BUG: UIPread: missing constructor
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / etc / controlDict
1 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
2 | =========                 |                                                 |
3 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
4 |  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2.0.0                                 |
5 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.org                      |
6 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
7 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 FoamFile
10     version     2.0;
11     format      ascii;
12     class       dictionary;
13     object      controlDict;
16 // NB: the #functions do not work here
17 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
19 Documentation
21     docBrowser      "firefox %f";
22     doxyDocDirs
23     (
24         "$WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/html"
25         "~OpenFOAM/html"
26         "$WM_PROJECT_DIR/doc/Doxygen/html"
27     );
28     doxySourceFileExts
29     (
30         "App_8C.html"
31         "_8C.html"
32     );
36 InfoSwitches
38     writePrecision  6;
39     writeJobInfo    0;
40     writeDictionaries 0;
42     // Allow case-supplied C++ code (#codeStream, codedFixedValue)
43     allowSystemOperations   0;
47 OptimisationSwitches
49     fileModificationSkew 10;
51     //- Modification checking:
52     //  - timeStamp         : use modification time on file
53     //  - inotify           : use inotify framework
54     //  - timeStampMaster   : do time stamp (and file reading) only on master.
55     //  - inotifyMaster     : do inotify (and file reading) only on master.
56     fileModificationChecking timeStampMaster;//inotify;timeStamp;inotifyMaster;
58     commsType       nonBlocking; //scheduled; //blocking;
59     floatTransfer   0;
60     nProcsSimpleSum 0;
64 DebugSwitches
66     Analytical          0;
67     APIdiffCoefFunc     0;
68     Ar                  0;
69     BICCG               0;
70     BirdCarreau         0;
71     C10H22              0;
72     C12H26              0;
73     C13H28              0;
74     C14H30              0;
75     C16H34              0;
76     C2H5OH              0;
77     C2H6                0;
78     C2H6O               0;
79     C3H6O               0;
80     C3H8                0;
81     C4H10O              0;
82     C6H14               0;
83     C6H6                0;
84     C7H16               0;
85     C7H8                0;
86     C8H10               0;
87     C8H18               0;
88     C9H20               0;
89     CH3OH               0;
90     CH4N2O              0;
91     CarnahanStarling    0;
92     CallbackRegistry    0;
93     CentredFitData<biLinearFitPolynomial>           0;
94     CentredFitData<linearFitPolynomial>             0;
95     CentredFitData<quadraticFitPolynomial>          0;
96     CentredFitData<quadraticLinearFitPolynomial>    0;
97     ChomiakInjector     0;
98     Cloud<basicKinematicParcel> 0;
99     Cloud<basicReactingParcel>  0;
100     Cloud<basicThermoParcel>    0;
101     Cloud<indexedParticle>  0;
102     Cloud<parcel>           0;
103     Cloud<passiveParticle>  0;
104     Cloud<trackedParticle>  0;
105     CoEuler             0;
106     CompositionModel    0;
107     ConeInjection       0;
108     Constant            0;
109     ConstantRateDevolatilisation    0;
110     CrankNicholson      0;
111     CrossPowerLaw       0;
112     Cs                  0;
113     DIC                 0;
114     DICGaussSeidel      0;
115     DILU                0;
116     DILUGaussSeidel     0;
117     DataEntry           0;
118     DeardorffDiffStress 0;
119     DispersionModel     0;
120     DispersionRASModel  0;
121     DragModel           0;
122     ETAB                0;
123     Ergun               0;
124     Euler               0;
125     EulerImplicit       0;
126     EulerRotation       0;
127     extendedCellToFaceStencil 0;
128     FDIC                0;
129     FaceCellWave        0;
130     GAMG                0;
131     GAMGAgglomeration   0;
132     GAMGInterface       0;
133     GAMGInterfaceField  0;
134     Gamma               0;
135     Gamma01             0;
136     GammaV              0;
137     Gauss               0;
138     GaussSeidel         0;
139     Gibilaro            0;
140     Gidaspow            0;
141     GidaspowErgunWenYu  0;
142     GidaspowSchillerNaumann 0;
143     GradientDispersionRAS   0;
144     Gulders             0;
145     GuldersEGR          0;
146     H2O                 0;
147     HashTable           0;
148     HeatTransferModel   0;
149     HerschelBulkley     0;
150     HrenyaSinclair      0;
151     IC8H18              0;
152     ICCG                0;
