ENH: partialWrite: support lagrangian
[OpenFOAM-1.7.x.git] / applications / utilities / parallelProcessing / decomposePar / decomposeMesh.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 InClass
25     domainDecomposition
27 Description
28     Private member of domainDecomposition.
29     Decomposes the mesh into bits
31 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "domainDecomposition.H"
34 #include "IOstreams.H"
35 #include "SLPtrList.H"
36 #include "boolList.H"
37 #include "primitiveMesh.H"
38 #include "cyclicPolyPatch.H"
40 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
42 void domainDecomposition::decomposeMesh(const bool filterEmptyPatches)
44     // Decide which cell goes to which processor
45     distributeCells();
47     // Distribute the cells according to the given processor label
49     // calculate the addressing information for the original mesh
50     Info<< "\nCalculating original mesh data" << endl;
52     // set references to the original mesh
53     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = boundaryMesh();
54     const faceList& fcs = faces();
55     const labelList& owner = faceOwner();
56     const labelList& neighbour = faceNeighbour();
58     // loop through the list of processor labels for the cell and add the
59     // cell shape to the list of cells for the appropriate processor
61     Info<< "\nDistributing cells to processors" << endl;
63     // Memory management
64     {
65         List<SLList<label> > procCellList(nProcs_);
67         forAll (cellToProc_, celli)
68         {
69             if (cellToProc_[celli] >= nProcs_)
70             {
71                 FatalErrorIn("domainDecomposition::decomposeMesh()")
72                     << "Impossible processor label " << cellToProc_[celli]
73                     << "for cell " << celli
74                     << abort(FatalError);
75             }
76             else
77             {
78                 procCellList[cellToProc_[celli]].append(celli);
79             }
80         }
82         // Convert linked lists into normal lists
83         forAll (procCellList, procI)
84         {
85             procCellAddressing_[procI] = procCellList[procI];
86         }
87     }
89     Info << "\nDistributing faces to processors" << endl;
91     // Loop through all internal faces and decide which processor they belong to
92     // First visit all internal faces. If cells at both sides belong to the
93     // same processor, the face is an internal face. If they are different,
94     // it belongs to both processors.
96     // Memory management
97     {
98         List<SLList<label> > procFaceList(nProcs_);
100         forAll (neighbour, facei)
101         {
102             if (cellToProc_[owner[facei]] == cellToProc_[neighbour[facei]])
103             {
104                 // Face internal to processor
105                 procFaceList[cellToProc_[owner[facei]]].append(facei);
106             }
107         }
109         // Detect inter-processor boundaries
111         // Neighbour processor for each subdomain
112         List<SLList<label> > interProcBoundaries(nProcs_);
114         // Face labels belonging to each inter-processor boundary
115         List<SLList<SLList<label> > > interProcBFaces(nProcs_);
117         List<SLList<label> > procPatchIndex(nProcs_);
119         forAll (neighbour, facei)
120         {
121             if (cellToProc_[owner[facei]] != cellToProc_[neighbour[facei]])
122             {
123                 // inter - processor patch face found. Go through the list of
124                 // inside boundaries for the owner processor and try to find
125                 // this inter-processor patch.
127                 label ownerProc = cellToProc_[owner[facei]];
128                 label neighbourProc = cellToProc_[neighbour[facei]];
130                 SLList<label>::iterator curInterProcBdrsOwnIter =
131                     interProcBoundaries[ownerProc].begin();
133                 SLList<SLList<label> >::iterator curInterProcBFacesOwnIter =
134                     interProcBFaces[ownerProc].begin();
136                 bool interProcBouFound = false;
138                 // WARNING: Synchronous SLList iterators
140                 for
141                 (
142                     ;
143                     curInterProcBdrsOwnIter
144                  != interProcBoundaries[ownerProc].end()
145                  && curInterProcBFacesOwnIter
146                  != interProcBFaces[ownerProc].end();
147                     ++curInterProcBdrsOwnIter, ++curInterProcBFacesOwnIter
148                 )
149                 {
150                     if (curInterProcBdrsOwnIter() == neighbourProc)
151                     {
152                         // the inter - processor boundary exists. Add the face
153                         interProcBouFound = true;
155                         curInterProcBFacesOwnIter().append(facei);
157                         SLList<label>::iterator curInterProcBdrsNeiIter =
158                             interProcBoundaries[neighbourProc].begin();
160                         SLList<SLList<label> >::iterator 
161                             curInterProcBFacesNeiIter =
162                             interProcBFaces[neighbourProc].begin();
164                         bool neighbourFound = false;
166                         // WARNING: Synchronous SLList iterators
168                         for
169                         (
170                             ;
171                             curInterProcBdrsNeiIter !=
172                             interProcBoundaries[neighbourProc].end()
173                          && curInterProcBFacesNeiIter !=
174                             interProcBFaces[neighbourProc].end();
175                             ++curInterProcBdrsNeiIter,
176                             ++curInterProcBFacesNeiIter
177                         )
178                         {
179                             if (curInterProcBdrsNeiIter() == ownerProc)
180                             {
181                                 // boundary found. Add the face
