ENH: patchCloud: return pTraits<Type>::max for unfound points
[OpenFOAM-1.7.x.git] / applications / utilities / postProcessing / velocityField / streamFunction / streamFunction.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* \
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 Application
25     streamFunction
27 Description
28     Calculates and writes the stream function of velocity field U at each time
30 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 #include "fvCFD.H"
33 #include "pointFields.H"
34 #include "emptyPolyPatch.H"
35 #include "symmetryPolyPatch.H"
36 #include "wedgePolyPatch.H"
37 #include "OSspecific.H"
39 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
40 //  Main program:
42 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
44     timeSelector::addOptions();
46 #   include "setRootCase.H"
47 #   include "createTime.H"
49     instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select0(runTime, args);
51 #   include "createMeshNoClear.H"
53     pointMesh pMesh(mesh);
55     forAll(timeDirs, timeI)
56     {
57         runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
59         Info<< nl << "Time: " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
61         IOobject phiHeader
62         (
63             "phi",
64             runTime.timeName(),
65             mesh,
66             IOobject::NO_READ
67         );
69         if (phiHeader.headerOk())
70         {
71             mesh.readUpdate();
73             Info<< nl << "Reading field phi" << endl;
75             surfaceScalarField phi
76             (
77                 IOobject
78                 (
79                     "phi",
80                     runTime.timeName(),
81                     mesh,
82                     IOobject::MUST_READ,
83                     IOobject::NO_WRITE
84                 ),
85                 mesh
86             );
88             pointScalarField streamFunction
89             (
90                 IOobject
91                 (
92                     "streamFunction",
93                     runTime.timeName(),
94                     mesh,
95                     IOobject::NO_READ,
96                     IOobject::NO_WRITE
97                 ),
98                 pMesh,
99                 dimensionedScalar("zero", phi.dimensions(), 0.0)
100             );
102             labelList visitedPoint(mesh.nPoints());
103             forAll (visitedPoint, pointI)
104             {
105                 visitedPoint[pointI] = 0;
106             }
107             label nVisited = 0;
108             label nVisitedOld = 0;
110             const unallocFaceList& faces = mesh.faces();
111             const pointField& points = mesh.points();
113             label nInternalFaces = mesh.nInternalFaces();
115             vectorField unitAreas = mesh.faceAreas();
116             unitAreas /= mag(unitAreas);
118             const polyPatchList& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
120             bool finished = true;
122             // Find the boundary face with zero flux. set the stream function
123             // to zero on that face
124             bool found = false;
126             do
127             {
128                 found = false;
130                 forAll (patches, patchI)
131                 {
132                     const primitivePatch& bouFaces = patches[patchI];
134                     if (!isType<emptyPolyPatch>(patches[patchI]))
135                     {
136                         forAll (bouFaces, faceI)
137                         {
138                             if
139                             (
140                                 magSqr(phi.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI])
141                               < SMALL
142                             )
143                             {
144                                 const labelList& zeroPoints = bouFaces[faceI];
146                                 // Zero flux face found
147                                 found = true;
149                                 forAll (zeroPoints, pointI)
150                                 {
151                                     if (visitedPoint[zeroPoints[pointI]] == 1)
152                                     {
153                                         found = false;
154                                         break;
155                                     }
156                                 }
158                                 if (found)
159                                 {
160                                     Info<< "Zero face: patch: " << patchI
161                                         << "    face: " << faceI << endl;
163                                     forAll (zeroPoints, pointI)
164                                     {
165                                         streamFunction[zeroPoints[pointI]] = 0;
166                                         visitedPoint[zeroPoints[pointI]] = 1;
167                                         nVisited++;
168                                     }
170                                     break;
171                                 }
172                             }
173                         }
174                     }
176                     if (found) break;
177                 }
179                 if (!found)
180                 {
181                     Info<< "zero flux boundary face not found. "
182                         << "Using cell as a reference."