153     IDDESDelta          0;
154     IDEA                0;
155     IFstream            0;
156     IOMap<dictionary>   0;
157     IOPtrList<MRFZone>  0;
158     IOPtrList<coordinateSystem> 0;
159     IOPtrList<injector> 0;
160     IOPtrList<porousZone>   0;
161     IOobject            0;
162     InjectionModel      0;
163     IntegrationScheme   0;
164     JohnsonJackson      0;
165     KRR4                0;
166     KinematicCloud<basicKinematicParcel> 0;
167     KinematicCloud<basicReactingParcel> 0;
168     KinematicCloud<basicThermoParcel>   0;
169     KinematicParcel<basicReactingParcel> 0;
170     KinematicParcel<basicThermoParcel>  0;
171     LESModel            0;
172     LESdelta            0;
173     LESfilter           0;
174     LISA                0;
175     LRR                 0;
176     LRRDiffStress       0;
177     LamBremhorstKE      0;
178     LaunderGibsonRSTM   0;
179     LaunderSharmaKE     0;
180     LienCubicKE         0;
181     LienCubicKELowRe    0;
182     LienLeschzinerLowRe 0;
183     MB                  0;
184     MC                  0;
185     MCV                 0;
186     MUSCL               0;
187     MUSCL01             0;
188     MUSCLV              0;
189     ManualInjection     0;
190     MarshakRadiation    0;
191     MarshakRadiationFixedT  0;
192     MassTransferModel   0;
193     MeshWave            0;
194     Minmod              0;
195     MinmodV             0;
196     N2                  0;
197     NSRDSfunc0          0;
198     NSRDSfunc1          0;
199     NSRDSfunc14         0;
200     NSRDSfunc2          0;
201     NSRDSfunc3          0;
202     NSRDSfunc4          0;
203     NSRDSfunc5          0;
204     NSRDSfunc6          0;
205     NSRDSfunc7          0;
206     Newtonian           0;
207     NoDispersion        0;
208     NoDrag              0;
209     NoHeatTransfer      0;
210     NoInjection         0;
211     NoMassTransfer      0;
212     NoSurfaceReaction   0;
213     NonlinearKEShih     0;
214     ODE                 0;
215     ODESolver           0;
216     OFstream            0;
217     ORourke             0;
218     OSPRE               0;
219     OSPREV              0;
220     P1                  0;
221     PBiCG               0;
222     PCG                 0;
223     PackedList          0;
224     ParSortableList     0;
225     PatchToPatchInterpolation 0;
226     Phi                 0;
227     PointEdgeWave       0;
228     POSIX               0;
229     Prandtl             0;
230     PrimitivePatch      0;
231     Pstream             0;
232     QUICK               0;
233     QUICKV              0;
234     QZeta               0;
235     RASModel            0;
236     RK                  0;
237     RNGkEpsilon         0;
238     RanzMarshall        0;
239     ReactingCloud<basicReactingParcel>  0;
240     ReactingParcel<basicReactingParcel> 0;
241     Rebound             0;
242     ReitzDiwakar        0;
243     ReitzKHRT           0;
244     RosinRammler        0;
245     RutlandFlashBoil    0;
246     SDA                 0;
247     SFCD                0;
248     SFCDV               0;
249     SHF                 0;
250     SIBS                0;
251     SKA                 0;
252     SLTS                0;
253     SRFModel            0;
254     SRFVelocity         0;
255     STARCDRotation      0;
256     Schaeffer           0;
257     SchillerNaumann     0;
258     SinclairJackson     0;
259     SingleKineticRateDevolatilisation 0;
260     SingleMixtureFraction   0;
261     Smagorinsky         0;
262     SpalartAllmaras     0;
263     SpalartAllmarasDDES 0;
264     SpalartAllmarasIDDES    0;
265     SphereDrag          0;
266     StandardWallInteraction 0;
267     StaticHashTable     0;
268     StochasticDispersionRAS 0;
269     SuperBee            0;
270     SuperBeeV           0;
271     SurfaceReactionModel 0;
272     Syamlal             0;
273     SyamlalOBrien       0;
274     SyamlalRogersOBrien 0;
275     TAB                 0;
276     Table               0;
277     ThermoCloud<basicReactingParcel>    0;
278     ThermoCloud<basicThermoParcel>      0;
279     ThermoParcel<basicReactingParcel>   0;
280     ThermoParcel<basicThermoParcel>     0;
281     UMIST               0;
282     UMISTV              0;
283     UpwindFitData<cubicUpwindFitPolynomial> 0;
284     UpwindFitData<quadraticLinearUpwindFitPolynomial> 0;
285     UpwindFitData<quadraticUpwindFitPolynomial>     0;
286     WallInteractionModel 0;
287     WenYu               0;
288     aC11H10             0;
289     absorptionEmissionModel 0;
290     addCell             0;
291     addFace             0;
292     addPatchCellLayer   0;
293     addPoint            0;
294     advective           0;
295     algebraicPair       0;
296     alphaContactAngle   0;
