1 #----------------------------------*-sh-*--------------------------------------
3 # \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
5 # \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
7 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 # This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11 # OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 # (at your option) any later version.
16 # OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
21 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 # along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28 # Setup file for paraview-3.x
29 # Sourced from OpenFOAM-*/etc/cshrc or from foamPV alias
32 # The env. variables 'ParaView_DIR' and 'ParaView_MAJOR'
33 # are required for building plugins
34 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 set cleaned=`$WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/foamCleanPath "$PATH" "$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/cmake- $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/paraview-"`
38 if ( $status == 0 ) setenv PATH $cleaned
40 # determine the cmake to be used
42 foreach cmake ( cmake-2.8.1 cmake-2.8.0 cmake-2.6.4 )
43 set cmake=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$cmake
45 setenv CMAKE_HOME $cmake
46 setenv PATH ${CMAKE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
51 # set VERSION and MAJOR (version) variables
52 setenv ParaView_VERSION 3.8.0
53 setenv ParaView_MAJOR unknown
55 # if needed, set MAJOR version to correspond to VERSION
56 # ParaView_MAJOR is "<digits>.<digits>" from ParaView_VERSION
57 switch ("$ParaView_VERSION")
58 case "$ParaView_MAJOR".*:
59 # version and major appear to correspond
63 # extract major from the version
64 setenv ParaView_MAJOR `echo ${ParaView_VERSION} | \
65 sed -e 's/^\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/'`
70 set paraviewInstDir=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/paraview-${ParaView_VERSION}
71 setenv ParaView_DIR $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/paraview-${ParaView_VERSION}
73 # set paths if binaries or source are present
74 if ( -r $ParaView_DIR || -r $paraviewInstDir ) then
75 setenv PATH ${ParaView_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
76 setenv PV_PLUGIN_PATH $FOAM_LIBBIN/paraview-${ParaView_MAJOR}
78 # add in python libraries if required
79 set paraviewPython=$ParaView_DIR/Utilities/VTKPythonWrapping
80 if ( -r $paraviewPython ) then
81 if ($?PYTHONPATH) then
82 setenv PYTHONPATH ${PYTHONPATH}:${paraviewPython}:$ParaView_DIR/lib/paraview-${ParaView_MAJOR}
84 setenv PYTHONPATH ${paraviewPython}:$ParaView_DIR/lib/paraview-${ParaView_MAJOR}
88 unsetenv PV_PLUGIN_PATH
92 unset cleaned cmake paraviewInstDir paraviewPython
93 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------