BUG: cloudSet.C: force early construction of tetBasePtIs to avoid demand-driven comms
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / sampling / meshToMeshInterpolation / meshToMesh / calculateMeshToMeshAddressing.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 Description
25     private member of meshToMesh.
26     Calculates mesh to mesh addressing pattern (for each cell from one mesh
27     find the closest cell centre in the other mesh).
29 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 #include "meshToMesh.H"
32 #include "SubField.H"
34 #include "indexedOctree.H"
35 #include "treeDataCell.H"
36 #include "treeDataFace.H"
38 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
40 void Foam::meshToMesh::calcAddressing()
42     if (debug)
43     {
44         Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateAddressing() : "
45             << "calculating mesh-to-mesh cell addressing" << endl;
46     }
48     // set reference to cells
49     const cellList& fromCells = fromMesh_.cells();
50     const pointField& fromPoints = fromMesh_.points();
52     // In an attempt to preserve the efficiency of linear search and prevent
53     // failure, a RESCUE mechanism will be set up. Here, we shall mark all
54     // cells next to the solid boundaries. If such a cell is found as the
55     // closest, the relationship between the origin and cell will be examined.
56     // If the origin is outside the cell, a global n-squared search is
57     // triggered.
61     // visit all boundaries and mark the cell next to the boundary.
63     if (debug)
64     {
65         Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateAddressing() : "
66             << "Setting up rescue" << endl;
67     }
69     List<bool> boundaryCell(fromCells.size(), false);
71     // set reference to boundary
72     const polyPatchList& patchesFrom = fromMesh_.boundaryMesh();
74     forAll(patchesFrom, patchI)
75     {
76         // get reference to cells next to the boundary
77         const labelUList& bCells = patchesFrom[patchI].faceCells();
79         forAll(bCells, faceI)
80         {
81             boundaryCell[bCells[faceI]] = true;
82         }
83     }
85     treeBoundBox meshBb(fromPoints);
87     scalar typDim = meshBb.avgDim()/(2.0*cbrt(scalar(fromCells.size())));
89     treeBoundBox shiftedBb
90     (
91         meshBb.min(),
92         meshBb.max() + vector(typDim, typDim, typDim)
93     );
95     if (debug)
96     {
97         Info<< "\nMesh" << endl;
98         Info<< "   bounding box           : " << meshBb << endl;
99         Info<< "   bounding box (shifted) : " << shiftedBb << endl;
100         Info<< "   typical dimension      :" << shiftedBb.typDim() << endl;
101     }
103     indexedOctree<treeDataCell> oc
104     (
105         treeDataCell(false, fromMesh_),
106         shiftedBb,      // overall bounding box
107         8,              // maxLevel
108         10,             // leafsize
109         6.0             // duplicity
110     );
112     if (debug)
113     {
114         oc.print(Pout, false, 0);
115     }
117     cellAddresses
118     (
119         cellAddressing_,
120         toMesh_.cellCentres(),
121         fromMesh_,
122         boundaryCell,
123         oc
124     );
126     forAll(toMesh_.boundaryMesh(), patchi)
127     {
128         const polyPatch& toPatch = toMesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchi];
130         if (cuttingPatches_.found(toPatch.name()))
131         {
132             boundaryAddressing_[patchi].setSize(toPatch.size());
134             cellAddresses
135             (
136                 boundaryAddressing_[patchi],
137                 toPatch.faceCentres(),
138                 fromMesh_,
139                 boundaryCell,
140                 oc
141             );
142         }
143         else if
144         (
145             patchMap_.found(toPatch.name())
146          && fromMeshPatches_.found(patchMap_.find(toPatch.name())())
147         )
148         {
149             const polyPatch& fromPatch = fromMesh_.boundaryMesh()
150             [
151                 fromMeshPatches_.find(patchMap_.find(toPatch.name())())()
152             ];
154             if (fromPatch.empty())
155             {
156                 WarningIn("meshToMesh::calcAddressing()")
157                     << "Source patch " << fromPatch.name()
158                     << " has no faces. Not performing mapping for it."