183                         << endl;
185                     const cellList& c = mesh.cells();
187                     forAll (c, cI)
188                     {
189                         labelList zeroPoints = c[cI].labels(mesh.faces());
191                         bool found = true;
193                         forAll (zeroPoints, pointI)
194                         {
195                             if (visitedPoint[zeroPoints[pointI]] == 1)
196                             {
197                                 found = false;
198                                 break;
199                             }
200                         }
202                         if (found)
203                         {
204                             forAll (zeroPoints, pointI)
205                             {
206                                 streamFunction[zeroPoints[pointI]] = 0.0;
207                                 visitedPoint[zeroPoints[pointI]] = 1;
208                                 nVisited++;
209                             }
211                             break;
212                         }
213                         else
214                         {
215                             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
216                                 << "Cannot find initialisation face or a cell."
217                                 << abort(FatalError);
218                         }
219                     }
220                 }
222                 // Loop through all faces. If one of the points on
223                 // the face has the streamfunction value different
224                 // from -1, all points with -1 ont that face have the
225                 // streamfunction value equal to the face flux in
226                 // that point plus the value in the visited point
227                 do
228                 {
229                      finished = true;
231                      for
232                      (
233                          label faceI = nInternalFaces;
234                          faceI<faces.size();
235                          faceI++
236                      )
237                      {
238                          const labelList& curBPoints = faces[faceI];
239                          bool bPointFound = false;
241                          scalar currentBStream = 0.0;
242                          vector currentBStreamPoint(0, 0, 0);
244                          forAll (curBPoints, pointI)
245                          {
246                              // Check if the point has been visited
247                              if (visitedPoint[curBPoints[pointI]] == 1)
248                              {
249                                  // The point has been visited
250                                  currentBStream =
251                                      streamFunction[curBPoints[pointI]];
252                                  currentBStreamPoint =
253                                      points[curBPoints[pointI]];
255                                  bPointFound = true;
257                                  break;
258                              }
259                          }
261                          if (bPointFound)
262                          {
263                              // Sort out other points on the face
264                              forAll (curBPoints, pointI)
265                              {
266                                  // Check if the point has been visited
267                                  if (visitedPoint[curBPoints[pointI]] == 0)
268                                  {
269                                      label patchNo =
270                                          mesh.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(faceI);
272                                      if
273                                      (
274                                         !isType<emptyPolyPatch>
275                                          (patches[patchNo])
276                                      && !isType<symmetryPolyPatch>
277                                          (patches[patchNo])
278                                      && !isType<wedgePolyPatch>
279                                          (patches[patchNo])
280                                      )
281                                      {
282                                          label faceNo =
283                                              mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchNo]
284                                              .whichFace(faceI);
286                                          vector edgeHat =
287                                              points[curBPoints[pointI]]
288                                              - currentBStreamPoint;
289                                          edgeHat.replace(vector::Z, 0);
290                                          edgeHat /= mag(edgeHat);
292                                          vector nHat = unitAreas[faceI];
294                                          if (edgeHat.y() > VSMALL)
295                                          {
296                                              visitedPoint[curBPoints[pointI]] =
297                                                  1;
298                                              nVisited++;
300                                              streamFunction[curBPoints[pointI]]
301                                                  =
302                                                  currentBStream
303                                                + phi.boundaryField()
304                                                  [patchNo][faceNo]
305                                                  *sign(nHat.x());
306                                          }
307                                          else if (edgeHat.y() < -VSMALL)
308                                          {
309                                              visitedPoint[curBPoints[pointI]] =
310                                                  1;
311                                              nVisited++;
313                                              streamFunction[curBPoints[pointI]]
314                                                  =
315                                                  currentBStream
316                                                - phi.boundaryField()
317                                                  [patchNo][faceNo]
318                                                  *sign(nHat.x());
319                                          }
320                                          else
321                                          {
