BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / applications / utilities / postProcessing / dataConversion / foamToFieldview9 / foamToFieldview9.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 Description
25     Write out the OpenFOAM mesh in Version 3.0 Fieldview-UNS format (binary).
27     See Fieldview Release 9 Reference Manual - Appendix D
28     (Unstructured Data Format)
29     Borrows various from uns/write_binary_uns.c from FieldView dist.
31 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "argList.H"
34 #include "timeSelector.H"
35 #include "volFields.H"
36 #include "surfaceFields.H"
37 #include "pointFields.H"
38 #include "scalarIOField.H"
39 #include "volPointInterpolation.H"
40 #include "wallFvPatch.H"
41 #include "symmetryFvPatch.H"
43 #include "Cloud.H"
44 #include "passiveParticle.H"
46 #include "IOobjectList.H"
47 #include "boolList.H"
48 #include "stringList.H"
49 #include "cellModeller.H"
51 #include "floatScalar.H"
52 #include "calcFaceAddressing.H"
53 #include "writeFunctions.H"
54 #include "fieldviewTopology.H"
56 #include <fstream>
58 #include "fv_reader_tags.h"
60 extern "C"
62     unsigned int fv_encode_elem_header(int elem_type, int wall_info[]);
65 using namespace Foam;
67 typedef Field<floatScalar> floatField;
70 static HashTable<word> FieldviewNames;
73 static word getFieldViewName(const word& foamName)
75     if (FieldviewNames.found(foamName))
76     {
77         return FieldviewNames[foamName];
78     }
79     else
80     {
81         return foamName;
82     }
86 static void printNames(const wordList& names, Ostream& os)
88     forAll(names, fieldI)
89     {
90         Info<< " " << names[fieldI] << '/' << getFieldViewName(names[fieldI]);
91     }
95 // Count number of vertices used by celli
96 static label countVerts(const primitiveMesh& mesh, const label celli)
98     const cell& cll = mesh.cells()[celli];
100     // Count number of vertices used
101     labelHashSet usedVerts(10*cll.size());
103     forAll(cll, cellFacei)
104     {
105         const face& f = mesh.faces()[cll[cellFacei]];
107         forAll(f, fp)
108         {
109             if (!usedVerts.found(f[fp]))
110             {
111                 usedVerts.insert(f[fp]);
112             }
113         }
114     }
115     return usedVerts.toc().size();
119 static void writeFaceData
121     const polyMesh& mesh,
122     const fieldviewTopology& topo,
123     const label patchI,
124     const scalarField& patchField,
125     const bool writePolyFaces,
126     std::ofstream& fvFile
129     const polyPatch& pp = mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI];
131     // Start off with dummy value.
132     if (writePolyFaces)
133     {
134         floatField fField(topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI], 0.0);
136         // Fill selected faces with field values
137         label polyFaceI = 0;
138         forAll(patchField, faceI)
139         {
140             if (pp[faceI].size() > 4)
141             {
142                 fField[polyFaceI++] = float(patchField[faceI]);
143             }
144         }
146         fvFile.write
147         (
148             reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()), fField.size()*sizeof(float)
149         );
150     }
151     else
152     {
153         floatField fField(pp.size() - topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI], 0.0);
155         // Fill selected faces with field values
156         label quadFaceI = 0;
157         forAll(patchField, faceI)
158         {
159             if (pp[faceI].size() <= 4)
160             {
161                 fField[quadFaceI++] = float(patchField[faceI]);
162             }
163         }
165         fvFile.write
166         (
167             reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()), fField.size()*sizeof(float)
168         );
169     }
173 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
174 // Main program:
176 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
178     argList::noParallel();
179     argList::addBoolOption
180     (
181         "noWall",
182         "skip setting wall information"
183     );
184     timeSelector::addOptions(true, false);
