ENH: autoLayerDriver: better layering information message
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / OpenFOAM / primitives / globalIndexAndTransform / globalIndexAndTransform.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "globalIndexAndTransform.H"
27 #include "cyclicPolyPatch.H"
29 // * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * //
31 defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::globalIndexAndTransform, 0);
33 const Foam::label Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::base_ = 32;
36 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
38 Foam::label Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::matchTransform
40     const List<vectorTensorTransform>& refTransforms,
41     label& matchedRefTransformI,
42     const vectorTensorTransform& testTransform,
43     scalar tolerance,
44     bool checkBothSigns
45 ) const
47     matchedRefTransformI = -1;
49     forAll(refTransforms, i)
50     {
51         const vectorTensorTransform& refTransform = refTransforms[i];
53         scalar maxVectorMag = sqrt
54         (
55             max(magSqr(testTransform.t()), magSqr(refTransform.t()))
56         );
58         // Test the difference between vector parts to see if it is
59         // less than tolerance times the larger vector part magnitude.
61         scalar vectorDiff =
62             mag(refTransform.t() - testTransform.t())
63            /(maxVectorMag + VSMALL)
64            /tolerance;
66         // Test the difference between tensor parts to see if it is
67         // less than the tolerance.  sqrt(3.0) factor used to scale
68         // differnces as this is magnitude of a rotation tensor.  If
69         // neither transform has a rotation, then the test is not
70         // necessary.
72         scalar tensorDiff = 0;
74         if (refTransform.hasR() || testTransform.hasR())
75         {
76             tensorDiff =
77                 mag(refTransform.R() - testTransform.R())
78                /sqrt(3.0)
79                /tolerance;
80         }
82         // ...Diff result is < 1 if the test part matches the ref part
83         // within tolerance
85         if (vectorDiff < 1 && tensorDiff < 1)
86         {
87             matchedRefTransformI = i;
89             return +1;
90         }
92         if (checkBothSigns)
93         {
94             // Test the inverse transform differences too
96             vectorDiff =
97                 mag(refTransform.t() + testTransform.t())
98                /(maxVectorMag + VSMALL)
99                /tolerance;
101             tensorDiff = 0;
103             if (refTransform.hasR() || testTransform.hasR())
104             {
105                 tensorDiff =
106                     mag(refTransform.R() - testTransform.R().T())
107                    /sqrt(3.0)
108                    /tolerance;
109             }
111             if (vectorDiff < 1 && tensorDiff < 1)
112             {
113                 matchedRefTransformI = i;
115                 return -1;
116             }
117         }
118     }
120     return 0;
124 void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
126     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
128     transforms_ = List<vectorTensorTransform>(6);
129     scalarField maxTol(6);
131     label nextTrans = 0;
133     label dummyMatch = -1;
135     forAll(patches, patchI)
136     {
137         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
139         // Note: special check for unordered cyclics. These are in fact
140         // transform bcs and should probably be split off.
141         if
142         (
143             isA<coupledPolyPatch>(pp)
144         && !(
145                 isA<cyclicPolyPatch>(pp)
146              && (
147                     refCast<const cyclicPolyPatch>(pp).transform()
148                  == cyclicPolyPatch::NOORDERING
149                 )
150             )
151         )
152         {
153             const coupledPolyPatch& cpp = refCast<const coupledPolyPatch>(pp);
155             if (cpp.separated())
156             {
157                 const vectorField& sepVecs = cpp.separation();
159                 forAll(sepVecs, sVI)
160                 {
161                     const vector& sepVec = sepVecs[sVI];
163                     if (mag(sepVec) > SMALL)
164                     {
165                         vectorTensorTransform transform(sepVec);
167                         if
168                         (
169                             matchTransform
170                             (
171                                 transforms_,
172                                 dummyMatch,
173                                 transform,
174                                 cpp.matchTolerance(),
175                                 false
176                             ) == 0
177                         )
178                         {
179                             if (nextTrans == 6)
180                             {
181                                 FatalErrorIn
182                                 (
183                                      "void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::"
184                                      "determineTransforms()"
185                                 )   << "More than six unsigned transforms"
186                                     << " detected:" << nl << transforms_
187                                     << exit(FatalError);
188                             }
189                             transforms_[nextTrans] = transform;
190                             maxTol[nextTrans++] = cpp.matchTolerance();
191                         }
192                     }
193                 }
194             }
195             else if (!cpp.parallel())
196             {
197                 const tensorField& transTensors = cpp.reverseT();
199                 forAll(transTensors, tTI)
200                 {
