ENH: partialWrite: support lagrangian
[OpenFOAM-1.7.x.git] / applications / utilities / parallelProcessing / reconstructParMesh / reconstructParMesh.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 Application
25     reconstructParMesh
27 Description
28     Reconstructs a mesh using geometric information only.
30     Writes point/face/cell procAddressing so afterwards reconstructPar can be
31     used to reconstruct fields.
33     Note:
34     - uses geometric matching tolerance (set with -mergeTol option)
36     If the parallel case does not have correct procBoundaries use the
37     -fullMatch option which will check all boundary faces (bit slower).
39 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
41 #include "argList.H"
42 #include "Time.H"
43 #include "IOobjectList.H"
44 #include "labelIOList.H"
45 #include "processorPolyPatch.H"
46 #include "mapAddedPolyMesh.H"
47 #include "polyMeshAdder.H"
48 #include "faceCoupleInfo.H"
49 #include "fvMeshAdder.H"
50 #include "polyTopoChange.H"
52 using namespace Foam;
54 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
56 // Tolerance (as fraction of the bounding box). Needs to be fairly lax since
57 // usually meshes get written with limited precision (6 digits)
58 static const scalar defaultMergeTol = 1E-7;
61 static void renumber
63     const labelList& map,
64     labelList& elems
67     forAll(elems, i)
68     {
69         if (elems[i] >= 0)
70         {
71             elems[i] = map[elems[i]];
72         }
73     }
77 // Determine which faces are coupled. Uses geometric merge distance.
78 // Looks either at all boundaryFaces (fullMatch) or only at the
79 // procBoundaries for procI. Assumes that masterMesh contains already merged
80 // all the processors < procI.
81 autoPtr<faceCoupleInfo> determineCoupledFaces
83     const bool fullMatch,
84     const label procI,
85     const polyMesh& masterMesh,
86     const polyMesh& meshToAdd,
87     const scalar mergeDist
90     if (fullMatch || masterMesh.nCells() == 0)
91     {
92         return autoPtr<faceCoupleInfo>
93         (
94             new faceCoupleInfo
95             (
96                 masterMesh,
97                 meshToAdd,
98                 mergeDist,      // absolute merging distance
99                 true            // matching faces identical
100             )
101         );
102     }
103     else
104     {
105         // Pick up all patches on masterMesh ending in "toDDD" where DDD is
106         // the processor number procI.
108         const polyBoundaryMesh& masterPatches = masterMesh.boundaryMesh();
110         const string toProcString("to" + name(procI));
112         DynamicList<label> masterFaces
113         (
114             masterMesh.nFaces()
115           - masterMesh.nInternalFaces()
116         );
118         forAll(masterPatches, patchI)
119         {
120             const polyPatch& pp = masterPatches[patchI];
122             if
123             (
124                 isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp)
125              && (
126                     pp.name().rfind(toProcString)
127                  == (pp.name().size()-toProcString.size())
128                 )
129             )
130             {
131                 label meshFaceI = pp.start();
132                 forAll(pp, i)
133                 {
134                     masterFaces.append(meshFaceI++);
135                 }
136             }
137         }
138         masterFaces.shrink();
141         // Pick up all patches on meshToAdd ending in "procBoundaryDDDtoYYY"
142         // where DDD is the processor number procI and YYY is < procI.
144         const polyBoundaryMesh& addPatches = meshToAdd.boundaryMesh();
146         DynamicList<label> addFaces
147         (
148             meshToAdd.nFaces()
149           - meshToAdd.nInternalFaces()
150         );
152         forAll(addPatches, patchI)
153         {
154             const polyPatch& pp = addPatches[patchI];
156             if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
157             {
158                 bool isConnected = false;
160                 for (label mergedProcI = 0; mergedProcI < procI; mergedProcI++)
161                 {
162                     const string fromProcString
163                     (
164                         "procBoundary"
165                       + name(procI)
166                       + "to"
167                       + name(mergedProcI)
168                     );
170                     if (pp.name() == fromProcString)
171                     {
172                         isConnected = true;
173                         break;
174                     }
175                 }
177                 if (isConnected)
178                 {
179                     label meshFaceI = pp.start();
180                     forAll(pp, i)
181                     {
182                         addFaces.append(meshFaceI++);
183                     }
184                 }
185             }
186         }
187         addFaces.shrink();
189         return autoPtr<faceCoupleInfo>
190         (
191             new faceCoupleInfo
192             (
193                 masterMesh,
194                 masterFaces,
195                 meshToAdd,
196                 addFaces,
197                 mergeDist,      // absolute merging distance
198                 true,           // matching faces identical?
