1 Info<< "Reading combustion properties\n" << endl;
3 IOdictionary engineGeometry
17 engineGeometry.lookup("swirlAxis")
22 engineGeometry.lookup("swirlCenter")
25 dimensionedScalar swirlRPMRatio
27 engineGeometry.lookup("swirlRPMRatio")
30 dimensionedScalar swirlProfile
32 engineGeometry.lookup("swirlProfile")
35 dimensionedScalar bore
37 engineGeometry.lookup("bore")
42 engineGeometry.lookup("rpm")
46 Info<< "Reading field U\n" << endl;
60 vector zT = swirlAxis;
61 vector yT = vector(0, zT.z(), -zT.y());
64 zT.y()*zT.y() + zT.z()*zT.z(),
69 // if swirl is around (1, 0, 0) we have to find another transformation
72 yT = vector(zT.y(), -zT.x(), 0);
73 xT = vector(-zT.x()*zT.z(), -zT.y()*zT.z(), zT.x()*zT.x() + zT.y()*zT.y());
76 //swirlAxis doesn't have to be of unit length.