BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / postProcessing / functionObjects / field / streamLine / streamLine.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "Pstream.H"
27 #include "functionObjectList.H"
28 #include "streamLine.H"
29 #include "fvMesh.H"
30 #include "streamLineParticleCloud.H"
31 #include "ReadFields.H"
32 #include "meshSearch.H"
33 #include "sampledSet.H"
34 #include "globalIndex.H"
35 #include "mapDistribute.H"
37 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
39 defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::streamLine, 0);
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 void Foam::streamLine::track()
45     const Time& runTime = obr_.time();
46     const fvMesh& mesh = dynamic_cast<const fvMesh&>(obr_);
48     IDLList<streamLineParticle> initialParticles;
49     streamLineParticleCloud particles
50     (
51         mesh,
52         cloudName_,
53         initialParticles
54     );
56     const sampledSet& seedPoints = sampledSetPtr_();
58     forAll(seedPoints, i)
59     {
60         particles.addParticle
61         (
62             new streamLineParticle
63             (
64                 mesh,
65                 seedPoints[i],
66                 seedPoints.cells()[i],
67                 lifeTime_               // lifetime
68             )
69         );
70     }
72     label nSeeds = returnReduce(particles.size(), sumOp<label>());
74     Info<< "Seeded " << nSeeds << " particles." << endl;
76     // Read or lookup fields
77     PtrList<volScalarField> vsFlds;
78     PtrList<interpolationCellPoint<scalar> > vsInterp;
79     PtrList<volVectorField> vvFlds;
80     PtrList<interpolationCellPoint<vector> > vvInterp;
82     label UIndex = -1;
84     if (loadFromFiles_)
85     {
86         IOobjectList allObjects(mesh, runTime.timeName());
88         IOobjectList objects(2*fields_.size());
89         forAll(fields_, i)
90         {
91             objects.add(*allObjects[fields_[i]]);
92         }
94         ReadFields(mesh, objects, vsFlds);
95         vsInterp.setSize(vsFlds.size());
96         forAll(vsFlds, i)
97         {
98             vsInterp.set(i, new interpolationCellPoint<scalar>(vsFlds[i]));
99         }
100         ReadFields(mesh, objects, vvFlds);
101         vvInterp.setSize(vvFlds.size());
102         forAll(vvFlds, i)
103         {
104             vvInterp.set(i, new interpolationCellPoint<vector>(vvFlds[i]));
105         }
106     }
107     else
108     {
109         label nScalar = 0;
110         label nVector = 0;
112         forAll(fields_, i)
113         {
114             if (mesh.foundObject<volScalarField>(fields_[i]))
115             {
116                 nScalar++;
117             }
118             else if (mesh.foundObject<volVectorField>(fields_[i]))
119             {
120                 nVector++;
121             }
122             else
123             {
124                 FatalErrorIn("streamLine::execute()")
125                     << "Cannot find field " << fields_[i] << endl
126                     << "Valid scalar fields are:"
127                     << mesh.names(volScalarField::typeName) << endl
128                     << "Valid vector fields are:"
129                     << mesh.names(volVectorField::typeName)
130                     << exit(FatalError);
131             }
132         }
133         vsInterp.setSize(nScalar);
134         nScalar = 0;
135         vvInterp.setSize(nVector);
136         nVector = 0;
138         forAll(fields_, i)
139         {
140             if (mesh.foundObject<volScalarField>(fields_[i]))
141             {
142                 const volScalarField& f = mesh.lookupObject<volScalarField>
143                 (
144                     fields_[i]
145                 );
146                 vsInterp.set
147                 (
148                     nScalar++,
149                     new interpolationCellPoint<scalar>(f)
150                 );
151             }
152             else if (mesh.foundObject<volVectorField>(fields_[i]))
153             {
154                 const volVectorField& f = mesh.lookupObject<volVectorField>
155                 (
156                     fields_[i]
157                 );
159                 if (f.name() == UName_)
160                 {
161                     UIndex = nVector;
162                 }
164                 vvInterp.set
165                 (
166                     nVector++,
167                     new interpolationCellPoint<vector>(f)
168                 );
169             }
170         }
171     }
173     // Store the names
174     scalarNames_.setSize(vsInterp.size());
175     forAll(vsInterp, i)
176     {
177         scalarNames_[i] = vsInterp[i].psi().name();
178     }
179     vectorNames_.setSize(vvInterp.size());
180     forAll(vvInterp, i)
181     {
182         vectorNames_[i] = vvInterp[i].psi().name();
183     }
185     // Check that we know the index of U in the interpolators.
