BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / lagrangian / intermediate / clouds / Templates / KinematicCloud / KinematicCloud.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "KinematicCloud.H"
27 #include "IntegrationScheme.H"
28 #include "interpolation.H"
29 #include "subCycleTime.H"
31 #include "DispersionModel.H"
32 #include "InjectionModel.H"
33 #include "PatchInteractionModel.H"
34 #include "SurfaceFilmModel.H"
36 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * //
38 template<class CloudType>
39 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::setModels()
41     dispersionModel_.reset
42     (
43         DispersionModel<KinematicCloud<CloudType> >::New
44         (
45             subModelProperties_,
46             *this
47         ).ptr()
48     );
50     injectionModel_.reset
51     (
52         InjectionModel<KinematicCloud<CloudType> >::New
53         (
54             subModelProperties_,
55             *this
56         ).ptr()
57     );
59     patchInteractionModel_.reset
60     (
61         PatchInteractionModel<KinematicCloud<CloudType> >::New
62         (
63             subModelProperties_,
64             *this
65         ).ptr()
66     );
68     surfaceFilmModel_.reset
69     (
70         SurfaceFilmModel<KinematicCloud<CloudType> >::New
71         (
72             subModelProperties_,
73             *this,
74             g_
75         ).ptr()
76     );
78     UIntegrator_.reset
79     (
80         vectorIntegrationScheme::New
81         (
82             "U",
83             solution_.integrationSchemes()
84         ).ptr()
85     );
89 template<class CloudType>
90 template<class TrackData>
91 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::solve(TrackData& td)
93     if (solution_.steadyState())
94     {
95         td.cloud().storeState();
97         td.cloud().preEvolve();
99         evolveCloud(td);
101         if (solution_.coupled())
102         {
103             td.cloud().relaxSources(td.cloud().cloudCopy());
104         }
105     }
106     else
107     {
108         td.cloud().preEvolve();
110         evolveCloud(td);
112         if (solution_.coupled())
113         {
114             td.cloud().scaleSources();
115         }
116     }
118     td.cloud().info();
120     td.cloud().postEvolve();
122     if (solution_.steadyState())
123     {
124         td.cloud().restoreState();
125     }
129 template<class CloudType>
130 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::buildCellOccupancy()
132     if (cellOccupancyPtr_.empty())
133     {
134         cellOccupancyPtr_.reset
135         (
136             new List<DynamicList<parcelType*> >(mesh_.nCells())
137         );
138     }
139     else if (cellOccupancyPtr_().size() != mesh_.nCells())
140     {
141         // If the size of the mesh has changed, reset the
142         // cellOccupancy size
144         cellOccupancyPtr_().setSize(mesh_.nCells());
145     }
147     List<DynamicList<parcelType*> >& cellOccupancy = cellOccupancyPtr_();
149     forAll(cellOccupancy, cO)
150     {
151         cellOccupancy[cO].clear();
152     }
154     forAllIter(typename KinematicCloud<CloudType>, *this, iter)
155     {
156         cellOccupancy[iter().cell()].append(&iter());
157     }
161 template<class CloudType>
162 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::updateCellOccupancy()
164     // Only build the cellOccupancy if the pointer is set, i.e. it has
165     // been requested before.
167     if (cellOccupancyPtr_.valid())
168     {
169         buildCellOccupancy();
170     }
174 template<class CloudType>
175 template<class TrackData>
176 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::evolveCloud(TrackData& td)
178     if (solution_.coupled())
179     {
180         td.cloud().resetSourceTerms();
181     }
183     if (solution_.transient())
184     {
185         label preInjectionSize = this->size();
187         this->surfaceFilm().inject(td);
189         // Update the cellOccupancy if the size of the cloud has changed
190         // during the injection.
191         if (preInjectionSize != this->size())
192         {
193             updateCellOccupancy();
195             preInjectionSize = this->size();
196         }
197         this->injection().inject(td);
200         // Assume that motion will update the cellOccupancy as necessary
201         // before it is required.
202         td.cloud().motion(td);
203     }
204     else
205     {
206 //        this->surfaceFilm().injectSteadyState(td);
208         this->injection().injectSteadyState(td, solution_.trackTime());
210         td.part() = TrackData::tpLinearTrack;
211         CloudType::move(td,  solution_.trackTime());
212     }
216 template<class CloudType>
217 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::postEvolve()
219     Info<< endl;
221     if (debug)
222     {
223         this->writePositions();
224     }
226     this->dispersion().cacheFields(false);
228     forces_.cacheFields(false);
229     functions_.postEvolve();
231     solution_.nextIter();
235 template<class CloudType>
236 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::cloudReset(KinematicCloud<CloudType>& c)
238     CloudType::cloudReset(c);
240     rndGen_ = c.rndGen_;
242     forces_.transfer(c.forces_);
244     functions_.transfer(c.functions_);
246     dispersionModel_.reset(c.dispersionModel_.ptr());
247     injectionModel_.reset(c.injectionModel_.ptr());
248     patchInteractionModel_.reset(c.patchInteractionModel_.ptr());
249     surfaceFilmModel_.reset(c.surfaceFilmModel_.ptr());
251     UIntegrator_.reset(c.UIntegrator_.ptr());
255 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
257 template<class CloudType>
258 Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::KinematicCloud
260     const word& cloudName,
261     const volScalarField& rho,
262     const volVectorField& U,
263     const volScalarField& mu,
264     const dimensionedVector& g,
265     bool readFields
268     CloudType(rho.mesh(), cloudName, false),
269     kinematicCloud(),
270     cloudCopyPtr_(NULL),
271     mesh_(rho.mesh()),
272     particleProperties_
273     (
274         IOobject
275         (
276             cloudName + "Properties",
277             rho.mesh().time().constant(),
278             rho.mesh(),
279             IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED,
280             IOobject::NO_WRITE
281         )
282     ),
283     solution_(mesh_, particleProperties_.subDict("solution")),
284     constProps_(particleProperties_, solution_.active()),
285     subModelProperties_
286     (
287         particleProperties_.subOrEmptyDict("subModels", solution_.active())
288     ),
289     rndGen_
290     (
291         label(0),
292         solution_.steadyState() ?