199                 false,          // if perfectmatch are faces already ordered
200                                 // (e.g. processor patches)
201                 false           // are faces each on separate patch?
202             )
203         );
204     }
208 autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> mergeSharedPoints
210     const scalar mergeDist,
211     polyMesh& mesh,
212     labelListList& pointProcAddressing
215     // Find out which sets of points get merged and create a map from
216     // mesh point to unique point.
217     Map<label> pointToMaster
218     (
219         fvMeshAdder::findSharedPoints
220         (
221             mesh,
222             mergeDist
223         )
224     );
226     Info<< "mergeSharedPoints : detected " << pointToMaster.size()
227         << " points that are to be merged." << endl;
229     if (returnReduce(pointToMaster.size(), sumOp<label>()) == 0)
230     {
231         return autoPtr<mapPolyMesh>(NULL);
232     }
234     polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
236     fvMeshAdder::mergePoints(mesh, pointToMaster, meshMod);
238     // Change the mesh (no inflation). Note: parallel comms allowed.
239     autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false, true);
241     // Update fields. No inflation, parallel sync.
242     mesh.updateMesh(map);
244     // pointProcAddressing give indices into the master mesh so adapt them
245     // for changed point numbering.
247     // Adapt constructMaps for merged points.
248     forAll(pointProcAddressing, procI)
249     {
250         labelList& constructMap = pointProcAddressing[procI];
252         forAll(constructMap, i)
253         {
254             label oldPointI = constructMap[i];
256             // New label of point after changeMesh.
257             label newPointI = map().reversePointMap()[oldPointI];
259             if (newPointI < -1)
260             {
261                 constructMap[i] = -newPointI-2;
262             }
263             else if (newPointI >= 0)
264             {
265                 constructMap[i] = newPointI;
266             }
267             else
268             {
269                 FatalErrorIn("fvMeshDistribute::mergeSharedPoints()")
270                     << "Problem. oldPointI:" << oldPointI
271                     << " newPointI:" << newPointI << abort(FatalError);
272             }
273         }
274     }
276     return map;
280 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
282     argList::noParallel();
283     argList::validOptions.insert("mergeTol", "relative merge distance");
284     argList::validOptions.insert("fullMatch", "");
286 #   include "addTimeOptions.H"
287 #   include "addRegionOption.H"
288 #   include "setRootCase.H"
289 #   include "createTime.H"
291     Info<< "This is an experimental tool which tries to merge"
292         << " individual processor" << nl
293         << "meshes back into one master mesh. Use it if the original"
294         << " master mesh has" << nl
295         << "been deleted or if the processor meshes have been modified"
296         << " (topology change)." << nl
297         << "This tool will write the resulting mesh to a new time step"
298         << " and construct" << nl
299         << "xxxxProcAddressing files in the processor meshes so"
300         << " reconstructPar can be" << nl
301         << "used to regenerate the fields on the master mesh." << nl
302         << nl
303         << "Not well tested & use at your own risk!" << nl
304         << endl;
307     word regionName = polyMesh::defaultRegion;
308     fileName regionPrefix = "";
309     if (args.optionFound("region"))
310     {
311         regionName = args.option("region");
312         regionPrefix = regionName;
313         Info<< "Operating on region " << regionName << nl << endl;
314     }
316     scalar mergeTol = defaultMergeTol;
317     args.optionReadIfPresent("mergeTol", mergeTol);
319     scalar writeTol = Foam::pow(10.0, -scalar(IOstream::defaultPrecision()));
321     Info<< "Merge tolerance : " << mergeTol << nl
322         << "Write tolerance : " << writeTol << endl;
324     if (runTime.writeFormat() == IOstream::ASCII && mergeTol < writeTol)
325     {
326         FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
327             << "Your current settings specify ASCII writing with "
328             << IOstream::defaultPrecision() << " digits precision." << endl
329             << "Your merging tolerance (" << mergeTol << ") is finer than this."
