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[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / applications / solvers / combustion / rhoReactingFoam / createFields.H
1 Info<< nl << "Reading thermophysicalProperties" << endl;
2 autoPtr<rhoChemistryModel> pChemistry
4     rhoChemistryModel::New(mesh)
5 );
6 rhoChemistryModel& chemistry = pChemistry();
8 hsReactionThermo& thermo = chemistry.thermo();
10 basicMultiComponentMixture& composition = thermo.composition();
11 PtrList<volScalarField>& Y = composition.Y();
13 word inertSpecie(thermo.lookup("inertSpecie"));
15 volScalarField rho
17     IOobject
18     (
19         "rho",
20         runTime.timeName(),
21         mesh
22     ),
23     thermo.rho()
26 Info<< "Reading field U\n" << endl;
27 volVectorField U
29     IOobject
30     (
31         "U",
32         runTime.timeName(),
33         mesh,
34         IOobject::MUST_READ,
35         IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
36     ),
37     mesh
41 volScalarField& p = thermo.p();
42 const volScalarField& psi = thermo.psi();
43 volScalarField& hs = thermo.hs();
44 const volScalarField& T = thermo.T();
47 #include "compressibleCreatePhi.H"
49 volScalarField kappa
51     IOobject
52     (
53         "kappa",
54         runTime.timeName(),
55         mesh,
56         IOobject::NO_READ,
57         IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
58     ),
59     mesh,
60     dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0.0)
63 Info << "Creating turbulence model.\n" << nl;
64 autoPtr<compressible::turbulenceModel> turbulence
66     compressible::turbulenceModel::New
67     (
68         rho,
69         U,
70         phi,
71         thermo
72     )
75 Info<< "Creating field DpDt\n" << endl;
76 volScalarField DpDt
78     fvc::DDt(surfaceScalarField("phiU", phi/fvc::interpolate(rho)), p)
81 multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme<scalar>::fieldTable fields;
83 forAll(Y, i)
85     fields.add(Y[i]);
87 fields.add(hs);
89 DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> chemistrySh
91     IOobject
92     (
93         "chemistry::Sh",
94         runTime.timeName(),
95         mesh,
96         IOobject::NO_READ,
97         IOobject::NO_WRITE
98     ),
99     mesh,
100     dimensionedScalar("chemistrySh", dimEnergy/dimTime/dimVolume, 0.0)