Transferred copyright to the OpenFOAM Foundation
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / tutorials / heatTransfer / chtMultiRegionFoam / snappyMultiRegionHeater / Allrun
1 #!/bin/sh
2 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1 # run from this directory
5 # Source tutorial run functions
6 . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
8 rm -rf constant/polyMesh/sets
10 runApplication blockMesh
11 runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract -includedAngle 150 constant/triSurface/bottomAir.stl bottomAir
12 mv log.surfaceFeatureExtract log.surfaceFeatureExtract.bottom
13 runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract -includedAngle 150 constant/triSurface/heater.stl heater
14 mv log.surfaceFeatureExtract log.surfaceFeatureExtract.heater
15 runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract -includedAngle 150 constant/triSurface/leftSolid.stl leftSolid
16 mv log.surfaceFeatureExtract log.surfaceFeatureExtract.leftSolid
17 runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract -includedAngle 150 constant/triSurface/rightSolid.stl rightSolid
18 mv log.surfaceFeatureExtract log.surfaceFeatureExtract.rightSolid
19 runApplication surfaceFeatureExtract -includedAngle 150 constant/triSurface/topAir.stl topAir
20 mv log.surfaceFeatureExtract log.surfaceFeatureExtract.topAir
22 runApplication snappyHexMesh -overwrite
23 runApplication splitMeshRegions -cellZones -overwrite
25 # remove fluid fields from solid regions (important for post-processing)
26 for i in heater leftSolid rightSolid
28 rm -f 0*/$i/{mut,alphat,epsilon,k,p,U,p_rgh}
29 done
31 # No solid fields to remove from fluid regions (important for post-processing)
32 for i in bottomAir topAir
34 rm -f 0*/$i/{Ypmma, Ychar}
35 done
37 for i in bottomAir topAir heater leftSolid rightSolid
39 changeDictionary -region $i > log.changeDictionary.$i 2>&1
40 done
43 #-- Run on single processor
44 runApplication `getApplication`
47 ## Decompose
48 #for i in bottomAir topAir heater leftSolid rightSolid
49 #do
50 # decomposePar -region $i > log.decomposePar.$i 2>&1
51 #done
53 ## Run
54 #runParallel `getApplication` 4
56 ## Reconstruct
57 #for i in bottomAir topAir heater leftSolid rightSolid
58 #do
59 # reconstructPar -region $i > log.reconstructPar.$i 2>&1
60 #done
63 echo
64 echo "creating files for paraview post-processing"
65 echo
66 for i in bottomAir topAir heater leftSolid rightSolid
68 paraFoam -touch -region $i
69 done
71 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file