297     alphaFixedPressure  0;
298     alphatWallFunction  0;
299     angularOscillatingDisplacement  0;
300     angularOscillatingVelocity  0;
301     anisotropic         0;
302     ash                 0;
303     atomizationModel    0;
304     attachDetach        0;
305     autoHexMeshDriver   0;
306     autoLayerDriver     0;
307     autoRefineDriver    0;
308     autoSnapDriver      0;
309     bC11H10             0;
310     backward            0;
311     basePatch           0;
312     basicKinematicCloud 0;
313     basicKinematicParcel 0;
314     basicMixture        0;
315     basicReactingCloud  0;
316     basicReactingParcel 0;
317     basicThermo         0;
318     basicThermoCloud    0;
319     basicThermoParcel   0;
320     biLinearFit         0;
321     binaryAbsorptionEmission 0;
322     blended             0;
323     blobsSheetAtomization   0;
324     blobsSwirlInjector  0;
325     booleanSurface      0;
326     boundaryCutter      0;
327     boundaryMesh        0;
328     boundaryToFace      0;
329     boundedBackward     0;
330     boxToCell           0;
331     boxToFace           0;
332     boxToPoint          0;
333     breakupModel        0;
334     calculated          0;
335     cell                0;
336     cellClassification  0;
337     cellCuts            0;
338     cellDistFuncs       0;
339     cellLimited         0;
340     cellList            0;
341     cellLooper          0;
342     cellMDLimited       0;
343     cellMotion          0;
344     cellPoint           0;
345     cellPointFace       0;
346     cellPointWeight     0;
347     cellSet             0;
348     cellToCell          0;
349     cellToFace          0;
350     cellToPoint         0;
351     cellZone            0;
352     centredCECStencil   0;
353     centredCFCStencil   0;
354     chemistryReader     0;
355     chemistrySolver     0;
356     chemkinReader       0;
357     clippedLinear       0;
358     cloud               0;
359     cloudAbsorptionEmission 0;
360     cloudScatter        0;
361     collisionModel      0;
362     combineFaces        0;
363     commSchedule        0;
364     commonRailInjector  0;
365     compound            0;
366     constInjector       0;
367     constant            0;
368     constantAbsorptionEmission  0;
369     constantAlphaContactAngle   0;
370     constantScatter     0;
371     coordinateRotation  0;
372     coordinateSystem    0;
373     coordinateSystems   0;
374     corrected           0;
375     coupled             0;
376     cubeRootVol         0;
377     cubic               0;
378     cubicUpwindFit      0;
379     curve               0;
380     cyclic              0;
381     cyclicLduInterface  0;
382     cyclicLduInterfaceField 0;
383     cylinderToCell      0;
384     cylindrical         0;
385     decompositionMethod 0;
386     definedHollowConeInjector 0;
387     definedInjector     0;
388     definedPressureSwirlInjector 0;
389     diagTensorField     0;
390     diagonal            0;
391     dictionary          0;
392     dimensionSet        1;
393     directMappedBase    0;
394     directMappedPatch   0;
395     directMappedVelocityFlux 0;
396     directionMixed      0;
397     directional         0;
398     disallowGenericFvPatchField 0;
399     disallowGenericPointPatchField 0;
400     disallowGenericPolyPatch    0;
401     dispersionLESModel  0;
402     dispersionModel     0;
403     dispersionRASModel  0;
404     displacementComponentLaplacian 0;
405     displacementInterpolation 0;
406     displacementLaplacian 0;
407     displacementSBRStress 0;
408     distanceSurface     0;
409     distribution        0;
410     downwind            0;
411     dragModel           0;
412     duplicatePoints     0;
413     dx                  0;
414     dynMixedSmagorinsky 0;
415     dynOneEqEddy        0;
416     dynSmagorinsky      0;
417     dynamicAlphaContactAngle 0;
418     dynamicFvMesh       0;
419     dynamicInkJetFvMesh 0;
420     dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh 0;
421     dynamicRefineFvMesh 0;
422     edgeIntersections   0;
423     edgeList            0;
424     edgeSurface         0;
425     empty               0;
426     engineMesh          0;
427     enrichedPatch       0;
428     epsilonWallFunction 0;
429     errorDrivenRefinement   0;
430     evaporationModel    0;
431     exponential         0;
432     extendedLeastSquares    0;
433     extendedLeastSquaresVectors 0;
434     face                0;
435     faceAreaPair        0;
436     faceCoupleInfo      0;
437     faceLimited         0;
438     faceList            0;
439     faceMDLimited       0;
440     faceSet             0;
441     faceToCell          0;
442     faceToFace          0;
443     faceToPoint         0;
444     faceZone            0;