186 #   include "addRegionOption.H"
188 #   include "setRootCase.H"
189 #   include "createTime.H"
191     instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select0(runTime, args);
193 #   include "createNamedMesh.H"
195     // Initialize name mapping table
196     FieldviewNames.insert("alpha", "aalpha");
197     FieldviewNames.insert("Alpha", "AAlpha");
198     FieldviewNames.insert("fsmach", "ffsmach");
199     FieldviewNames.insert("FSMach", "FFSMach");
200     FieldviewNames.insert("re", "rre");
201     FieldviewNames.insert("Re", "RRe");
202     FieldviewNames.insert("time", "ttime");
203     FieldviewNames.insert("Time", "TTime");
204     FieldviewNames.insert("pi", "ppi");
205     FieldviewNames.insert("PI", "PPI");
206     FieldviewNames.insert("x", "xx");
207     FieldviewNames.insert("X", "XX");
208     FieldviewNames.insert("y", "yy");
209     FieldviewNames.insert("Y", "YY");
210     FieldviewNames.insert("z", "zz");
211     FieldviewNames.insert("Z", "ZZ");
212     FieldviewNames.insert("rcyl", "rrcyl");
213     FieldviewNames.insert("Rcyl", "RRcyl");
214     FieldviewNames.insert("theta", "ttheta");
215     FieldviewNames.insert("Theta", "TTheta");
216     FieldviewNames.insert("rsphere", "rrsphere");
217     FieldviewNames.insert("Rsphere", "RRsphere");
218     FieldviewNames.insert("k", "kk");
219     FieldviewNames.insert("K", "KK");
222     // Scan for all available fields, in all timesteps
223     //     volScalarNames  : all scalar fields
224     //     volVectorNames  : ,,  vector ,,
225     //     surfScalarNames : surface fields
226     //     surfVectorNames : ,,
227     //     sprayScalarNames: spray fields
228     //     sprayVectorNames: ,,
229 #   include "getFieldNames.H"
231     bool hasLagrangian = false;
232     if (sprayScalarNames.size() || sprayVectorNames.size())
233     {
234         hasLagrangian = true;
235     }
237     Info<< "All fields:   Foam/Fieldview" << endl;
238     Info<< "    volScalar   :";
239     printNames(volScalarNames, Info);
240     Info<< endl;
241     Info<< "    volVector   :";
242     printNames(volVectorNames, Info);
243     Info<< endl;
244     Info<< "    surfScalar  :";
245     printNames(surfScalarNames, Info);
246     Info<< endl;
247     Info<< "    surfVector  :";
248     printNames(surfVectorNames, Info);
249     Info<< endl;
250     Info<< "    sprayScalar :";
251     printNames(sprayScalarNames, Info);
252     Info<< endl;
253     Info<< "    sprayVector :";
254     printNames(sprayVectorNames, Info);
255     Info<< endl;
258     //
259     // Start writing
260     //
262     // make a directory called FieldView in the case
263     fileName fvPath(runTime.path()/"Fieldview");
265     if (regionName != polyMesh::defaultRegion)
266     {
267         fvPath = fvPath/regionName;
268     }
270     if (isDir(fvPath))
271     {
272         if (regionName != polyMesh::defaultRegion)
273         {
274             Info<< "Keeping old FieldView files in " << fvPath << nl << endl;
275         }
276         else
277         {
278             Info<< "Deleting old FieldView files in " << fvPath << nl << endl;
279             rmDir(fvPath);
280         }
281     }
283     mkDir(fvPath);
285     fileName fvParticleFileName(fvPath/runTime.caseName() + ".fvp");
286     if (hasLagrangian)
287     {
288         Info<< "Opening particle file " << fvParticleFileName << endl;
289     }
290     std::ofstream fvParticleFile(fvParticleFileName.c_str());
292     // Write spray file header
293     if (hasLagrangian)
294     {
295 #       include "writeSprayHeader.H"
296     }
298     // Current mesh. Start off from unloaded mesh.
299     autoPtr<fieldviewTopology> topoPtr(NULL);
301     label fieldViewTime = 0;
303     forAll(timeDirs, timeI)
304     {
305         runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI);
306         Info<< "Time: " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
308         fvMesh::readUpdateState state = mesh.readUpdate();
310         if
311         (
312             timeI == 0
313          || state == fvMesh::TOPO_CHANGE
314          || state == fvMesh::TOPO_PATCH_CHANGE
315         )
316         {
317             // Mesh topo changed. Update Fieldview topo.
