Merge branch 'master' of
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / tutorials / combustion / dieselFoam / aachenBomb / constant / injectorProperties
1 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
2 | =========                 |                                                 |
3 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
4 |  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2.0.0                                 |
5 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      |
6 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
7 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 FoamFile
10     version     2.0;
11     format      ascii;
12     class       dictionary;
13     location    "constant";
14     object      injectorProperties;
16 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
19     {
20         injectorType        unitInjector;
22         unitInjectorProps
23         {
24             position        (0 0.0995 0);
25             direction       (0 -1 0);
26             diameter        0.00019;
27             Cd              0.9;
28             mass            6e-06;
29             nParcels        5000;
31             X
32             (
33                 1.0
34             );
36             massFlowRateProfile
37             (
38                 (0 0.1272)
39                 (4.16667e-05 6.1634)
40                 (8.33333e-05 9.4778)
41                 (0.000125 9.5806)
42                 (0.000166667 9.4184)
43                 (0.000208333 9.0926)
44                 (0.00025 8.7011)
45                 (0.000291667 8.2239)
46                 (0.000333333 8.0401)
47                 (0.000375 8.845)
48                 (0.000416667 8.9174)
49                 (0.000458333 8.8688)
50                 (0.0005 8.8882)
51                 (0.000541667 8.6923)
52                 (0.000583333 8.0014)
53                 (0.000625 7.2582)
54                 (0.000666667 7.2757)
55                 (0.000708333 6.968)
56                 (0.00075 6.7608)
57                 (0.000791667 6.6502)
58                 (0.000833333 6.7695)
59                 (0.000875 5.5774)
60                 (0.000916667 4.8649)
61                 (0.000958333 5.0805)
62                 (0.001 4.9547)
63                 (0.00104167 4.5613)
64                 (0.00108333 4.4536)
65                 (0.001125 5.2651)
66                 (0.00116667 5.256)
67                 (0.00120833 5.1737)
68                 (0.00125 3.9213)
69             );
71             temperatureProfile
72             (
73                 (0.0      320.0)
74                 (0.00125  320.0)
75             );
78         }
80         commonRailInjectorProps
81         {
82             position            (0 0.0995 0);
83             direction           (0 -1 0);
84             diameter            0.00019;
85             mass                6e-06;
86             injectionPressure   200.0e+5;
87             temperature         320;
88             nParcels            5000;
90             X
91             (
92                 1.0
93             );
95             massFlowRateProfile
96             (
97                 (0 0.1272)
98                 (4.16667e-05 6.1634)
99                 (8.33333e-05 9.4778)
100                 (0.000125 9.5806)
101                 (0.000166667 9.4184)
102                 (0.000208333 9.0926)
103                 (0.00025 8.7011)
104                 (0.000291667 8.2239)
105                 (0.000333333 8.0401)
106                 (0.000375 8.845)
107                 (0.000416667 8.9174)
108                 (0.000458333 8.8688)
109                 (0.0005 8.8882)
110                 (0.000541667 8.6923)
111                 (0.000583333 8.0014)
112                 (0.000625 7.2582)
113                 (0.000666667 7.2757)
114                 (0.000708333 6.968)
115                 (0.00075 6.7608)
116                 (0.000791667 6.6502)
117                 (0.000833333 6.7695)
118                 (0.000875 5.5774)
119                 (0.000916667 4.8649)
120                 (0.000958333 5.0805)
121                 (0.001 4.9547)
122                 (0.00104167 4.5613)
123                 (0.00108333 4.4536)
124                 (0.001125 5.2651)
125                 (0.00116667 5.256)
126                 (0.00120833 5.1737)
127                 (0.00125 3.9213)
128             );
130             injectionPressureProfile
131             (
132                 (0.0        1.0)
133                 (0.00125    1.0)
134             );
135         }
136     }
139 // ************************************************************************* //