ENH: patchCloud: return pTraits<Type>::max for unfound points
[OpenFOAM-1.7.x.git] / applications / utilities / postProcessing / lagrangian / particleTracks / particleTracks.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 Application
25     particleTracks
27 Description
28     Generates a VTK file of particle tracks for cases that were computed using
29     a tracked-parcel-type cloud
31 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "argList.H"
34 #include "Cloud.H"
35 #include "IOdictionary.H"
36 #include "fvMesh.H"
37 #include "Time.H"
38 #include "timeSelector.H"
39 #include "OFstream.H"
40 #include "passiveParticleCloud.H"
42 using namespace Foam;
44 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
46 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
48     timeSelector::addOptions();
49     #include "addRegionOption.H"
51     #include "setRootCase.H"
53     #include "createTime.H"
54     instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select0(runTime, args);
55     #include "createNamedMesh.H"
56     #include "createFields.H"
58     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
60     fileName vtkPath(runTime.path()/"VTK");
61     mkDir(vtkPath);
63     Info<< "Scanning times to determine track data for cloud " << cloudName
64         << nl << endl;
66     labelList maxIds(Pstream::nProcs(), -1);
67     forAll(timeDirs, timeI)
68     {
69         runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
70         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
72         Info<< "    Reading particle positions" << endl;
73         passiveParticleCloud myCloud(mesh, cloudName);
74         Info<< "    Read " << returnReduce(myCloud.size(), sumOp<label>())
75             << " particles" << endl;
77         forAllConstIter(passiveParticleCloud, myCloud, iter)
78         {
79             label origId = iter().origId();
80             label origProc = iter().origProc();
82             maxIds[origProc] = max(maxIds[origProc], origId);
83         }
84     }
85     Pstream::listCombineGather(maxIds, maxEqOp<label>());
86     Pstream::listCombineScatter(maxIds);
88     labelList numIds = maxIds + 1;
90     Info<< nl << "Particle statistics:" << endl;
91     forAll(maxIds, procI)
92     {
93         Info<< "    Found " << numIds[procI] << " particles originating"
94             << " from processor " << procI << endl;
95     }
96     Info<< nl << endl;
99     // calc starting ids for particles on each processor
100     List<label> startIds(numIds.size(), 0);
101     for (label i = 0; i < numIds.size()-1; i++)
102     {
103         startIds[i+1] += startIds[i] + numIds[i];
104     }
105     label nParticle = startIds[startIds.size()-1] + numIds[startIds.size()-1];
109     // number of tracks to generate
110     label nTracks = nParticle/sampleFrequency;
112     // storage for all particle tracks
113     List<DynamicList<vector> > allTracks(nTracks);
115     Info<< "\nGenerating " << nTracks << " particle tracks for cloud "
116         << cloudName << nl << endl;
118     forAll(timeDirs, timeI)
119     {
120         runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
121         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
123         List<pointField> allPositions(Pstream::nProcs());
124         List<labelField> allOrigIds(Pstream::nProcs());
125         List<labelField> allOrigProcs(Pstream::nProcs());
127         // Read particles. Will be size 0 if no particles.
128         Info<< "    Reading particle positions" << endl;
129         passiveParticleCloud myCloud(mesh, cloudName);
131         // collect the track data on all processors that have positions
132         allPositions[Pstream::myProcNo()].setSize
133         (
134             myCloud.size(),
135             point::zero
136         );
137         allOrigIds[Pstream::myProcNo()].setSize(myCloud.size(), 0);
138         allOrigProcs[Pstream::myProcNo()].setSize(myCloud.size(), 0);
140         label i = 0;
141         forAllConstIter(passiveParticleCloud, myCloud, iter)
142         {
143             allPositions[Pstream::myProcNo()][i] = iter().position();
144             allOrigIds[Pstream::myProcNo()][i] = iter().origId();
145             allOrigProcs[Pstream::myProcNo()][i] = iter().origProc();
146             i++;
147         }
149         // collect the track data on the master processor
150         Pstream::gatherList(allPositions);
151         Pstream::gatherList(allOrigIds);
152         Pstream::gatherList(allOrigProcs);
154         Info<< "    Constructing tracks" << nl << endl;
155         if (Pstream::master())
156         {
157             forAll(allPositions, procI)
158             {
159                 forAll(allPositions[procI], i)
160                 {
161                     label globalId =
162                         startIds[allOrigProcs[procI][i]]
163                       + allOrigIds[procI][i];
165                     if (globalId % sampleFrequency == 0)
166                     {
167                         label trackId = globalId/sampleFrequency;
168                         if (allTracks[trackId].size() < maxPositions)
169                         {
170                             allTracks[trackId].append
171                             (
172                                 allPositions[procI][i]
173                             );
174                         }
175                     }
176                 }
177             }
178         }
179     }
181     if (Pstream::master())
182     {
183         OFstream vtkTracks(vtkPath/"particleTracks.vtk");
185         Info<< "\nWriting particle tracks to " << vtkTracks.name()
186             << nl << endl;
188         // Total number of points in tracks + 1 per track
189         label nPoints = 0;
190         forAll(allTracks, trackI)
191         {
192             nPoints += allTracks[trackI].size();
193         }
195         vtkTracks
196             << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << nl
197             << "particleTracks" << nl
198             << "ASCII" << nl
199             << "DATASET POLYDATA" << nl
200             << "POINTS " << nPoints << " float" << nl;
202         // Write track points to file
203         forAll(allTracks, trackI)
204         {
205             forAll(allTracks[trackI], i)
206             {
207                 const vector& pt = allTracks[trackI][i];
208                 vtkTracks << pt.x() << ' ' << pt.y() << ' ' << pt.z() << nl;
209             }
210         }
212         // write track (line) connectivity to file
213         vtkTracks << "LINES " << nTracks << ' ' << nPoints+nTracks << nl;
215         // Write ids of track points to file
216         label globalPtI = 0;
217         forAll(allTracks, trackI)
218         {
219             vtkTracks << allTracks[trackI].size();
221             forAll(allTracks[trackI], i)
222             {
223                 vtkTracks << ' ' << globalPtI;
224                 globalPtI++;
225             }
227             vtkTracks << nl;
228         }
230         Info<< "end" << endl;
231     }
233     return 0;
237 // ************************************************************************* //