BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / lagrangian / dieselSpray / spraySubModels / evaporationModel / RutlandFlashBoil / RutlandFlashBoil.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "error.H"
28 #include "RutlandFlashBoil.H"
29 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
30 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
32 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
34 namespace Foam
36     defineTypeNameAndDebug(RutlandFlashBoil, 0);
38     addToRunTimeSelectionTable
39     (
40         evaporationModel,
41         RutlandFlashBoil,
42         dictionary
43     );
47 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
49 Foam::RutlandFlashBoil::RutlandFlashBoil( const dictionary& dict)
51     evaporationModel(dict),
52     evapDict_(dict.subDict(typeName + "Coeffs")),
53     preReScFactor_(readScalar(evapDict_.lookup("preReScFactor"))),
54     ReExponent_(readScalar(evapDict_.lookup("ReExponent"))),
55     ScExponent_(readScalar(evapDict_.lookup("ScExponent"))),
56     evaporationScheme_(evapDict_.lookup("evaporationScheme")),
57     nEvapIter_(0)
59     if (evaporationScheme_ == "implicit")
60     {
61         nEvapIter_ = 2;
62     }
63     else if (evaporationScheme_ == "explicit")
64     {
65         nEvapIter_ = 1;
66     }
67     else
68     {
69         FatalError
70             << "evaporationScheme type " << evaporationScheme_
71             << " unknown. Use implicit or explicit." << nl
72             << abort(FatalError);
73     }
77 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
79 Foam::RutlandFlashBoil::~RutlandFlashBoil()
83 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
85 bool Foam::RutlandFlashBoil::evaporation() const
87     return true;
91 // Correlation for the Sherwood Number
92 Foam::scalar Foam::RutlandFlashBoil::Sh
94     const scalar ReynoldsNumber,
95     const scalar SchmidtNumber
96 ) const
98     return
99         2.0
100       + preReScFactor_
101        *pow(ReynoldsNumber, ReExponent_)
102        *pow(SchmidtNumber,ScExponent_);
106 Foam::scalar Foam::RutlandFlashBoil::relaxationTime
108     const scalar diameter,
109     const scalar liquidDensity,
110     const scalar rhoFuelVapor,
111     const scalar massDiffusionCoefficient,
112     const scalar ReynoldsNumber,
113     const scalar SchmidtNumber,
114     const scalar Xs,
115     const scalar Xf,
116     const scalar m0,
117     const scalar dm,
118     const scalar dt
119 ) const
121     scalar time = GREAT;
122     scalar lgExpr = 0.0;
124     /*
125         (pressure - partialFuelVaporPressure)/
126         (pressure - pressureAtSurface)
127       = 1 + Xratio
129         if the pressure @ Surface > pressure
130         this lead to boiling
131         and Xratio -> infinity (as it should)
132         ... this is numerically nasty
134     NB!
135         X_v,s = (p_v,s/p) X_v,d
136         where X_v,d = 1 for single component fuel
137         according to eq (3.136)
138         in D. Clerides Thesis
139     */
141     scalar Xratio = (Xs - Xf)/max(SMALL, 1.0 - Xs);
143     if (Xratio > 0.0)
144     {
145         lgExpr = log(1.0 + Xratio);
146     }
148     // From Equation (3.79) in C. Kralj's Thesis:
149     // Note that the 2.0 (instead of 6.0) below is correct, since evaporation
150     // is d(diameter)/dt and not d(mass)/dt
152     scalar Sherwood = Sh(ReynoldsNumber, SchmidtNumber);
154     scalar FbExp = 0.7;
156     scalar logXratio = log(1.0 + Xratio);
157     scalar Fb = 1.0;
159     if (logXratio > SMALL)
160     {
161         Fb = pow((1.0 + Xratio), FbExp)*log(1.0 + Xratio)/Xratio;
162     }
164     // proposed correction to sherwood number, implemented
166     Sherwood = 2.0 + (Sherwood - 2.0)/Fb;
168     scalar denominator =
169         6.0*massDiffusionCoefficient*Sherwood*rhoFuelVapor*lgExpr;
171     if (denominator > SMALL)
172     {
173         time = max(VSMALL, liquidDensity*sqr(diameter)/denominator);
174     }
176     return time;
180 Foam::scalar Foam::RutlandFlashBoil::boilingTime
182     const scalar liquidDensity,
183     const scalar cpFuel,
184     const scalar heatOfVapour,
185     const scalar kappa,
186     const scalar Nusselt,
187     const scalar deltaTemp,
188     const scalar diameter,
189     const scalar liquidCore,
190     const scalar ct,
191     const scalar tDrop,
192     const scalar tBoilingSurface,
193     const scalar vapourSurfaceEnthalpy,
194     const scalar vapourFarEnthalpy,
195     const scalar cpGas,
196     const scalar temperature,
197     const scalar kLiq
198 ) const
200     scalar time = GREAT;
202     // the deltaTemperature is limited to not go below .5 deg K
203     // for numerical reasons.
