ENH: starcd mesh reader: convert cyclics
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / conversion / meshReader / starcd / STARCDMeshReader.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "STARCDMeshReader.H"
27 #include "oldCyclicPolyPatch.H"
28 #include "emptyPolyPatch.H"
29 #include "wallPolyPatch.H"
30 #include "symmetryPolyPatch.H"
31 #include "cellModeller.H"
32 #include "ListOps.H"
33 #include "IFstream.H"
34 #include "IOMap.H"
36 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
38 const char* const Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::defaultBoundaryName =
39     "Default_Boundary_Region";
41 const char* const Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::defaultSolidBoundaryName =
42     "Default_Boundary_Solid";
44 bool Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::keepSolids = false;
46 const int Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::starToFoamFaceAddr[4][6] =
48     { 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1 },     // 11 = pro-STAR hex
49     { 0, 1, 4, -1, 2, 3 },    // 12 = pro-STAR prism
50     { 3, -1, 2, -1, 1, 0 },   // 13 = pro-STAR tetra
51     { 0, -1, 4, 2, 1, 3 }     // 14 = pro-STAR pyramid
55 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
57 void Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::readToNewline(IFstream& is)
59     char ch = '\n';
60     do
61     {
62         (is).get(ch);
63     }
64     while ((is) && ch != '\n');
68 bool Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::readHeader(IFstream& is, word fileSignature)
70     if (!is.good())
71     {
72         FatalErrorIn("meshReaders::STARCD::readHeader()")
73             << "cannot read " << fileSignature  << "  " << is.name()
74             << abort(FatalError);
75     }
77     word header;
78     label majorVersion;
80     is >> header;
81     is >> majorVersion;
83     // skip the rest of the line
84     readToNewline(is);
86     // add other checks ...
87     if (header != fileSignature)
88     {
89         Info<< "header mismatch " << fileSignature << "  " << is.name()
90             << endl;
91     }
93     return true;
97 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
99 void Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::readAux(const objectRegistry& registry)
101     boundaryRegion_.readDict(registry);
102     cellTable_.readDict(registry);
106 // read in the points from the .vrt file
108 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
109 Line 1:
110   PROSTAR_VERTEX [newline]
112 Line 2:
113   <version> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [newline]
115 Body:
116   <vertexId>  <x>  <y>  <z> [newline]
118 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
119 void Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::readPoints
121     const fileName& inputName,
122     const scalar scaleFactor
125     const word fileSignature = "PROSTAR_VERTEX";
126     label nPoints = 0, maxId = 0;
128     // Pass 1:
129     // get # points and maximum vertex label
130     {
131         IFstream is(inputName);
132         readHeader(is, fileSignature);
134         label lineLabel;
135         scalar x, y, z;
137         while ((is >> lineLabel).good())
138         {
139             nPoints++;
140             maxId = max(maxId, lineLabel);
141             is >> x >> y >> z;
142         }
143     }
145     Info<< "Number of points  = " << nPoints << endl;
147     // set sizes and reset to invalid values
149     points_.setSize(nPoints);
150     mapToFoamPointId_.setSize(maxId+1);
152     //- original Point number for a given vertex
153     // might need again in the future
154     ////     labelList origPointId(nPoints);
155     ////     origPointId = -1;
157     mapToFoamPointId_ = -1;
159     // Pass 2:
160     // construct pointList and conversion table
161     // from Star vertex numbers to Foam point labels
162     if (nPoints > 0)
163     {
164         IFstream is(inputName);
165         readHeader(is, fileSignature);
167         label lineLabel;
169         label pointI = 0;
170         while ((is >> lineLabel).good())
171         {
172             is  >> points_[pointI].x()
173                 >> points_[pointI].y()
174                 >> points_[pointI].z();
176             // might need again in the future
177             ////  origPointId[pointI] = lineLabel;
178             mapToFoamPointId_[lineLabel] = pointI;
179             pointI++;
180         }
182         if (nPoints > pointI)
183         {
184             nPoints = pointI;
185             points_.setSize(nPoints);
186             // might need again in the future
187             //// origPointId.setSize(nPoints);
188         }
190         if (scaleFactor > 1.0 + SMALL || scaleFactor < 1.0 - SMALL)
191         {
192             points_ *= scaleFactor;
193         }