159                     << endl;
160                 boundaryAddressing_[patchi] = -1;
161             }
162             else
163             {
164                 treeBoundBox wallBb(fromPatch.localPoints());
165                 scalar typDim =
166                     wallBb.avgDim()/(2.0*sqrt(scalar(fromPatch.size())));
168                 treeBoundBox shiftedBb
169                 (
170                     wallBb.min(),
171                     wallBb.max() + vector(typDim, typDim, typDim)
172                 );
174                 indexedOctree<treeDataFace> oc
175                 (
176                     treeDataFace(false, fromPatch),
177                     shiftedBb,  // overall search domain
178                     8,          // maxLevel
179                     10,         // leafsize
180                     3.0         // duplicity
181                 );
183                 const vectorField::subField centresToBoundary =
184                     toPatch.faceCentres();
186                 boundaryAddressing_[patchi].setSize(toPatch.size());
188                 scalar distSqr = sqr(GREAT);
190                 forAll(toPatch, toi)
191                 {
192                     boundaryAddressing_[patchi][toi] = oc.findNearest
193                     (
194                         centresToBoundary[toi],
195                         distSqr
196                     ).index();
197                 }
198             }
199         }
200     }
202     if (debug)
203     {
204         Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateAddressing() : "
205             << "finished calculating mesh-to-mesh acell ddressing" << endl;
206     }
210 void Foam::meshToMesh::cellAddresses
212     labelList& cellAddressing_,
213     const pointField& points,
214     const fvMesh& fromMesh,
215     const List<bool>& boundaryCell,
216     const indexedOctree<treeDataCell>& oc
217 ) const
219     // the implemented search method is a simple neighbour array search.
220     // It starts from a cell zero, searches its neighbours and finds one
221     // which is nearer to the target point than the current position.
222     // The location of the "current position" is reset to that cell and
223     // search through the neighbours continues. The search is finished
224     // when all the neighbours of the cell are farther from the target
225     // point than the current cell
227     // set curCell label to zero (start)
228     register label curCell = 0;
230     // set reference to cell to cell addressing
231     const vectorField& centresFrom = fromMesh.cellCentres();
232     const labelListList& cc = fromMesh.cellCells();
234     forAll(points, toI)
235     {
236         // pick up target position
237         const vector& p = points[toI];
239         // set the sqr-distance
240         scalar distSqr = magSqr(p - centresFrom[curCell]);
242         bool closer;
244         do
245         {
246             closer = false;
248             // set the current list of neighbouring cells
249             const labelList& neighbours = cc[curCell];
251             forAll(neighbours, nI)
252             {
253                 scalar curDistSqr =
254                     magSqr(p - centresFrom[neighbours[nI]]);
256                 // search through all the neighbours.
257                 // If the cell is closer, reset current cell and distance
258                 if (curDistSqr < (1 - SMALL)*distSqr)
259                 {
260                     curCell = neighbours[nI];
261                     distSqr = curDistSqr;
262                     closer = true;    // a closer neighbour has been found
263                 }
264             }
265         } while (closer);
267         cellAddressing_[toI] = -1;
269         // Check point is actually in the nearest cell
270         if (fromMesh.pointInCell(p, curCell))
271         {
272             cellAddressing_[toI] = curCell;
273         }
274         else
275         {
276             // If curCell is a boundary cell then the point maybe either outside
277             // the domain or in an other region of the doamin, either way use
278             // the octree search to find it.
279             if (boundaryCell[curCell])
280             {
281                 cellAddressing_[toI] = oc.findInside(p);
282             }
283             else
284             {
285                 // If not on the boundary search the neighbours
286                 bool found = false;
288                 // set the current list of neighbouring cells
289                 const labelList& neighbours = cc[curCell];
291                 forAll(neighbours, nI)
292                 {
293                     // search through all the neighbours.
294                     // If point is in neighbour reset current cell
295                     if (fromMesh.pointInCell(p, neighbours[nI]))
296                     {
297                         cellAddressing_[toI] = neighbours[nI];
298                         found = true;
299                         break;
300                     }
301                 }
303                 if (!found)
304                 {
305                     // If still not found search the neighbour-neighbours
307                     // set the current list of neighbouring cells
308                     const labelList& neighbours = cc[curCell];
310                     forAll(neighbours, nI)
311                     {
312                         // set the current list of neighbour-neighbouring cells
313                         const labelList& nn = cc[neighbours[nI]];
315                         forAll(nn, nI)
316                         {
317                             // search through all the neighbours.
318                             // If point is in neighbour reset current cell
319                             if (fromMesh.pointInCell(p, nn[nI]))
320                             {
321                                 cellAddressing_[toI] = nn[nI];
322                                 found = true;
323                                 break;
324                             }
325                         }
326                         if (found) break;
327                     }
328                 }
330                 if (!found)
331                 {
332                     // Still not found so us the octree
333                     cellAddressing_[toI] = oc.findInside(p);
334                 }
335             }
336         }
337     }
341 // ************************************************************************* //