BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / applications / utilities / mesh / generation / extrude / extrudeMesh / extrudeMesh.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 Description
25     Extrude mesh from existing patch (by default outwards facing normals;
26     optional flips faces) or from patch read from file.
28     Note: Merges close points so be careful.
30     Type of extrusion prescribed by run-time selectable model.
32 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include "argList.H"
35 #include "Time.H"
36 #include "dimensionedTypes.H"
37 #include "IFstream.H"
38 #include "polyTopoChange.H"
39 #include "polyTopoChanger.H"
40 #include "edgeCollapser.H"
41 #include "globalMeshData.H"
42 #include "perfectInterface.H"
43 #include "addPatchCellLayer.H"
44 #include "fvMesh.H"
45 #include "MeshedSurfaces.H"
46 #include "globalIndex.H"
48 #include "extrudedMesh.H"
49 #include "extrudeModel.H"
51 using namespace Foam;
53 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
55 enum ExtrudeMode
57     MESH,
58     PATCH,
59     SURFACE
62 namespace Foam
64     template<>
65     const char* NamedEnum<ExtrudeMode, 3>::names[] =
66     {
67         "mesh",
68         "patch",
69         "surface"
70     };
73 static const NamedEnum<ExtrudeMode, 3> ExtrudeModeNames;
76 void createDummyFvMeshFiles(const polyMesh& mesh, const word& regionName)
78     // Create dummy system/fv*
79     {
80         IOobject io
81         (
82             "fvSchemes",
83             mesh.time().system(),
84             regionName,
85             mesh,
86             IOobject::NO_READ,
87             IOobject::NO_WRITE,
88             false
89         );
91         Info<< "Testing:" << io.objectPath() << endl;
93         if (!io.headerOk())
94         {
95             Info<< "Writing dummy " << regionName/io.name() << endl;
96             dictionary dummyDict;
97             dictionary divDict;
98             dummyDict.add("divSchemes", divDict);
99             dictionary gradDict;
100             dummyDict.add("gradSchemes", gradDict);
101             dictionary laplDict;
102             dummyDict.add("laplacianSchemes", laplDict);
104             IOdictionary(io, dummyDict).regIOobject::write();
105         }
106     }
107     {
108         IOobject io
109         (
110             "fvSolution",
111             mesh.time().system(),
112             regionName,
113             mesh,
114             IOobject::NO_READ,
115             IOobject::NO_WRITE,
116             false
117         );
119         if (!io.headerOk())
120         {
121             Info<< "Writing dummy " << regionName/io.name() << endl;
122             dictionary dummyDict;
123             IOdictionary(io, dummyDict).regIOobject::write();
124         }
125     }
129 label findPatchID(const polyBoundaryMesh& patches, const word& name)
131     const label patchID = patches.findPatchID(name);
133     if (patchID == -1)
134     {
135         FatalErrorIn("findPatchID(const polyBoundaryMesh&, const word&)")
136             << "Cannot find patch " << name
137             << " in the source mesh.\n"
138             << "Valid patch names are " << patches.names()
139             << exit(FatalError);
140     }
141     return patchID;
145 labelList patchFaces(const polyBoundaryMesh& patches, const wordList& names)
147     label n = 0;
149     forAll(names, i)
150     {
151         const polyPatch& pp = patches[findPatchID(patches, names[i])];
153         n += pp.size();
154     }
155     labelList faceLabels(n);
156     n = 0;
157     forAll(names, i)
158     {
159         const polyPatch& pp = patches[findPatchID(patches, names[i])];
161         forAll(pp, j)
162         {
163             faceLabels[n++] = pp.start()+j;
164         }
165     }
167     return faceLabels;
171 void updateFaceLabels(const mapPolyMesh& map, labelList& faceLabels)
173     const labelList& reverseMap = map.reverseFaceMap();
175     labelList newFaceLabels(faceLabels.size());
176     label newI = 0;
178     forAll(faceLabels, i)
179     {
180         label oldFaceI = faceLabels[i];
182         if (reverseMap[oldFaceI] >= 0)
183         {
184             newFaceLabels[newI++] = reverseMap[oldFaceI];
185         }
186     }
187     newFaceLabels.setSize(newI);
188     faceLabels.transfer(newFaceLabels);
193 // Main program:
195 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
197     #include "addRegionOption.H"
198     #include "setRootCase.H"
199     #include "createTimeExtruded.H"
201     // Get optional regionName
