ENH: autoLayerDriver: better layering information message
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / meshTools / octree / octreeDataFace.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "octreeDataFace.H"
27 #include "labelList.H"
28 #include "polyMesh.H"
29 #include "octree.H"
30 #include "polyPatch.H"
31 #include "triangleFuncs.H"
32 #include "linePointRef.H"
34 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
36 defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::octreeDataFace, 0);
38 Foam::scalar Foam::octreeDataFace::tol(1E-6);
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 void Foam::octreeDataFace::calcBb()
45     allBb_.setSize(meshFaces_.size());
46     allBb_ = treeBoundBox::invertedBox;
48     forAll(meshFaces_, i)
49     {
50         // Update bb of face
51         treeBoundBox& myBb = allBb_[i];
53         const face& f = mesh_.faces()[meshFaces_[i]];
55         forAll(f, faceVertexI)
56         {
57             const point& coord = mesh_.points()[f[faceVertexI]];
59             myBb.min() = min(myBb.min(), coord);
60             myBb.max() = max(myBb.max(), coord);
61         }
62     }
66 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
68 // Construct from selected mesh faces
69 Foam::octreeDataFace::octreeDataFace
71     const primitiveMesh& mesh,
72     const labelList& meshFaces,
73     const treeBoundBoxList& allBb
76     mesh_(mesh),
77     meshFaces_(meshFaces),
78     allBb_(allBb)
82 // Construct from selected mesh faces. Bounding box calculated.
83 Foam::octreeDataFace::octreeDataFace
85     const primitiveMesh& mesh,
86     const labelList& meshFaces
89     mesh_(mesh),
90     meshFaces_(meshFaces),
91     allBb_(meshFaces_.size())
93     // Generate tight fitting bounding box
94     calcBb();
98 // Construct from selected mesh faces
99 Foam::octreeDataFace::octreeDataFace
101     const primitiveMesh& mesh,
102     const UList<const labelList*>& meshFaceListPtrs,
103     const UList<const treeBoundBoxList*>& bbListPtrs
106     mesh_(mesh),
107     meshFaces_(0),
108     allBb_(0)
110     label faceI = 0;
112     forAll(meshFaceListPtrs, listI)
113     {
114         faceI += meshFaceListPtrs[listI]->size();
115     }
117     meshFaces_.setSize(faceI);
118     allBb_.setSize(faceI);
120     faceI = 0;
122     forAll(meshFaceListPtrs, listI)
123     {
124         const labelList& meshFaces = *meshFaceListPtrs[listI];
125         const treeBoundBoxList& allBb = *bbListPtrs[listI];
127         forAll(meshFaces, meshFaceI)
128         {
129             meshFaces_[faceI] = meshFaces[meshFaceI];
130             allBb_[faceI] = allBb[meshFaceI];
131             faceI++;
132         }
133     }
137 // Construct from selected mesh faces. Bounding box calculated.
138 Foam::octreeDataFace::octreeDataFace
140     const primitiveMesh& mesh,
141     const UList<const labelList*>& meshFaceListPtrs
144     mesh_(mesh),
145     meshFaces_(0)
147     label faceI = 0;
149     forAll(meshFaceListPtrs, listI)
150     {
151         faceI += meshFaceListPtrs[listI]->size();
152     }
154     meshFaces_.setSize(faceI);
156     faceI = 0;
158     forAll(meshFaceListPtrs, listI)
159     {
160         const labelList& meshFaces = *meshFaceListPtrs[listI];
162         forAll(meshFaces, meshFaceI)
163         {
164             meshFaces_[faceI++] = meshFaces[meshFaceI];
165         }
166     }
168     // Generate tight fitting bounding box
169     calcBb();
173 // Construct from all faces in polyPatch. Bounding box calculated.
174 Foam::octreeDataFace::octreeDataFace(const polyPatch& patch)
176     mesh_(patch.boundaryMesh().mesh()),
177     meshFaces_(patch.size())
179     forAll(patch, patchFaceI)
180     {
181         meshFaces_[patchFaceI] = patch.start() + patchFaceI;
182     }
184     // Generate tight fitting bounding box
185     calcBb();
189 // Construct from primitiveMesh. Inserts all boundary faces.
190 Foam::octreeDataFace::octreeDataFace(const primitiveMesh& mesh)
192     mesh_(mesh),
193     meshFaces_(0),
194     allBb_(0)
196     // Size storage
197     meshFaces_.setSize(mesh_.nFaces() - mesh_.nInternalFaces());
199     // Set info for all boundary faces.
