BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / OpenFOAM / meshes / primitiveShapes / plane / plane.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "plane.H"
27 #include "tensor.H"
29 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
31 // Calculate base point and unit normal vector from plane equation
32 void Foam::plane::calcPntAndVec(const scalarList& C)
34     if (mag(C[0]) > VSMALL)
35     {
36         basePoint_ = vector((-C[3]/C[0]), 0, 0);
37     }
38     else
39     {
40         if (mag(C[1]) > VSMALL)
41         {
42             basePoint_ = vector(0, (-C[3]/C[1]), 0);
43         }
44         else
45         {
46             if (mag(C[2]) > VSMALL)
47             {
48                 basePoint_ = vector(0, 0, (-C[3]/C[2]));
49             }
50             else
51             {
52                 FatalErrorIn("void plane::calcPntAndVec(const scalarList&)")
53                     << "At least one plane coefficient must have a value"
54                     << abort(FatalError);
55             }
56         }
57     }
59     unitVector_ = vector(C[0], C[1], C[2]);
60     scalar magUnitVector(mag(unitVector_));
62     if (magUnitVector < VSMALL)
63     {
64         FatalErrorIn("void plane::calcPntAndVec(const scalarList&)")
65             << "Plane normal defined with zero length"
66             << abort(FatalError);
67     }
69     unitVector_ /= magUnitVector;
73 void Foam::plane::calcPntAndVec
75     const point& point1,
76     const point& point2,
77     const point& point3
80     basePoint_ = (point1 + point2 + point3)/3;
81     vector line12 = point1 - point2;
82     vector line23 = point2 - point3;
84     if
85     (
86         mag(line12) < VSMALL
87      || mag(line23) < VSMALL
88      || mag(point3-point1) < VSMALL
89     )
90     {
91         FatalErrorIn
92         (
93             "void plane::calcPntAndVec\n"
94             "(\n"
95             "    const point&,\n"
96             "    const point&,\n"
97             "    const point&\n"
98             ")\n"
99         )   << "Bad points:" << point1 << ' ' << point2 << ' ' << point3
100             << abort(FatalError);
101     }
103     unitVector_ = line12 ^ line23;
104     scalar magUnitVector(mag(unitVector_));
106     if (magUnitVector < VSMALL)
107     {
108         FatalErrorIn
109         (
110             "void plane::calcPntAndVec\n"
111             "(\n"
112             "    const point&,\n"
113             "    const point&,\n"
114             "    const point&\n"
115             ")\n"
116         )   << "Plane normal defined with zero length" << nl
117             << "Bad points:" << point1 << ' ' << point2 << ' ' << point3
118             << abort(FatalError);
119     }
121     unitVector_ /= magUnitVector;
125 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
127 // Construct from normal vector through the origin
128 Foam::plane::plane(const vector& normalVector)
130     unitVector_(normalVector),
131     basePoint_(vector::zero)
133     scalar magUnitVector(mag(unitVector_));
135     if (magUnitVector > VSMALL)
136     {
137         unitVector_ /= magUnitVector;
138     }
139     else
140     {
141         FatalErrorIn("plane::plane(const vector&)")
142             << "plane normal has zero length. basePoint:" << basePoint_
143             << abort(FatalError);
144     }
148 // Construct from point and normal vector
149 Foam::plane::plane(const point& basePoint, const vector& normalVector)
151     unitVector_(normalVector),
152     basePoint_(basePoint)
154     scalar magUnitVector(mag(unitVector_));
156     if (magUnitVector > VSMALL)
157     {
158         unitVector_ /= magUnitVector;
159     }
160     else
161     {
162         FatalErrorIn("plane::plane(const point&, const vector&)")
163             << "plane normal has zero length. basePoint:" << basePoint_
164             << abort(FatalError);
165     }
169 // Construct from plane equation
170 Foam::plane::plane(const scalarList& C)
172     calcPntAndVec(C);
176 // Construct from three points
177 Foam::plane::plane
179     const point& a,
180     const point& b,
181     const point& c
184     calcPntAndVec(a, b, c);
188 // Construct from dictionary
189 Foam::plane::plane(const dictionary& dict)
191     unitVector_(vector::zero),
192     basePoint_(point::zero)
194     const word planeType(dict.lookup("planeType"));