182                                 neighbourFound = true;
184                                 curInterProcBFacesNeiIter().append(facei);
185                             }
187                             if (neighbourFound) break;
188                         }
190                         if (interProcBouFound && !neighbourFound)
191                         {
192                             FatalErrorIn("domainDecomposition::decomposeMesh()")
193                                 << "Inconsistency in inter - "
194                                 << "processor boundary lists for processors "
195                                 << ownerProc << " and " << neighbourProc
196                                 << abort(FatalError);
197                         }
198                     }
200                     if (interProcBouFound) break;
201                 }
203                 if (!interProcBouFound)
204                 {
205                     // inter - processor boundaries do not exist and need to
206                     // be created
208                     // set the new addressing information
210                     // owner
211                     interProcBoundaries[ownerProc].append(neighbourProc);
212                     interProcBFaces[ownerProc].append(SLList<label>(facei));
214                     // neighbour
215                     interProcBoundaries[neighbourProc].append(ownerProc);
216                     interProcBFaces[neighbourProc].append(SLList<label>(facei));
217                 }
218             }
219         }
221         // Loop through patches. For cyclic boundaries detect inter-processor
222         // faces; for all other, add faces to the face list and remember start
223         // and size of all patches.
225         // for all processors, set the size of start index and patch size
226         // lists to the number of patches in the mesh
227         forAll (procPatchSize_, procI)
228         {
229             procPatchSize_[procI].setSize(patches.size());
230             procPatchStartIndex_[procI].setSize(patches.size());
231         }
233         forAll (patches, patchi)
234         {
235             // Reset size and start index for all processors
236             forAll (procPatchSize_, procI)
237             {
238                 procPatchSize_[procI][patchi] = 0;
239                 procPatchStartIndex_[procI][patchi] =
240                     procFaceList[procI].size();
241             }
243             const label patchStart = patches[patchi].start();
245             if (!isA<cyclicPolyPatch>(patches[patchi]))
246             {
247                 // Normal patch. Add faces to processor where the cell
248                 // next to the face lives
250                 const unallocLabelList& patchFaceCells =
251                     patches[patchi].faceCells();
253                 forAll (patchFaceCells, facei)
254                 {
255                     const label curProc = cellToProc_[patchFaceCells[facei]];
257                     // add the face
258                     procFaceList[curProc].append(patchStart + facei);
260                     // increment the number of faces for this patch
261                     procPatchSize_[curProc][patchi]++;
262                 }
263             }
264             else
265             {
266                 // Cyclic patch special treatment
268                 const polyPatch& cPatch = patches[patchi];
270                 const label cycOffset = cPatch.size()/2;
272                 // Set reference to faceCells for both patches
273                 const labelList::subList firstFaceCells
274                 (
275                     cPatch.faceCells(),
276                     cycOffset
277                 );
279                 const labelList::subList secondFaceCells
280                 (
281                     cPatch.faceCells(),
282                     cycOffset,
283                     cycOffset
284                 );
286                 forAll (firstFaceCells, facei)
287                 {
288                     if
289                     (
290                         cellToProc_[firstFaceCells[facei]]
291                      != cellToProc_[secondFaceCells[facei]]
292                     )
293                     {
294                         // This face becomes an inter-processor boundary face
295                         // inter - processor patch face found. Go through
296                         // the list of inside boundaries for the owner
297                         // processor and try to find this inter-processor
298                         // patch.
300                         cyclicParallel_ = true;
302                         label ownerProc = cellToProc_[firstFaceCells[facei]];
303                         label neighbourProc =
304                             cellToProc_[secondFaceCells[facei]];
306                         SLList<label>::iterator curInterProcBdrsOwnIter =
307                             interProcBoundaries[ownerProc].begin();
309                         SLList<SLList<label> >::iterator 
310                             curInterProcBFacesOwnIter =
311                             interProcBFaces[ownerProc].begin();
313                         bool interProcBouFound = false;
315                         // WARNING: Synchronous SLList iterators
317                         for
318                         (
319                             ;
320                             curInterProcBdrsOwnIter !=
321                             interProcBoundaries[ownerProc].end()
322                          && curInterProcBFacesOwnIter !=
323                             interProcBFaces[ownerProc].end();
324                             ++curInterProcBdrsOwnIter,
325                             ++curInterProcBFacesOwnIter
326                         )
327                         {
328                             if (curInterProcBdrsOwnIter() == neighbourProc)
329                             {
330                                 // the inter - processor boundary exists.
