BUG: UListIO: byteSize overflowing on really big faceLists
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / postProcessing / functionObjects / field / streamLine / streamLineParticle.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "streamLineParticle.H"
27 #include "vectorFieldIOField.H"
29 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
31 namespace Foam
33 //    defineParticleTypeNameAndDebug(streamLineParticle, 0);
37 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
39 Foam::scalar Foam::streamLineParticle::calcSubCycleDeltaT
41     trackingData& td,
42     const scalar dt,
43     const vector& U
44 ) const
46     streamLineParticle testParticle(*this);
48     bool oldKeepParticle = td.keepParticle;
49     bool oldSwitchProcessor = td.switchProcessor;
50     scalar fraction = testParticle.trackToFace(position()+dt*U, td);
51     td.keepParticle = oldKeepParticle;
52     td.switchProcessor = oldSwitchProcessor;
53     // Adapt the dt to subdivide the trajectory into substeps.
54     return dt*fraction/td.nSubCycle_;
58 Foam::vector Foam::streamLineParticle::interpolateFields
60     const trackingData& td,
61     const point& position,
62     const label cellI
65     if (cellI == -1)
66     {
67         FatalErrorIn("streamLineParticle::interpolateFields(..)")
68             << "Cell:" << cellI << abort(FatalError);
69     }
71     sampledScalars_.setSize(td.vsInterp_.size());
72     forAll(td.vsInterp_, scalarI)
73     {
74         sampledScalars_[scalarI].append
75         (
76             td.vsInterp_[scalarI].interpolate
77             (
78                 position,
79                 cellI
80             )
81         );
82     }
84     sampledVectors_.setSize(td.vvInterp_.size());
85     forAll(td.vvInterp_, vectorI)
86     {
87         sampledVectors_[vectorI].append
88         (
89             td.vvInterp_[vectorI].interpolate
90             (
91                 position,
92                 cellI
93             )
94         );
95     }
97     const DynamicList<vector>& U = sampledVectors_[td.UIndex_];
99     return U.last();
103 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
105 Foam::streamLineParticle::streamLineParticle
107     const polyMesh& mesh,
108     const vector& position,
109     const label cellI,
110     const label lifeTime
113     particle(mesh, position, cellI),
114     lifeTime_(lifeTime)
118 Foam::streamLineParticle::streamLineParticle
120     const polyMesh& mesh,
121     Istream& is,
122     bool readFields
125     particle(mesh, is, readFields)
127     if (readFields)
128     {
129         //if (is.format() == IOstream::ASCII)
130         List<scalarList> sampledScalars;
131         List<vectorList> sampledVectors;
133         is  >> lifeTime_ >> sampledPositions_ >> sampledScalars
134             >> sampledVectors;
136         sampledScalars_.setSize(sampledScalars.size());
137         forAll(sampledScalars, i)
138         {
139             sampledScalars_[i].transfer(sampledScalars[i]);
140         }
141         sampledVectors_.setSize(sampledVectors.size());
142         forAll(sampledVectors, i)
143         {
144             sampledVectors_[i].transfer(sampledVectors[i]);
145         }
146     }
148     // Check state of Istream
149     is.check
150     (
151         "streamLineParticle::streamLineParticle"
152         "(const Cloud<streamLineParticle>&, Istream&, bool)"
153     );
157 Foam::streamLineParticle::streamLineParticle
159     const streamLineParticle& p
162     particle(p),
163     lifeTime_(p.lifeTime_),
164     sampledPositions_(p.sampledPositions_),
165     sampledScalars_(p.sampledScalars_)
169 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
171 bool Foam::streamLineParticle::move
173     trackingData& td,
174     const scalar trackTime
177     streamLineParticle& p = static_cast<streamLineParticle&>(*this);
179     td.switchProcessor = false;
180     td.keepParticle = true;
182     scalar tEnd = (1.0 - stepFraction())*trackTime;
183     scalar maxDt = mesh_.bounds().mag();
185     while
186     (
187         td.keepParticle
188     && !td.switchProcessor
189     && lifeTime_ > 0
190     )
191     {
192         // set the lagrangian time-step
193         scalar dt = maxDt;
195         // Cross cell in steps:
196         // - at subiter 0 calculate dt to cross cell in nSubCycle steps
197         // - at the last subiter do all of the remaining track
198         for (label subIter = 0; subIter < td.nSubCycle_; subIter++)
199         {
200             --lifeTime_;
202             // Store current position and sampled velocity.
203             sampledPositions_.append(position());
204             vector U = interpolateFields(td, position(), cell());
206             if (!td.trackForward_)
207             {
208                 U = -U;
209             }
211             scalar magU = mag(U);
213             if (magU < SMALL)
214             {
215                 // Stagnant particle. Might as well stop
216                 lifeTime_ = 0;
217                 break;
218             }
220             U /= magU;
222             if (subIter == 0 && td.nSubCycle_ > 1)
223             {
224                 // Adapt dt to cross cell in a few steps
225                 dt = calcSubCycleDeltaT(td, dt, U);
226             }
227             else if (subIter == td.nSubCycle_ - 1)
228             {
229                 // Do full step on last subcycle
230                 dt = maxDt;
231             }
234             scalar fraction = trackToFace(position() + dt*U, td);
235             dt *= fraction;
237             tEnd -= dt;
238             stepFraction() = 1.0 - tEnd/trackTime;
240             if (tEnd <= ROOTVSMALL)
241             {
242                 // Force removal
243                 lifeTime_ = 0;
244             }
246             if
247             (
248                 face() != -1
249             || !td.keepParticle
250             ||  td.switchProcessor
251             ||  lifeTime_ == 0
252             )
253             {
254                 break;
255             }
256         }
257     }
260     if (!td.keepParticle || lifeTime_ == 0)
261     {
262         if (lifeTime_ == 0)
263         {
264             if (debug)
265             {
266                 Pout<< "streamLineParticle : Removing stagnant particle:"
267                     << p << " sampled positions:" << sampledPositions_.size()
268                     << endl;
269             }
270             td.keepParticle = false;
271         }
272         else
273         {
274             // Normal exit. Store last position and fields
275             sampledPositions_.append(position());
276             interpolateFields(td, position(), cell());
278             if (debug)
279             {
280                 Pout<< "streamLineParticle : Removing particle:"
281                     << p << " sampled positions:" << sampledPositions_.size()
282                     << endl;
283             }
284         }
286         // Transfer particle data into trackingData.