200     label boundaryFaceI = 0;
202     for (label faceI = mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI < mesh_.nFaces(); faceI++)
203     {
204         meshFaces_[boundaryFaceI++] = faceI;
205     }
207     // Generate tight fitting bounding box
208     calcBb();
212 // Construct as copy
213 Foam::octreeDataFace::octreeDataFace(const octreeDataFace& shapes)
215     mesh_(shapes.mesh()),
216     meshFaces_(shapes.meshFaces()),
217     allBb_(shapes.allBb())
221 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
223 Foam::octreeDataFace::~octreeDataFace()
227 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
229 Foam::label Foam::octreeDataFace::getSampleType
231     const octree<octreeDataFace>& oc,
232     const point& sample
233 ) const
235     // Need to determine whether sample is 'inside' or 'outside'
236     // Done by finding nearest face. This gives back a face which is
237     // guaranteed to contain nearest point. This point can be
238     // - in interior of face: compare to face normal
239     // - on edge of face: compare to edge normal
240     // - on point of face: compare to point normal
241     // Unfortunately the octree does not give us back the intersection point
242     // or where on the face it has hit so we have to recreate all that
243     // information.
245     treeBoundBox tightest(treeBoundBox::greatBox);
246     scalar tightestDist(treeBoundBox::great);
247     // Find nearest face to sample
248     label index = oc.findNearest(sample, tightest, tightestDist);
250     if (index == -1)
251     {
252         FatalErrorIn
253         (
254             "octreeDataFace::getSampleType"
255             "(octree<octreeDataFace>&, const point&)"
256         )   << "Could not find " << sample << " in octree."
257             << abort(FatalError);
258     }
261     // Get actual intersection point on face
262     label faceI = meshFaces_[index];
264     if (debug & 2)
265     {
266         Pout<< "getSampleType : sample:" << sample
267             << " nearest face:" << faceI;
268     }
270     const face& f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
272     const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
274     pointHit curHit = f.nearestPoint(sample, points);
276     //
277     // 1] Check whether sample is above face
278     //
280     if (curHit.hit())
281     {
282         // Simple case. Compare to face normal.
284         if (debug & 2)
285         {
286             Pout<< " -> face hit:" << curHit.hitPoint()
287                 << " comparing to face normal " << mesh_.faceAreas()[faceI]
288                 << endl;
289         }
290         return octree<octreeDataFace>::getVolType
291         (
292             mesh_.faceAreas()[faceI],
293             sample - curHit.hitPoint()
294         );
295     }
297     if (debug & 2)
298     {
299         Pout<< " -> face miss:" << curHit.missPoint();
300     }
302     //
303     // 2] Check whether intersection is on one of the face vertices or
304     //    face centre
305     //
307     scalar typDim = sqrt(mag(mesh_.faceAreas()[faceI])) + VSMALL;
309     forAll(f, fp)
310     {
311         if ((mag(points[f[fp]] - curHit.missPoint())/typDim) < tol)
312         {
313             // Face intersection point equals face vertex fp
315             // Calculate point normal (wrong: uses face normals instead of
316             // triangle normals)
317             const labelList& myFaces = mesh_.pointFaces()[f[fp]];
319             vector pointNormal(vector::zero);
321             forAll(myFaces, myFaceI)
322             {
323                 if (myFaces[myFaceI] >= mesh_.nInternalFaces())
324                 {
325                     vector n = mesh_.faceAreas()[myFaces[myFaceI]];
326                     n /= mag(n) + VSMALL;
328                     pointNormal += n;
329                 }
330             }
332             if (debug & 2)
333             {
334                     Pout<< " -> face point hit :" << points[f[fp]]
335                         << " point normal:" << pointNormal
336                         << " distance:"
337                         << mag(points[f[fp]] - curHit.missPoint())/typDim
338                         << endl;
339             }
340             return octree<octreeDataFace>::getVolType
341             (
342                 pointNormal,
343                 sample - curHit.missPoint()
344             );
345         }
346     }
347     if ((mag(mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI] - curHit.missPoint())/typDim) < tol)
348     {
349         // Face intersection point equals face centre. Normal at face centre
350         // is already average of face normals
352         if (debug & 2)
353         {
354             Pout<< " -> centre hit:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI]
355                 << " distance:"
356                 << mag(mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI] - curHit.missPoint())/typDim
357                 << endl;
358         }
360         return octree<octreeDataFace>::getVolType
361         (