445     fan                 0;
446     featureEdgeMesh     0;
447     fieldToCell         0;
448     file                0;
449     fileName            2;
450     filteredLinear      0;
451     filteredLinear2     0;
452     filteredLinear2V    0;
453     filteredLinear3     0;
454     filteredLinear3V    0;
455     fixedEnthalpy       0;
456     buoyantPressure 0;
457     fixedFluxBoussinesqBuoyantPressure 0;
458     fixedFluxPressure   0;
459     fixedGradient       0;
460     fixedInternalEnergy 0;
461     fixedInternalValue  0;
462     fixedNormalSlip     0;
463     fixedPressureCompressibleDensity 0;
464     fixedUnburntEnthalpy 0;
465     fixedValue          0;
466     flowRateInletVelocity   0;
467     fluxCorrectedVelocity   0;
468     foamChemistryReader 0;
469     foamFile            0;
470     forceCoeffs         0;
471     forces              0;
472     fourth              0;
473     freestream          0;
474     freestreamPressure  0;
475     frictionalStressModel   0;
476     functionObject      0;
477     fv                  0;
478     fvMesh              0;
479     fvMeshDistribute    0;
480     fvMotionSolver      0;
481     fvPatchField        0;
482     fvScalarMatrix      0;
483     fvSchemes           0;
484     fvSphericalTensorMatrix 0;
485     fvSymmTensorMatrix  0;
486     fvTensorMatrix      0;
487     fvVectorMatrix      0;
488     fvsPatchField       0;
489     general             0;
490     generic             0;
491     genericPatch        0;
492     geomCellLooper      0;
493     geometricSurfacePatch   0;
494     global              0;
495     globalIndexAndTransform 0;
496     globalMeshData      0;
497     globalPoints        0;
498     gnuplot             0;
499     gradientDispersionRAS   0;
500     gradientEnthalpy        0;
501     gradientInternalEnergy  0;
502     gradientUnburntEnthalpy 0;
503     granularPressureModel   0;
504     hCombustionThermo   0;
505     hMixtureThermo<dieselMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
506     hMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
507     hMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
508     hMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
509     hMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
510     hMixtureThermo<multiComponentMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
511     hMixtureThermo<reactingMixture> 0;
512     hMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
513     hMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
514     hThermo<pureMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
515     hThermo<pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
516     hThermo<pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
517     harmonic            0;
518     heatTransferModel   0;
519     hexCellLooper       0;
520     hexRef8             0;
521     hhuCombustionThermo 0;
522     hhuMixtureThermo<egrMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
523     hhuMixtureThermo<egrMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
524     hhuMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
525     hhuMixtureThermo<homogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
526     hhuMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
527     hhuMixtureThermo<inhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
528     hhuMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
529     hhuMixtureThermo<veryInhomogeneousMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>>> 0;
530     hierarchical        0;
531     hollowConeInjector  0;
532     iC3H8O              0;
533     indexedOctree       0;
534     indexedParticle     0;
535     injectorModel       0;
536     injectorType        0;
537     inletOutlet         0;
538     inletOutletTotalTemperature 0;
539     interfaceCompression 0;
540     intersectedSurface  0;
541     inverseDistance     0;
542     inverseFaceDistance 0;
543     inversePointDistance 0;
544     inverseVolume       0;
545     isoSurface          0;
546     isoSurfaceCell      0;
547     jplot               0;
548     jumpCyclic          0;
549     kEpsilon            0;
550     kOmega              0;
551     kOmegaSST           0;
552     kOmegaSSTSAS        0;
553     kqRWallFunction     0;
554     kinematicCloud      0;
555     labelField          0;
556     labelList           0;
557     labelListList       0;
558     labelToCell         0;
559     labelToFace         0;
560     labelToPoint        0;
561     laminar             0;
562     laminarFlameSpeed   0;
563     laplace             0;
564     layerAdditionRemoval 0;
565     layered             0;
566     lduInterface        0;
567     lduInterfaceField   0;
568     lduMatrix           1;
569     lduMesh             0;
