ENH: autoLayerDriver: better layering information message
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / applications / solvers / heatTransfer / chtMultiRegionFoam / fluid / pEqn.H
2     bool closedVolume = p_rgh.needReference();
3     dimensionedScalar compressibility = fvc::domainIntegrate(psi);
4     bool compressible = (compressibility.value() > SMALL);
6     rho = thermo.rho();
8     volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
9     surfaceScalarField rhorAUf("(rho*(1|A(U)))", fvc::interpolate(rho*rAU));
11     U = rAU*UEqn().H();
13     surfaceScalarField phiU
14     (
15         fvc::interpolate(rho)
16        *(
17             (fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
18           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
19         )
20     );
22     phi = phiU - rhorAUf*ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)*mesh.magSf();
24     {
25         fvScalarMatrix p_rghDDtEqn
26         (
27             fvc::ddt(rho) + psi*correction(fvm::ddt(p_rgh))
28           + fvc::div(phi)
29         );
31         // Thermodynamic density needs to be updated by psi*d(p) after the
32         // pressure solution - done in 2 parts. Part 1:
33         thermo.rho() -= psi*p_rgh;
35         for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
36         {
37             fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
38             (
39                 p_rghDDtEqn
40               - fvm::laplacian(rhorAUf, p_rgh)
41             );
43             p_rghEqn.solve
44             (
45                 mesh.solver
46                 (
47                     p_rgh.select
48                     (
49                         (
50                            oCorr == nOuterCorr-1
51                         && corr == nCorr-1
52                         && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
53                         )
54                     )
55                 )
56             );
58             if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
59             {
60                 phi += p_rghEqn.flux();
61             }
62         }
64         // Second part of thermodynamic density update
65         thermo.rho() += psi*p_rgh;
66     }
68     // Correct velocity field
69     U += rAU*fvc::reconstruct((phi - phiU)/rhorAUf);
70     U.correctBoundaryConditions();
72     p = p_rgh + rho*gh;
74     // Update pressure substantive derivative
75     DpDt = fvc::DDt(surfaceScalarField("phiU", phi/fvc::interpolate(rho)), p);
77     // Solve continuity
78     #include "rhoEqn.H"
80     // Update continuity errors
81     #include "compressibleContinuityErrors.H"
83     // For closed-volume cases adjust the pressure and density levels
84     // to obey overall mass continuity
85     if (closedVolume && compressible)
86     {
87         p += (initialMass - fvc::domainIntegrate(thermo.rho()))
88             /compressibility;
89         rho = thermo.rho();
90         p_rgh = p - rho*gh;
91     }
93     // Update thermal conductivity
94     K = thermoFluid[i].Cp()*turb.alphaEff();