322                                              if (edgeHat.x() > VSMALL)
323                                              {
324                                                  visitedPoint
325                                                      [curBPoints[pointI]] = 1;
326                                                  nVisited++;
328                                                  streamFunction
329                                                      [curBPoints[pointI]] =
330                                                      currentBStream
331                                                    + phi.boundaryField()
332                                                      [patchNo][faceNo]
333                                                      *sign(nHat.y());
334                                              }
335                                              else if (edgeHat.x() < -VSMALL)
336                                              {
337                                                  visitedPoint
338                                                      [curBPoints[pointI]] = 1;
339                                                  nVisited++;
341                                                  streamFunction
342                                                      [curBPoints[pointI]] =
343                                                      currentBStream
344                                                    - phi.boundaryField()
345                                                      [patchNo][faceNo]
346                                                      *sign(nHat.y());
347                                              }
348                                          }
349                                      }
350                                  }
351                              }
352                          }
353                          else
354                          {
355                              finished = false;
356                          }
357                      }
359                      for (label faceI=0; faceI<nInternalFaces; faceI++)
360                      {
361                          // Get the list of point labels for the face
362                          const labelList& curPoints = faces[faceI];
364                          bool pointFound = false;
366                          scalar currentStream = 0.0;
367                          point currentStreamPoint(0, 0, 0);
369                          forAll (curPoints, pointI)
370                          {
371                              // Check if the point has been visited
372                              if (visitedPoint[curPoints[pointI]] == 1)
373                              {
374                                  // The point has been visited
375                                  currentStream =
376                                      streamFunction[curPoints[pointI]];
377                                  currentStreamPoint =
378                                      points[curPoints[pointI]];
379                                  pointFound = true;
381                                  break;
382                              }
383                          }
385                          if (pointFound)
386                          {
387                              // Sort out other points on the face
388                              forAll (curPoints, pointI)
389                              {
390                                  // Check if the point has been visited
391                                  if (visitedPoint[curPoints[pointI]] == 0)
392                                  {
393                                      vector edgeHat =
394                                          points[curPoints[pointI]]
395                                        - currentStreamPoint;
397                                      edgeHat.replace(vector::Z, 0);
398                                      edgeHat /= mag(edgeHat);
400                                      vector nHat = unitAreas[faceI];
402                                      if (edgeHat.y() > VSMALL)
403                                      {
404                                          visitedPoint[curPoints[pointI]] = 1;
405                                          nVisited++;
407                                          streamFunction[curPoints[pointI]] =
408                                              currentStream
409                                            + phi[faceI]*sign(nHat.x());
410                                      }
411                                      else if (edgeHat.y() < -VSMALL)
412                                      {
413                                          visitedPoint[curPoints[pointI]] = 1;
414                                          nVisited++;
416                                          streamFunction[curPoints[pointI]] =
417                                              currentStream
418                                            - phi[faceI]*sign(nHat.x());
419                                      }
420                                  }
421                              }
422                          }
423                          else
424                          {
425                              finished = false;
426                          }
427                      }
429                      Info<< ".";
430 //                     Info<< "One pass, n visited = " << nVisited << endl;
432                      if (nVisited == nVisitedOld)
433                      {
434                          // Find new seed.  This must be a
435                          // multiply connected domain
436                          Info<< nl << "Exhausted a seed. Looking for new seed "
437                              << "(this is correct for multiply connected "
438                              << "domains).";
440                          break;
441                      }
442                      else
443                      {
444                          nVisitedOld = nVisited;
445                      }
446                 } while (!finished);
448                 Info << endl;
449             } while (!finished);
451             streamFunction.boundaryField() = 0.0;
452             streamFunction.write();
453         }
454         else
455         {
456             WarningIn(args.executable())
457                 << "Flux field does not exist."
458                 << " Stream function not calculated" << endl;
459         }
460     }
462     Info<< "\nEnd\n" << endl;
464     return 0;
468 // ************************************************************************* //