187     if (UIndex == -1)
188     {
189         FatalErrorIn("streamLine::execute()")
190             << "Cannot find field to move particles with : " << UName_
191             << endl
192             << "This field has to be present in the sampled fields "
193             << fields_
194             << " and in the objectRegistry." << endl
195             << exit(FatalError);
196     }
198     // Sampled data
199     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~
201     // Size to maximum expected sizes.
202     allTracks_.clear();
203     allTracks_.setCapacity(nSeeds);
204     allScalars_.setSize(vsInterp.size());
205     forAll(allScalars_, i)
206     {
207         allScalars_[i].clear();
208         allScalars_[i].setCapacity(nSeeds);
209     }
210     allVectors_.setSize(vvInterp.size());
211     forAll(allVectors_, i)
212     {
213         allVectors_[i].clear();
214         allVectors_[i].setCapacity(nSeeds);
215     }
217     // additional particle info
218     streamLineParticle::trackingData td
219     (
220         particles,
221         vsInterp,
222         vvInterp,
223         UIndex,         // index of U in vvInterp
224         trackForward_,  // track in +u direction
225         nSubCycle_,     // step through cells in steps?
226         allTracks_,
227         allScalars_,
228         allVectors_
229     );
232     // Set very large dt. Note: cannot use GREAT since 1/GREAT is SMALL
233     // which is a trigger value for the tracking...
234     const scalar trackTime = Foam::sqrt(GREAT);
236     // Track
237     particles.move(td, trackTime);
241 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
243 Foam::streamLine::streamLine
245     const word& name,
246     const objectRegistry& obr,
247     const dictionary& dict,
248     const bool loadFromFiles
251     dict_(dict),
252     name_(name),
253     obr_(obr),
254     loadFromFiles_(loadFromFiles),
255     active_(true)
257     // Only active if a fvMesh is available
258     if (isA<fvMesh>(obr_))
259     {
260         read(dict_);
261     }
262     else
263     {
264         active_ = false;
265         WarningIn
266         (
267             "streamLine::streamLine\n"
268             "(\n"
269                 "const word&,\n"
270                 "const objectRegistry&,\n"
271                 "const dictionary&,\n"
272                 "const bool\n"
273             ")"
274         )   << "No fvMesh available, deactivating."