319             topoPtr.reset
320             (
321                 new fieldviewTopology
322                 (
323                     mesh,
324                     !args.optionFound("noWall")
325                 )
326             );
328             Info<< "    Mesh read:" << endl
329                 << "        tet   : " << topoPtr().nTet() << endl
330                 << "        hex   : " << topoPtr().nHex() << endl
331                 << "        prism : " << topoPtr().nPrism() << endl
332                 << "        pyr   : " << topoPtr().nPyr() << endl
333                 << "        poly  : " << topoPtr().nPoly() << endl
334                 << endl;
335         }
336         else if (state == fvMesh::POINTS_MOVED)
337         {
338             // points exists for time step, let's read them
339             Info<< "    Points file detected - updating points" << endl;
340         }
342         const fieldviewTopology& topo = topoPtr();
345         //
346         // Create file and write header
347         //
349         fileName fvFileName
350         (
351             fvPath/runTime.caseName() + "_" + Foam::name(timeI) + ".uns"
352         );
354         Info<< "    file:" << fvFileName.c_str() << endl;
357         std::ofstream fvFile(fvFileName.c_str());
359         //Info<< "Writing header ..." << endl;
361         // Output the magic number.
362         writeInt(fvFile, FV_MAGIC);
364         // Output file header and version number.
365         writeStr80(fvFile, "FIELDVIEW");
367         // This version of the FIELDVIEW unstructured file is "3.0".
368         // This is written as two integers.
369         writeInt(fvFile, 3);
370         writeInt(fvFile, 0);
373         // File type code. Grid and results.
374         writeInt(fvFile, FV_COMBINED_FILE);
376         // Reserved field, always zero
377         writeInt(fvFile, 0);
379         // Output constants for time, fsmach, alpha and re.
380         float fBuf[4];
381         fBuf[0] = runTime.value();
382         fBuf[1] = 0.0;
383         fBuf[2] = 0.0;
384         fBuf[3] = 1.0;
385         fvFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(fBuf), 4*sizeof(float));
388         // Output the number of grids
389         writeInt(fvFile, 1);
392         //
393         //  Boundary table
394         //
395         //Info<< "Writing boundary table ..." << endl;
397         // num patches
398         writeInt(fvFile, mesh.boundary().size());
400         forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
401         {
402             const fvPatch& currPatch = mesh.boundary()[patchI];
404             writeInt(fvFile, 1);   // data present
405             writeInt(fvFile, 1);   // normals ok
407             // name
408             writeStr80(fvFile, currPatch.name().c_str());
409         }
412         //
413         // Create fields:
414         //     volFieldPtrs     : List of ptrs to all volScalar/Vector fields
415         //                        (null if field not present at current time)
416         //     volFieldNames    : FieldView compatible names of volFields
417         //     surfFieldPtrs    : same for surfaceScalar/Vector
418         //     surfFieldNames
419 #       include "createFields.H"
423         //
424         // Write Variables table
425         //
427         //Info<< "Writing variables table ..." << endl;
429         writeInt(fvFile, volFieldNames.size());
430         forAll(volFieldNames, fieldI)
431         {
432             if (volFieldPtrs[fieldI] == NULL)
433             {
434                 Info<< "    dummy field for "
435                     << volFieldNames[fieldI].c_str() << endl;
436             }
438             writeStr80(fvFile, volFieldNames[fieldI].c_str());
439         }
441         //
442         // Write Boundary Variables table = vol + surface fields
443         //
445         //Info<< "Writing boundary variables table ..." << endl;
447         writeInt
448         (
449             fvFile,
450             volFieldNames.size() + surfFieldNames.size()
451         );
452         forAll(volFieldNames, fieldI)
453         {
454             writeStr80(fvFile, volFieldNames[fieldI].c_str());
455         }
456         forAll(surfFieldNames, fieldI)
457         {
458             if (surfFieldPtrs[fieldI] == NULL)
459             {
460                 Info<< "    dummy surface field for "
461                     << surfFieldNames[fieldI].c_str() << endl;
462             }
464             writeStr80(fvFile, surfFieldNames[fieldI].c_str());
465         }
468         // Output grid data.