331                                 // Add the face
332                                 interProcBouFound = true;
334                                 curInterProcBFacesOwnIter().append
335                                     (patchStart + facei);
337                                 SLList<label>::iterator curInterProcBdrsNeiIter
338                                    = interProcBoundaries[neighbourProc].begin();
340                                 SLList<SLList<label> >::iterator
341                                     curInterProcBFacesNeiIter =
342                                     interProcBFaces[neighbourProc].begin();
344                                 bool neighbourFound = false;
346                                 // WARNING: Synchronous SLList iterators
348                                 for
349                                 (
350                                     ;
351                                     curInterProcBdrsNeiIter
352                                    != interProcBoundaries[neighbourProc].end()
353                                  && curInterProcBFacesNeiIter
354                                    != interProcBFaces[neighbourProc].end();
355                                     ++curInterProcBdrsNeiIter,
356                                     ++curInterProcBFacesNeiIter
357                                 )
358                                 {
359                                     if (curInterProcBdrsNeiIter() == ownerProc)
360                                     {
361                                         // boundary found. Add the face
362                                         neighbourFound = true;
364                                         curInterProcBFacesNeiIter()
365                                             .append
366                                             (
367                                                 patchStart
368                                               + cycOffset
369                                               + facei
370                                             );
371                                     }
373                                     if (neighbourFound) break;
374                                 }
376                                 if (interProcBouFound && !neighbourFound)
377                                 {
378                                     FatalErrorIn
379                                     (
380                                         "domainDecomposition::decomposeMesh()"
381                                     )   << "Inconsistency in inter-processor "
382                                         << "boundary lists for processors "
383                                         << ownerProc << " and " << neighbourProc
384                                         << " in cyclic boundary matching"
385                                         << abort(FatalError);
386                                 }
387                             }
389                             if (interProcBouFound) break;
390                         }
392                         if (!interProcBouFound)
393                         {
394                             // inter - processor boundaries do not exist
395                             // and need to be created
397                             // set the new addressing information
399                             // owner
400                             interProcBoundaries[ownerProc]
401                                 .append(neighbourProc);
402                             interProcBFaces[ownerProc]
403                                 .append(SLList<label>(patchStart + facei));
405                             // neighbour
406                             interProcBoundaries[neighbourProc]
407                                 .append(ownerProc);
408                             interProcBFaces[neighbourProc]
409                                 .append
410                                 (
411                                     SLList<label>
412                                     (
413                                         patchStart
414                                       + cycOffset
415                                       + facei
416                                     )
417                                 );
418                         }
419                     }
420                     else
421                     {
422                         // This cyclic face remains on the processor
423                         label ownerProc = cellToProc_[firstFaceCells[facei]];
425                         // add the face
426                         procFaceList[ownerProc].append(patchStart + facei);
428                         // increment the number of faces for this patch
429                         procPatchSize_[ownerProc][patchi]++;
431                         // Note: I cannot add the other side of the cyclic
432                         // boundary here because this would violate the order.
433                         // They will be added in a separate loop below
434                         // 
435                     }
436                 }
438                 // Ordering in cyclic boundaries is important.
