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[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / tutorials / heatTransfer / buoyantSimpleFoam / buoyantCavity / validation / exptData / mv_z0_30_lo.dat
1 # Natural Convection in Tall Cavity: Ra=8.6E+5
2 # Expts of Betts and Bokhari
3 # Vertical mean velocity profile through z=0, y/H=0.30
4 # x (mm) V (m/s)
5 3 -0.114
6 5 -0.123
7 7 -0.131
8 8 -0.135
9 9 -0.129
10 10 -0.121
11 12 -0.11
12 14 -0.099
13 16 -0.09
14 18 -0.08
15 23 -0.059
16 28 -0.043
17 33 -0.02
18 38 -0.006
19 43 0.016
20 48 0.051
21 51.2 0.063
22 56.2 0.092
23 58.2 0.097
24 60.2 0.105
25 62.2 0.118
26 64.2 0.124
27 66.2 0.132
28 68.2 0.136
29 70.2 0.142
30 71.2 0.141
31 72.2 0.14
32 73.2 0.121
33 74.2 0.089