202     word regionName;
203     word regionDir;
204     if (args.optionReadIfPresent("region", regionName))
205     {
206         regionDir = regionName;
207         Info<< "Create mesh " << regionName << " for time = "
208             << runTimeExtruded.timeName() << nl << endl;
209     }
210     else
211     {
212         regionName = fvMesh::defaultRegion;
213         Info<< "Create mesh for time = "
214             << runTimeExtruded.timeName() << nl << endl;
215     }
218     IOdictionary dict
219     (
220         IOobject
221         (
222             "extrudeMeshDict",
223             runTimeExtruded.system(),
224             runTimeExtruded,
225             IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED
226         )
227     );
229     // Point generator
230     autoPtr<extrudeModel> model(extrudeModel::New(dict));
232     // Whether to flip normals
233     const Switch flipNormals(dict.lookup("flipNormals"));
235     // What to extrude
236     const ExtrudeMode mode = ExtrudeModeNames.read
237     (
238         dict.lookup("constructFrom")
239     );
242     // Generated mesh (one of either)
243     autoPtr<fvMesh> meshFromMesh;
244     autoPtr<polyMesh> meshFromSurface;
246     // Faces on front and back for stitching (in case of mergeFaces)
247     word frontPatchName;
248     labelList frontPatchFaces;
249     word backPatchName;
250     labelList backPatchFaces;
252     if (mode == PATCH || mode == MESH)
253     {
254         if (flipNormals)
255         {
256             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
257                 << "Flipping normals not supported for extrusions from patch."
258                 << exit(FatalError);
259         }
261         fileName sourceCasePath(dict.lookup("sourceCase"));
262         sourceCasePath.expand();
263         fileName sourceRootDir = sourceCasePath.path();
264         fileName sourceCaseDir = sourceCasePath.name();
265         if (Pstream::parRun())
266         {
267             sourceCaseDir =
268                 sourceCaseDir
269                /"processor" + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo());
270         }
271         wordList sourcePatches;
272         dict.lookup("sourcePatches") >> sourcePatches;
274         if (sourcePatches.size() == 1)
275         {
276             frontPatchName = sourcePatches[0];
277         }
279         Info<< "Extruding patches " << sourcePatches
280             << " on mesh " << sourceCasePath << nl
281             << endl;
283         Time runTime
284         (
285             Time::controlDictName,
286             sourceRootDir,
287             sourceCaseDir
288         );
290         #include "createMesh.H"
292         const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
295         // Extrusion engine. Either adding to existing mesh or
296         // creating separate mesh.
297         addPatchCellLayer layerExtrude(mesh, (mode == MESH));
299         const labelList meshFaces(patchFaces(patches, sourcePatches));
300         indirectPrimitivePatch extrudePatch
301         (
302             IndirectList<face>
303             (
304                 mesh.faces(),
305                 meshFaces
306             ),
307             mesh.points()
308         );
310         // Determine extrudePatch normal
311         pointField extrudePatchPointNormals
312         (
313             PatchTools::pointNormals    //calcNormals
314             (
315                 mesh,
316                 extrudePatch,
317                 meshFaces
318             )
319         );
322         // Precalculate mesh edges for pp.edges.
323         const labelList meshEdges
324         (
325             extrudePatch.meshEdges
326             (
327                 mesh.edges(),
328                 mesh.pointEdges()
329             )
330         );
332         // Global face indices engine
333         const globalIndex globalFaces(mesh.nFaces());
335         // Determine extrudePatch.edgeFaces in global numbering (so across
336         // coupled patches)
337         labelListList edgeGlobalFaces
338         (
339             addPatchCellLayer::globalEdgeFaces
340             (
341                 mesh,
342                 globalFaces,
343                 extrudePatch
344             )
345         );
348         // Determine what patches boundary edges need to get extruded into.
349         // This might actually cause edge-connected processors to become
350         // face-connected so might need to introduce new processor boundaries.