194     }
195     else
196     {
197         FatalErrorIn("meshReaders::STARCD::readPoints()")
198             << "no points in file " << inputName
199             << abort(FatalError);
200     }
205 // read in the cells from the .cel file
207 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
208 Line 1:
209   PROSTAR_CELL [newline]
211 Line 2:
212   <version> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [newline]
214 Body:
215   <cellId>  <shapeId>  <nLabels>  <cellTableId>  <typeId> [newline]
216   <cellId>  <int1> .. <int8>
217   <cellId>  <int9> .. <int16>
219  with shapeId:
220  *   1 = point
221  *   2 = line
222  *   3 = shell
223  *  11 = hexa
224  *  12 = prism
225  *  13 = tetra
226  *  14 = pyramid
227  * 255 = polyhedron
229  with typeId
230  *   1 = fluid
231  *   2 = solid
232  *   3 = baffle
233  *   4 = shell
234  *   5 = line
235  *   6 = point
237 For primitive cell shapes, the number of vertices will never exceed 8 (hexa)
238 and corresponds to <nLabels>.
239 For polyhedral, <nLabels> includes an index table comprising beg/end pairs
240 for each cell face.
242 Strictly speaking, we only need the cellModeller for adding boundaries.
243 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
245 void Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::readCells(const fileName& inputName)
247     const word fileSignature = "PROSTAR_CELL";
248     label nFluids = 0, nSolids = 0, nBaffles = 0, nShells = 0;
249     label maxId = 0;
251     bool unknownVertices = false;
254     // Pass 1:
255     // count nFluids, nSolids, nBaffle, nShell and maxId
256     // also see if polyhedral cells were used
257     {
258         IFstream is(inputName);
259         readHeader(is, fileSignature);
261         label lineLabel, shapeId, nLabels, cellTableId, typeId;
263         while ((is >> lineLabel).good())
264         {
265             label starCellId = lineLabel;
266             is  >> shapeId
267                 >> nLabels
268                 >> cellTableId
269                 >> typeId;
271             // skip the rest of the line
272             readToNewline(is);
274             // max 8 indices per line
275             while (nLabels > 0)
276             {
277                 readToNewline(is);
278                 nLabels -= 8;
279             }
281             if (typeId == starcdFluidType)
282             {
283                 nFluids++;
284                 maxId = max(maxId, starCellId);
286                 if (!cellTable_.found(cellTableId))
287                 {
288                     cellTable_.setName(cellTableId);
289                     cellTable_.setMaterial(cellTableId, "fluid");
290                 }
291             }
292             else if (typeId == starcdSolidType)
293             {
294                 nSolids++;
295                 if (keepSolids)
296                 {
297                     maxId = max(maxId, starCellId);
298                 }
300                 if (!cellTable_.found(cellTableId))
301                 {
302                     cellTable_.setName(cellTableId);
303                     cellTable_.setMaterial(cellTableId, "solid");
304                 }
306             }
307             else if (typeId == starcdBaffleType)
308             {
309                 // baffles have no cellTable entry
310                 nBaffles++;
311                 maxId = max(maxId, starCellId);
312             }
313             else if (typeId == starcdShellType)
314             {
315                 nShells++;
316                 if (!cellTable_.found(cellTableId))
317                 {
318                     cellTable_.setName(cellTableId);
319                     cellTable_.setMaterial(cellTableId, "shell");
320                 }
321             }
323         }
324     }
326     Info<< "Number of fluids  = " << nFluids << nl
327         << "Number of baffles = " << nBaffles << nl;
328     if (keepSolids)
329     {
330         Info<< "Number of solids  = " << nSolids << nl;
331     }
332     else
333     {
334         Info<< "Ignored   solids  = " << nSolids << nl;
335     }
336     Info<< "Ignored   shells  = " << nShells << endl;
339     label nCells;
340     if (keepSolids)
341     {
342         nCells = nFluids + nSolids;
343     }
344     else
345     {
346         nCells = nFluids;
347     }
349     cellFaces_.setSize(nCells);
350     cellShapes_.setSize(nCells);
351     cellTableId_.setSize(nCells);
353     // information for the interfaces
354     baffleFaces_.setSize(nBaffles);
356     // extra space for baffles
357     origCellId_.setSize(nCells + nBaffles);
358     mapToFoamCellId_.setSize(maxId+1);
359     mapToFoamCellId_ = -1;
362     // avoid undefined shapes for polyhedra
363     cellShape genericShape(*unknownModel, labelList(0));
365     // Pass 2:
366     // construct cellFaces_ and possibly cellShapes_