570     leastSquares        0;
571     leastSquaresVectors 0;
572     level               2;
573     limitWith           0;
574     limited             0;
575     limitedCubic        0;
576     limitedCubic01      0;
577     limitedCubicV       0;
578     limitedGamma        0;
579     limitedLimitedCubic 0;
580     limitedLimitedLinear 0;
581     limitedLinear       0;
582     limitedLinear01     0;
583     limitedLinearV      0;
584     limitedMUSCL        0;
585     limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme 0;
586     limitedVanLeer      0;
587     linear              0;
588     linearFit           0;
589     linearUpwind        0;
590     linearUpwindV       0;
591     liquid              0;
592     locDynOneEqEddy     0;
593     localBlended        0;
594     localMax            0;
595     localMin            0;
596     localPointRegion    0;
597     lowReOneEqEddy      0;
598     manual              0;
599     meshCutAndRemove    0;
600     meshCutter          0;
601     meshModifier        0;
602     meshRefinement      0;
603     meshSearch          0;
604     meshToMesh          0;
605     metis               0;
606     midPoint            0;
607     midPointAndFace     0;
608     mixed               0;
609     mixedEnthalpy       0;
610     mixedInternalEnergy 0;
611     mixedSmagorinsky    0;
612     mixedUnburntEnthalpy 0;
613     mixerFvMesh         0;
614     modifyCell          0;
615     modifyFace          0;
616     modifyPoint         0;
617     motionDiffusivity   0;
618     motionDirectional   0;
619     motionSmoother      0;
620     motionSolver        0;
621     movingConeTopoFvMesh 0;
622     movingWallVelocity  0;
623     muSgsSpalartAllmarasWallFunction 0;
624     multiDirRefinement  0;
625     multiHoleInjector   0;
626     multiLevel          1;
627     multivariateSelection 0;
628     mutRoughWallFunction 0;
629     mutSpalartAllmarasStandardRoughWallFunction  0;
630     mutSpalartAllmarasStandardWallFunction  0;
631     mutSpalartAllmarasWallFunction  0;
632     mutWallFunction     0;
633     nC3H8O              0;
634     nbrToCell           0;
635     nearestToCell       0;
636     nearestToPoint      0;
637     noAbsorptionEmission 0;
638     noDragModel         0;
639     noRadiation         0;
640     none                0;
641     normal              0;
642     normalToFace        0;
643     nuSgsSpalartAllmarasWallFunction 0;
644     nutRoughWallFunction 0;
645     nutSpalartAllmarasStandardRoughWallFunction  0;
646     nutSpalartAllmarasStandardWallFunction  0;
647     nutSpalartAllmarasWallFunction  0;
648     nutWallFunction     0;
649     obj                 0;
650     objectRegistry      0;
651     octree              0;
652     octreeDataEdges     0;
653     octreeDataFace      0;
654     octreeDataFaceList  0;
655     octreeDataTriSurface 0;
656     off                 0;
657     omegaWallFunction   0;
658     oneEqEddy           0;
659     orientedSurface     0;
660     oscillatingDisplacement 0;
661     oscillatingFixedValue 0;
662     oscillatingVelocity 0;
663     outletInlet         0;
664     outletStabilised    0;
665     pair                0;
666     parabolicCylindrical 0;
667     parcel              0;
668     partialSlip         0;
669     passiveParticle     0;
670     patch               0;
671     patchToFace         0;
672     patchZones          0;
673     pdf                 0;
674     perfectInterface    0;
675     pointIndexHitList   0;
676     pointPatchField     0;
677     pointScalarField    0;
678     pointScalarField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
679     pointSet            0;
680     pointSphericalTensorField 0;
681     pointSphericalTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
682     pointSymmTensorField 0;
683     pointSymmTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
684     pointTensorField    0;
685     pointTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
686     pointToCell         0;
687     pointToFace         0;
688     pointToPoint        0;
689     pointVectorField    0;
690     pointVectorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
691     pointZone           0;
692     polyBoundaryMesh    0;
693     polyMesh            0;
694     polyMeshGeometry    0;
695     polyMeshInfo        0;
696     polyTopoChange      0;
697     polyTopoChanger     0;
698     powerLaw            0;
699     pressureDirectedInletOutletVelocity 0;
700     pressureDirectedInletVelocity 0;
701     pressureInletOutletVelocity 0;
702     pressureInletUniformVelocity 0;
703     pressureInletVelocity 0;
704     pressureNormalInletOutletVelocity 0;
705     pressureSwirlInjector 0;
706     primitiveMesh       0;
707     primitiveMeshGeometry 0;
