BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / finiteVolume / fvMesh / extendedStencil / cellToFace / extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil.H"
27 #include "cellToFaceStencil.H"
28 #include "syncTools.H"
29 #include "SortableList.H"
30 #include "dummyTransform.H"
32 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
34 void Foam::extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil::selectOppositeFaces
36     const boolList& nonEmptyFace,
37     const scalar minOpposedness,
38     const label faceI,
39     const label cellI,
40     DynamicList<label>& oppositeFaces
41 ) const
43     const vectorField& areas = mesh_.faceAreas();
44     const labelList& own = mesh_.faceOwner();
45     const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[cellI];
47     SortableList<scalar> opposedness(cFaces.size(), -GREAT);
49     // Pick up all the faces that oppose this one.
50     forAll(cFaces, i)
51     {
52         label otherFaceI = cFaces[i];
54         if (otherFaceI != faceI && nonEmptyFace[otherFaceI])
55         {
56             if ((own[otherFaceI] == cellI) == (own[faceI] == cellI))
57             {
58                 opposedness[i] = -(areas[otherFaceI] & areas[faceI]);
59             }
60             else
61             {
62                 opposedness[i] = (areas[otherFaceI] & areas[faceI]);
63             }
64         }
65     }
67     label sz = opposedness.size();
69     oppositeFaces.clear();
71     scalar myAreaSqr = magSqr(areas[faceI]);
73     if (myAreaSqr > VSMALL)
74     {
75         forAll(opposedness, i)
76         {
77             opposedness[i] /= myAreaSqr;
78         }
79         // Sort in incrementing order
80         opposedness.sort();
82         // Pick largest no matter what
83         oppositeFaces.append(cFaces[opposedness.indices()[sz-1]]);
85         for (label i = sz-2; i >= 0; --i)
86         {
87             if (opposedness[i] < minOpposedness)
88             {
89                 break;
90             }
91             oppositeFaces.append(cFaces[opposedness.indices()[i]]);
92         }
93     }
94     else
95     {
96         // Sort in incrementing order
97         opposedness.sort();
99         // Tiny face. Do what?
100         // Pick largest no matter what
101         oppositeFaces.append(cFaces[opposedness.indices()[sz-1]]);
102     }
106 void Foam::extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil::transportStencil
108     const boolList& nonEmptyFace,
109     const labelListList& faceStencil,
110     const scalar minOpposedness,
111     const label faceI,
112     const label cellI,
113     const bool stencilHasNeighbour,
115     DynamicList<label>& oppositeFaces,
116     labelHashSet& faceStencilSet,
117     labelList& transportedStencil
118 ) const
120     label globalOwn = faceStencil[faceI][0];
121     label globalNei = -1;
122     if (stencilHasNeighbour && faceStencil[faceI].size() >= 2)
123     {
124         globalNei = faceStencil[faceI][1];
125     }
128     selectOppositeFaces
129     (
130         nonEmptyFace,
131         minOpposedness,
132         faceI,
133         cellI,
134         oppositeFaces
135     );
137     // Collect all stencils of oppositefaces
138     faceStencilSet.clear();
139     forAll(oppositeFaces, i)
140     {
141         const labelList& fStencil = faceStencil[oppositeFaces[i]];
143         forAll(fStencil, j)
144         {
145             label globalI = fStencil[j];
147             if (globalI != globalOwn && globalI != globalNei)
148             {
149                 faceStencilSet.insert(globalI);
150             }
151         }
152     }
154     // Add my owner and neighbour first.
155     if (stencilHasNeighbour)
156     {
157         transportedStencil.setSize(faceStencilSet.size()+2);
158         label n = 0;
159         transportedStencil[n++] = globalOwn;
160         transportedStencil[n++] = globalNei;
162         forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, faceStencilSet, iter)
163         {
164             if (iter.key() != globalOwn && iter.key() != globalNei)
165             {
166                 transportedStencil[n++] = iter.key();
167             }
168         }
169         if (n != transportedStencil.size())
170         {
171             FatalErrorIn
172             (
173                 "extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil::transportStencil(..)"
174             )   << "problem:" << faceStencilSet
175                 << abort(FatalError);
176         }
177     }
178     else
179     {
180         transportedStencil.setSize(faceStencilSet.size()+1);
181         label n = 0;
182         transportedStencil[n++] = globalOwn;
184         forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, faceStencilSet, iter)
185         {
186             if (iter.key() != globalOwn)
187             {
188                 transportedStencil[n++] = iter.key();
189             }
190         }
191         if (n != transportedStencil.size())
192         {
193             FatalErrorIn
194             (
195                 "extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil::transportStencil(..)"