367     if (nCells <= 0)
368     {
369         FatalErrorIn("meshReaders::STARCD::readCells()")
370             << "no cells in file " << inputName
371             << abort(FatalError);
372     }
373     else
374     {
375         IFstream is(inputName);
376         readHeader(is, fileSignature);
378         labelList starLabels(64);
379         label lineLabel, shapeId, nLabels, cellTableId, typeId;
381         label cellI = 0;
382         label baffleI = 0;
384         while ((is >> lineLabel).good())
385         {
386             label starCellId = lineLabel;
387             is  >> shapeId
388                 >> nLabels
389                 >> cellTableId
390                 >> typeId;
392             if (nLabels > starLabels.size())
393             {
394                 starLabels.setSize(nLabels);
395             }
396             starLabels = -1;
398             // read indices - max 8 per line
399             for (label i = 0; i < nLabels; ++i)
400             {
401                 if ((i % 8) == 0)
402                 {
403                     is >> lineLabel;
404                 }
405                 is >> starLabels[i];
406             }
408             // skip solid cells
409             if (typeId == starcdSolidType && !keepSolids)
410             {
411                 continue;
412             }
414             // determine the foam cell shape
415             const cellModel* curModelPtr = NULL;
417             // fluid/solid cells
418             switch (shapeId)
419             {
420                 case starcdHex:
421                     curModelPtr = hexModel;
422                     break;
423                 case starcdPrism:
424                     curModelPtr = prismModel;
425                     break;
426                 case starcdTet:
427                     curModelPtr = tetModel;
428                     break;
429                 case starcdPyr:
430                     curModelPtr = pyrModel;
431                     break;
432             }
434             if (curModelPtr)
435             {
436                 // primitive cell - use shapes
438                 // convert orig vertex Id to point label
439                 bool isBad = false;
440                 for (label i=0; i < nLabels; ++i)
441                 {
442                     label pointId = mapToFoamPointId_[starLabels[i]];
443                     if (pointId < 0)
444                     {
445                         Info<< "Cells inconsistent with vertex file. "
446                             << "Star vertex " << starLabels[i]
447                             << " does not exist" << endl;
448                         isBad = true;
449                         unknownVertices = true;
450                     }
451                     starLabels[i] = pointId;
452                 }
454                 if (isBad)
455                 {
456                     continue;
457                 }
459                 // record original cell number and lookup
460                 origCellId_[cellI] = starCellId;
461                 mapToFoamCellId_[starCellId] = cellI;
463                 cellTableId_[cellI] = cellTableId;
464                 cellShapes_[cellI] = cellShape
465                 (
466                     *curModelPtr,
467                     SubList<label>(starLabels, nLabels)
468                 );
470                 cellFaces_[cellI] = cellShapes_[cellI].faces();
471                 cellI++;
472             }
473             else if (shapeId == starcdPoly)
474             {
475                 // polyhedral cell
476                 label nFaces = starLabels[0] - 1;
478                 // convert orig vertex id to point label
479                 // start with offset (skip the index table)
480                 bool isBad = false;
481                 for (label i=starLabels[0]; i < nLabels; ++i)
482                 {
483                     label pointId = mapToFoamPointId_[starLabels[i]];
484                     if (pointId < 0)
485                     {
486                         Info<< "Cells inconsistent with vertex file. "
487                             << "Star vertex " << starLabels[i]
488                             << " does not exist" << endl;
489                         isBad = true;
490                         unknownVertices = true;
491                     }
492                     starLabels[i] = pointId;
493                 }
495                 if (isBad)
496                 {
497                     continue;
498                 }
500                 // traverse beg/end indices
501                 faceList faces(nFaces);
502                 label faceI = 0;
503                 for (label i=0; i < nFaces; ++i)
504                 {
505                     label beg = starLabels[i];
506                     label n   = starLabels[i+1] - beg;