330             << endl
331             << "Please change your writeFormat to binary"
332             << " or increase the writePrecision" << endl
333             << "or adjust the merge tolerance (-mergeTol)."
334             << exit(FatalError);
335     }
338     const bool fullMatch = args.optionFound("fullMatch");
340     if (fullMatch)
341     {
342         Info<< "Doing geometric matching on all boundary faces." << nl << endl;
343     }
344     else
345     {
346         Info<< "Doing geometric matching on correct procBoundaries only."
347             << nl << "This assumes a correct decomposition." << endl;
348     }
352     int nProcs = 0;
354     while
355     (
356         isDir
357         (
358             args.rootPath()
359           / args.caseName()
360           / fileName(word("processor") + name(nProcs))
361         )
362     )
363     {
364         nProcs++;
365     }
367     Info<< "Found " << nProcs << " processor directories" << nl << endl;
370     // Read all databases.
371     PtrList<Time> databases(nProcs);
373     forAll (databases, procI)
374     {
375         Info<< "Reading database "
376             << args.caseName()/fileName(word("processor") + name(procI))
377             << endl;
379         databases.set
380         (
381             procI,
382             new Time
383             (
384                 Time::controlDictName,
385                 args.rootPath(),
386                 args.caseName()/fileName(word("processor") + name(procI))
387             )
388         );
390         Time& procTime = databases[procI];
392         instantList Times = procTime.times();
394         // set startTime and endTime depending on -time and -latestTime options
395 #       include "checkTimeOptions.H"
397         procTime.setTime(Times[startTime], startTime);
399         if (procI > 0 && databases[procI-1].value() != procTime.value())
400         {
401             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
402                 << "Time not equal on processors." << nl
403                 << "Processor:" << procI-1
404                 << " time:" << databases[procI-1].value() << nl
405                 << "Processor:" << procI
406                 << " time:" << procTime.value()
407                 << exit(FatalError);
408         }
409     }
411     // Set master time
412     Info<< "Setting master time to " << databases[0].timeName() << nl << endl;
413     runTime.setTime(databases[0]);
416     // Read point on individual processors to determine merge tolerance
417     // (otherwise single cell domains might give problems)
419     boundBox bb = boundBox::invertedBox;
421     for (label procI = 0; procI < nProcs; procI++)
422     {
423         fileName pointsInstance
424         (
425             databases[procI].findInstance
426             (
427                 regionPrefix/polyMesh::meshSubDir,
428                 "points"
429             )
430         );
432         if (pointsInstance != databases[procI].timeName())
433         {
434             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
435                 << "Your time was specified as " << databases[procI].timeName()
436                 << " but there is no polyMesh/points in that time." << endl
437                 << "(there is a points file in " << pointsInstance
438                 << ")" << endl
439                 << "Please rerun with the correct time specified"
440                 << " (through the -constant, -time or -latestTime option)."