351         // Calculates:
352         //  - per pp.edge the patch to extrude into
353         //  - any additional processor boundaries (patchToNbrProc = map from
354         //    new patchID to neighbour processor)
355         //  - number of new patches (nPatches)
357         labelList sidePatchID;
358         label nPatches;
359         Map<label> nbrProcToPatch;
360         Map<label> patchToNbrProc;
361         addPatchCellLayer::calcSidePatch
362         (
363             mesh,
364             globalFaces,
365             edgeGlobalFaces,
366             extrudePatch,
368             sidePatchID,
369             nPatches,
370             nbrProcToPatch,
371             patchToNbrProc
372         );
375         // Add any patches.
377         label nAdded = nPatches - mesh.boundaryMesh().size();
378         reduce(nAdded, sumOp<label>());
380         Info<< "Adding overall " << nAdded << " processor patches." << endl;
382         if (nAdded > 0)
383         {
384             DynamicList<polyPatch*> newPatches(nPatches);
385             forAll(mesh.boundaryMesh(), patchI)
386             {
387                 newPatches.append
388                 (
389                     mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].clone
390                     (
391                         mesh.boundaryMesh()
392                     ).ptr()
393                 );
394             }
395             for
396             (
397                 label patchI = mesh.boundaryMesh().size();
398                 patchI < nPatches;
399                 patchI++
400             )
401             {
402                 label nbrProcI = patchToNbrProc[patchI];
403                 word name =
404                         "procBoundary"
405                       + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo())
406                       + "to"
407                       + Foam::name(nbrProcI);
409                 Pout<< "Adding patch " << patchI
410                     << " name:" << name
411                     << " between " << Pstream::myProcNo()
412                     << " and " << nbrProcI
413                     << endl;
416                 newPatches.append
417                 (
418                     new processorPolyPatch
419                     (
420                         name,
421                         0,                  // size
422                         mesh.nFaces(),      // start
423                         patchI,             // index
424                         mesh.boundaryMesh(),// polyBoundaryMesh
425                         Pstream::myProcNo(),// myProcNo
426                         nbrProcI            // neighbProcNo
427                     )
428                 );
429             }
431             // Add patches. Do no parallel updates.
432             mesh.removeFvBoundary();
433             mesh.addFvPatches(newPatches, true);
434         }
438         // Only used for addPatchCellLayer into new mesh
439         labelList exposedPatchID;
440         if (mode == PATCH)
441         {
442             dict.lookup("exposedPatchName") >> backPatchName;
443             exposedPatchID.setSize
444             (
445                 extrudePatch.size(),
446                 findPatchID(patches, backPatchName)
447             );
448         }
450         // Determine points and extrusion
451         pointField layer0Points(extrudePatch.nPoints());
452         pointField displacement(extrudePatch.nPoints());
453         forAll(displacement, pointI)
454         {
455             const vector& patchNormal = extrudePatchPointNormals[pointI];
457             // layer0 point
458             layer0Points[pointI] = model()
459             (
460                 extrudePatch.localPoints()[pointI],
461                 patchNormal,
462                 0
463             );
464             // layerN point
465             point extrudePt = model()
466             (
467                 extrudePatch.localPoints()[pointI],
468                 patchNormal,
469                 model().nLayers()
470             );
471             displacement[pointI] = extrudePt - layer0Points[pointI];
472         }
474         if (flipNormals)
475         {
476             Info<< "Flipping faces." << nl << endl;
477             displacement = -displacement;
478         }
480         // Check if wedge (has layer0 different from original patch points)
481         // If so move the mesh to starting position.
482         if (gMax(mag(layer0Points-extrudePatch.localPoints())) > SMALL)
483         {
484             Info<< "Moving mesh to layer0 points since differ from original"
485                 << " points - this can happen for wedge extrusions." << nl
486                 << endl;
488             pointField newPoints(mesh.points());
489             forAll(extrudePatch.meshPoints(), i)
490             {
491                 newPoints[extrudePatch.meshPoints()[i]] = layer0Points[i];
492             }
493             mesh.movePoints(newPoints);
494         }
497         // Layers per face
498         labelList nFaceLayers(extrudePatch.size(), model().nLayers());
499         // Layers per point
500         labelList nPointLayers(extrudePatch.nPoints(), model().nLayers());
501         // Displacement for first layer
502         vectorField firstLayerDisp(displacement*model().sumThickness(1));
504         // Expansion ratio not used.