196     if (planeType == "planeEquation")
197     {
198         const dictionary& subDict = dict.subDict("planeEquationDict");
199         scalarList C(4);
201         C[0] = readScalar(subDict.lookup("a"));
202         C[1] = readScalar(subDict.lookup("b"));
203         C[2] = readScalar(subDict.lookup("c"));
204         C[3] = readScalar(subDict.lookup("d"));
206         calcPntAndVec(C);
208     }
209     else if (planeType == "embeddedPoints")
210     {
211         const dictionary& subDict = dict.subDict("embeddedPoints");
213         point point1(subDict.lookup("point1"));
214         point point2(subDict.lookup("point2"));
215         point point3(subDict.lookup("point3"));
217         calcPntAndVec(point1, point2, point3);
218     }
219     else if (planeType == "pointAndNormal")
220     {
221         const dictionary& subDict = dict.subDict("pointAndNormalDict");
223         basePoint_ = subDict.lookup("basePoint");
224         unitVector_ = subDict.lookup("normalVector");
225         unitVector_ /= mag(unitVector_);
226     }
227     else
228     {
229         FatalIOErrorIn
230         (
231             "plane::plane(const dictionary&)",
232             dict
233         )   << "Invalid plane type: " << planeType
234             << abort(FatalIOError);
235     }
239 // Construct from Istream. Assumes point and normal vector.
240 Foam::plane::plane(Istream& is)
242     unitVector_(is),
243     basePoint_(is)
245     scalar magUnitVector(mag(unitVector_));
247     if (magUnitVector > VSMALL)
248     {
249         unitVector_ /= magUnitVector;
250     }
251     else
252     {
253         FatalErrorIn("plane::plane(Istream& is)")
254             << "plane normal has zero length. basePoint:" << basePoint_
255             << abort(FatalError);
256     }
260 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
262 // Return plane normal vector
263 const Foam::vector& Foam::plane::normal() const
265     return unitVector_;
269 // Return plane base point
270 const Foam::point& Foam::plane::refPoint() const
272     return basePoint_;
276 // Return coefficients for plane equation: ax + by + cz + d = 0
277 Foam::FixedList<Foam::scalar, 4> Foam::plane::planeCoeffs() const
279     FixedList<scalar, 4> C(4);
281     scalar magX = mag(unitVector_.x());
282     scalar magY = mag(unitVector_.y());
283     scalar magZ = mag(unitVector_.z());
285     if (magX > magY)
286     {
287         if (magX > magZ)
288         {
289             C[0] = 1;
290             C[1] = unitVector_.y()/unitVector_.x();
291             C[2] = unitVector_.z()/unitVector_.x();
292         }
293         else
294         {
295             C[0] = unitVector_.x()/unitVector_.z();
296             C[1] = unitVector_.y()/unitVector_.z();
297             C[2] = 1;
298         }
299     }
300     else
301     {
302         if (magY > magZ)
303         {
304             C[0] = unitVector_.x()/unitVector_.y();
305             C[1] = 1;
306             C[2] = unitVector_.z()/unitVector_.y();
307         }
308         else
309         {
310             C[0] = unitVector_.x()/unitVector_.z();
311             C[1] = unitVector_.y()/unitVector_.z();
312             C[2] = 1;
313         }
314     }
316     C[3] = - C[0] * basePoint_.x()
317            - C[1] * basePoint_.y()
318            - C[2] * basePoint_.z();
320     return C;
324 // Return nearest point in the plane for the given point
325 Foam::point Foam::plane::nearestPoint(const point& p) const
327     return p - unitVector_*((p - basePoint_) & unitVector_);
331 // Return distance from the given point to the plane
332 Foam::scalar Foam::plane::distance(const point& p) const
334     return mag((p - basePoint_) & unitVector_);
338 // Cutting point for plane and line defined by origin and direction
339 Foam::scalar Foam::plane::normalIntersect
341     const point& pnt0,
342     const vector& dir
343 ) const
345     scalar denom = stabilise((dir & unitVector_), VSMALL);
347     return ((basePoint_ - pnt0) & unitVector_)/denom;
351 // Cutting line of two planes
352 Foam::plane::ray Foam::plane::planeIntersect(const plane& plane2) const
354     // Mathworld plane-plane intersection. Assume there is a point on the
355     // intersection line with z=0 and solve the two plane equations
356     // for that (now 2x2 equation in x and y)
357     // Better: use either z=0 or x=0 or y=0.