441                 << endl << exit(FatalError);
442         }
444         Info<< "Reading points from "
445             << databases[procI].caseName()
446             << " for time = " << databases[procI].timeName()
447             << nl << endl;
449         pointIOField points
450         (
451             IOobject
452             (
453                 "points",
454                 databases[procI].findInstance
455                 (
456                     regionPrefix/polyMesh::meshSubDir,
457                     "points"
458                 ),
459                 regionPrefix/polyMesh::meshSubDir,
460                 databases[procI],
461                 IOobject::MUST_READ,
462                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
463                 false
464             )
465         );
467         boundBox domainBb(points, false);
469         bb.min() = min(bb.min(), domainBb.min());
470         bb.max() = max(bb.max(), domainBb.max());
471     }
472     const scalar mergeDist = mergeTol * bb.mag();
474     Info<< "Overall mesh bounding box  : " << bb << nl
475         << "Relative tolerance         : " << mergeTol << nl
476         << "Absolute matching distance : " << mergeDist << nl
477         << endl;
480     // Addressing from processor to reconstructed case
481     labelListList cellProcAddressing(nProcs);
482     labelListList faceProcAddressing(nProcs);
483     labelListList pointProcAddressing(nProcs);
484     labelListList boundaryProcAddressing(nProcs);
486     // Internal faces on the final reconstructed mesh
487     label masterInternalFaces;
488     // Owner addressing on the final reconstructed mesh
489     labelList masterOwner;
491     {
492         // Construct empty mesh.
493         Info<< "Constructing empty mesh to add to." << nl << endl;
494         polyMesh masterMesh
495         (
496             IOobject
497             (
498                 regionName,
499                 runTime.timeName(),
500                 runTime,
501                 IOobject::NO_READ
502             ),
503             xferCopy(pointField()),
504             xferCopy(faceList()),
505             xferCopy(cellList())
506         );
508         for (label procI = 0; procI < nProcs; procI++)
509         {
510             Info<< "Reading mesh to add from "
511                 << databases[procI].caseName()
512                 << " for time = " << databases[procI].timeName()
513                 << nl << endl;
515             polyMesh meshToAdd
516             (
517                 IOobject
518                 (
519                     regionName,
520                     databases[procI].timeName(),
521                     databases[procI]
522                 )
523             );
525             // Initialize its addressing
526             cellProcAddressing[procI] = identity(meshToAdd.nCells());
527             faceProcAddressing[procI] = identity(meshToAdd.nFaces());
528             pointProcAddressing[procI] = identity(meshToAdd.nPoints());
529             boundaryProcAddressing[procI] =
530                 identity(meshToAdd.boundaryMesh().size());
533             // Find geometrically shared points/faces.
534             autoPtr<faceCoupleInfo> couples = determineCoupledFaces
535             (
536                 fullMatch,
537                 procI,
538                 masterMesh,
539                 meshToAdd,
540                 mergeDist
541             );
544             // Add elements to mesh
545             Info<< "Adding to master mesh" << nl << endl;
547             autoPtr<mapAddedPolyMesh> map = polyMeshAdder::add
548             (
549                 masterMesh,
550                 meshToAdd,
551                 couples
552             );
554             // Update all addressing so xxProcAddressing points to correct item
555             // in masterMesh.
557             // Processors that were already in masterMesh
558             for (label mergedI = 0; mergedI < procI; mergedI++)
559             {
560                 renumber(map().oldCellMap(), cellProcAddressing[mergedI]);
561                 renumber(map().oldFaceMap(), faceProcAddressing[mergedI]);
562                 renumber(map().oldPointMap(), pointProcAddressing[mergedI]);
563                 // Note: boundary is special since can contain -1.
564                 renumber(map().oldPatchMap(), boundaryProcAddressing[mergedI]);
565             }
567             // Added processor
568             renumber(map().addedCellMap(), cellProcAddressing[procI]);
569             renumber(map().addedFaceMap(), faceProcAddressing[procI]);
570             renumber(map().addedPointMap(), pointProcAddressing[procI]);
571             renumber(map().addedPatchMap(), boundaryProcAddressing[procI]);
573             Info<< endl;
574         }
576         // See if any points on the mastermesh have become connected
577         // because of connections through processor meshes.
578         mergeSharedPoints(mergeDist, masterMesh, pointProcAddressing);
580         // Save some properties on the reconstructed mesh
581         masterInternalFaces = masterMesh.nInternalFaces();
582         masterOwner = masterMesh.faceOwner();
585         Info<< "\nWriting merged mesh to "
586             << runTime.path()/runTime.timeName()
587             << nl << endl;
589         if (!masterMesh.write())
590         {
591             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
592                 << "Failed writing polyMesh."
