ENH: autoLayerDriver: better layering information message
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / meshTools / regionSplit / regionSplit.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "regionSplit.H"
27 #include "cyclicPolyPatch.H"
28 #include "processorPolyPatch.H"
29 #include "globalIndex.H"
30 #include "syncTools.H"
32 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
34 namespace Foam
37 defineTypeNameAndDebug(regionSplit, 0);
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 // Handle (non-processor) coupled faces.
44 void Foam::regionSplit::transferCoupledFaceRegion
46     const label faceI,
47     const label otherFaceI,
49     labelList& faceRegion,
50     DynamicList<label>& newChangedFaces
51 ) const
53     if (faceRegion[faceI] >= 0)
54     {
55         if (faceRegion[otherFaceI] == -1)
56         {
57             faceRegion[otherFaceI] = faceRegion[faceI];
58             newChangedFaces.append(otherFaceI);
59         }
60         else if (faceRegion[otherFaceI] == -2)
61         {
62             // otherFaceI blocked but faceI is not. Is illegal for coupled
63             // faces, not for explicit connections.
64         }
65         else if (faceRegion[otherFaceI] != faceRegion[faceI])
66         {
67             FatalErrorIn
68             (
69                   "regionSplit::transferCoupledFaceRegion"
70                   "(const label, const label, labelList&, labelList&) const"
71               )   << "Problem : coupled face " << faceI
72                   << " on patch " << mesh_.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(faceI)
73                   << " has region " << faceRegion[faceI]
74                   << " but coupled face " << otherFaceI
75                   << " has region " << faceRegion[otherFaceI]
76                   << endl
77                   << "Is your blocked faces specification"
78                   << " synchronized across coupled boundaries?"
79                   << abort(FatalError);
80         }
81     }
82     else if (faceRegion[faceI] == -1)
83     {
84         if (faceRegion[otherFaceI] >= 0)
85         {
86             faceRegion[faceI] = faceRegion[otherFaceI];
87             newChangedFaces.append(faceI);
88         }
89         else if (faceRegion[otherFaceI] == -2)
90         {
91             // otherFaceI blocked but faceI is not. Is illegal for coupled
92             // faces, not for explicit connections.
93         }
94     }
98 void Foam::regionSplit::fillSeedMask
100     const List<labelPair>& explicitConnections,
101     labelList& cellRegion,
102     labelList& faceRegion,
103     const label seedCellID,
104     const label markValue
105 ) const
107     // Do seed cell
108     cellRegion[seedCellID] = markValue;
111     // Collect faces on seed cell
112     const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[seedCellID];
114     label nFaces = 0;
116     labelList changedFaces(cFaces.size());
118     forAll(cFaces, i)
119     {
120         label faceI = cFaces[i];
122         if (faceRegion[faceI] == -1)
123         {
124             faceRegion[faceI] = markValue;
125             changedFaces[nFaces++] = faceI;
126         }
127     }
128     changedFaces.setSize(nFaces);
131     // Loop over changed faces. MeshWave in small.
133     while (changedFaces.size())
134     {
135         //if (debug)
136         //{
137         //    Pout<< "regionSplit::fillSeedMask : changedFaces:"
138         //        << changedFaces.size() << endl;
139         //}
141         DynamicList<label> changedCells(changedFaces.size());
143         forAll(changedFaces, i)
144         {
145             label faceI = changedFaces[i];
147             label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
149             if (cellRegion[own] == -1)
150             {
151                 cellRegion[own] = markValue;
152                 changedCells.append(own);
153             }
155             if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
156             {
157                 label nei = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
159                 if (cellRegion[nei] == -1)
160                 {
161                     cellRegion[nei] = markValue;
162                     changedCells.append(nei);
163                 }
164             }
165         }
168         //if (debug)
169         //{
170         //    Pout<< "regionSplit::fillSeedMask : changedCells:"
171         //        << changedCells.size() << endl;
172         //}
174         // Loop over changedCells and collect faces
175         DynamicList<label> newChangedFaces(changedCells.size());
177         forAll(changedCells, i)
178         {
179             label cellI = changedCells[i];
181             const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[cellI];
183             forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
184             {
185                 label faceI = cFaces[cFaceI];
187                 if (faceRegion[faceI] == -1)
188                 {
189                     faceRegion[faceI] = markValue;
190                     newChangedFaces.append(faceI);
191                 }
192             }
193         }
196         //if (debug)
197         //{
198         //    Pout<< "regionSplit::fillSeedMask : changedFaces before sync:"
199         //        << changedFaces.size() << endl;
200         //}
203         // Check for changes to any locally coupled face.
204         // Global connections are done later.
206         const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
208         forAll(patches, patchI)
209         {
210             const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
212             if
213             (
214                 isA<cyclicPolyPatch>(pp)
215              && refCast<const cyclicPolyPatch>(pp).owner()
216             )
217             {
218                 // Transfer from neighbourPatch to here or vice versa.