508                     face f
509                     (
510                         SubList<label>(starLabels, n, beg)
511                     );
513                     f.collapse();
515                     // valid faces only
516                     if (f.size() >= 3)
517                     {
518                         faces[faceI++] = f;
519                     }
520                 }
522                 if (nFaces > faceI)
523                 {
524                     Info<< "star cell " << starCellId << " has "
525                         << (nFaces - faceI)
526                         << " empty faces - could cause boundary "
527                         << "addressing problems"
528                         << endl;
530                     nFaces = faceI;
531                     faces.setSize(nFaces);
532                 }
534                 if (nFaces < 4)
535                 {
536                     FatalErrorIn("meshReaders::STARCD::readCells()")
537                         << "star cell " << starCellId << " has " << nFaces
538                         << abort(FatalError);
539                 }
541                 // record original cell number and lookup
542                 origCellId_[cellI] = starCellId;
543                 mapToFoamCellId_[starCellId] = cellI;
545                 cellTableId_[cellI] = cellTableId;
546                 cellShapes_[cellI]  = genericShape;
547                 cellFaces_[cellI]   = faces;
548                 cellI++;
549             }
550             else if (typeId == starcdBaffleType)
551             {
552                 // baffles
554                 // convert orig vertex id to point label
555                 bool isBad = false;
556                 for (label i=0; i < nLabels; ++i)
557                 {
558                     label pointId = mapToFoamPointId_[starLabels[i]];
559                     if (pointId < 0)
560                     {
561                         Info<< "Baffles inconsistent with vertex file. "
562                             << "Star vertex " << starLabels[i]
563                             << " does not exist" << endl;
564                         isBad = true;
565                         unknownVertices = true;
566                     }
567                     starLabels[i] = pointId;
568                 }
570                 if (isBad)
571                 {
572                     continue;
573                 }
576                 face f
577                 (
578                     SubList<label>(starLabels, nLabels)
579                 );
581                 f.collapse();
583                 // valid faces only
584                 if (f.size() >= 3)
585                 {
586                     baffleFaces_[baffleI] = f;
587                     // insert lookup addressing in normal list
588                     mapToFoamCellId_[starCellId]  = nCells + baffleI;
589                     origCellId_[nCells + baffleI] = starCellId;
590                     baffleI++;
591                 }
592             }
593         }
595         baffleFaces_.setSize(baffleI);
596     }
598     if (unknownVertices)
599     {
600         FatalErrorIn("meshReaders::STARCD::readCells()")
601             << "cells with unknown vertices"
602             << abort(FatalError);
603     }
605     // truncate lists
607 #ifdef DEBUG_READING
608     Info<< "CELLS READ" << endl;
609 #endif
611     // cleanup
612     mapToFoamPointId_.clear();
616 // read in the boundaries from the .bnd file
618 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
619 Line 1:
620   PROSTAR_BOUNDARY [newline]
622 Line 2:
623   <version> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [newline]
625 Body:
626   <boundId>  <cellId>  <cellFace>  <regionId>  0  <boundaryType> [newline]
628 where boundaryType is truncated to 4 characters from one of the following:
633 etc,
634 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
636 void Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::readBoundary(const fileName& inputName)
638     const word fileSignature = "PROSTAR_BOUNDARY";
639     label nPatches = 0, nFaces = 0, nBafflePatches = 0, maxId = 0;
640     label lineLabel, starCellId, cellFaceId, starRegion, configNumber;
641     word patchType;
643     labelList mapToFoamPatchId(1000, -1);
644     labelList nPatchFaces(1000, 0);
645     labelList origRegion(1000, 0);
646     patchTypes_.setSize(1000);
648     // this is what we seem to need
649     // these MUST correspond to starToFoamFaceAddr
650     //
651     Map<label> faceLookupIndex;
653     faceLookupIndex.insert(hexModel->index(), 0);
654     faceLookupIndex.insert(prismModel->index(), 1);
655     faceLookupIndex.insert(tetModel->index(), 2);
656     faceLookupIndex.insert(pyrModel->index(), 3);
658     // Pass 1:
659     // collect
660     // no. of faces (nFaces), no. of patches (nPatches)