593                 << exit(FatalError);
594         }
595     }
598     // Write the addressing
600     Info<< "Reconstructing the addressing from the processor meshes"
601         << " to the newly reconstructed mesh" << nl << endl;
603     forAll(databases, procI)
604     {
605         Info<< "Reading processor " << procI << " mesh from "
606             << databases[procI].caseName() << endl;
608         polyMesh procMesh
609         (
610             IOobject
611             (
612                 regionName,
613                 databases[procI].timeName(),
614                 databases[procI]
615             )
616         );
619         // From processor point to reconstructed mesh point
621         Info<< "Writing pointProcAddressing to "
622             << databases[procI].caseName()
623               /procMesh.facesInstance()
624               /polyMesh::meshSubDir
625             << endl;
627         labelIOList
628         (
629             IOobject
630             (
631                 "pointProcAddressing",
632                 procMesh.facesInstance(),
633                 polyMesh::meshSubDir,
634                 procMesh,
635                 IOobject::NO_READ,
636                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
637                 false                       // do not register
638             ),
639             pointProcAddressing[procI]
640         ).write();
643         // From processor face to reconstructed mesh face
645         Info<< "Writing faceProcAddressing to "
646             << databases[procI].caseName()
647               /procMesh.facesInstance()
648               /polyMesh::meshSubDir
649             << endl;
651         labelIOList faceProcAddr
652         (
653             IOobject
654             (
655                 "faceProcAddressing",
656                 procMesh.facesInstance(),
657                 polyMesh::meshSubDir,
658                 procMesh,
659                 IOobject::NO_READ,
660                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
661                 false                       // do not register
662             ),
663             faceProcAddressing[procI]
664         );
666         // Now add turning index to faceProcAddressing.
667         // See reconstrurPar for meaning of turning index.
668         forAll(faceProcAddr, procFaceI)
669         {
670             label masterFaceI = faceProcAddr[procFaceI];
672             if
673             (
674                !procMesh.isInternalFace(procFaceI)
675              && masterFaceI < masterInternalFaces
676             )
677             {
678                 // proc face is now external but used to be internal face.
679                 // Check if we have owner or neighbour.
681                 label procOwn = procMesh.faceOwner()[procFaceI];
682                 label masterOwn = masterOwner[masterFaceI];
684                 if (cellProcAddressing[procI][procOwn] == masterOwn)
685                 {
686                     // No turning. Offset by 1.
687                     faceProcAddr[procFaceI]++;
688                 }
689                 else
690                 {
691                     // Turned face.
692                     faceProcAddr[procFaceI] =
693                         -1 - faceProcAddr[procFaceI];
694                 }
695             }
696             else
697             {
698                 // No turning. Offset by 1.
699                 faceProcAddr[procFaceI]++;
700             }
701         }
703         faceProcAddr.write();
706         // From processor cell to reconstructed mesh cell
708         Info<< "Writing cellProcAddressing to "
709             << databases[procI].caseName()
710               /procMesh.facesInstance()
711               /polyMesh::meshSubDir
712             << endl;
714         labelIOList
715         (
716             IOobject
717             (
718                 "cellProcAddressing",
719                 procMesh.facesInstance(),
720                 polyMesh::meshSubDir,
721                 procMesh,
722                 IOobject::NO_READ,
723                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
724                 false                       // do not register
725             ),
726             cellProcAddressing[procI]
727         ).write();
731         // From processor patch to reconstructed mesh patch
733         Info<< "Writing boundaryProcAddressing to "
734             << databases[procI].caseName()
735               /procMesh.facesInstance()
736               /polyMesh::meshSubDir
737             << endl;
739         labelIOList
740         (
741             IOobject
742             (
743                 "boundaryProcAddressing",
744                 procMesh.facesInstance(),
745                 polyMesh::meshSubDir,
746                 procMesh,
747                 IOobject::NO_READ,
748                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
749                 false                       // do not register
750             ),
751             boundaryProcAddressing[procI]
752         ).write();
754         Info<< endl;
755     }
757     Info<< "End.\n" << endl;
759     return 0;
763 // ************************************************************************* //