470         //
471         // Nodes
472         //
474         //Info<< "Writing points ..." << endl;
476         const pointField& points = mesh.points();
477         label nPoints = points.size();
479         writeInt(fvFile, FV_NODES);
480         writeInt(fvFile, nPoints);
482         for (direction cmpt=0; cmpt<vector::nComponents; cmpt++)
483         {
484             floatField fField(nPoints);
486             for (label pointi = 0; pointi<nPoints; pointi++)
487             {
488                 fField[pointi] = float(points[pointi][cmpt]);
489             }
491             fvFile.write
492             (
493                 reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()),
494                 fField.size()*sizeof(float)
495             );
496         }
498         //
499         // Boundary Faces - regular
500         //
502         //Info<< "Writing regular boundary faces ..." << endl;
504         forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
505         {
506             label nQuadFaces = topo.quadFaceLabels()[patchI].size()/4;
508             if (nQuadFaces != 0)
509             {
510                 writeInt(fvFile, FV_FACES);
511                 writeInt(fvFile, patchI + 1);  // patch number
512                 writeInt(fvFile, nQuadFaces);  // number of faces in patch
513                 fvFile.write
514                 (
515                     reinterpret_cast<const char*>
516                         (topo.quadFaceLabels()[patchI].begin()),
517                     nQuadFaces*4*sizeof(int)
518                 );
519             }
520         }
522         //
523         // Boundary Faces - arbitrary polygon
524         //
526         //Info<< "Write polygonal boundary faces ..." << endl;
528         forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
529         {
530             if (topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI] > 0)
531             {
532                 writeInt(fvFile, FV_ARB_POLY_FACES);
533                 writeInt(fvFile, patchI + 1);
535                 // number of arb faces in patch
536                 writeInt(fvFile, topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI]);
538                 const polyPatch& patchFaces = mesh.boundary()[patchI].patch();
540                 forAll(patchFaces, faceI)
541                 {
542                     const face& f = patchFaces[faceI];
544                     if (f.size() > 4)
545                     {
546                         writeInt(fvFile, f.size());
548                         forAll(f, fp)
549                         {
550                             writeInt(fvFile, f[fp] + 1);
551                         }
552                     }
553                 }
554             }
555         }
558         //
559         // Write regular topology
560         //
562         //Info<< "Writing regular elements ..." << endl;
564         writeInt(fvFile, FV_ELEMENTS);
565         writeInt(fvFile, topo.nTet());
566         writeInt(fvFile, topo.nHex());
567         writeInt(fvFile, topo.nPrism());
568         writeInt(fvFile, topo.nPyr());
569         fvFile.write
570         (
571             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(topo.tetLabels().begin()),
572             topo.nTet()*(1+4)*sizeof(int)
573         );
574         fvFile.write
575         (
576             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(topo.hexLabels().begin()),
577             topo.nHex()*(1+8)*sizeof(int)
578         );
579         fvFile.write
580         (
581             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(topo.prismLabels().begin()),
582             topo.nPrism()*(1+6)*sizeof(int)
583         );
584         fvFile.write
585         (
586             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(topo.pyrLabels().begin()),
587             topo.nPyr()*(1+5)*sizeof(int)
588         );
591         //
592         // Write arbitrary polyhedra
593         //
595         //Info<< "Writing polyhedral elements ..." << endl;
598         const cellShapeList& cellShapes = mesh.cellShapes();
599         const cellModel& unknown = *(cellModeller::lookup("unknown"));
601         if (topo.nPoly() > 0)
602         {
603             writeInt(fvFile, FV_ARB_POLY_ELEMENTS);
604             writeInt(fvFile, topo.nPoly());
606             forAll(cellShapes, celli)
607             {
608                 if (cellShapes[celli].model() == unknown)
609                 {
610                     const cell& cll = mesh.cells()[celli];
612                     // number of faces
613                     writeInt(fvFile, cll.size());
614                     // number of vertices used (no cell centre)
615                     writeInt(fvFile, countVerts(mesh, celli));
616                     // cell centre node id
617                     writeInt(fvFile, -1);
619                     forAll(cll, cellFacei)
620                     {
621                         label faceI = cll[cellFacei];
623                         const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];
625                         // Not a wall for now
626                         writeInt(fvFile, NOT_A_WALL);
628                         writeInt(fvFile, f.size());
630                         if (mesh.faceOwner()[faceI] == celli)
631                         {
632                             forAll(f, fp)
633                             {
634                                 writeInt(fvFile, f[fp]+1);
635                             }
636                         }
637                         else
638                         {
639                             for (label fp = f.size()-1; fp >= 0; fp--)
640                             {
641                                 writeInt(fvFile, f[fp]+1);