362             mesh_.faceAreas()[faceI],
363             sample - curHit.missPoint()
364         );
365     }
368     //
369     // 3] Get the 'real' edge the face intersection is on
370     //
372     const labelList& myEdges = mesh_.faceEdges()[faceI];
374     forAll(myEdges, myEdgeI)
375     {
376         const edge& e = mesh_.edges()[myEdges[myEdgeI]];
378         pointHit edgeHit = line<point, const point&>
379         (
380             points[e.start()],
381             points[e.end()]
382         ).nearestDist(sample);
385         if ((mag(edgeHit.rawPoint() - curHit.missPoint())/typDim) < tol)
386         {
387             // Face intersection point lies on edge e
389             // Calculate edge normal (wrong: uses face normals instead of
390             // triangle normals)
391             const labelList& myFaces = mesh_.edgeFaces()[myEdges[myEdgeI]];
393             vector edgeNormal(vector::zero);
395             forAll(myFaces, myFaceI)
396             {
397                 if (myFaces[myFaceI] >= mesh_.nInternalFaces())
398                 {
399                     vector n = mesh_.faceAreas()[myFaces[myFaceI]];
400                     n /= mag(n) + VSMALL;
402                     edgeNormal += n;
403                 }
404             }
406             if (debug & 2)
407             {
408                 Pout<< " -> real edge hit point:" << edgeHit.rawPoint()
409                     << " comparing to edge normal:" << edgeNormal
410                     << endl;
411             }
413             // Found face intersection point on this edge. Compare to edge
414             // normal
415             return octree<octreeDataFace>::getVolType
416             (
417                 edgeNormal,
418                 sample - curHit.missPoint()
419             );
420         }
421     }
424     //
425     // 4] Get the internal edge the face intersection is on
426     //
428     forAll(f, fp)
429     {
430         pointHit edgeHit =
431             line<point, const point&>
432             (
433                 points[f[fp]],
434                 mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI]
435             ).nearestDist(sample);
437         if ((mag(edgeHit.rawPoint() - curHit.missPoint())/typDim) < tol)
438         {
439             // Face intersection point lies on edge between two face triangles
441             // Calculate edge normal as average of the two triangle normals
442             const label fpPrev = f.rcIndex(fp);
443             const label fpNext = f.fcIndex(fp);
445             vector e = points[f[fp]] - mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI];
446             vector ePrev = points[f[fpPrev]] - mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI];
447             vector eNext = points[f[fpNext]] - mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI];
449             vector nLeft = ePrev ^ e;
450             nLeft /= mag(nLeft) + VSMALL;
452             vector nRight = e ^ eNext;
453             nRight /= mag(nRight) + VSMALL;
455             if (debug & 2)
456             {
457                 Pout<< " -> internal edge hit point:" << edgeHit.rawPoint()
458                     << " comparing to edge normal "
459                     << 0.5*(nLeft + nRight)
460                     << endl;
461             }
463             // Found face intersection point on this edge. Compare to edge
464             // normal
465             return octree<octreeDataFace>::getVolType
466             (
467                 0.5*(nLeft + nRight),
468                 sample - curHit.missPoint()
469             );
470         }
471     }
473     if (debug & 2)
474     {
475         Pout<< "Did not find sample " << sample
476             << " anywhere related to nearest face " << faceI << endl
477             << "Face:";
479         forAll(f, fp)
480         {
481             Pout<< "    vertex:" << f[fp] << "  coord:" << points[f[fp]]
482                 << endl;
483         }
484     }
486     // Can't determine status of sample with respect to nearest face.
487     // Either
488     // - tolerances are wrong. (if e.g. face has zero area)
489     // - or (more likely) surface is not closed.
491     return octree<octreeDataFace>::UNKNOWN;
495 bool Foam::octreeDataFace::overlaps
497     const label index,
498     const treeBoundBox& sampleBb
499 ) const
501     //return sampleBb.overlaps(allBb_[index]);
503     //- Exact test of face intersecting bb
505     // 1. Quick rejection: bb does not intersect face bb at all
506     if (!sampleBb.overlaps(allBb_[index]))
507     {
508         return false;
509     }
511     // 2. Check if one or more face points inside
512     label faceI = meshFaces_[index];
514     const face& f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
516     const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
517     if (sampleBb.containsAny(points, f))
518     {
519         return true;
520     }
522     // 3. Difficult case: all points are outside but connecting edges might
523     // go through cube. Use triangle-bounding box intersection.