439                 // Add the other half of cyclic faces for cyclic boundaries
440                 // that remain on the processor
441                 forAll (secondFaceCells, facei)
442                 {
443                     if
444                     (
445                         cellToProc_[firstFaceCells[facei]]
446                      == cellToProc_[secondFaceCells[facei]]
447                     )
448                     {
449                         // This cyclic face remains on the processor
450                         label ownerProc = cellToProc_[firstFaceCells[facei]];
452                         // add the second face
453                         procFaceList[ownerProc].append
454                             (patchStart + cycOffset + facei);
456                         // increment the number of faces for this patch
457                         procPatchSize_[ownerProc][patchi]++;
458                     }
459                 }
460             }
461         }
463         // Convert linked lists into normal lists
464         // Add inter-processor boundaries and remember start indices
465         forAll (procFaceList, procI)
466         {
467             // Get internal and regular boundary processor faces
468             SLList<label>& curProcFaces = procFaceList[procI];
470             // Get reference to processor face addressing
471             labelList& curProcFaceAddressing = procFaceAddressing_[procI];
473             labelList& curProcNeighbourProcessors =
474                 procNeighbourProcessors_[procI];
476             labelList& curProcProcessorPatchSize =
477                 procProcessorPatchSize_[procI];
479             labelList& curProcProcessorPatchStartIndex =
480                 procProcessorPatchStartIndex_[procI];
482             // calculate the size
483             label nFacesOnProcessor = curProcFaces.size();
485             for 
486             (
487                 SLList<SLList<label> >::iterator curInterProcBFacesIter =
488                     interProcBFaces[procI].begin();
489                 curInterProcBFacesIter != interProcBFaces[procI].end();
490                 ++curInterProcBFacesIter
491             )
492             {
493                 nFacesOnProcessor += curInterProcBFacesIter().size();
494             }
496             curProcFaceAddressing.setSize(nFacesOnProcessor);
498             // Fill in the list. Calculate turning index.
499             // Turning index will be -1 only for some faces on processor
500             // boundaries, i.e. the ones where the current processor ID
501             // is in the cell which is a face neighbour.
502             // Turning index is stored as the sign of the face addressing list
504             label nFaces = 0;
506             // Add internal and boundary faces
507             // Remember to increment the index by one such that the
508             // turning index works properly.  
509             for
510             (
511                 SLList<label>::iterator curProcFacesIter = curProcFaces.begin();
512                 curProcFacesIter != curProcFaces.end();
513                 ++curProcFacesIter
514             )
515             {
516                 curProcFaceAddressing[nFaces] = curProcFacesIter() + 1;
517                 nFaces++;
518             }
520             // Add inter-processor boundary faces. At the beginning of each
521             // patch, grab the patch start index and size
523             curProcNeighbourProcessors.setSize
524             (
525                 interProcBoundaries[procI].size()
526             );
528             curProcProcessorPatchSize.setSize
529             (
530                 interProcBoundaries[procI].size()
531             );
533             curProcProcessorPatchStartIndex.setSize
534             (
535                 interProcBoundaries[procI].size()
536             );
538             label nProcPatches = 0;
540             SLList<label>::iterator curInterProcBdrsIter =
541                 interProcBoundaries[procI].begin();
543             SLList<SLList<label> >::iterator curInterProcBFacesIter =
544                 interProcBFaces[procI].begin();
546             for
547             (
548                 ;
549                 curInterProcBdrsIter != interProcBoundaries[procI].end()
550              && curInterProcBFacesIter != interProcBFaces[procI].end();
551                 ++curInterProcBdrsIter, ++curInterProcBFacesIter
552             )
553             {
554                 curProcNeighbourProcessors[nProcPatches] =
555                     curInterProcBdrsIter();
557                 // Get start index for processor patch
558                 curProcProcessorPatchStartIndex[nProcPatches] = nFaces;
560                 label& curSize =
561                     curProcProcessorPatchSize[nProcPatches];
563                 curSize = 0;
565                 // add faces for this processor boundary
567                 for
568                 (
569                     SLList<label>::iterator curFacesIter =
570                         curInterProcBFacesIter().begin();
571                     curFacesIter != curInterProcBFacesIter().end();
572                     ++curFacesIter
573                 )
574                 {
575                     // add the face
577                     // Remember to increment the index by one such that the
578                     // turning index works properly.  
579                     if (cellToProc_[owner[curFacesIter()]] == procI)
580                     {
581                         curProcFaceAddressing[nFaces] = curFacesIter() + 1;
582                     }
583                     else
584                     {
585                         // turning face
586                         curProcFaceAddressing[nFaces] = -(curFacesIter() + 1);
587                     }
589                     // increment the size
590                     curSize++;
592                     nFaces++;
593                 }
595                 nProcPatches++;
596             }
597         }
598     }
600     Info << "\nCalculating processor boundary addressing" << endl;
601     // For every patch of processor boundary, find the index of the original
602     // patch. Mis-alignment is caused by the fact that patches with zero size
603     // are omitted. For processor patches, set index to -1.