661     // and for each of these patches the number of faces
662     // (nPatchFaces[patchLabel])
663     //
664     // and a conversion table from Star regions to (Foam) patchLabels
665     //
666     // additionally note the no. of baffle patches (nBafflePatches)
667     // so that we sort these to the end of the patch list
668     // - this makes it easier to transfer them to an adjacent patch if reqd
669     {
670         IFstream is(inputName);
672         if (is.good())
673         {
674             readHeader(is, fileSignature);
676             while ((is >> lineLabel).good())
677             {
678                 nFaces++;
679                 is  >> starCellId
680                     >> cellFaceId
681                     >> starRegion
682                     >> configNumber
683                     >> patchType;
685                 // Build translation table to convert star patch to foam patch
686                 label patchLabel = mapToFoamPatchId[starRegion];
687                 if (patchLabel == -1)
688                 {
689                     patchLabel = nPatches;
690                     mapToFoamPatchId[starRegion] = patchLabel;
691                     origRegion[patchLabel] = starRegion;
692                     patchTypes_[patchLabel] = patchType;
694                     maxId = max(maxId, starRegion);
696                     // should actually be case-insensitive
697                     if (patchType == "BAFF")
698                     {
699                         nBafflePatches++;
700                     }
701                     nPatches++;
702                 }
704                 nPatchFaces[patchLabel]++;
705             }
707             if (nPatches == 0)
708             {
709                 Info<< "No boundary faces in file " << inputName << endl;
710             }
711         }
712         else
713         {
714             Info<< "Could not read boundary file " << inputName << endl;
715         }
716     }
718     // keep empty patch region in reserve
719     nPatches++;
720     Info<< "Number of patches = " << nPatches
721         << " (including extra for missing)" << endl;
723     // resize
724     origRegion.setSize(nPatches);
725     patchTypes_.setSize(nPatches);
726     patchNames_.setSize(nPatches);
727     nPatchFaces.setSize(nPatches);
729     // add our empty patch
730     origRegion[nPatches-1] = 0;
731     nPatchFaces[nPatches-1] = 0;
732     patchTypes_[nPatches-1] = "none";
734     // create names
735     // - use 'Label' entry from "constant/boundaryRegion" dictionary
736     forAll(patchTypes_, patchI)
737     {
738         bool foundName = false, foundType = false;
740         Map<dictionary>::const_iterator
741             iter = boundaryRegion_.find(origRegion[patchI]);
743         if
744         (
745             iter != boundaryRegion_.end()
746         )
747         {
748             foundType = iter().readIfPresent
749             (
750                 "BoundaryType",
751                 patchTypes_[patchI]
752             );
754             foundName = iter().readIfPresent
755             (
756                 "Label",
757                 patchNames_[patchI]
758             );
759         }
761         // consistent names, in long form and in lowercase
762         if (!foundType)
763         {
764             // transform
765             forAllIter(string, patchTypes_[patchI], i)
766             {
767                 *i = tolower(*i);
768             }
770             if (patchTypes_[patchI] == "symp")
771             {
772                 patchTypes_[patchI] = "symplane";
773             }
774             else if (patchTypes_[patchI] == "cycl")
775             {
776                 patchTypes_[patchI] = "cyclic";
777             }
778             else if (patchTypes_[patchI] == "baff")
779             {
780                 patchTypes_[patchI] = "baffle";
781             }
782             else if (patchTypes_[patchI] == "moni")
783             {
784                 patchTypes_[patchI] = "monitoring";
785             }
786         }
788         // create a name if needed
789         if (!foundName)
790         {
791             patchNames_[patchI] =
792                 patchTypes_[patchI] + "_" + name(origRegion[patchI]);
793         }
794     }
796     // enforce name "Default_Boundary_Region"
797     patchNames_[nPatches-1] = defaultBoundaryName;
799     // sort according to ascending region numbers, but leave
800     // Default_Boundary_Region as the final patch
801     {
802         labelList sortedIndices;
803         sortedOrder(SubList<label>(origRegion, nPatches-1), sortedIndices);
805         labelList oldToNew = identity(nPatches);
806         forAll(sortedIndices, i)
807         {
808             oldToNew[sortedIndices[i]] = i;
809         }
