1 Notes for fluentMeshToFoam with zone preservation
2 #################################################
6 Writes all Fluent boundaries faceSets preserving Fluent names
7 Writes all Fluent regions to cellSets preserving Fluent names
8 lines: 1375 - 1393 & 1673 - 1741
9 sets are useful for post-processing using foamToVTK with the "-faceSet
10 <name>" and "-cellSet <name>" options.
13 Writes all regions to cellZones preserving Fluent names
14 Writes all region internal face to faceZones preserving Fluent names
16 Zones are usefull for porous media and MRF calculations
19 - Zones are simple lists of label lists that can be accessed from polyMesh
20 with the cellZones(), faceZones() and pointZones() member functions
22 - Example (Members from polyMesh.H and ZoneMesh.H):
23 const labelList& thisCellZone = mesh.cellZones()["thisZoneName"];
25 - Zone integrity is preserved during mesh modification and decompomposition.
27 - Once created via addZones, zones allow modification through non-const
30 3. Fluent boundary types.
31 - All internal and baffle elements are ignored during conversion
33 - Boundary faces labelled as internal (i.e. interior, interface, internal,
34 solid, fan, radiator, porous-jump) but that are in fact external boundaries
35 will be added to a default wall boundary.