524     const point& fc = mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI];
526     forAll(f, fp)
527     {
528         const label fp1 = f.fcIndex(fp);
530         bool triIntersects = triangleFuncs::intersectBb
531         (
532             points[f[fp]],
533             points[f[fp1]],
534             fc,
535             sampleBb
536         );
538         if (triIntersects)
539         {
540             return true;
541         }
542     }
543     return false;
547 bool Foam::octreeDataFace::contains(const label, const point&) const
549     notImplemented
550     (
551         "octreeDataFace::contains(const label, const point&)"
552     );
553     return false;
557 bool Foam::octreeDataFace::intersects
559     const label index,
560     const point& start,
561     const point& end,
562     point& intersectionPoint
563 ) const
565     label faceI = meshFaces_[index];
567     const face& f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
569     const vector dir(end - start);
571     // Disable picking up intersections behind us.
572     scalar oldTol = intersection::setPlanarTol(0.0);
574     pointHit inter = f.ray
575     (
576         start,
577         dir,
578         mesh_.points(),
579         intersection::HALF_RAY,
580         intersection::VECTOR
581     );
583     intersection::setPlanarTol(oldTol);
585     if (inter.hit() && inter.distance() <= mag(dir))
586     {
587         intersectionPoint = inter.hitPoint();
589         return true;
590     }
591     else
592     {
593         return false;
594     }
598 bool Foam::octreeDataFace::findTightest
600     const label index,
601     const point& sample,
602     treeBoundBox& tightest
603 ) const
605     // Get furthest away vertex
606     point myNear, myFar;
607     allBb_[index].calcExtremities(sample, myNear, myFar);
609     const point dist = myFar - sample;
610     scalar myFarDist = mag(dist);
612     point tightestNear, tightestFar;
613     tightest.calcExtremities(sample, tightestNear, tightestFar);
615     scalar tightestFarDist = mag(tightestFar - sample);
617     if (tightestFarDist < myFarDist)
618     {
619         // Keep current tightest.
620         return false;
621     }
622     else
623     {
624         // Construct bb around sample and myFar
625         const point dist2(fabs(dist.x()), fabs(dist.y()), fabs(dist.z()));
627         tightest.min() = sample - dist2;
628         tightest.max() = sample + dist2;
630         return true;
631     }
635 // Determine numerical value of sign of sample compared to shape at index
636 Foam::scalar Foam::octreeDataFace::calcSign
638     const label index,
639     const point& sample,
640     point& n
641 ) const
643     label faceI = meshFaces_[index];
645     n = mesh_.faceAreas()[faceI];
647     n /= mag(n) + VSMALL;
649     vector vec = sample - mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI];
651     vec /= mag(vec) + VSMALL;
653     return n & vec;
657 // Calculate nearest point on/in shapei
658 Foam::scalar Foam::octreeDataFace::calcNearest
660     const label index,
661     const point& sample,
662     point& nearest
663 ) const
665     label faceI = meshFaces_[index];
667     const face& f = mesh_.faces()[faceI];
669     pointHit nearHit = f.nearestPoint(sample, mesh_.points());
671     nearest = nearHit.rawPoint();
673     if (debug & 1)
674     {
675         const point& ctr = mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI];
677         scalar sign = mesh_.faceAreas()[faceI] & (sample - nearest);
679         Pout<< "octreeDataFace::calcNearest : "
680             << "sample:" << sample
681             << "  index:" << index
682             << "  faceI:" << faceI
683             << "  ctr:" << ctr
684             << "  sign:" << sign
685             << "  nearest point:" << nearest
686             << "  distance to face:" << nearHit.distance()
687             << endl;
688     }
689     return nearHit.distance();
693 // Calculate nearest point on/in shapei
694 Foam::scalar Foam::octreeDataFace::calcNearest
696     const label index,
697     const linePointRef& ln,
698     point& linePt,
699     point& shapePt
700 ) const
702     notImplemented
703     (
704         "octreeDataFace::calcNearest(const label, const linePointRef&"
705         ", point&, point&)"
706     );
707     return GREAT;
711 void Foam::octreeDataFace::write(Ostream& os, const label index) const
713     os << meshFaces_[index] << " " << allBb_[index];
717 // ************************************************************************* //