ENH: patchCloud: return pTraits<Type>::max for unfound points
[OpenFOAM-1.7.x.git] / applications / utilities / postProcessing / dataConversion / foamToVTK / vtkTopo.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 Description
26     Note: bug in vtk displaying wedges? Seems to display ok if we decompose
27     them. Should be thoroughly tested!
28     (they appear rarely in polyhedral meshes, do appear in some cut meshes)
30 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 #include "vtkTopo.H"
33 #include "polyMesh.H"
34 #include "cellShape.H"
35 #include "cellModeller.H"
37 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
39 // Construct from components
40 Foam::vtkTopo::vtkTopo(const polyMesh& mesh)
42     mesh_(mesh),
43     vertLabels_(),
44     cellTypes_(),
45     addPointCellLabels_(),
46     superCells_()
48     const cellModel& tet = *(cellModeller::lookup("tet"));
49     const cellModel& pyr = *(cellModeller::lookup("pyr"));
50     const cellModel& prism = *(cellModeller::lookup("prism"));
51     const cellModel& tetWedge = *(cellModeller::lookup("tetWedge"));
52     const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));
55     const cellShapeList& cellShapes = mesh_.cellShapes();
58     // Number of additional points needed by the decomposition of polyhedra
59     label nAddPoints = 0;
61     // Number of additional cells generated by the decomposition of polyhedra
62     label nAddCells = 0;
64     // Scan for cells which need to be decomposed and count additional points
65     // and cells
67     forAll(cellShapes, cellI)
68     {
69         const cellModel& model = cellShapes[cellI].model();
71         if 
72         (
73             model != hex
74 //         && model != wedge            // See above.
75          && model != prism
76          && model != pyr
77          && model != tet
78          && model != tetWedge
79         )
80         {
81             const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[cellI];
83             forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
84             {
85                 const face& f = mesh_.faces()[cFaces[cFaceI]];
87                 label nQuads = 0;
88                 label nTris = 0;
89                 f.nTrianglesQuads(mesh_.points(), nTris, nQuads);
91                 nAddCells += nQuads + nTris;
92             }
94             nAddCells--;
95             nAddPoints++;
96         }
97     }
99     // Set size of additional point addressing array
100     // (from added point to original cell)
101     addPointCellLabels_.setSize(nAddPoints);
103     // Set size of additional cells mapping array
104     // (from added cell to original cell)
105     superCells_.setSize(nAddCells);
107     // List of vertex labels in VTK ordering
108     vertLabels_.setSize(cellShapes.size() + nAddCells);
110     // Label of vtk type
111     cellTypes_.setSize(cellShapes.size() + nAddCells);
113     // Set counters for additional points and additional cells
114     label api = 0, aci = 0;
116     forAll(cellShapes, cellI)
117     {
118         const cellShape& cellShape = cellShapes[cellI];
119         const cellModel& cellModel = cellShape.model();
121         labelList& vtkVerts = vertLabels_[cellI];
123         if (cellModel == tet)
124         {
125             vtkVerts = cellShape;
127             cellTypes_[cellI] = VTK_TETRA;
128         }
129         else if (cellModel == pyr)
130         {
131             vtkVerts = cellShape;
133             cellTypes_[cellI] = VTK_PYRAMID;
134         }
135         else if (cellModel == prism)
136         {
137             vtkVerts.setSize(6);
138             vtkVerts[0] = cellShape[0];
139             vtkVerts[1] = cellShape[2];
140             vtkVerts[2] = cellShape[1];
141             vtkVerts[3] = cellShape[3];
142             vtkVerts[4] = cellShape[5];
143             vtkVerts[5] = cellShape[4];
145             // VTK calls this a wedge.