359     const vector& n1 = normal();
360     const vector& n2 = plane2.normal();
362     const point& p1 = refPoint();
363     const point& p2 = plane2.refPoint();
365     scalar n1p1 = n1&p1;
366     scalar n2p2 = n2&p2;
368     vector dir = n1 ^ n2;
370     // Determine zeroed out direction (can be x,y or z) by looking at which
371     // has the largest component in dir.
372     scalar magX = mag(dir.x());
373     scalar magY = mag(dir.y());
374     scalar magZ = mag(dir.z());
376     direction iZero, i1, i2;
378     if (magX > magY)
379     {
380         if (magX > magZ)
381         {
382             iZero = 0;
383             i1 = 1;
384             i2 = 2;
385         }
386         else
387         {
388             iZero = 2;
389             i1 = 0;
390             i2 = 1;
391         }
392     }
393     else
394     {
395         if (magY > magZ)
396         {
397             iZero = 1;
398             i1 = 2;
399             i2 = 0;
400         }
401         else
402         {
403             iZero = 2;
404             i1 = 0;
405             i2 = 1;
406         }
407     }
409     vector pt;
411     pt[iZero] = 0;
412     pt[i1] = (n2[i2]*n1p1 - n1[i2]*n2p2) / (n1[i1]*n2[i2] - n2[i1]*n1[i2]);
413     pt[i2] = (n2[i1]*n1p1 - n1[i1]*n2p2) / (n1[i2]*n2[i1] - n1[i1]*n2[i2]);
415     return ray(pt, dir);
419 // Cutting point of three planes
420 Foam::point Foam::plane::planePlaneIntersect
422     const plane& plane2,
423     const plane& plane3
424 ) const
426     FixedList<scalar, 4> coeffs1(planeCoeffs());
427     FixedList<scalar, 4> coeffs2(plane2.planeCoeffs());
428     FixedList<scalar, 4> coeffs3(plane3.planeCoeffs());
430     tensor a
431     (
432         coeffs1[0],coeffs1[1],coeffs1[2],
433         coeffs2[0],coeffs2[1],coeffs2[2],
434         coeffs3[0],coeffs3[1],coeffs3[2]
435     );
437     vector b(coeffs1[3],coeffs2[3],coeffs3[3]);
439     return (inv(a) & (-b));
443 void Foam::plane::writeDict(Ostream& os) const
445     os.writeKeyword("planeType") << "pointAndNormal"
446         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
447     os  << indent << "pointAndNormalDict" << nl
448         << indent << token::BEGIN_BLOCK << incrIndent << nl;
449     os.writeKeyword("basePoint") << basePoint_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
450     os.writeKeyword("normalVector") << unitVector_ << token::END_STATEMENT
451         << nl;
452     os << decrIndent << indent << token::END_BLOCK << endl;
456 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
458 bool Foam::operator==(const plane& a, const plane& b)
460     if (a.basePoint_ == b.basePoint_ && a.unitVector_ == b.unitVector_)
461     {
462         return true;
463     }
464     else
465     {
466         return false;
467     }
470 bool Foam::operator!=(const plane& a, const plane& b)
472     return !(a == b);
476 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
478 Foam::Ostream& Foam::operator<<(Ostream& os, const plane& a)
480     os  << a.unitVector_ << token::SPACE << a.basePoint_;
482     return os;
486 // ************************************************************************* //