604     // At the same time, filter the procPatchSize_ and procPatchStartIndex_
605     // lists to exclude zero-size patches
606     forAll (procPatchSize_, procI)
607     {
608         // Make a local copy of old lists
609         const labelList oldPatchSizes = procPatchSize_[procI];
611         const labelList oldPatchStarts = procPatchStartIndex_[procI];
613         labelList& curPatchSizes = procPatchSize_[procI];
615         labelList& curPatchStarts = procPatchStartIndex_[procI];
617         const labelList& curProcessorPatchSizes =
618             procProcessorPatchSize_[procI];
620         labelList& curBoundaryAddressing = procBoundaryAddressing_[procI];
622         curBoundaryAddressing.setSize
623         (
624             oldPatchSizes.size()
625           + curProcessorPatchSizes.size()
626         );
628         label nPatches = 0;
630         forAll (oldPatchSizes, patchi)
631         {
632             if (!filterEmptyPatches || oldPatchSizes[patchi] > 0)
633             {
634                 curBoundaryAddressing[nPatches] = patchi;
636                 curPatchSizes[nPatches] = oldPatchSizes[patchi];
638                 curPatchStarts[nPatches] = oldPatchStarts[patchi];
640                 nPatches++;
641             }
642         }
644         // reset to the size of live patches
645         curPatchSizes.setSize(nPatches);
646         curPatchStarts.setSize(nPatches);
648         forAll (curProcessorPatchSizes, procPatchI)
649         {
650             curBoundaryAddressing[nPatches] = -1;
652             nPatches++;
653         }
655         curBoundaryAddressing.setSize(nPatches);
656     }
658     Info << "\nDistributing points to processors" << endl;
659     // For every processor, loop through the list of faces for the processor.
660     // For every face, loop through the list of points and mark the point as
661     // used for the processor. Collect the list of used points for the
662     // processor.
664     forAll (procPointAddressing_, procI)
665     {
666         boolList pointLabels(nPoints(), false);
668         // Get reference to list of used faces
669         const labelList& procFaceLabels = procFaceAddressing_[procI];
671         forAll (procFaceLabels, facei)
672         {
673             // Because of the turning index, some labels may be negative
674             const labelList& facePoints = fcs[mag(procFaceLabels[facei]) - 1];
676             forAll (facePoints, pointi)
677             {
678                 // Mark the point as used
679                 pointLabels[facePoints[pointi]] = true;
680             }
681         }
683         // Collect the used points
684         labelList& procPointLabels = procPointAddressing_[procI];
686         procPointLabels.setSize(pointLabels.size());
688         label nUsedPoints = 0;
690         forAll (pointLabels, pointi)
691         {
692             if (pointLabels[pointi])
693             {
694                 procPointLabels[nUsedPoints] = pointi;
696                 nUsedPoints++;
697             }
698         }
700         // Reset the size of used points
701         procPointLabels.setSize(nUsedPoints);
702     }
704     // Gather data about globally shared points
706     // Memory management
707     {
708         labelList pointsUsage(nPoints(), 0);
710         // Globally shared points are the ones used by more than 2 processors
711         // Size the list approximately and gather the points
712         labelHashSet gSharedPoints
713         (
714             min(100, nPoints()/1000)
715         );
717         // Loop through all the processors and mark up points used by
718         // processor boundaries.  When a point is used twice, it is a
719         // globally shared point
721         for (label procI = 0; procI < nProcs_; procI++)
722         {
723             // Get list of face labels
724             const labelList& curFaceLabels = procFaceAddressing_[procI];
726             // Get start of processor faces
727             const labelList& curProcessorPatchStarts =
728                 procProcessorPatchStartIndex_[procI];
730             const labelList& curProcessorPatchSizes =
731                 procProcessorPatchSize_[procI];
733             // Reset the lookup list
734             pointsUsage = 0;
736             forAll (curProcessorPatchStarts, patchi)
737             {
738                 const label curStart = curProcessorPatchStarts[patchi];
739                 const label curEnd = curStart + curProcessorPatchSizes[patchi];
741                 for
742                 (
743                     label facei = curStart;
744                     facei < curEnd;
745                     facei++
746                 )
747                 {
748                     // Mark the original face as used
749                     // Remember to decrement the index by one (turning index)
750                     // 
751                     const label curF = mag(curFaceLabels[facei]) - 1;
753                     const face& f = fcs[curF];
755                     forAll (f, pointi)
756                     {
757                         if (pointsUsage[f[pointi]] == 0)
758                         {
759                             // Point not previously used
760                             pointsUsage[f[pointi]] = patchi + 1;
761                         }
762                         else if (pointsUsage[f[pointi]] != patchi + 1)
763                         {
764                             // Point used by some other patch = global point!
765                             gSharedPoints.insert(f[pointi]);
766                         }
767                     }
768                 }
769             }
770         }
772         // Grab the result from the hash list
773         globallySharedPoints_ = gSharedPoints.toc();
774         sort(globallySharedPoints_);
775     }