionOffset_[surfI] = allRegions.size();
273             if (mergeSubRegions_)
274             {
275                 // Single name regardless how many regions subsurface has
276                 allRegions.append(instance_[surfI] + "_" + Foam::name(surfI));
277             }
278             else
279             {
280                 const wordList& subRegions = subGeom_[surfI].regions();
282                 forAll(subRegions, i)
283                 {
284                     allRegions.append(instance_[surfI] + "_" + subRegions[i]);
285                 }
286             }
287         }
288         regions_.transfer(allRegions.shrink());
289     }
290     return regions_;
294 Foam::label Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::size() const
296     return indexOffset_[indexOffset_.size()-1];
300 Foam::pointField Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::coordinates() const
302     // Get overall size
303     pointField coords(size());
305     // Append individual coordinates
306     label coordI = 0;
308     forAll(subGeom_, surfI)
309     {
310         const pointField subCoords = subGeom_[surfI].coordinates();
312         forAll(subCoords, i)
313         {
314             coords[coordI++] = transform_[surfI].globalPosition
315             (
316                 cmptMultiply
317                 (
318                     subCoords[i],
319                     scale_[surfI]
320                 )
321             );
322         }
323     }
325     return coords;
329 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::findNearest
331     const pointField& samples,
332     const scalarField& nearestDistSqr,
333     List<pointIndexHit>& nearestInfo
334 ) const
336     // How to scale distance?
337     scalarField minDistSqr(nearestDistSqr);
339     labelList nearestSurf;
340     findNearest
341     (
342         samples,
343         minDistSqr,
344         nearestInfo,
345         nearestSurf
346     );
350 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::findLine
352     const pointField& start,
353     const pointField& end,
354     List<pointIndexHit>& info
355 ) const
357     info.setSize(start.size());
358     info = pointIndexHit();
360     // Current nearest (to start) intersection
361     pointField nearest(end);
363     List<pointIndexHit> hitInfo(start.size());
365     forAll(subGeom_, surfI)
366     {
367         // Starting point
368         tmp<pointField> e0 = cmptDivide
369         (
370             transform_[surfI].localPosition
371             (
372                 start
373             ),
374             scale_[surfI]
375         );
377         // Current best end point
378         tmp<pointField> e1 = cmptDivide
379         (
380             transform_[surfI].localPosition
381             (
382                 nearest
383             ),
384             scale_[surfI]
385         );
387         subGeom_[surfI].findLine(e0, e1, hitInfo);
389         forAll(hitInfo, pointI)
390         {
391             if (hitInfo[pointI].hit())
392             {
393                 // Transform back to global coordinate sys.
394                 nearest[pointI] = transform_[surfI].globalPosition
395                 (
396                     cmptMultiply
397                     (
398                         hitInfo[pointI].rawPoint(),
399                         scale_[surfI]
400                     )
401                 );
402                 info[pointI] = hitInfo[pointI];
403                 info[pointI].rawPoint() = nearest[pointI];
404                 info[pointI].setIndex
405                 (
406                     hitInfo[pointI].index()
407                   + indexOffset_[surfI]
408                 );
409             }
410         }
411     }
414     // Debug check
415     if (false)
416     {
417         forAll(info, pointI)
418         {
419             if (info[pointI].hit())
420             {
421                 vector n(end[pointI] - start[pointI]);
422                 scalar magN = mag(n);
424                 if (magN > SMALL)
425                 {
426                     n /= mag(n);
428                     scalar s = ((info[pointI].rawPoint()-start[pointI])&n);
430                     if (s < 0 || s > 1)
431                     {
432                         FatalErrorIn
433                         (
434                             "searchableSurfaceCollection::findLine(..)"
435                         )   << "point:" << info[pointI]
436                             << " s:" << s
437                             << " outside vector "
438                             << " start:" << start[pointI]
439                             << " end:" << end[pointI]
440                             << abort(FatalError);
441                     }
442                 }
443             }
444         }
445     }
449 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::findLineAny
451     const pointField& start,
452     const pointField& end,
453     List<pointIndexHit>& info
454 ) const
456     // To be done ...
457     findLine(start, end, info);
461 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::findLineAll
463     const pointField& start,
464     const pointField& end,
465     List<List<pointIndexHit> >& info
466 ) const
468     // To be done. Assume for now only one intersection.
469     List<pointIndexHit> nearestInfo;
470     findLine(start, end, nearestInfo);
472     info.setSize(start.size());
473     forAll(info, pointI)
474     {
475         if (nearestInfo[pointI].hit())
476         {
477             info[pointI].setSize(1);
478             info[pointI][0] = nearestInfo[pointI];
479         }
480         else
481         {
482             info[pointI].clear();
483         }
484     }
488 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::getRegion
490     const List<pointIndexHit>& info,
491     labelList& region
492 ) const
494     if (subGeom_.size() == 0)
495     {}
496     else if (subGeom_.size() == 1)
497     {
498         if (mergeSubRegions_)
499         {
500             region.setSize(info.size());
501             region = regionOffset_[0];
502         }
503         else
504         {
505             subGeom_[0].getRegion(info, region);
506         }
507     }
508     else
509     {
510         // Multiple surfaces. Sort by surface.