642                             }
643                         }
645                         // Number of hanging nodes
646                         writeInt(fvFile, 0);
647                     }
648                 }
649             }
650         }
653         //
654         // Variables data
655         //
657         //Info<< "Writing variables data ..." << endl;
659         volPointInterpolation pInterp(mesh);
661         writeInt(fvFile, FV_VARIABLES);
664         forAll(volFieldPtrs, fieldI)
665         {
666             if (volFieldPtrs[fieldI] != NULL)
667             {
668                 const volScalarField& vField = *volFieldPtrs[fieldI];
670                 // Interpolate to points
671                 pointScalarField psf(pInterp.interpolate(vField));
673                 floatField fField(nPoints);
675                 for (label pointi = 0; pointi<nPoints; pointi++)
676                 {
677                     fField[pointi] = float(psf[pointi]);
678                 }
680                 fvFile.write
681                 (
682                     reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()),
683                     fField.size()*sizeof(float)
684                 );
685             }
686             else
687             {
688                 // Create dummy field
689                 floatField dummyField(nPoints, 0.0);
691                 fvFile.write
692                 (
693                     reinterpret_cast<char*>(dummyField.begin()),
694                     dummyField.size()*sizeof(float)
695                 );
696             }
697         }
700         //
701         // Boundary variables data
702         //     1. volFields
703         //     2. surfFields
705         //Info<< "Writing regular boundary elements data ..." << endl;
707         writeInt(fvFile, FV_BNDRY_VARS);
709         forAll(volFieldPtrs, fieldI)
710         {
711             if (volFieldPtrs[fieldI] != NULL)
712             {
713                 const volScalarField& vsf = *volFieldPtrs[fieldI];
715                 forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
716                 {
717                     writeFaceData
718                     (
719                         mesh,
720                         topo,
721                         patchI,
722                         vsf.boundaryField()[patchI],
723                         false,
724                         fvFile
725                     );
726                 }
727             }
728             else
729             {
730                 forAll(mesh.boundaryMesh(), patchI)
731                 {
732                     // Dummy value.
733                     floatField fField
734                     (
735                         mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].size()
736                       - topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI],
737                         0.0
738                     );
740                     fvFile.write
741                     (
742                         reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()),
743                         fField.size()*sizeof(float)
744                     );
745                 }
746             }
747         }
749         // surfFields
750         forAll(surfFieldPtrs, fieldI)
751         {
752             if (surfFieldPtrs[fieldI] != NULL)
753             {
754                 const surfaceScalarField& ssf = *surfFieldPtrs[fieldI];
756                 forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
757                 {
758                     writeFaceData
759                     (
760                         mesh,
761                         topo,
762                         patchI,
763                         ssf.boundaryField()[patchI],
764                         false,
765                         fvFile
766                     );
767                 }
768             }
769             else
770             {
771                 forAll(mesh.boundaryMesh(), patchI)
772                 {
773                     // Dummy value.
774                     floatField fField
775                     (
776                         mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].size()
777                       - topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI],
778                         0.0
779                     );
781                     fvFile.write
782                     (
783                         reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()),
784                         fField.size()*sizeof(float)
785                     );
786                 }
787             }
788         }
790         //
791         // Polygonal faces boundary data
792         //     1. volFields
793         //     2. surfFields
795         //Info<< "Writing polygonal boundary elements data ..." << endl;
797         writeInt(fvFile, FV_ARB_POLY_BNDRY_VARS);
798         forAll(volFieldPtrs, fieldI)
799         {
800             if (volFieldPtrs[fieldI] != NULL)
801             {
802                 const volScalarField& vsf = *volFieldPtrs[fieldI];
804                 // All non-empty patches
805                 forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
806                 {
807                     writeFaceData
808                     (
809                         mesh,
810                         topo,
811                         patchI,
812                         vsf.boundaryField()[patchI],
813                         true,
814                         fvFile
815                     );
816                 }
817             }
818             else
819             {
820                 forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
821                 {
822                     // Dummy value.