811         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, origRegion);
812         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, patchTypes_);
813         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, patchNames_);
814         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, nPatchFaces);
815     }
817     // re-sort to have baffles near the end
818     nBafflePatches = 1;
819     if (nBafflePatches)
820     {
821         labelList oldToNew = identity(nPatches);
822         label newIndex = 0;
823         label baffleIndex = (nPatches-1 - nBafflePatches);
825         for (label i=0; i < oldToNew.size()-1; ++i)
826         {
827             if (patchTypes_[i] == "baffle")
828             {
829                 oldToNew[i] = baffleIndex++;
830             }
831             else
832             {
833                 oldToNew[i] = newIndex++;
834             }
835         }
837         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, origRegion);
838         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, patchTypes_);
839         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, patchNames_);
840         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, nPatchFaces);
841     }
843     mapToFoamPatchId.setSize(maxId+1, -1);
844     forAll(origRegion, patchI)
845     {
846         mapToFoamPatchId[origRegion[patchI]] = patchI;
847     }
849     boundaryIds_.setSize(nPatches);
850     forAll(boundaryIds_, patchI)
851     {
852         boundaryIds_[patchI].setSize(nPatchFaces[patchI]);
853         nPatchFaces[patchI] = 0;
854     }
857     // Pass 2:
858     //
859     if (nPatches > 1 && mapToFoamCellId_.size() > 1)
860     {
861         IFstream is(inputName);
862         readHeader(is, fileSignature);
864         while ((is >> lineLabel).good())
865         {
866             is
867                 >> starCellId
868                 >> cellFaceId
869                 >> starRegion
870                 >> configNumber
871                 >> patchType;
873             label patchI = mapToFoamPatchId[starRegion];
875             // zero-based indexing
876             cellFaceId--;
878             label cellId = -1;
880             // convert to FOAM cell number
881             if (starCellId < mapToFoamCellId_.size())
882             {
883                 cellId = mapToFoamCellId_[starCellId];
884             }
886             if (cellId < 0)
887             {
888                 Info
889                     << "Boundaries inconsistent with cell file. "
890                     << "Star cell " << starCellId << " does not exist"
891                     << endl;
892             }
893             else
894             {
895                 // restrict lookup to volume cells (no baffles)
896                 if (cellId < cellShapes_.size())
897                 {
898                     label index = cellShapes_[cellId].model().index();
899                     if (faceLookupIndex.found(index))
900                     {
901                         index = faceLookupIndex[index];
902                         cellFaceId = starToFoamFaceAddr[index][cellFaceId];
903                     }
904                 }
905                 else
906                 {
907                     // we currently use cellId >= nCells to tag baffles,
908                     // we can also use a negative face number
909                     cellFaceId = -1;
910                 }
912                 boundaryIds_[patchI][nPatchFaces[patchI]] =
913                     cellFaceIdentifier(cellId, cellFaceId);
916                 Info<< "bnd " << cellId << " " << cellFaceId << endl;
917 #endif
918                 // increment counter of faces in current patch
919                 nPatchFaces[patchI]++;
920             }
921         }
922     }
924     // retain original information in patchPhysicalTypes_ - overwrite latter
925     patchPhysicalTypes_.setSize(patchTypes_.size());
928     forAll(boundaryIds_, patchI)
929     {
930         // resize - avoid invalid boundaries
931         if (nPatchFaces[patchI] < boundaryIds_[patchI].size())
932         {
933             boundaryIds_[patchI].setSize(nPatchFaces[patchI]);
934         }
936         word origType = patchTypes_[patchI];
937         patchPhysicalTypes_[patchI] = origType;
939         if (origType == "symplane")
940         {
941             patchTypes_[patchI] = symmetryPolyPatch::typeName;
942             patchPhysicalTypes_[patchI] = patchTypes_[patchI];
943         }
944         else if (origType == "wall")
945         {
946             patchTypes_[patchI] = wallPolyPatch::typeName;
947             patchPhysicalTypes_[patchI] = patchTypes_[patchI];
948         }
949         else if (origType == "cyclic")
950         {
951             // incorrect. should be cyclicPatch but this
952             // requires info on connected faces.