146             cellTypes_[cellI] = VTK_WEDGE;
147         }
148         else if (cellModel == tetWedge)
149         {
150             // Treat as squeezed prism
151             vtkVerts.setSize(6);
152             vtkVerts[0] = cellShape[0];
153             vtkVerts[1] = cellShape[2];
154             vtkVerts[2] = cellShape[1];
155             vtkVerts[3] = cellShape[3];
156             vtkVerts[4] = cellShape[4];
157             vtkVerts[5] = cellShape[4];
159             cellTypes_[cellI] = VTK_WEDGE;
160         }
161 //        else if (cellModel == wedge)
162 //        {
163 //            // Treat as squeezed hex
164 //            vtkVerts.setSize(8);
165 //            vtkVerts[0] = cellShape[0];
166 //            vtkVerts[1] = cellShape[1];
167 //            vtkVerts[2] = cellShape[2];
168 //            vtkVerts[3] = cellShape[0];
169 //            vtkVerts[4] = cellShape[3];
170 //            vtkVerts[5] = cellShape[4];
171 //            vtkVerts[6] = cellShape[5];
172 //            vtkVerts[7] = cellShape[6];
174 //            cellTypes_[cellI] = VTK_HEXAHEDRON;
175 //        }
176         else if (cellModel == hex)
177         {
178             vtkVerts.setSize(8);
179             vtkVerts[0] = cellShape[0];
180             vtkVerts[1] = cellShape[1];
181             vtkVerts[2] = cellShape[2];
182             vtkVerts[3] = cellShape[3];
183             vtkVerts[4] = cellShape[4];
184             vtkVerts[5] = cellShape[5];
185             vtkVerts[6] = cellShape[6];
186             vtkVerts[7] = cellShape[7];
188             cellTypes_[cellI] = VTK_HEXAHEDRON;
189         }
190         else
191         {
192             // Polyhedral cell. Decompose into tets + prisms.
193             // (see dxFoamExec/createDxConnections.C)
195             // Mapping from additional point to cell
196             addPointCellLabels_[api] = cellI;
198             // Whether to insert cell in place of original or not.
199             bool substituteCell = true;
201             const labelList& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[cellI];
203             forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
204             {
205                 const face& f = mesh_.faces()[cFaces[cFaceI]];
207                 // Number of triangles and quads in decomposition
208                 label nTris = 0;
209                 label nQuads = 0;
210                 f.nTrianglesQuads(mesh_.points(), nTris, nQuads);
212                 // Do actual decomposition into triFcs and quadFcs.
213                 faceList triFcs(nTris);
214                 faceList quadFcs(nQuads);
215                 label trii = 0;
216                 label quadi = 0;
217                 f.trianglesQuads(mesh_.points(), trii, quadi, triFcs, quadFcs);
219                 forAll(quadFcs, quadi)
220                 {
221                     label thisCellI = -1;
223                     if (substituteCell)
224                     {
225                         thisCellI = cellI;
227                         substituteCell = false;
228                     }
229                     else
230                     {
231                         thisCellI = mesh_.nCells() + aci;
233                         superCells_[aci] = cellI;
235                         aci++;
236                     }
238                     labelList& addVtkVerts = vertLabels_[thisCellI];
240                     addVtkVerts.setSize(5);
242                     const face& quad = quadFcs[quadi];
244                     addVtkVerts[0] = quad[0];
245                     addVtkVerts[1] = quad[1];
246                     addVtkVerts[2] = quad[2];
247                     addVtkVerts[3] = quad[3];
248                     addVtkVerts[4] = mesh_.nPoints() + api;
250                     cellTypes_[thisCellI] = VTK_PYRAMID;
251                 }
253                 forAll(triFcs, trii)
254                 {
255                     label thisCellI = -1;
257                     if (substituteCell)
258                     {
259                         thisCellI = cellI;
261                         substituteCell = false;
262                     }
263                     else
264                     {
265                         thisCellI = mesh_.nCells() + aci;
267                         superCells_[aci] = cellI;
269                         aci++;
270                     }
273                     labelList& addVtkVerts = vertLabels_[thisCellI];
275                     const face& tri = triFcs[trii];
277                     addVtkVerts.setSize(4);
278                     addVtkVerts[0] = tri[0];
279                     addVtkVerts[1] = tri[1];
280                     addVtkVerts[2] = tri[2];
281                     addVtkVerts[3] = mesh_.nPoints() + api;
283                     cellTypes_[thisCellI] = VTK_TETRA;
284                 }
285             }
287             api++;
288         }
289     }
291     Pout<< "    Original cells:" << mesh_.nCells()
292         << " points:" << mesh_.nPoints()
293         << "   Additional cells:" << superCells_.size()
294         << "  additional points:" << addPointCellLabels_.size()
295         << nl << endl;
298 // ************************************************************************* //