275             << nl << endl;
276     }
280 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
282 Foam::streamLine::~streamLine()
286 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
288 void Foam::streamLine::read(const dictionary& dict)
290     if (active_)
291     {
292         //dict_ = dict;
293         dict.lookup("fields") >> fields_;
294         if (dict.found("UName"))
295         {
296             dict.lookup("UName") >> UName_;
297         }
298         else
299         {
300             UName_ = dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("U", "U");
301         }
302         dict.lookup("trackForward") >> trackForward_;
303         dict.lookup("lifeTime") >> lifeTime_;
304         if (lifeTime_ < 1)
305         {
306             FatalErrorIn(":streamLine::read(const dictionary&)")
307                 << "Illegal value " << lifeTime_ << " for lifeTime"
308                 << exit(FatalError);
309         }
311         dict.lookup("nSubCycle") >> nSubCycle_;
312         if (nSubCycle_ < 1)
313         {
314             nSubCycle_ = 1;
315         }
317         cloudName_ = dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("cloudName", "streamLine");
318         dict.lookup("seedSampleSet") >> seedSet_;
320         const fvMesh& mesh = dynamic_cast<const fvMesh&>(obr_);
322         meshSearchPtr_.reset(new meshSearch(mesh, false));
324         const dictionary& coeffsDict = dict.subDict(seedSet_ + "Coeffs");
325         sampledSetPtr_ = sampledSet::New
326         (
327             seedSet_,
328             mesh,
329             meshSearchPtr_(),
330             coeffsDict
331         );
332         coeffsDict.lookup("axis") >> sampledSetAxis_;
334         scalarFormatterPtr_ = writer<scalar>::New(dict.lookup("setFormat"));
335         vectorFormatterPtr_ = writer<vector>::New(dict.lookup("setFormat"));
336     }
340 void Foam::streamLine::execute()
342 //    const Time& runTime = obr_.time();
343 //    Pout<< "**streamLine::execute : time:" << runTime.timeName() << endl;
345 //    bool isOutputTime = false;
347 //    const functionObjectList& fobs = runTime.functionObjects();
349 //    forAll(fobs, i)
350 //    {
351 //        if (isA<streamLineFunctionObject>(fobs[i]))
352 //        {
353 //            const streamLineFunctionObject& fo =
354 //                dynamic_cast<const streamLineFunctionObject&>(fobs[i]);
356 //            if (fo.name() == name_)
357 //            {
358 //                Pout<< "found me:" << i << endl;
359 //                if (fo.outputControl().output())
360 //                {
361 //                    isOutputTime = true;
362 //                    break;
363 //                }
364 //            }
365 //        }
366 //    }
369 //    if (active_ && isOutputTime)
370 //    {
371 //        track();
372 //    }
376 void Foam::streamLine::end()
380 void Foam::streamLine::write()
382     if (active_)
383     {
384         const Time& runTime = obr_.time();
385         const fvMesh& mesh = dynamic_cast<const fvMesh&>(obr_);
388         // Do all injection and tracking
389         track();
392         if (Pstream::parRun())
393         {
394             // Append slave tracks to master ones
395             // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
397             globalIndex globalTrackIDs(allTracks_.size());
399             // Construct a distribution map to pull all to the master.
400             labelListList sendMap(Pstream::nProcs());
401             labelListList recvMap(Pstream::nProcs());
403             if (Pstream::master())
404             {
405                 // Master: receive all. My own first, then consecutive
406                 // processors.
407                 label trackI = 0;
409                 forAll(recvMap, procI)
410                 {
411                     labelList& fromProc = recvMap[procI];
412                     fromProc.setSize(globalTrackIDs.localSize(procI));
413                     forAll(fromProc, i)
414                     {
415                         fromProc[i] = trackI++;
416                     }
417                 }
418             }
420             labelList& toMaster = sendMap[0];
421             toMaster.setSize(globalTrackIDs.localSize());
422             forAll(toMaster, i)
423             {
424                 toMaster[i] = i;
425             }
427             const mapDistribute distMap
428             (
429                 globalTrackIDs.size(),
430                 sendMap.xfer(),
431                 recvMap.xfer()
432             );
435             // Distribute the track positions. Note: use scheduled comms
436             // to prevent buffering.
