ENH: autoLayerDriver: better layering information message
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / lagrangian / dsmc / submodels / BinaryCollisionModel / LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere / LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
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21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere.H"
27 #include "constants.H"
29 using namespace Foam::constant::mathematical;
31 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
33 template <class CloudType>
34 Foam::scalar Foam::LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere<CloudType>::energyRatio
36     scalar ChiA,
37     scalar ChiB
40     CloudType& cloud(this->owner());
42     Random& rndGen(cloud.rndGen());
44     scalar ChiAMinusOne = ChiA - 1;
46     scalar ChiBMinusOne = ChiB - 1;
48     if (ChiAMinusOne < SMALL && ChiBMinusOne < SMALL)
49     {
50         return rndGen.scalar01();
51     }
53     scalar energyRatio;
55     scalar P;
57     do
58     {
59         P = 0;
61         energyRatio = rndGen.scalar01();
63         if (ChiAMinusOne < SMALL)
64         {
65             P = 1.0 - pow(energyRatio, ChiB);
66         }
67         else if (ChiBMinusOne < SMALL)
68         {
69             P = 1.0 - pow(energyRatio, ChiA);
70         }
71         else
72         {
73             P =
74                 pow
75                 (
76                     (ChiAMinusOne + ChiBMinusOne)*energyRatio/ChiAMinusOne,
77                     ChiAMinusOne
78                 )
79                *pow
80                 (
81                     (ChiAMinusOne + ChiBMinusOne)*(1 - energyRatio)
82                     /ChiBMinusOne,
83                     ChiBMinusOne
84                 );
85         }
86     } while (P < rndGen.scalar01());
88     return energyRatio;
92 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
94 template <class CloudType>
95 Foam::LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere<CloudType>::
96 LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere
98     const dictionary& dict,
99     CloudType& cloud
102     BinaryCollisionModel<CloudType>(dict, cloud, typeName),
103     Tref_(readScalar(this->coeffDict().lookup("Tref"))),
104     relaxationCollisionNumber_
105     (
106         readScalar(this->coeffDict().lookup("relaxationCollisionNumber"))
107     )
111 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
113 template <class CloudType>
114 Foam::LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere<CloudType>::
115 ~LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere()
119 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
121 template<class CloudType>
122 bool Foam::LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere<CloudType>::active() const
124     return true;
128 template <class CloudType>
129 Foam::scalar Foam::LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere<CloudType>::sigmaTcR
131     const typename CloudType::parcelType& pP,
132     const typename CloudType::parcelType& pQ
133 ) const
135     const CloudType& cloud(this->owner());
137     label typeIdP = pP.typeId();
138     label typeIdQ = pQ.typeId();
140     scalar dPQ =
141         0.5
142        *(
143             cloud.constProps(typeIdP).d()
144           + cloud.constProps(typeIdQ).d()
145         );
147     scalar omegaPQ =
148         0.5
149        *(
150             cloud.constProps(typeIdP).omega()
151           + cloud.constProps(typeIdQ).omega()
152         );
154     scalar cR = mag(pP.U() - pQ.U());
156     if (cR < VSMALL)
157     {
158         return 0;
159     }
161     scalar mP = cloud.constProps(typeIdP).mass();
163     scalar mQ = cloud.constProps(typeIdQ).mass();
165     scalar mR = mP*mQ/(mP + mQ);
167     // calculating cross section = pi*dPQ^2, where dPQ is from Bird, eq. 4.79
168     scalar sigmaTPQ =
169         pi*dPQ*dPQ
170        *pow(2.0*physicoChemical::k.value()*Tref_/(mR*cR*cR), omegaPQ - 0.5)
171        /exp(Foam::lgamma(2.5 - omegaPQ));
173     return sigmaTPQ*cR;
177 template <class CloudType>
178 void Foam::LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere<CloudType>::collide
180     typename CloudType::parcelType& pP,
181     typename CloudType::parcelType& pQ
184     CloudType& cloud(this->owner());
186     label typeIdP = pP.typeId();
187     label typeIdQ = pQ.typeId();
188     vector& UP = pP.U();
189     vector& UQ = pQ.U();
190     scalar& EiP = pP.Ei();
191     scalar& EiQ = pQ.Ei();
193     Random& rndGen(cloud.rndGen());
195     scalar inverseCollisionNumber = 1/relaxationCollisionNumber_;
197     // Larsen Borgnakke internal energy redistribution part.  Using the serial
198     // application of the LB method, as per the INELRS subroutine in Bird's
199     // DSMC0R.FOR
201     scalar preCollisionEiP = EiP;
203     scalar preCollisionEiQ = EiQ;
205     scalar iDofP = cloud.constProps(typeIdP).internalDegreesOfFreedom();
207     scalar iDofQ = cloud.constProps(typeIdQ).internalDegreesOfFreedom();
209     scalar omegaPQ =
210         0.5
211        *(
212             cloud.constProps(typeIdP).omega()
213           + cloud.constProps(typeIdQ).omega()
214         );
216     scalar mP = cloud.constProps(typeIdP).mass();
218     scalar mQ = cloud.constProps(typeIdQ).mass();
220     scalar mR = mP*mQ/(mP + mQ);
222     vector Ucm = (mP*UP + mQ*UQ)/(mP + mQ);
224     scalar cRsqr = magSqr(UP - UQ);
226     scalar availableEnergy = 0.5*mR*cRsqr;
228     scalar ChiB = 2.5 - omegaPQ;
230     if (iDofP > 0)
231     {
232         if (inverseCollisionNumber > rndGen.scalar01())
233         {
234             availableEnergy += preCollisionEiP;
236             scalar ChiA = 0.5*iDofP;
238             EiP = energyRatio(ChiA, ChiB)*availableEnergy;
240             availableEnergy -= EiP;
241         }
242     }
244     if (iDofQ > 0)
245     {
246         if (inverseCollisionNumber > rndGen.scalar01())
247         {
248             availableEnergy += preCollisionEiQ;
250             // Change to general LB ratio calculation
251             scalar energyRatio = 1.0 - pow(rndGen.scalar01(),(1.0/ChiB));
253             EiQ = energyRatio*availableEnergy;
255             availableEnergy -= EiQ;
256         }
257     }
259     // Rescale the translational energy
260     scalar cR = sqrt(2.0*availableEnergy/mR);
262     // Variable Hard Sphere collision part
264     scalar cosTheta = 2.0*rndGen.scalar01() - 1.0;
266     scalar sinTheta = sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta*cosTheta);
268     scalar phi = twoPi*rndGen.scalar01();
270     vector postCollisionRelU =
271         cR
272        *vector
273         (
274             cosTheta,
275             sinTheta*cos(phi),
276             sinTheta*sin(phi)
277         );
279     UP = Ucm + postCollisionRelU*mQ/(mP + mQ);
281     UQ = Ucm - postCollisionRelU*mP/(mP + mQ);
285 // ************************************************************************* //