Merge branch 'master' of
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / regionModels / pyrolysisModels / reactingOneDim / reactingOneDim.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "reactingOneDim.H"
27 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
28 #include "directMappedPatchBase.H"
29 #include "mapDistribute.H"
30 #include "zeroGradientFvPatchFields.H"
31 #include "surfaceInterpolate.H"
32 #include "fvm.H"
33 #include "fvcDiv.H"
34 #include "fvcVolumeIntegrate.H"
35 #include "fvMatrices.H"
37 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
39 namespace Foam
41 namespace regionModels
43 namespace pyrolysisModels
46 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
48 defineTypeNameAndDebug(reactingOneDim, 0);
50 addToRunTimeSelectionTable(pyrolysisModel, reactingOneDim, mesh);
52 // * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
54 bool reactingOneDim::read()
56     if (pyrolysisModel::read())
57     {
58         const dictionary& solution = this->solution().subDict("SIMPLE");
59         solution.lookup("nNonOrthCorr") >> nNonOrthCorr_;
60         time_.controlDict().lookup("maxDi") >> maxDiff_;
62         coeffs().lookup("radFluxName") >> primaryRadFluxName_;
63         coeffs().lookup("minimumDelta") >> minimumDelta_;
64         return true;
65     }
66     else
67     {
68         return false;
69     }
73 void reactingOneDim::updateQr()
75     // Retrieve field from coupled region using mapped boundary conditions
76     QrCoupled_.correctBoundaryConditions();
78     // Update local Qr from coupled Qr field
79     Qr_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", Qr_.dimensions(), 0.0);
80     forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs_, i)
81     {
82         const label patchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i];
84         scalarField& Qrp = Qr_.boundaryField()[patchI];
86         // Qr is negative going out the solid
87         // If the surface is emitting the radiative flux is set to zero
88         Qrp = max(Qrp, scalar(0.0));
89     }
91     // Propagate Qr through 1-D regions
92     forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs_, i)
93     {
94         const label patchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i];
96         const scalarField& Qrp = Qr_.boundaryField()[patchI];
97         const vectorField& Cf = regionMesh().Cf().boundaryField()[patchI];
99         forAll(Qrp, faceI)
100         {
101             const scalar Qr0 = Qrp[faceI];
102             point Cf0 = Cf[faceI];
103             const labelList& cells = boundaryFaceCells_[faceI];
104             scalar kappaInt = 0.0;
105             forAll(cells, k)
106             {
107                 const label cellI = cells[k];
108                 const point& Cf1 = regionMesh().cellCentres()[cellI];
109                 const scalar delta = mag(Cf1 - Cf0);
110                 kappaInt += kappa_[cellI]*delta;
111                 Qr_[cellI] = Qr0*exp(-kappaInt);
112                 Cf0 = Cf1;
113             }
114         }
115     }
117     Qr_.correctBoundaryConditions();
121 void reactingOneDim::updatePhiGas()
123     phiHsGas_ ==  dimensionedScalar("zero", phiHsGas_.dimensions(), 0.0);
124     phiGas_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", phiGas_.dimensions(), 0.0);
126     const speciesTable& gasTable = solidChemistry_->gasTable();
128     forAll(gasTable, gasI)
129     {
130         tmp<volScalarField> tHsiGas = solidChemistry_->gasHs(T_, gasI);
131         tmp<volScalarField> tRRiGas = solidChemistry_->RRg(gasI);
133         const volScalarField& HsiGas = tHsiGas();
134         const volScalarField& RRiGas = tRRiGas();
136         const surfaceScalarField HsiGasf(fvc::interpolate(HsiGas));
137         const surfaceScalarField RRiGasf(fvc::interpolate(RRiGas));
139         forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs_, i)
140         {
141             const label patchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i];
142             const scalarField& phiGasp = phiHsGas_.boundaryField()[patchI];
144             forAll(phiGasp, faceI)
145             {
146                 const labelList& cells = boundaryFaceCells_[faceI];
147                 scalar massInt = 0.0;
148                 forAllReverse(cells, k)
149                 {
150                     const label cellI = cells[k];
151                     massInt += RRiGas[cellI]*regionMesh().V()[cellI];
152                     phiHsGas_[cellI] += massInt*HsiGas[cellI];
153                 }
155                 phiGas_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] += massInt;
157                 if (debug)
158                 {
159                     Info<< " Gas : " << gasTable[gasI]
160                         << " on patch : " << patchI
161                         << " mass produced at face(local) : "
162                         <<  faceI
163                         << " is : " << massInt
164                         << " [kg/s] " << endl;
165                 }
166             }
167         }
168         tHsiGas().clear();
169     }
173 void reactingOneDim::updateFields()
175     updateQr();
177     updatePhiGas();
181 void reactingOneDim::updateMesh(const scalarField& mass0)
183     if (!moveMesh_)
184     {
185         return;
186     }