953             patchTypes_[patchI] = oldCyclicPolyPatch::typeName;
954             patchPhysicalTypes_[patchI] = patchTypes_[patchI];
955         }
956         else if (origType == "baffle")
957         {
958             // incorrect. tag the patch until we get proper support.
959             // set physical type to a canonical "baffle"
960             patchTypes_[patchI] = emptyPolyPatch::typeName;
961             patchPhysicalTypes_[patchI] = "baffle";
962         }
963         else
964         {
965             patchTypes_[patchI] = polyPatch::typeName;
966         }
968         Info<< "patch " << patchI
969             << " (region " << origRegion[patchI]
970             << ": " << origType << ") type: '" << patchTypes_[patchI]
971             << "' name: " << patchNames_[patchI] << endl;
972     }
974     // cleanup
975     mapToFoamCellId_.clear();
976     cellShapes_.clear();
981 // remove unused points
983 void Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::cullPoints()
985     label nPoints = points_.size();
986     labelList oldToNew(nPoints, -1);
988     // loop through cell faces and note which points are being used
989     forAll(cellFaces_, cellI)
990     {
991         const faceList& faces = cellFaces_[cellI];
992         forAll(faces, i)
993         {
994             const labelList& labels = faces[i];
995             forAll(labels, j)
996             {
997                 oldToNew[labels[j]]++;
998             }
999         }
1000     }
1002     // the new ordering and the count of unused points
1003     label pointI = 0;
1004     forAll(oldToNew, i)
1005     {
1006         if (oldToNew[i] >= 0)
1007         {
1008             oldToNew[i] = pointI++;
1009         }
1010     }
1012     // report unused points
1013     if (nPoints > pointI)
1014     {
1015         Info<< "Unused    points  = " << (nPoints - pointI) << endl;
1016         nPoints = pointI;
1018         // adjust points and truncate
1019         inplaceReorder(oldToNew, points_);
1020         points_.setSize(nPoints);
1022         // adjust cellFaces - with mesh shapes this might be faster
1023         forAll(cellFaces_, cellI)
1024         {
1025             faceList& faces = cellFaces_[cellI];
1026             forAll(faces, i)
1027             {
1028                 inplaceRenumber(oldToNew, faces[i]);
1029             }
1030         }
1032         // adjust baffles
1033         forAll(baffleFaces_, faceI)
1034         {
1035             inplaceRenumber(oldToNew, baffleFaces_[faceI]);
1036         }
1037     }
1041 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1043 bool Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::readGeometry(const scalar scaleFactor)
1045     // Info<< "called meshReaders::STARCD::readGeometry" << endl;
1047     readPoints(geometryFile_ + ".vrt", scaleFactor);
1048     readCells(geometryFile_ + ".cel");
1049     cullPoints();
1050     readBoundary(geometryFile_ + ".bnd");
1052     return true;
1056 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1058 Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::STARCD
1060     const fileName& prefix,
1061     const objectRegistry& registry,
1062     const scalar scaleFactor
1065     meshReader(prefix, scaleFactor),
1066     cellShapes_(0),
1067     mapToFoamPointId_(0),
1068     mapToFoamCellId_(0)
1070     readAux(registry);
1074 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1076 Foam::meshReaders::STARCD::~STARCD()
1080 // ************************************************************************* //