ENH: Time: access to libs
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / applications / solvers / multiphase / twoPhaseEulerFoam / createFields.H
1     Info<< "Reading transportProperties\n" << endl;
3     IOdictionary transportProperties
4     (
5         IOobject
6         (
7             "transportProperties",
8             runTime.constant(),
9             mesh,
10             IOobject::MUST_READ,
11             IOobject::NO_WRITE
12         )
13     );
15     autoPtr<phaseModel> phasea = phaseModel::New
16     (
17         mesh,
18         transportProperties,
19         "a"
20     );
22     autoPtr<phaseModel> phaseb = phaseModel::New
23     (
24         mesh,
25         transportProperties,
26         "b"
27     );
29     volVectorField& Ua = phasea->U();
30     surfaceScalarField& phia = phasea->phi();
31     const dimensionedScalar& rhoa = phasea->rho();
32     const dimensionedScalar& nua = phasea->nu();
34     volVectorField& Ub = phaseb->U();
35     surfaceScalarField& phib = phaseb->phi();
36     const dimensionedScalar& rhob = phaseb->rho();
37     const dimensionedScalar& nub = phaseb->nu();
39     Info<< "Reading field alpha\n" << endl;
40     volScalarField alpha
41     (
42         IOobject
43         (
44             "alpha",
45             runTime.timeName(),
46             mesh,
47             IOobject::MUST_READ,
48             IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
49         ),
50         mesh
51     );
53     volScalarField beta
54     (
55         IOobject
56         (
57             "beta",
58             runTime.timeName(),
59             mesh,
60             IOobject::NO_READ,
61             IOobject::NO_WRITE
62         ),
63         scalar(1) - alpha
64         //,alpha.boundaryField().types()
65     );
67     Info<< "Reading field p\n" << endl;
68     volScalarField p
69     (
70         IOobject
71         (
72             "p",
73             runTime.timeName(),
74             mesh,
75             IOobject::MUST_READ,
76             IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
77         ),
78         mesh
79     );
81     volVectorField U
82     (
83         IOobject
84         (
85             "U",
86             runTime.timeName(),
87             mesh,
88             IOobject::NO_READ,
89             IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
90         ),
91         alpha*Ua + beta*Ub
92     );
94     dimensionedScalar Cvm
95     (
96         transportProperties.lookup("Cvm")
97     );
99     dimensionedScalar Cl
100     (
101         transportProperties.lookup("Cl")
102     );
104     dimensionedScalar Ct
105     (
106         transportProperties.lookup("Ct")
107     );
109     surfaceScalarField phi
110     (
111         IOobject
112         (
113             "phi",
114             runTime.timeName(),
115             mesh
116         ),
117         fvc::interpolate(alpha)*phia + fvc::interpolate(beta)*phib
118     );
120     volScalarField rho
121     (
122         IOobject
123         (
124             "rho",
125             runTime.timeName(),
126             mesh
127         ),
128         alpha*rhoa + beta*rhob
129     );
131     #include "createRASTurbulence.H"
133     Info<< "Calculating field DDtUa and DDtUb\n" << endl;
135     volVectorField DDtUa
136     (
137         fvc::ddt(Ua)
138       + fvc::div(phia, Ua)
139       - fvc::div(phia)*Ua
140     );
142     volVectorField DDtUb
143     (
144         fvc::ddt(Ub)
145       + fvc::div(phib, Ub)
146       - fvc::div(phib)*Ub
147     );
150     Info<< "Calculating field g.h\n" << endl;
151     volScalarField gh("gh", g & mesh.C());
153     IOdictionary interfacialProperties
154     (
155         IOobject
156         (
157             "interfacialProperties",
158             runTime.constant(),
159             mesh,
160             IOobject::MUST_READ,
161             IOobject::NO_WRITE
162         )
163     );
165     autoPtr<dragModel> draga = dragModel::New
166     (
167         interfacialProperties,
168         alpha,
169         phasea,
170         phaseb
171     );
173     autoPtr<dragModel> dragb = dragModel::New
174     (
175         interfacialProperties,
176         beta,
177         phaseb,
178         phasea
179     );
181     word dragPhase("blended");
182     if (interfacialProperties.found("dragPhase"))
183     {
184         dragPhase = word(interfacialProperties.lookup("dragPhase"));
186         bool validDrag =
187             dragPhase == "a" || dragPhase == "b" || dragPhase == "blended";
189         if (!validDrag)
190         {
191             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
192                 << "invalid dragPhase " << dragPhase
193                 << exit(FatalError);
194         }
195     }
197     Info << "dragPhase is " << dragPhase << endl;
198     kineticTheoryModel kineticTheory
199     (
200         phasea,
201         Ub,
202         alpha,
203         draga
204     );
206     surfaceScalarField rUaAf
207     (
208         IOobject
209         (
210             "rUaAf",
211             runTime.timeName(),
212             mesh,
213             IOobject::NO_READ,
214             IOobject::NO_WRITE
215         ),
216         mesh,
217         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimensionSet(0, 0, 1, 0, 0), 0.0)
218     );
220     surfaceScalarField ppMagf
221     (
222         IOobject
223         (
224             "ppMagf",
225             runTime.timeName(),
226             mesh,
227             IOobject::NO_READ,
228             IOobject::NO_WRITE
229         ),
230         mesh,
231         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimensionSet(0, 2, -1, 0, 0), 0.0)
232     );
235     label pRefCell = 0;
236     scalar pRefValue = 0.0;
237     setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"), pRefCell, pRefValue);