287         //td.allPositions_.append(sampledPositions_);
288         td.allPositions_.append(vectorList());
289         vectorList& top = td.allPositions_.last();
290         top.transfer(sampledPositions_);
292         forAll(sampledScalars_, i)
293         {
294             //td.allScalars_[i].append(sampledScalars_[i]);
295             td.allScalars_[i].append(scalarList());
296             scalarList& top = td.allScalars_[i].last();
297             top.transfer(sampledScalars_[i]);
298         }
299         forAll(sampledVectors_, i)
300         {
301             //td.allVectors_[i].append(sampledVectors_[i]);
302             td.allVectors_[i].append(vectorList());
303             vectorList& top = td.allVectors_[i].last();
304             top.transfer(sampledVectors_[i]);
305         }
306     }
308     return td.keepParticle;
312 bool Foam::streamLineParticle::hitPatch
314     const polyPatch&,
315     trackingData& td,
316     const label patchI,
317     const scalar trackFraction,
318     const tetIndices& tetIs
321     // Disable generic patch interaction
322     return false;
326 void Foam::streamLineParticle::hitWedgePatch
328     const wedgePolyPatch& pp,
329     trackingData& td
332     // Remove particle
333     td.keepParticle = false;
337 void Foam::streamLineParticle::hitSymmetryPatch
339     const symmetryPolyPatch& pp,
340     trackingData& td
343     // Remove particle
344     td.keepParticle = false;
348 void Foam::streamLineParticle::hitCyclicPatch
350     const cyclicPolyPatch& pp,
351     trackingData& td
354     // Remove particle
355     td.keepParticle = false;
359 void Foam::streamLineParticle::hitProcessorPatch
361     const processorPolyPatch&,
362     trackingData& td
365     // Switch particle
366     td.switchProcessor = true;
370 void Foam::streamLineParticle::hitWallPatch
372     const wallPolyPatch& wpp,
373     trackingData& td,
374     const tetIndices&
377     // Remove particle
378     td.keepParticle = false;
382 void Foam::streamLineParticle::hitPatch
384     const polyPatch& wpp,
385     trackingData& td
388     // Remove particle
389     td.keepParticle = false;
393 void Foam::streamLineParticle::readFields(Cloud<streamLineParticle>& c)
395     if (!c.size())
396     {
397         return;
398     }
400     particle::readFields(c);
402     IOField<label> lifeTime
403     (
404         c.fieldIOobject("lifeTime", IOobject::MUST_READ)
405     );
406     c.checkFieldIOobject(c, lifeTime);
408     vectorFieldIOField sampledPositions
409     (
410         c.fieldIOobject("sampledPositions", IOobject::MUST_READ)
411     );
412     c.checkFieldIOobject(c, sampledPositions);
414 //    vectorFieldIOField sampleVelocity
415 //    (
416 //        c.fieldIOobject("sampleVelocity", IOobject::MUST_READ)
417 //    );
418 //    c.checkFieldIOobject(c, sampleVelocity);
420     label i = 0;
421     forAllIter(Cloud<streamLineParticle>, c, iter)
422     {
423         iter().lifeTime_ = lifeTime[i];
424         iter().sampledPositions_.transfer(sampledPositions[i]);
425 //        iter().sampleVelocity_.transfer(sampleVelocity[i]);
426         i++;
427     }
431 void Foam::streamLineParticle::writeFields(const Cloud<streamLineParticle>& c)
433     particle::writeFields(c);
435     label np =  c.size();
437     IOField<label> lifeTime
438     (
439         c.fieldIOobject("lifeTime", IOobject::NO_READ),
440         np
441     );
442     vectorFieldIOField sampledPositions
443     (
444         c.fieldIOobject("sampledPositions", IOobject::NO_READ),
445         np
446     );
447 //    vectorFieldIOField sampleVelocity
448 //    (
449 //        c.fieldIOobject("sampleVelocity", IOobject::NO_READ),
450 //        np
451 //    );
453     label i = 0;
454     forAllConstIter(Cloud<streamLineParticle>, c, iter)
455     {
456         lifeTime[i] = iter().lifeTime_;
457         sampledPositions[i] = iter().sampledPositions_;
458 //        sampleVelocity[i] = iter().sampleVelocity_;
459         i++;
460     }
462     lifeTime.write();
463     sampledPositions.write();
464 //    sampleVelocity.write();
468 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IOstream Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
470 Foam::Ostream& Foam::operator<<(Ostream& os, const streamLineParticle& p)
472     os  << static_cast<const particle&>(p)
473         << token::SPACE << p.lifeTime_
474         << token::SPACE << p.sampledPositions_
475         << token::SPACE << p.sampledScalars_
476         << token::SPACE << p.sampledVectors_;
478     // Check state of Ostream
479     os.check("Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const streamLineParticle&)");
481     return os;
485 // ************************************************************************* //