204     // This is probably not important, since it results in an upper
205     // limit for the boiling time... which we have anyway.
207     // k set to the k value at the droplet temperature, not as in the Rutland
208     // Paper
210     if (liquidCore > 0.5)
211     {
212         if (tDrop > tBoilingSurface)
213         {
214             //  Evaporation of the liquid sheet
216             scalar psi = 2.72;
217             scalar kIncreased = psi*kLiq;
218             scalar alfa = psi*kIncreased/(liquidDensity*cpFuel);
219             scalar F = alfa*ct/sqr(0.5*diameter);
221             scalar expSum = 0.0;
222             scalar expSumOld = expSum;
224             label Niter = 200;
226             for (label k=0; k < Niter; k++)
227             {
228                 expSum += exp(sqr(-k*constant::mathematical::pi*sqrt(F)/2.0));
229                 if (mag(expSum-expSumOld)/expSum < 1.0e-3)
230                 {
231                     break;
232                 }
233                 expSumOld = expSum;
234             }
235         }
236     }
237     else
238     {
239         scalar dTLB = min(0.5, tDrop -  tBoilingSurface);
240         scalar alfaS = 0.0;
242         if (dTLB >= 0.0 && dTLB < 5.0)
243         {
244             alfaS = 0.76*pow(dTLB, 0.26);
245         }
246         if (dTLB >= 5.0 &&  dTLB < 25.0)
247         {
248             alfaS = 0.027*pow(dTLB, 2.33);
249         }
250         if (dTLB >= 25.0)
251         {
252             alfaS = 13.8*pow(dTLB, 0.39);
253         }
255         scalar Gf =
256             4.0*alfaS*dTLB
257            *constant::mathematical::pi*sqr(diameter/2.0)
258            /heatOfVapour;
260         // calculation of the heat transfer vapourization at superheated
261         // conditions (temperature>tBoilingSurface)
262         scalar G = 0.0;
263         if (temperature > tBoilingSurface)
264         {
265             scalar NusseltCorr = Nusselt ;
266             scalar A =
267                 mag((vapourFarEnthalpy-vapourSurfaceEnthalpy)/heatOfVapour);
269             // 2.0? or 1.0? try 1!
270             scalar B =
271                 1.0*constant::mathematical::pi*kappa/cpGas*diameter*NusseltCorr;
272             scalar nPos = B*log(1.0 + A)/Gf + 1.0;
273             scalar nNeg = (1.0/A)*(exp(Gf/B) - 1.0 - A) + 1.0;
275             scalar Gpos = Gf*nPos;
276             scalar Gneg = Gf/nNeg;
278             //scalar FgPos = Gpos + Gf - B * log( 1.0 + ( 1.0 + Gf/Gpos )*A);
279             scalar FgNeg = Gneg + Gf - B*log(1.0 + (1.0 + Gf/Gneg )*A);
281             if (FgNeg > 0.0)
282             {
283                 for (label j = 0; j < 20; j++)
284                 {
285                     Gneg = Gneg/10.0;
286                     Gneg = max(Gneg, VSMALL);
287                     FgNeg = Gneg + Gf - B*log(1.0 + (1.0 + Gf/Gneg)*A);
288                     if (FgNeg < 0.0)
289                     {
290                         break;
291                     }
292                 }
293             }
295             FgNeg = Gneg + Gf - B*log( 1.0 + ( 1.0 + Gf/Gneg)*A);
297             G = 0.5*(Gpos + Gneg);
298             scalar Gold = -100;
300             label Niter = 200;
301             label k=0;
303             if (FgNeg > 0.0)
304             {
305                 Info<< "no convergence" << endl;
306             }
309             if (FgNeg < 0.0)
310             {
311                 for (k=0; k<Niter; k++)
312                 {
313                     scalar Fg = G + Gf - B*log( 1.0 + ( 1.0 + Gf/G )*A);
315                     if (Fg > 0)
316                     {
317                         Gpos = G;
318                         G = 0.5*(Gpos + Gneg);
319                     }
320                     else
321                     {
322                         Gneg = G;
323                         G = 0.5*(Gpos + Gneg);
324                     }
326                     Gold = G;
327                     if (mag(G - Gold)/Gold < 1.0e-3)
328                     {
329                         break;
330                     }
331                 }
333                 if (k >= Niter - 1)
334                 {
335                     Info<< " No convergence for G " << endl;
336                 }
337             }
338             else
339             {
340                 G = 0.0;
341             }
342         }
344         time =
345             (constant::mathematical::pi*pow3(diameter)/6.0)
346            *liquidDensity
347            /(G + Gf);
349         time = max(VSMALL, time);
350     }
352     return time;
356 // ************************************************************************* //