293         particleProperties_.lookupOrDefault<label>("randomSampleSize", 100000)
294       : -1
295     ),
296     cellOccupancyPtr_(),
297     rho_(rho),
298     U_(U),
299     mu_(mu),
300     g_(g),
301     pAmbient_(0.0),
302     forces_
303     (
304         *this,
305         mesh_,
306         subModelProperties_.subOrEmptyDict
307         (
308             "particleForces",
309             solution_.active()
310         ),
311         solution_.active()
312     ),
313     functions_
314     (
315         *this,
316         particleProperties_.subOrEmptyDict("cloudFunctions"),
317         solution_.active()
318     ),
319     dispersionModel_(NULL),
320     injectionModel_(NULL),
321     patchInteractionModel_(NULL),
322     surfaceFilmModel_(NULL),
323     UIntegrator_(NULL),
324     UTrans_
325     (
326         new DimensionedField<vector, volMesh>
327         (
328             IOobject
329             (
330                 this->name() + "UTrans",
331                 this->db().time().timeName(),
332                 this->db(),
333                 IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT,
334                 IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
335             ),
336             mesh_,
337             dimensionedVector("zero", dimMass*dimVelocity, vector::zero)
338         )
339     ),
340     UCoeff_
341     (
342         new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
343         (
344             IOobject
345             (
346                 this->name() + "UCoeff",
347                 this->db().time().timeName(),
348                 this->db(),
349                 IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT,
350                 IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
351             ),
352             mesh_,
353             dimensionedScalar("zero",  dimMass, 0.0)
354         )
355     )
357     if (solution_.active())
358     {
359         setModels();
361         if (readFields)
362         {
363             parcelType::readFields(*this);
364         }
365     }
367     if (solution_.resetSourcesOnStartup())
368     {
369         resetSourceTerms();
370     }
374 template<class CloudType>
375 Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::KinematicCloud
377     KinematicCloud<CloudType>& c,
378     const word& name
381     CloudType(c.mesh_, name, c),
382     kinematicCloud(),
383     cloudCopyPtr_(NULL),
384     mesh_(c.mesh_),
385     particleProperties_(c.particleProperties_),
386     solution_(c.solution_),
387     constProps_(c.constProps_),
388     subModelProperties_(c.subModelProperties_),
389     rndGen_(c.rndGen_, true),
390     cellOccupancyPtr_(NULL),
391     rho_(c.rho_),
392     U_(c.U_),
393     mu_(c.mu_),
394     g_(c.g_),
395     pAmbient_(c.pAmbient_),
396     forces_(c.forces_),
397     functions_(c.functions_),
398     dispersionModel_(c.dispersionModel_->clone()),
399     injectionModel_(c.injectionModel_->clone()),
400     patchInteractionModel_(c.patchInteractionModel_->clone()),
401     surfaceFilmModel_(c.surfaceFilmModel_->clone()),
402     UIntegrator_(c.UIntegrator_->clone()),
403     UTrans_
404     (
405         new DimensionedField<vector, volMesh>
406         (
407             IOobject
408             (
409                 this->name() + "UTrans",
410                 this->db().time().timeName(),
411                 this->db(),
412                 IOobject::NO_READ,
413                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
414                 false
415             ),
416             c.UTrans_()
417         )
418     ),
419     UCoeff_
420     (
421         new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
422         (
423             IOobject
424             (
425                 name + "UCoeff",
426                 this->db().time().timeName(),
427                 this->db(),
428                 IOobject::NO_READ,
429                 IOobject::NO_WRITE,
430                 false
431             ),
432             c.UCoeff_()
433         )
434     )
438 template<class CloudType>
439 Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::KinematicCloud
441     const fvMesh& mesh,
442     const word& name,
443     const KinematicCloud<CloudType>& c
446     CloudType(mesh, name, IDLList<parcelType>()),
447     kinematicCloud(),
448     cloudCopyPtr_(NULL),
449     mesh_(mesh),
450     particleProperties_
451     (
452         IOobject
453         (
454             name + "Properties",
455             mesh.time().constant(),
456             mesh,
457             IOobject::NO_READ,
458             IOobject::NO_WRITE,
459             false
460         )
461     ),
462     solution_(mesh),
463     constProps_(),
464     subModelProperties_(dictionary::null),
465     rndGen_(0, 0),
466     cellOccupancyPtr_(NULL),
467     rho_(c.rho_),
468     U_(c.U_),
469     mu_(c.mu_),
470     g_(c.g_),
471     pAmbient_(c.pAmbient_),
472     forces_(*this, mesh),
473     functions_(*this),
474     dispersionModel_(NULL),
475     injectionModel_(NULL),
476     patchInteractionModel_(NULL),
477     surfaceFilmModel_(NULL),
478     UIntegrator_(NULL),
