1 Info<< "Reading thermophysical properties\n" << endl;
3 autoPtr<hhuCombustionThermo> pThermo
5 hhuCombustionThermo::New(mesh)
7 hhuCombustionThermo& thermo = pThermo();
8 basicMultiComponentMixture& composition = thermo.composition();
23 volScalarField& p = thermo.p();
24 const volScalarField& psi = thermo.psi();
25 volScalarField& h = thermo.h();
26 volScalarField& hu = thermo.hu();
28 volScalarField& b = composition.Y("b");
29 Info<< "min(b) = " << min(b).value() << endl;
31 //const volScalarField& T = thermo->T();
34 Info<< "\nReading field U\n" << endl;
48 # include "compressibleCreatePhi.H"
50 Info<< "Creating turbulence model\n" << endl;
51 autoPtr<compressible::RASModel> turbulence
53 compressible::RASModel::New
62 Info<< "Creating field DpDt\n" << endl;
66 fvc::DDt(surfaceScalarField("phiU", phi/fvc::interpolate(rho)), p)
70 Info<< "Creating the unstrained laminar flame speed\n" << endl;
71 autoPtr<laminarFlameSpeed> unstrainedLaminarFlameSpeed
73 laminarFlameSpeed::New(thermo)
77 Info<< "Reading strained laminar flame speed field Su\n" << endl;
91 Info<< "Reading field betav\n" << endl;
97 runTime.findInstance(polyMesh::meshSubDir, "betav"),
106 IOdictionary PDRProperties
118 //- Create the drag model
119 autoPtr<PDRDragModel> drag = PDRDragModel::New
128 //- Create the flame-wrinkling model
129 autoPtr<XiModel> flameWrinkling = XiModel::New
140 Info<< "Calculating turbulent flame speed field St\n" << endl;
151 flameWrinkling->Xi()*Su
155 multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme<scalar>::fieldTable fields;
157 if (composition.contains("ft"))
159 fields.add(composition.Y("ft"));
165 flameWrinkling->addXi(fields);