201                     const tensor& transT = transTensors[tTI];
203                     if (mag(transT - I) > SMALL)
204                     {
205                         vectorTensorTransform transform(transT);
207                         if
208                         (
209                             matchTransform
210                             (
211                                 transforms_,
212                                 dummyMatch,
213                                 transform,
214                                 cpp.matchTolerance(),
215                                 false
216                             ) == 0
217                         )
218                         {
219                             if (nextTrans == 6)
220                             {
221                                 FatalErrorIn
222                                 (
223                                     "void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::"
224                                     "determineTransforms()"
225                                 )   << "More than six unsigned transforms"
226                                     << " detected:" << nl << transforms_
227                                     << exit(FatalError);
228                             }
229                             transforms_[nextTrans] = transform;
230                             maxTol[nextTrans++] = cpp.matchTolerance();
231                         }
232                     }
233                 }
234             }
235         }
236     }
239     // Collect transforms on master
241     List<List<vectorTensorTransform> > allTransforms(Pstream::nProcs());
242     allTransforms[Pstream::myProcNo()] = transforms_;
243     Pstream::gatherList(allTransforms);
245     // Collect matching tolerance on master
246     List<scalarField> allTols(Pstream::nProcs());
247     allTols[Pstream::myProcNo()] = maxTol;
248     Pstream::gatherList(allTols);
250     if (Pstream::master())
251     {
252         transforms_ = List<vectorTensorTransform>(3);
254         label nextTrans = 0;
256         forAll(allTransforms, procI)
257         {
258             const List<vectorTensorTransform>& procTransVecs =
259                 allTransforms[procI];
261             forAll(procTransVecs, pSVI)
262             {
263                 const vectorTensorTransform& transform = procTransVecs[pSVI];
265                 if (mag(transform.t()) > SMALL || transform.hasR())
266                 {
267                     if
268                     (
269                         matchTransform
270                         (
271                             transforms_,
272                             dummyMatch,
273                             transform,
274                             allTols[procI][pSVI],
275                             true
276                         ) ==  0
277                     )
278                     {
279                         transforms_[nextTrans++] = transform;
280                     }
282                     if (nextTrans > 3)
283                     {
284                         FatalErrorIn
285                         (
286                             "void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::"
287                             "determineTransforms()"
288                         )
289                             << "More than three independent basic "
290                             << "transforms detected:" << nl
291                             << allTransforms
292                             << transforms_
293                             << exit(FatalError);
294                     }
295                 }
296             }
297         }
299         transforms_.setSize(nextTrans);
300     }
302     Pstream::scatter(transforms_);
304     if (transforms_.size() > 3)
305     {
306         WarningIn
307         (
308             "void globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()"
309         )   << "More than three independent basic "
310             << "transforms detected:" << nl
311             << transforms_ << nl
312             << "This is not a space filling tiling and will probably"
313             << " give problems for e.g. lagrangian tracking or interpolation"
314             << endl;
315     }
319 void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransformPermutations()
321     label nTransformPermutations = pow(3, transforms_.size());
323     transformPermutations_.setSize(nTransformPermutations);
325     forAll(transformPermutations_, tPI)
326     {
327         vectorTensorTransform transform;
329         label transformIndex = tPI;
331         // Invert the ternary index encoding using repeated division by
332         // three
334         forAll(transforms_, b)
335         {
336             const label w = (transformIndex % 3) - 1;
338             transformIndex /= 3;
340             if (w > 0)
341             {
342                 transform &= transforms_[b];
343             }
344             else if (w < 0)
345             {
346                 transform &= inv(transforms_[b]);
347             }
348         }
350         transformPermutations_[tPI] = transform;
351     }
354     // Encode index for 0 sign
355     labelList permutationIndices(nIndependentTransforms(), 0);
356     nullTransformIndex_ = encodeTransformIndex(permutationIndices);
360 void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determinePatchTransformSign()
362     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
364     patchTransformSign_.setSize(patches.size(), Pair<label>(-1, 0));
366     label matchTransI = -1;
368     forAll(patches, patchI)
369     {
370         const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
372         // Pout<< nl << patchI << " " << pp.name() << endl;
374         // Note: special check for unordered cyclics. These are in fact
375         // transform bcs and should probably be split off.