512         // Per surface the hit
513         List<List<pointIndexHit> > surfInfo;
514         // Per surface the original position
515         List<List<label> > infoMap;
516         sortHits(info, surfInfo, infoMap);
518         region.setSize(info.size());
519         region = -1;
521         // Do region tests
523         if (mergeSubRegions_)
524         {
525             // Actually no need for surfInfo. Just take region for surface.
526             forAll(infoMap, surfI)
527             {
528                 const labelList& map = infoMap[surfI];
529                 forAll(map, i)
530                 {
531                     region[map[i]] = regionOffset_[surfI];
532                 }
533             }
534         }
535         else
536         {
537             forAll(infoMap, surfI)
538             {
539                 labelList surfRegion;
540                 subGeom_[surfI].getRegion(surfInfo[surfI], surfRegion);
542                 const labelList& map = infoMap[surfI];
543                 forAll(map, i)
544                 {
545                     region[map[i]] = regionOffset_[surfI] + surfRegion[i];
546                 }
547             }
548         }
549     }
553 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::getNormal
555     const List<pointIndexHit>& info,
556     vectorField& normal
557 ) const
559     if (subGeom_.size() == 0)
560     {}
561     else if (subGeom_.size() == 1)
562     {
563         subGeom_[0].getNormal(info, normal);
564     }
565     else
566     {
567         // Multiple surfaces. Sort by surface.
569         // Per surface the hit
570         List<List<pointIndexHit> > surfInfo;
571         // Per surface the original position
572         List<List<label> > infoMap;
573         sortHits(info, surfInfo, infoMap);
575         normal.setSize(info.size());
577         // Do region tests
578         forAll(surfInfo, surfI)
579         {
580             vectorField surfNormal;
581             subGeom_[surfI].getNormal(surfInfo[surfI], surfNormal);
583             const labelList& map = infoMap[surfI];
584             forAll(map, i)
585             {
586                 normal[map[i]] = surfNormal[i];
587             }
588         }
589     }
593 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::getVolumeType
595     const pointField& points,
596     List<volumeType>& volType
597 ) const
599     FatalErrorIn
600     (
601         "searchableSurfaceCollection::getVolumeType(const pointField&"
602         ", List<volumeType>&) const"
603     )   << "Volume type not supported for collection."
604         << exit(FatalError);
608 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::distribute
610     const List<treeBoundBox>& bbs,
611     const bool keepNonLocal,
612     autoPtr<mapDistribute>& faceMap,
613     autoPtr<mapDistribute>& pointMap
616     forAll(subGeom_, surfI)
617     {
618         // Note:Tranform the bounding boxes? Something like
619         // pointField bbPoints =
620         // cmptDivide
621         // (
622         //     transform_[surfI].localPosition
623         //     (
624         //         bbs[i].points()
625         //     ),
626         //     scale_[surfI]
627         // );
628         // treeBoundBox newBb(bbPoints);
630         // Note: what to do with faceMap, pointMap from multiple surfaces?
631         subGeom_[surfI].distribute
632         (
633             bbs,
634             keepNonLocal,
635             faceMap,
636             pointMap
637         );
638     }
642 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::setField(const labelList& values)
644     forAll(subGeom_, surfI)
645     {
646         subGeom_[surfI].setField
647         (
648             static_cast<const labelList&>
649             (
650                 SubList<label>
651                 (
652                     values,
653                     subGeom_[surfI].size(),
654                     indexOffset_[surfI]
655                 )
656             )
657         );
658     }
662 void Foam::searchableSurfaceCollection::getField
664     const List<pointIndexHit>& info,
665     labelList& values
666 ) const
668     if (subGeom_.size() == 0)
669     {}
670     else if (subGeom_.size() == 1)
671     {
672         subGeom_[0].getField(info, values);
673     }
674     else
675     {
676         // Multiple surfaces. Sort by surface.
678         // Per surface the hit
679         List<List<pointIndexHit> > surfInfo;
680         // Per surface the original position
681         List<List<label> > infoMap;
682         sortHits(info, surfInfo, infoMap);
684         // Do surface tests
685         forAll(surfInfo, surfI)
686         {
687             labelList surfValues;
688             subGeom_[surfI].getField(surfInfo[surfI], surfValues);
690             if (surfValues.size())
691             {
692                 // Size values only when we have a surface that supports it.
693                 values.setSize(info.size());
695                 const labelList& map = infoMap[surfI];
696                 forAll(map, i)
697                 {
698                     values[map[i]] = surfValues[i];
699                 }
700             }
701         }
702     }
706 // ************************************************************************* //