188     const scalarField newV(mass0/rho_);
190     Info<< "Initial/final volumes = " << gSum(regionMesh().V()) << ", "
191         << gSum(newV) << " [m3]" << endl;
193     // move the mesh
194     const labelList moveMap = moveMesh(regionMesh().V() - newV, minimumDelta_);
196     // flag any cells that have not moved as non-reacting
197     forAll(moveMap, i)
198     {
199         if (moveMap[i] == 0)
200         {
201             solidChemistry_->setCellReacting(i, false);
202         }
203     }
207 void reactingOneDim::solveContinuity()
209     if (debug)
210     {
211         Info<< "reactingOneDim::solveContinuity()" << endl;
212     }
214     solve
215     (
216         fvm::ddt(rho_)
217      ==
218       - solidChemistry_->RRg()
219     );
223 void reactingOneDim::solveSpeciesMass()
225     if (debug)
226     {
227         Info<< "reactingOneDim::solveSpeciesMass()" << endl;
228     }
230     volScalarField Yt(0.0*Ys_[0]);
232     for (label i=0; i<Ys_.size()-1; i++)
233     {
234         volScalarField& Yi = Ys_[i];
236         fvScalarMatrix YiEqn
237         (
238             fvm::ddt(rho_, Yi)
239          ==
240             solidChemistry_->RRs(i)
241         );
243         if (moveMesh_)
244         {
245             surfaceScalarField phiRhoMesh
246             (
247                 fvc::interpolate(Yi*rho_)*regionMesh().phi()
248             );
250             YiEqn -= fvc::div(phiRhoMesh);
251         }
253         YiEqn.solve(regionMesh().solver("Yi"));
254         Yi.max(0.0);
255         Yt += Yi;
256     }
258     Ys_[Ys_.size() - 1] = 1.0 - Yt;
262 void reactingOneDim::solveEnergy()
264     if (debug)
265     {
266         Info<< "reactingOneDim::solveEnergy()" << endl;
267     }
269     const volScalarField rhoCp(rho_*solidThermo_.Cp());
271     const surfaceScalarField phiQr(fvc::interpolate(Qr_)*nMagSf());
273     const surfaceScalarField phiGas(fvc::interpolate(phiHsGas_));
275     fvScalarMatrix TEqn
276     (
277         fvm::ddt(rhoCp, T_)
278       - fvm::laplacian(K_, T_)
279      ==
280         chemistrySh_
281       + fvc::div(phiQr)
282       + fvc::div(phiGas)
283     );
285     if (moveMesh_)
286     {
287         surfaceScalarField phiMesh
288         (
289             fvc::interpolate(rhoCp*T_)*regionMesh().phi()
290         );
292         TEqn -= fvc::div(phiMesh);
293     }
295     TEqn.relax();
296     TEqn.solve();
298     Info<< "pyrolysis min/max(T) = " << min(T_).value() << ", "
299         << max(T_).value() << endl;
303 void reactingOneDim::calculateMassTransfer()
305     totalGasMassFlux_ = 0;
306     forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs_, i)
307     {
308         const label patchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i];
309         totalGasMassFlux_ += gSum(phiGas_.boundaryField()[patchI]);
310     }
312     if (infoOutput_)
313     {
314         totalHeatRR_ = fvc::domainIntegrate(chemistrySh_);
316         addedGasMass_ +=
317             fvc::domainIntegrate(solidChemistry_->RRg())*time_.deltaT();
318         lostSolidMass_ +=
319             fvc::domainIntegrate(solidChemistry_->RRs())*time_.deltaT();
320     }
324 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
326 reactingOneDim::reactingOneDim(const word& modelType, const fvMesh& mesh)
328     pyrolysisModel(modelType, mesh),
329     solidChemistry_(solidChemistryModel::New(regionMesh())),
330     solidThermo_(solidChemistry_->solidThermo()),
331     kappa_(solidThermo_.kappa()),
332     K_(solidThermo_.K()),
333     rho_(solidThermo_.rho()),
334     Ys_(solidThermo_.composition().Y()),
335     T_(solidThermo_.T()),
336     primaryRadFluxName_(coeffs().lookupOrDefault<word>("radFluxName", "Qr")),
337     nNonOrthCorr_(-1),
338     maxDiff_(10),
339     minimumDelta_(1e-4),
341     phiGas_
342     (
343         IOobject
344         (
345             "phiGas",
346             time().timeName(),
347             regionMesh(),
348             IOobject::NO_READ,
349             IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
350         ),
351         regionMesh(),
352         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimTime, 0.0)
353     ),
355     phiHsGas_
356     (
357         IOobject
358         (
359             "phiHsGas",
360             time().timeName(),
361             regionMesh(),
362             IOobject::NO_READ,
363             IOobject::NO_WRITE
364         ),
365         regionMesh(),
366         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy/dimTime, 0.0)
367     ),
369     chemistrySh_
370     (
371         IOobject
372         (
373             "chemistrySh",
374             time().timeName(),
375             regionMesh(),
376             IOobject::NO_READ,
377             IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
378         ),
379         regionMesh(),
380         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy/dimTime/dimVolume, 0.0)
381     ),
383     QrCoupled_
384     (
385         IOobject
386         (
387             primaryRadFluxName_,
388             time().timeName(),
389             regionMesh(),
390             IOobject::MUST_READ,
391             IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
392         ),
393         regionMesh()
394     ),
396     Qr_
397     (
398         IOobject
399         (