196             )   << "problem:" << faceStencilSet
197                 << abort(FatalError);
198         }
199     }
203 void Foam::extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil::transportStencils
205     const labelListList& faceStencil,
206     const scalar minOpposedness,
207     labelListList& ownStencil,
208     labelListList& neiStencil
211     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
212     const label nBnd = mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces();
213     const labelList& own = mesh_.faceOwner();
214     const labelList& nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour();
216     // Work arrays
217     DynamicList<label> oppositeFaces;
218     labelHashSet faceStencilSet;
221     // For quick detection of empty faces
222     boolList nonEmptyFace(mesh_.nFaces(), true);
223     forAll(patches, patchI)
224     {
225         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
227         if (isA<emptyPolyPatch>(pp))
228         {
229             label faceI = pp.start();
230             forAll(pp, i)
231             {
232                 nonEmptyFace[faceI++] = false;
233             }
234         }
235     }
238     // Do the owner side
239     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
240     // stencil is synchronised at entry so no need to swap.
242     ownStencil.setSize(mesh_.nFaces());
244     // Internal faces
245     for (label faceI = 0; faceI < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI++)
246     {
247         // Get stencil as owner + neighbour + stencil from 'opposite' faces
248         transportStencil
249         (
250             nonEmptyFace,
251             faceStencil,
252             minOpposedness,
253             faceI,
254             own[faceI],
255             true,                   //stencilHasNeighbour
256             oppositeFaces,
257             faceStencilSet,
258             ownStencil[faceI]
259         );
260     }
261     // Boundary faces
262     forAll(patches, patchI)
263     {
264         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
265         label faceI = pp.start();
267         if (pp.coupled())
268         {
269             forAll(pp, i)
270             {
271                 transportStencil
272                 (
273                     nonEmptyFace,
274                     faceStencil,
275                     minOpposedness,
276                     faceI,
277                     own[faceI],
278                     true,                   //stencilHasNeighbour
280                     oppositeFaces,
281                     faceStencilSet,
282                     ownStencil[faceI]
283                 );
284                 faceI++;
285             }
286         }
287         else if (!isA<emptyPolyPatch>(pp))
288         {
289             forAll(pp, i)
290             {
291                 // faceStencil does not contain neighbour
292                 transportStencil
293                 (
294                     nonEmptyFace,
295                     faceStencil,
296                     minOpposedness,
297                     faceI,
298                     own[faceI],
299                     false,                  //stencilHasNeighbour
301                     oppositeFaces,
302                     faceStencilSet,
303                     ownStencil[faceI]
304                 );
305                 faceI++;
306             }
307         }
308     }
311     // Swap coupled boundary stencil
312     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
314     labelListList neiBndStencil(nBnd);
315     for (label faceI = mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI < mesh_.nFaces(); faceI++)
316     {
317         neiBndStencil[faceI-mesh_.nInternalFaces()] = ownStencil[faceI];
318     }
319     //syncTools::swapBoundaryFaceList(mesh_, neiBndStencil);
320     syncTools::syncBoundaryFaceList
321     (
322         mesh_,
323         neiBndStencil,
324         eqOp<labelList>(),
325         dummyTransform()
326     );
330     // Do the neighbour side
331     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
332     // - internal faces : get opposite faces on neighbour side
333     // - boundary faces : empty
334     // - coupled faces  : in neiBndStencil
336     neiStencil.setSize(mesh_.nFaces());
338     // Internal faces
339     for (label faceI = 0; faceI < mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI++)
340     {
341         transportStencil
342         (
343             nonEmptyFace,
344             faceStencil,
345             minOpposedness,
346             faceI,
347             nei[faceI],
348             true,                   //stencilHasNeighbour
350             oppositeFaces,
351             faceStencilSet,
352             neiStencil[faceI]
353         );
354     }
356     // Boundary faces
357     forAll(patches, patchI)
358     {
359         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
360         label faceI = pp.start();
362         if (pp.coupled())
363         {
364             forAll(pp, i)
365             {
366                 neiStencil[faceI].transfer
367                 (
368                     neiBndStencil[faceI-mesh_.nInternalFaces()]
369                 );
370                 faceI++;
371             }
372         }
373         else
374         {
375             // Boundary has empty neighbour stencil
376         }
377     }
381 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
383 Foam::extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil::extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil
385     const cellToFaceStencil& stencil,
386     const bool pureUpwind,
387     const scalar minOpposedness
390     extendedCellToFaceStencil(stencil.mesh()),
391     pureUpwind_(pureUpwind)
393     //forAll(stencil, faceI)
394     //{
395     //    const labelList& fCells = stencil[faceI];
396     //
397     //    Pout<< "Face:" << faceI << " at:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI]
398     //        << endl;