376         if
377         (
378             isA<coupledPolyPatch>(pp)
379         && !(
380                 isA<cyclicPolyPatch>(pp)
381              && (
382                     refCast<const cyclicPolyPatch>(pp).transform()
383                  == cyclicPolyPatch::NOORDERING
384                 )
385             )
386         )
387         {
388             const coupledPolyPatch& cpp =
389             refCast<const coupledPolyPatch>(pp);
391             if (cpp.separated())
392             {
393                 const vectorField& sepVecs = cpp.separation();
395                 // Pout<< "sepVecs " << sepVecs << endl;
397                 // This loop is implicitly expecting only a single
398                 // value for separation()
399                 forAll(sepVecs, sVI)
400                 {
401                     const vector& sepVec = sepVecs[sVI];
403                     if (mag(sepVec) > SMALL)
404                     {
405                         vectorTensorTransform t(sepVec);
407                         label sign = matchTransform
408                         (
409                             transforms_,
410                             matchTransI,
411                             t,
412                             cpp.matchTolerance(),
413                             true
414                         );
416                         // Pout<< sign << " " << matchTransI << endl;
418                         // List<label> permutation(transforms_.size(), 0);
420                         // permutation[matchTransI] = sign;
422                         // Pout<< encodeTransformIndex(permutation) << nl
423                         //     << transformPermutations_
424                         //        [
425                         //            encodeTransformIndex(permutation)
426                         //        ]
427                         //     << endl;
429                         patchTransformSign_[patchI] =
430                             Pair<label>(matchTransI, sign);
431                     }
432                 }
434             }
435             else if (!cpp.parallel())
436             {
437                 const tensorField& transTensors = cpp.reverseT();
439                 // Pout<< "transTensors " << transTensors << endl;
441                 // This loop is implicitly expecting only a single
442                 // value for reverseT()
443                 forAll(transTensors, tTI)
444                 {
445                     const tensor& transT = transTensors[tTI];
447                     if (mag(transT - I) > SMALL)
448                     {
449                         vectorTensorTransform t(transT);
451                         label sign = matchTransform
452                         (
453                             transforms_,
454                             matchTransI,
455                             t,
456                             cpp.matchTolerance(),
457                             true
458                         );
460                         // Pout<< sign << " " << matchTransI << endl;
462                         // List<label> permutation(transforms_.size(), 0);
464                         // permutation[matchTransI] = sign;
466                         // Pout<< encodeTransformIndex(permutation) << nl
467                         //     << transformPermutations_
468                         //        [
469                         //            encodeTransformIndex(permutation)
470                         //        ]
471                         //     << endl;
473                         patchTransformSign_[patchI] =
474                             Pair<label>(matchTransI, sign);
475                     }
476                 }
477             }
478         }
479     }
481     // Pout<< patchTransformSign_ << endl;
485 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
487 Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::globalIndexAndTransform
489     const polyMesh& mesh
492     mesh_(mesh),
493     transforms_(),
494     transformPermutations_(),
495     patchTransformSign_()
497     determineTransforms();
499     determineTransformPermutations();
501     determinePatchTransformSign();
503     if (debug && transforms_.size() > 0)
504     {
505         const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
507         Info<< "Determined global transforms :" << endl;
508         Info<< "\t\ttranslation\trotation" << endl;
509         forAll(transforms_, i)
510         {
511             Info<< '\t' << i << '\t';
512             const vectorTensorTransform& trafo = transforms_[i];
513             if (trafo.hasR())
514             {
515                  Info<< trafo.t() << '\t' << trafo.R();
516             }
517             else
518             {
519                  Info<< trafo.t() << '\t' << "---";
520             }
521             Info<< endl;
522         }
523         Info<< endl;
526         Info<< "\tpatch\ttransform\tsign" << endl;
527         forAll(patchTransformSign_, patchI)
528         {
529             if (patchTransformSign_[patchI].first() != -1)
530             {
531                 Info<< '\t' << patches[patchI].name()
532                     << '\t' << patchTransformSign_[patchI].first()
533                     << '\t' << patchTransformSign_[patchI].second()
534                     << endl;
535             }
536         }
537         Info<< endl;
540         Info<< "Permutations of transformations:" << endl
541             << "\t\ttranslation\trotation" << endl;
542         forAll(transformPermutations_, i)
543         {
544             Info<< '\t' << i << '\t';
545             const vectorTensorTransform& trafo = transformPermutations_[i];
546             if (trafo.hasR())
547             {
548                  Info<< trafo.t() << '\t' << trafo.R();
549             }
550             else
551             {
552                  Info<< trafo.t() << '\t' << "---";
553             }
554             Info<< endl;
555         }
556         Info<< "nullTransformIndex:" << nullTransformIndex() << endl
557             << endl;
558     }
562 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
564 Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::~globalIndexAndTransform()
568 // ************************************************************************* //