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[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / tutorials / heatTransfer / buoyantSimpleFoam / buoyantCavity / validation / exptData / mv_z0_10_lo.dat
1 # Natural Convection in Tall Cavity: Ra=8.6E+5
2 # Expts of Betts and Bokhari
3 # Vertical mean velocity profile through z=0, y/H=0.10
4 # x (mm) V (m/s)
5 1.5 -0.049
6 3.5 -0.086
7 5.5 -0.095
8 7.5 -0.101
9 9.5 -0.098
10 10.5 -0.096
11 12.5 -0.087
12 14.5 -0.081
13 16.5 -0.078
14 18.5 -0.07
15 20.5 -0.064
16 25.5 -0.052
17 30.5 -0.044
18 35.5 -0.028
19 38.2 -0.019
20 43.2 -0.011
21 48.2 0.003
22 53.2 0.023
23 58.2 0.038
24 60.2 0.055
25 62.2 0.07
26 64.2 0.09
27 66.2 0.121
28 68.2 0.151
29 69.2 0.168
30 70.2 0.18
31 71.2 0.19
32 72.2 0.192
33 73.2 0.193
34 74.2 0.16