479     UTrans_(NULL),
480     UCoeff_(NULL)
484 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
486 template<class CloudType>
487 Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::~KinematicCloud()
491 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
493 template<class CloudType>
494 bool Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::hasWallImpactDistance() const
496     return true;
500 template<class CloudType>
501 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::setParcelThermoProperties
503     parcelType& parcel,
504     const scalar lagrangianDt
507     parcel.rho() = constProps_.rho0();
511 template<class CloudType>
512 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::checkParcelProperties
514     parcelType& parcel,
515     const scalar lagrangianDt,
516     const bool fullyDescribed
519     const scalar carrierDt = mesh_.time().deltaTValue();
520     parcel.stepFraction() = (carrierDt - lagrangianDt)/carrierDt;
521     parcel.typeId() = constProps_.parcelTypeId();
525 template<class CloudType>
526 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::storeState()
528     cloudCopyPtr_.reset
529     (
530         static_cast<KinematicCloud<CloudType>*>
531         (
532             clone(this->name() + "Copy").ptr()
533         )
534     );
538 template<class CloudType>
539 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::restoreState()
541     cloudReset(cloudCopyPtr_());
542     cloudCopyPtr_.clear();
546 template<class CloudType>
547 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::resetSourceTerms()
549     UTrans().field() = vector::zero;
550     UCoeff().field() = 0.0;
554 template<class CloudType>
555 template<class Type>
556 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::relax
558     DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& field,
559     const DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& field0,
560     const word& name
561 ) const
563     const scalar coeff = solution_.relaxCoeff(name);
564     field = field0 + coeff*(field - field0);
568 template<class CloudType>
569 template<class Type>
570 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::scale
572     DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& field,
573     const word& name
574 ) const
576     const scalar coeff = solution_.relaxCoeff(name);
577     field *= coeff;
581 template<class CloudType>
582 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::relaxSources
584     const KinematicCloud<CloudType>& cloudOldTime
587     this->relax(UTrans_(), cloudOldTime.UTrans(), "U");
588     this->relax(UCoeff_(), cloudOldTime.UCoeff(), "U");
592 template<class CloudType>
593 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::scaleSources()
595     this->scale(UTrans_(), "U");
596     this->scale(UCoeff_(), "U");
600 template<class CloudType>
601 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::preEvolve()
603     Info<< "\nSolving cloud " << this->name() << endl;
605     this->dispersion().cacheFields(true);
606     forces_.cacheFields(true);
607     updateCellOccupancy();
609     pAmbient_ = constProps_.dict().template
610         lookupOrDefault<scalar>("pAmbient", pAmbient_);
612     functions_.preEvolve();
616 template<class CloudType>
617 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::evolve()
619     if (solution_.canEvolve())
620     {
621         typename parcelType::template
622             TrackingData<KinematicCloud<CloudType> > td(*this);
624         solve(td);
625     }
629 template<class CloudType>
630 template<class TrackData>
631 void  Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::motion(TrackData& td)
633     td.part() = TrackData::tpLinearTrack;
634     CloudType::move(td,  solution_.trackTime());
636     updateCellOccupancy();
640 template<class CloudType>
641 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::info() const
643     vector linearMomentum = linearMomentumOfSystem();
644     reduce(linearMomentum, sumOp<vector>());
646     scalar linearKineticEnergy = linearKineticEnergyOfSystem();
647     reduce(linearKineticEnergy, sumOp<scalar>());
649     scalar rotationalKineticEnergy = rotationalKineticEnergyOfSystem();
650     reduce(rotationalKineticEnergy, sumOp<scalar>());
652     Info<< "Cloud: " << this->name() << nl
653         << "    Current number of parcels       = "
654         << returnReduce(this->size(), sumOp<label>()) << nl
655         << "    Current mass in system          = "
656         << returnReduce(massInSystem(), sumOp<scalar>()) << nl
657         << "    Linear momentum                 = "
658         << linearMomentum << nl
659         << "   |Linear momentum|                = "
660         << mag(linearMomentum) << nl
661         << "    Linear kinetic energy           = "
662         << linearKineticEnergy << nl
663         << "    Rotational kinetic energy       = "
664         << rotationalKineticEnergy << nl;
666     this->injection().info(Info);
667     this->surfaceFilm().info(Info);
668     this->patchInteraction().info(Info);
672 // ************************************************************************* //