708     probes              0;
709     processor           0;
710     processorLduInterface 0;
711     processorLduInterfaceField 0;
712     pureMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>> 0;
713     pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>> 0;
714     pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<janafThermo<perfectGas>>>> 0;
715     quadratic           0;
716     quadraticFit        0;
717     quadraticLinearFit  0;
718     quadraticLinearUpwindFit 0;
719     quadraticUpwindFit  0;
720     radiationModel      0;
721     raw                 0;
722     reactingCloud       0;
723     reaction            0;
724     realizableKE        0;
725     refinementHistory   0;
726     refinementIterator  0;
727     reflect             0;
728     regIOobject         0;
729     regionSplit         0;
730     regionToCell        0;
731     remove              0;
732     removeCell          0;
733     removeCells         0;
734     removeFace          0;
735     removeFaces         0;
736     removePoint         0;
737     removePoints        0;
738     reverseLinear       0;
739     rotatedBoxToCell    0;
740     rotatingPressureInletOutletVelocity 0;
741     rotatingTotalPressure 0;
742     sampledPatch        0;
743     sampledPlane        0;
744     sampledSet          0;
745     sampledSurface      0;
746     saturateEvaporationModel 0;
747     scalarAverageField  0;
748     scalarField         0;
749     scalarRange         0;
750     scaleSimilarity     0;
751     scatterModel        0;
752     searchableBox       0;
753     searchableSurface   0;
754     sequential          0;
755     setUpdater          0;
756     sets                0;
757     shapeList           0;
758     shapeToCell         0;
759     simple              0;
760     sixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint 0;
761     skewCorrected       0;
762     skewCorrectionVectors 0;
763     sliced              0;
764     slidingInterface    0;
765     slip                0;
766     smooth              0;
767     smoothSolver        0;
768     solid               0;
769     solidBodyMotionFunction 0;
770     solidBodyMotionFvMesh 0;
771     solution            0;
772     spectEddyVisc       0;
773     sphereToCell        0;
774     spherical           0;
775     sphericalTensorAverageField 0;
776     sphericalTensorField 0;
777     standardDragModel   0;
778     standardEvaporationModel 0;
779     staticFvMesh        0;
780     steadyState         0;
781     stl                 0;
782     string              0;
783     stochasticDispersionRAS 0;
784     supersonicFreestream 0;
785     surfaceFeatures     0;
786     surfaceInterpolation 0;
787     surfaceInterpolationScheme 0;
788     surfaceIntersection 0;
789     surfaceNormalFixedValue 0;
790     surfacePatch        0;
791     surfacePatchIOList  0;
792     surfaceScalarField  0;
793     surfaceScalarField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
794     surfaceSlipDisplacement 0;
795     surfaceSphericalTensorField 0;
796     surfaceSphericalTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
797     surfaceSymmTensorField 0;
798     surfaceSymmTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
799     surfaceTensorField 0;
800     surfaceTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
801     surfaceToCell       0;
802     surfaceToPoint      0;
803     surfaceVectorField  0;
804     surfaceVectorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
805     surfaceWriter       0;
806     surfaces            0;
807     swirlInjector       0;
808     symmTensorAverageField 0;
809     symmTensorField     0;
810     symmetryPlane       0;
811     syringePressure     0;
812     tensorAverageField  0;
813     tensorField         0;
814     tetDecomposedPolyMesh 0;
815     thermoCloud         0;
816     thermophysicalFunction 0;
817     time                0;
818     timeVaryingAlphaContactAngle 0;
819     timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocity 0;
820     timeVaryingMappedFixedValue 0;
821     timeVaryingTotalPressure 0;
822     timeVaryingUniformFixedValue 0;
823     timer               0;
824     topoAction          0;
825     topoCellLooper      0;
826     topoChangerFvMesh   0;
827     topoSet             0;
828     topoSetSource       0;
829     toroidal            0;
830     totalPressure       0;
831     totalTemperature    0;
832     trackedParticle     0;
833     trajectory          0;
834     transform           0;
835     treeDataCell        0;
836     treeDataFace        0;
837     treeDataTriSurface  0;
838     treeLeaf            0;
839     treeNode            0;
840     triSurface          0;
841     triSurfaceMesh      0;
842     turbulenceModel     0;
843     turbulentHeatFluxTemperature 0;