400             "QrPyr",
401             time().timeName(),
402             regionMesh(),
403             IOobject::NO_READ,
404             IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
405         ),
406         regionMesh(),
407         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy/dimArea/dimTime, 0.0),
408         zeroGradientFvPatchVectorField::typeName
409     ),
411     lostSolidMass_(dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0)),
412     addedGasMass_(dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0)),
413     totalGasMassFlux_(0.0),
414     totalHeatRR_(dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy/dimTime, 0.0))
416     if (active_)
417     {
418         read();
419     }
423 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
425 reactingOneDim::~reactingOneDim()
429 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
431 scalar reactingOneDim::addMassSources(const label patchI, const label faceI)
433     label index = 0;
434     forAll(primaryPatchIDs_, i)
435     {
436         if (primaryPatchIDs_[i] == patchI)
437         {
438             index = i;
439             break;
440         }
441     }
443     const label localPatchId =  intCoupledPatchIDs_[index];
445     const scalar massAdded = phiGas_.boundaryField()[localPatchId][faceI];
447     if (debug)
448     {
449         Info<< "\nPyrolysis region: " << type() << "added mass : "
450             << massAdded << endl;
451     }
453     return massAdded;
457 scalar reactingOneDim::solidRegionDiffNo() const
459     scalar DiNum = 0.0;
460     scalar meanDiNum = 0.0;
461     if (regionMesh().nInternalFaces() > 0)
462     {
463         surfaceScalarField KrhoCpbyDelta
464         (
465             regionMesh().surfaceInterpolation::deltaCoeffs()
466           * fvc::interpolate(K_)
467           / fvc::interpolate(Cp()*rho_)
468         );
470         DiNum = max(KrhoCpbyDelta.internalField())*time_.deltaTValue();
472         meanDiNum = average(KrhoCpbyDelta.internalField())*time().deltaTValue();
473     }
475     return DiNum;
479 scalar reactingOneDim::maxDiff() const
481     return maxDiff_;
485 const volScalarField& reactingOneDim::rho() const
487     return rho_;
491 const volScalarField& reactingOneDim::T() const
493     return T_;
497 const tmp<volScalarField> reactingOneDim::Cp() const
499     return solidThermo_.Cp();
503 const volScalarField& reactingOneDim::kappa() const
505     return kappa_;
509 const volScalarField& reactingOneDim::K() const
511     return K_;
515 const surfaceScalarField& reactingOneDim::phiGas() const
517     return phiGas_;
521 void reactingOneDim::preEvolveRegion()
523     pyrolysisModel::preEvolveRegion();
525     // Initialise all cells as able to react
526     forAll(T_, cellI)
527     {
528         solidChemistry_->setCellReacting(cellI, true);
529     }
531     // De-activate reactions if pyrolysis region coupled to (valid) film
532     if (filmCoupled_)
533     {
534         const volScalarField& filmDelta = filmDeltaPtr_();
536         forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs_, i)
537         {
538             const label patchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i];
539             const scalarField& filmDeltap = filmDelta.boundaryField()[patchI];
541             forAll(filmDeltap, faceI)
542             {
543                 const scalar filmDelta0 = filmDeltap[faceI];
544                 if (filmDelta0 > reactionDeltaMin_)
545                 {
546                     const labelList& cells = boundaryFaceCells_[faceI];
548                     // TODO: only limit cell adjacent to film?
549                     //solidChemistry_->setCellNoReacting(cells[0])
551                     // Propagate flag through 1-D region
552                     forAll(cells, k)
553                     {
554                         solidChemistry_->setCellReacting(cells[k], false);
555                     }
556                 }
557             }
558         }
559     }
563 void reactingOneDim::evolveRegion()
565     const scalarField mass0 = rho_*regionMesh().V();
567     solidChemistry_->solve
568     (
569         time().value() - time().deltaTValue(),
570         time().deltaTValue()
571     );
573     solveContinuity();
575     updateMesh(mass0);
577     chemistrySh_ = solidChemistry_->Sh()();
579     updateFields();
581     solveSpeciesMass();
583     for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr_; nonOrth++)
584     {
585         solveEnergy();
586     }
588     calculateMassTransfer();
590     solidThermo_.correct();
594 void reactingOneDim::info() const
596     Info<< "\nPyrolysis: " << type() << endl;
598     Info<< indent << "Total gas mass produced  [kg] = "
599         << addedGasMass_.value() << nl
600         << indent << "Total solid mass lost    [kg] = "
601         << lostSolidMass_.value() << nl
602         << indent << "Total pyrolysis gases  [kg/s] = "
603         << totalGasMassFlux_ << nl
604         << indent << "Total heat release rate [J/s] = "
605         << totalHeatRR_.value() << nl;
609 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
611 } // End namespace Foam
612 } // End namespace regionModels
613 } // End namespace pyrolysisModels
615 // ************************************************************************* //