437             mapDistribute::distribute
438             (
439                 Pstream::scheduled,
440                 distMap.schedule(),
441                 distMap.constructSize(),
442                 distMap.subMap(),
443                 distMap.constructMap(),
444                 allTracks_
445             );
447             // Distribute the scalars
448             forAll(allScalars_, scalarI)
449             {
450                 mapDistribute::distribute
451                 (
452                     Pstream::scheduled,
453                     distMap.schedule(),
454                     distMap.constructSize(),
455                     distMap.subMap(),
456                     distMap.constructMap(),
457                     allScalars_[scalarI]
458                 );
459             }
460             // Distribute the vectors
461             forAll(allVectors_, vectorI)
462             {
463                 mapDistribute::distribute
464                 (
465                     Pstream::scheduled,
466                     distMap.schedule(),
467                     distMap.constructSize(),
468                     distMap.subMap(),
469                     distMap.constructMap(),
470                     allVectors_[vectorI]
471                 );
472             }
473         }
476         label n = 0;
477         forAll(allTracks_, trackI)
478         {
479             n += allTracks_[trackI].size();
480         }
482         Info<< "Tracks:" << allTracks_.size()
483             << "  total samples:" << n << endl;
486         // Massage into form suitable for writers
487         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
489         if (Pstream::master() && allTracks_.size())
490         {
491             // Make output directory
493             fileName vtkPath
494             (
495                 Pstream::parRun()
496               ? runTime.path()/".."/"sets"/name()
497               : runTime.path()/"sets"/name()
498             );
499             if (mesh.name() != fvMesh::defaultRegion)
500             {
501                 vtkPath = vtkPath/mesh.name();
502             }
503             vtkPath = vtkPath/mesh.time().timeName();
505             mkDir(vtkPath);
507             // Convert track positions
509             PtrList<coordSet> tracks(allTracks_.size());
510             forAll(allTracks_, trackI)
511             {
512                 tracks.set
513                 (
514                     trackI,
515                     new coordSet
516                     (
517                         "track" + Foam::name(trackI),
518                         sampledSetAxis_                 //"xyz"
519                     )
520                 );
521                 tracks[trackI].transfer(allTracks_[trackI]);
522             }
524             // Convert scalar values
526             if (allScalars_.size() > 0)
527             {
528                 List<List<scalarField> > scalarValues(allScalars_.size());
530                 forAll(allScalars_, scalarI)
531                 {
532                     DynamicList<scalarList>& allTrackVals =
533                         allScalars_[scalarI];
534                     scalarValues[scalarI].setSize(allTrackVals.size());
536                     forAll(allTrackVals, trackI)
537                     {
538                         scalarList& trackVals = allTrackVals[trackI];
539                         scalarValues[scalarI][trackI].transfer(trackVals);
540                     }
541                 }
543                 fileName vtkFile
544                 (
545                     vtkPath
546                   / scalarFormatterPtr_().getFileName
547                     (
548                         tracks[0],
549                         scalarNames_
550                     )
551                 );
553                 Info<< "Writing data to " << vtkFile.path() << endl;
555                 scalarFormatterPtr_().write
556                 (
557                     true,           // writeTracks
558                     tracks,
559                     scalarNames_,
560                     scalarValues,
561                     OFstream(vtkFile)()
562                 );
563             }
565             // Convert vector values
567             if (allVectors_.size() > 0)
568             {
569                 List<List<vectorField> > vectorValues(allVectors_.size());
571                 forAll(allVectors_, vectorI)
572                 {
573                     DynamicList<vectorList>& allTrackVals =
574                         allVectors_[vectorI];
575                     vectorValues[vectorI].setSize(allTrackVals.size());
577                     forAll(allTrackVals, trackI)
578                     {
579                         vectorList& trackVals = allTrackVals[trackI];
580                         vectorValues[vectorI][trackI].transfer(trackVals);
581                     }
582                 }
584                 fileName vtkFile
585                 (
586                     vtkPath
587                   / vectorFormatterPtr_().getFileName
588                     (
589                         tracks[0],
590                         vectorNames_
591                     )
592                 );
594                 //Info<< "Writing vector data to " << vtkFile << endl;
596                 vectorFormatterPtr_().write
597                 (
598                     true,           // writeTracks
599                     tracks,
600                     vectorNames_,
601                     vectorValues,
602                     OFstream(vtkFile)()
603                 );
604             }
605         }
606     }
610 void Foam::streamLine::updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh&)
612     read(dict_);
616 void Foam::streamLine::movePoints(const pointField&)
618     // Moving mesh affects the search tree
619     read(dict_);
623 //void Foam::streamLine::readUpdate(const polyMesh::readUpdateState state)
625 //    if (state != UNCHANGED)
626 //    {
627 //        read(dict_);
628 //    }
632 // ************************************************************************* //