399     //
400     //    forAll(fCells, i)
401     //    {
402     //        label globalI = fCells[i];
403     //
404     //        if (globalI < mesh_.nCells())
405     //        {
406     //            Pout<< "    cell:" << globalI
407     //                << " at:" << mesh_.cellCentres()[globalI] << endl;
408     //        }
409     //        else
410     //        {
411     //            label faceI = globalI-mesh_.nCells() + mesh_.nInternalFaces();
412     //
413     //            Pout<< "    boundary:" << faceI
414     //                << " at:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI] << endl;
415     //        }
416     //    }
417     //}
418     //Pout<< endl << endl;
421     // Transport centred stencil to upwind/downwind face
422     transportStencils
423     (
424         stencil,
425         minOpposedness,
426         ownStencil_,
427         neiStencil_
428     );
430     {
431         List<Map<label> > compactMap(Pstream::nProcs());
432         ownMapPtr_.reset
433         (
434             new mapDistribute
435             (
436                 stencil.globalNumbering(),
437                 ownStencil_,
438                 compactMap
439             )
440         );
441     }
443     {
445         List<Map<label> > compactMap(Pstream::nProcs());
446         neiMapPtr_.reset
447         (
448             new mapDistribute
449             (
450                 stencil.globalNumbering(),
451                 neiStencil_,
452                 compactMap
453             )
454         );
455     }
457     // stencil now in compact form
458     if (pureUpwind_)
459     {
460         const fvMesh& mesh = dynamic_cast<const fvMesh&>(stencil.mesh());
462         List<List<point> > stencilPoints(ownStencil_.size());
464         // Owner stencil
465         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
467         collectData(ownMapPtr_(), ownStencil_, mesh.C(), stencilPoints);
469         // Mask off all stencil points on wrong side of face
470         forAll(stencilPoints, faceI)
471         {
472             const point& fc = mesh.faceCentres()[faceI];
473             const vector& fArea = mesh.faceAreas()[faceI];
475             const List<point>& points = stencilPoints[faceI];
476             const labelList& stencil = ownStencil_[faceI];
478             DynamicList<label> newStencil(stencil.size());
479             forAll(points, i)
480             {
481                 if (((points[i]-fc) & fArea) < 0)
482                 {
483                     newStencil.append(stencil[i]);
484                 }
485             }
486             if (newStencil.size() != stencil.size())
487             {
488                 ownStencil_[faceI].transfer(newStencil);
489             }
490         }
493         // Neighbour stencil
494         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
496         collectData(neiMapPtr_(), neiStencil_, mesh.C(), stencilPoints);
498         // Mask off all stencil points on wrong side of face
499         forAll(stencilPoints, faceI)
500         {
501             const point& fc = mesh.faceCentres()[faceI];
502             const vector& fArea = mesh.faceAreas()[faceI];
504             const List<point>& points = stencilPoints[faceI];
505             const labelList& stencil = neiStencil_[faceI];
507             DynamicList<label> newStencil(stencil.size());
508             forAll(points, i)
509             {
510                 if (((points[i]-fc) & fArea) > 0)
511                 {
512                     newStencil.append(stencil[i]);
513                 }
514             }
515             if (newStencil.size() != stencil.size())
516             {
517                 neiStencil_[faceI].transfer(newStencil);
518             }
519         }
521         // Note: could compact schedule as well. for if cells are not needed
522         // across any boundary anymore. However relatively rare.
523     }
527 Foam::extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil::extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil
529     const cellToFaceStencil& stencil
532     extendedCellToFaceStencil(stencil.mesh()),
533     pureUpwind_(true)
535     // Calculate stencil points with full stencil
537     ownStencil_ = stencil;
539     {
540         List<Map<label> > compactMap(Pstream::nProcs());
541         ownMapPtr_.reset
542         (
543             new mapDistribute
544             (
545                 stencil.globalNumbering(),
546                 ownStencil_,
547                 compactMap
548             )
549         );
550     }
552     const fvMesh& mesh = dynamic_cast<const fvMesh&>(stencil.mesh());
554     List<List<point> > stencilPoints(ownStencil_.size());
555     collectData(ownMapPtr_(), ownStencil_, mesh.C(), stencilPoints);
557     // Split stencil into owner and neighbour
558     neiStencil_.setSize(ownStencil_.size());
560     forAll(stencilPoints, faceI)
561     {
562         const point& fc = mesh.faceCentres()[faceI];
563         const vector& fArea = mesh.faceAreas()[faceI];
565         const List<point>& points = stencilPoints[faceI];
566         const labelList& stencil = ownStencil_[faceI];
568         DynamicList<label> newOwnStencil(stencil.size());
569         DynamicList<label> newNeiStencil(stencil.size());
570         forAll(points, i)
571         {
572             if (((points[i]-fc) & fArea) > 0)
573             {
574                 newNeiStencil.append(stencil[i]);
575             }
576             else
577             {
578                 newOwnStencil.append(stencil[i]);
579             }
580         }
581         if (newNeiStencil.size() > 0)
582         {
583             ownStencil_[faceI].transfer(newOwnStencil);
584             neiStencil_[faceI].transfer(newNeiStencil);
585         }
586     }
588     // Should compact schedule. Or have both return the same schedule.
589     neiMapPtr_.reset(new mapDistribute(ownMapPtr_()));
593 // ************************************************************************* //