505         scalarField ratio(extrudePatch.nPoints(), 1.0);
507         // Topo change container. Either copy an existing mesh or start
508         // with empty storage (number of patches only needed for checking)
509         autoPtr<polyTopoChange> meshMod
510         (
511             (
512                 mode == MESH
513               ? new polyTopoChange(mesh)
514               : new polyTopoChange(patches.size())
515             )
516         );
518         layerExtrude.setRefinement
519         (
520             globalFaces,
521             edgeGlobalFaces,
523             ratio,              // expansion ratio
524             extrudePatch,       // patch faces to extrude
525             sidePatchID,        // if boundary edge: patch to use
526             exposedPatchID,     // if new mesh: patches for exposed faces
527             nFaceLayers,
528             nPointLayers,
529             firstLayerDisp,
530             meshMod()
531         );
533         // Reset points according to extrusion model
534         forAll(layerExtrude.addedPoints(), pointI)
535         {
536             const labelList& pPoints = layerExtrude.addedPoints()[pointI];
537             forAll(pPoints, pPointI)
538             {
539                 label meshPointI = pPoints[pPointI];
541                 point modelPt
542                 (
543                     model()
544                     (
545                         extrudePatch.localPoints()[pointI],
546                         extrudePatchPointNormals[pointI],
547                         pPointI+1       // layer
548                     )
549                 );
551                 const_cast<DynamicList<point>&>
552                 (
553                     meshMod().points()
554                 )[meshPointI] = modelPt;
555             }
556         }
558         // Store faces on front and exposed patch (if mode=patch there are
559         // only added faces so cannot used map to old faces)
560         const labelListList& layerFaces = layerExtrude.layerFaces();
561         backPatchFaces.setSize(layerFaces.size());
562         frontPatchFaces.setSize(layerFaces.size());
563         forAll(backPatchFaces, i)
564         {
565             backPatchFaces[i]  = layerFaces[i].first();
566             frontPatchFaces[i] = layerFaces[i].last();
567         }
569         // Create dummy fvSchemes, fvSolution
570         createDummyFvMeshFiles(mesh, regionDir);
572         // Create actual mesh from polyTopoChange container
573         autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod().makeMesh
574         (
575             meshFromMesh,
576             IOobject
577             (
578                 regionName,
579                 runTimeExtruded.constant(),
580                 runTimeExtruded,
581                 IOobject::NO_READ,
582                 IOobject::AUTO_WRITE,
583                 false
584             ),
585             mesh
586         );
588         // Calculate face labels for front and back.
589         frontPatchFaces = renumber
590         (
591             map().reverseFaceMap(),
592             frontPatchFaces
593         );
594         backPatchFaces = renumber
595         (
596             map().reverseFaceMap(),
597             backPatchFaces
598         );
599     }
600     else
601     {
602         // Read from surface
603         fileName surfName(dict.lookup("surface"));
605         Info<< "Extruding surfaceMesh read from file " << surfName << nl
606             << endl;
608         MeshedSurface<face> fMesh(surfName);
610         if (flipNormals)
611         {
612             Info<< "Flipping faces." << nl << endl;
613             faceList& faces = const_cast<faceList&>(fMesh.faces());
614             forAll(faces, i)
615             {
616                 faces[i] = fMesh[i].reverseFace();
617             }
618         }
620         Info<< "Extruding surface with :" << nl
621                 << "    points     : " << fMesh.points().size() << nl
622                 << "    faces      : " << fMesh.size() << nl
623                 << "    normals[0] : " << fMesh.faceNormals()[0]
624                 << nl
625                 << endl;
627         meshFromSurface.reset
628         (
629             new extrudedMesh
630             (
631                 IOobject
632                 (
633                     extrudedMesh::defaultRegion,
634                     runTimeExtruded.constant(),
635                     runTimeExtruded
636                 ),
637                 fMesh,
638                 model()
639             )
640         );
643         // Get the faces on front and back
644         frontPatchName = "originalPatch";
645         frontPatchFaces = patchFaces
646         (
647             meshFromSurface().boundaryMesh(),
648             wordList(1, frontPatchName)
649         );
650         backPatchName = "otherSide";
651         backPatchFaces = patchFaces
652         (
653             meshFromSurface().boundaryMesh(),
654             wordList(1, backPatchName)
655         );
656     }
659     polyMesh& mesh =
660     (
661         meshFromMesh.valid()
662       ? meshFromMesh()
663       : meshFromSurface()
664     );
667     const boundBox& bb = mesh.bounds();
668     const vector span = bb.span();
669     const scalar mergeDim = 1E-4 * bb.minDim();
671     Info<< "Mesh bounding box : " << bb << nl
672         << "        with span : " << span << nl
673         << "Merge distance    : " << mergeDim << nl
674         << endl;
677     // Collapse edges
678     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
680     {
681         Info<< "Collapsing edges < " << mergeDim << " ..." << nl << endl;
683         // Edge collapsing engine
684         edgeCollapser collapser(mesh);
686         const edgeList& edges = mesh.edges();
687         const pointField& points = mesh.points();
689         forAll(edges, edgeI)
690         {
691             const edge& e = edges[edgeI];
693             scalar d = e.mag(points);
695             if (d < mergeDim)
696             {
697                 Info<< "Merging edge " << e << " since length " << d
698                     << " << " << mergeDim << nl;
700                 // Collapse edge to e[0]
701                 collapser.collapseEdge(edgeI, e[0]);
702             }
703         }
705         // Topo change container
706         polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
707         // Put all modifications into meshMod
708         bool anyChange = collapser.setRefinement(meshMod);
710         if (anyChange)
711         {
712             // Construct new mesh from polyTopoChange.