823                     floatField fField(topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI], 0.0);
825                     fvFile.write
826                     (
827                         reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()),
828                         fField.size()*sizeof(float)
829                     );
830                 }
831             }
832         }
834         // surfFields
835         forAll(surfFieldPtrs, fieldI)
836         {
837             if (surfFieldPtrs[fieldI] != NULL)
838             {
839                 const surfaceScalarField& ssf = *surfFieldPtrs[fieldI];
841                 // All non-empty patches
842                 forAll(mesh.boundary(), patchI)
843                 {
844                     writeFaceData
845                     (
846                         mesh,
847                         topo,
848                         patchI,
849                         ssf.boundaryField()[patchI],
850                         true,
851                         fvFile
852                     );
853                 }
854             }
855             else
856             {
857                 forAll(mesh.boundaryMesh(), patchI)
858                 {
859                     // Dummy value.
860                     floatField fField
861                     (
862                         mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].size()
863                       - topo.nPolyFaces()[patchI],
864                         0.0
865                     );
867                     fvFile.write
868                     (
869                         reinterpret_cast<char*>(fField.begin()),
870                         fField.size()*sizeof(float)
871                     );
872                 }
873             }
874         }
877         //
878         // Cleanup volume and surface fields
879         //
880         forAll(volFieldPtrs, fieldI)
881         {
882             delete volFieldPtrs[fieldI];
883         }
884         forAll(surfFieldPtrs, fieldI)
885         {
886             delete surfFieldPtrs[fieldI];
887         }
892         //
893         // Spray
894         //
895         if (hasLagrangian)
896         {
897             // Read/create fields:
898             //     sprayScalarFieldPtrs: List of ptrs to lagrangian scalfields
899             //     sprayVectorFieldPtrs:               ,,           vec  ,,
900 #           include "createSprayFields.H"
903             // Write time header
905             // Time index (FieldView: has to start from 1)
906             writeInt(fvParticleFile, fieldViewTime + 1);
908             // Time value
909             writeFloat(fvParticleFile, runTime.value());
911             // Read particles
912             Cloud<passiveParticle> parcels(mesh);
914             // Num particles
915             writeInt(fvParticleFile, parcels.size());
917             Info<< "    Writing " << parcels.size() << " particles." << endl;
920             //
921             // Output data parcelwise
922             //
924             label parcelNo = 0;
927             for
928             (
929                 Cloud<passiveParticle>::iterator elmnt = parcels.begin();
930                 elmnt != parcels.end();
931                 ++elmnt, parcelNo++
932             )
933             {
934                 writeInt(fvParticleFile, parcelNo+1);
936                 writeFloat(fvParticleFile, elmnt().position().x());
937                 writeFloat(fvParticleFile, elmnt().position().y());
938                 writeFloat(fvParticleFile, elmnt().position().z());
940                 forAll(sprayScalarFieldPtrs, fieldI)
941                 {
942                     if (sprayScalarFieldPtrs[fieldI] != NULL)
943                     {
944                         const IOField<scalar>& sprayField =
945                             *sprayScalarFieldPtrs[fieldI];
946                         writeFloat
947                         (
948                             fvParticleFile,
949                             sprayField[parcelNo]
950                         );
951                     }
952                     else
953                     {
954                         writeFloat(fvParticleFile, 0.0);
955                     }
956                 }
957                 forAll(sprayVectorFieldPtrs, fieldI)
958                 {
959                     if (sprayVectorFieldPtrs[fieldI] != NULL)
960                     {
961                         const IOField<vector>& sprayVectorField =
962                             *sprayVectorFieldPtrs[fieldI];
963                         const vector& val =
964                             sprayVectorField[parcelNo];
966                         writeFloat(fvParticleFile, val.x());
967                         writeFloat(fvParticleFile, val.y());
968                         writeFloat(fvParticleFile, val.z());
969                     }
970                     else
971                     {
972                         writeFloat(fvParticleFile, 0.0);
973                         writeFloat(fvParticleFile, 0.0);
974                         writeFloat(fvParticleFile, 0.0);
975                     }
976                 }
977             }
979             // increment fieldView particle time
980             fieldViewTime++;
983             //
984             // Cleanup spray fields
985             //
986             forAll(sprayScalarFieldPtrs, fieldI)
987             {
988                 delete sprayScalarFieldPtrs[fieldI];
989             }
990             forAll(sprayVectorFieldPtrs, fieldI)
991             {
992                 delete sprayVectorFieldPtrs[fieldI];
993             }
995         } // end of hasLagrangian
996     }
998     if (!hasLagrangian)
999     {
1000         rm(fvParticleFileName);
1001     }
1003     Info<< "End\n" << endl;
1005     return 0;
1009 // ************************************************************************* //