844     turbulentInlet      0;
845     turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInlet 0;
846     turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInlet 0;
847     turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInlet 0;
848     uncorrected         0;
849     undoableMeshCutter  0;
850     uniform             0;
851     uniformFixedValue   0;
852     unitInjector        0;
853     upwind              0;
854     upwindCFCStencil    0;
855     value               0;
856     vanAlbada           0;
857     vanAlbadaV          0;
858     vanDriest           0;
859     vanLeer             0;
860     vanLeer01           0;
861     vanLeerV            0;
862     vector2DField       0;
863     vectorAverageField  0;
864     vectorField         0;
865     velocityComponentLaplacian 0;
866     velocityLaplacian   0;
867     viscosityModel      0;
868     volPointInterpolation 0;
869     volScalarField      0;
870     volScalarField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
871     volSphericalTensorField 0;
872     volSphericalTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
873     volSymmTensorField  0;
874     volSymmTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
875     volTensorField      0;
876     volTensorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
877     volVectorField      0;
878     volVectorField::DimensionedInternalField 0;
879     vtk                 0;
880     walkPatch           0;
881     wall                0;
882     wallHeatTransfer    0;
883     wallLayerCells      0;
884     wallModel           0;
885     waveTransmissive    0;
886     wedge               0;
887     weighted            0;
888     word                2;
889     writer              0;
890     xmgr                0;
891     zeroGradient        0;
892     zoneToCell          0;
893     zoneToFace          0;
894     zoneToPoint         0;
898 DimensionedConstants
900     unitSet             SI; // USCS
902     SICoeffs
903     {
904         universal
905         {
906             c               c [ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 2.99792e+08;
907             G               G [ -1 3 -2 0 0 0 0 ] 6.67429e-11;
908             h               h [ 1 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 6.62607e-34;
909         }
910         electromagnetic
911         {
912             e               e [ 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ] 1.60218e-19;
913         }
914         atomic
915         {
916             me              me [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 9.10938e-31;
917             mp              mp [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1.67262e-27;
918         }
919         physicoChemical
920         {
921             mu              mu [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1.66054e-27;
922             k               k [ 1 2 -2 -1 0 0 0 ] 1.38065e-23;
923         }
924         standard
925         {
926             //- Standard pressure [Pa]
927             Pstd            Pstd [ 1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0 ] 100000;
928             //- Standard temperature [degK]
929             Tstd            Tstd [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] 298.15;
930         }
931     }
932     USCSCoeffs
933     {
934         universal
935         {
936             c               c [ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 9.83558e+08;
937             G               G [ -1 3 -2 0 0 0 0 ] 1.06909e-09;
938             h               h [ 1 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 1.57234e-32;
939         }
940         electromagnetic
941         {
942             e               e [ 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ] 1.60218e-19;
943         }
944         atomic
945         {
946             me              me [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 2.00825e-30;
947             mp              mp [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 3.68746e-27;
948         }
949         physicoChemical
950         {
951             mu              mu [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 3.66083e-27;
952             k               k [ 1 2 -2 -1 0 0 0 ] 1.82012e-22;
953         }
954         standard
955         {
956             //- Standard pressure [lbm/ft^2]
957             Pstd            Pstd [ 1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0 ] 2088.6;
958             //- Standard temperature [degR]
959             Tstd            Tstd [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] 536.67;
960         }
961     }
965 // ************************************************************************* //