713             autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false);
715             // Update fields
716             mesh.updateMesh(map);
718             // Update stored data
719             updateFaceLabels(map(), frontPatchFaces);
720             updateFaceLabels(map(), backPatchFaces);
722             // Move mesh (if inflation used)
723             if (map().hasMotionPoints())
724             {
725                 mesh.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
726             }
727         }
728     }
731     // Merging front and back patch faces
732     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
734     Switch mergeFaces(dict.lookup("mergeFaces"));
735     if (mergeFaces)
736     {
737         if (mode == MESH)
738         {
739             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
740                 << "Cannot stitch front and back of extrusion since"
741                 << " in 'mesh' mode (extrusion appended to mesh)."
742                 << exit(FatalError);
743         }
745         Info<< "Assuming full 360 degree axisymmetric case;"
746             << " stitching faces on patches "
747             << frontPatchName << " and "
748             << backPatchName << " together ..." << nl << endl;
750         if (frontPatchFaces.size() != backPatchFaces.size())
751         {
752             FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
753                 << "Differing number of faces on front ("
754                 << frontPatchFaces.size() << ") and back ("
755                 << backPatchFaces.size() << ")"
756                 << exit(FatalError);
757         }
761         polyTopoChanger stitcher(mesh);
762         stitcher.setSize(1);
764         const word cutZoneName("originalCutFaceZone");
766         List<faceZone*> fz
767         (
768             1,
769             new faceZone
770             (
771                 cutZoneName,
772                 frontPatchFaces,
773                 boolList(frontPatchFaces.size(), false),
774                 0,
775                 mesh.faceZones()
776             )
777         );
779         mesh.addZones(List<pointZone*>(0), fz, List<cellZone*>(0));
781         // Add the perfect interface mesh modifier
782         perfectInterface perfectStitcher
783         (
784             "couple",
785             0,
786             stitcher,
787             cutZoneName,
788             word::null,         // dummy patch name
789             word::null          // dummy patch name
790         );
792         // Topo change container
793         polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
795         perfectStitcher.setRefinement
796         (
797             indirectPrimitivePatch
798             (
799                 IndirectList<face>
800                 (
801                     mesh.faces(),
802                     frontPatchFaces
803                 ),
804                 mesh.points()
805             ),
806             indirectPrimitivePatch
807             (
808                 IndirectList<face>
809                 (
810                     mesh.faces(),
811                     backPatchFaces
812                 ),
813                 mesh.points()
814             ),
815             meshMod
816         );
818         // Construct new mesh from polyTopoChange.
819         autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false);
821         // Update fields
822         mesh.updateMesh(map);
824         // Move mesh (if inflation used)
825         if (map().hasMotionPoints())
826         {
827             mesh.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
828         }
829     }
831     mesh.setInstance(runTimeExtruded.constant());
832     Info<< "Writing mesh to " << mesh.objectPath() << nl << endl;
834     if (!mesh.write())
835     {
836         FatalErrorIn(args.executable()) << "Failed writing mesh"
837             << exit(FatalError);
838     }
840     Info<< "End\n" << endl;
842     return 0;
846 // ************************************************************************* //