220                 const cyclicPolyPatch& cycPatch =
221                     refCast<const cyclicPolyPatch>(pp);
223                 label faceI = cycPatch.start();
225                 forAll(cycPatch, i)
226                 {
227                     label otherFaceI = cycPatch.transformGlobalFace(faceI);
229                     transferCoupledFaceRegion
230                     (
231                         faceI,
232                         otherFaceI,
233                         faceRegion,
234                         newChangedFaces
235                     );
237                     faceI++;
238                 }
239             }
240         }
241         forAll(explicitConnections, i)
242         {
243             transferCoupledFaceRegion
244             (
245                 explicitConnections[i][0],
246                 explicitConnections[i][1],
247                 faceRegion,
248                 newChangedFaces
249             );
250         }
252         //if (debug)
253         //{
254         //    Pout<< "regionSplit::fillSeedMask : changedFaces after sync:"
255         //        << newChangedFaces.size() << endl;
256         //}
258         changedFaces.transfer(newChangedFaces);
259     }
263 Foam::label Foam::regionSplit::calcRegionSplit
265     const boolList& blockedFace,
266     const List<labelPair>& explicitConnections,
268     labelList& cellRegion
269 ) const
271     if (debug)
272     {
273         if (blockedFace.size())
274         {
275             // Check that blockedFace is synced.
276             boolList syncBlockedFace(blockedFace);
277             syncTools::swapFaceList(mesh_, syncBlockedFace);
279             forAll(syncBlockedFace, faceI)
280             {
281                 if (syncBlockedFace[faceI] != blockedFace[faceI])
282                 {
283                     FatalErrorIn
284                     (
285                         "regionSplit::calcRegionSplit(..)"
286                     )   << "Face " << faceI << " not synchronised. My value:"
287                         << blockedFace[faceI] << "  coupled value:"
288                         << syncBlockedFace[faceI]
289                         << abort(FatalError);
290                 }
291             }
292         }
293     }
295     // Region per face.
296     // -1 unassigned
297     // -2 blocked
298     labelList faceRegion(mesh_.nFaces(), -1);
300     if (blockedFace.size())
301     {
302         forAll(blockedFace, faceI)
303         {
304             if (blockedFace[faceI])
305             {
306                 faceRegion[faceI] = -2;
307             }
308         }
309     }
312     // Assign local regions
313     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
315     // Start with region 0
316     label nRegions = 0;
318     label unsetCellI = 0;
320     do
321     {
322         // Find first unset cell
324         for (; unsetCellI < mesh_.nCells(); unsetCellI++)
325         {
326             if (cellRegion[unsetCellI] == -1)
327             {
328                 break;
329             }
330         }
332         if (unsetCellI >= mesh_.nCells())
333         {
334             break;
335         }
337         fillSeedMask
338         (
339             explicitConnections,
340             cellRegion,
341             faceRegion,
342             unsetCellI,
343             nRegions
344         );
346         // Current unsetCell has now been handled. Go to next region.
347         nRegions++;
348         unsetCellI++;
349     }
350     while (true);
353     if (debug)
354     {
355         forAll(cellRegion, cellI)
356         {
357             if (cellRegion[cellI] < 0)
358             {
359                 FatalErrorIn("regionSplit::calcRegionSplit(..)")
360                     << "cell:" << cellI << " region:" << cellRegion[cellI]
361                     << abort(FatalError);
362             }
363         }
365         forAll(faceRegion, faceI)
366         {
367             if (faceRegion[faceI] == -1)
368             {
369                 FatalErrorIn("regionSplit::calcRegionSplit(..)")
370                     << "face:" << faceI << " region:" << faceRegion[faceI]
371                     << abort(FatalError);
372             }
373         }
374     }
378     // Assign global regions
379     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
380     // Offset local regions to create unique global regions.
382     globalIndex globalRegions(nRegions);
385     // Merge global regions
386     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
387     // Regions across non-blocked proc patches get merged.
388     // This will set merged global regions to be the min of both.
389     // (this will create gaps in the global region list so they will get
390     // merged later on)
392     // Map from global to merged global
393     labelList mergedGlobal(identity(globalRegions.size()));
396     // See if any regions get merged. Only nessecary for parallel
397     while (Pstream::parRun())
398     {
399         if (debug)
400         {
401             Pout<< nl << "-- Starting Iteration --" << endl;
402         }
404         const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
406         // Send global regions across (or -2 if blocked face)
407         forAll(patches, patchI)
408         {
409             const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
411             if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
412             {
413                 labelList myGlobalRegions(pp.size());
415                 label faceI = pp.start();
417                 forAll(pp, i)
418                 {
419                     if (faceRegion[faceI] < 0)
420                     {
421                         myGlobalRegions[i] = faceRegion[faceI];
422                     }
423                     else
424                     {
425                         myGlobalRegions[i] = mergedGlobal
426                         [globalRegions.toGlobal(faceRegion[faceI])];
427                     }
429                     faceI++;
430                 }
432                 OPstream toProcNbr
433                 (
434                     Pstream::blocking,
435                     refCast<const processorPolyPatch>(pp).neighbProcNo()
436                 );
438                 toProcNbr << myGlobalRegions;
439             }
440         }
443         // Receive global regions
445         label nMerged = 0;
447         forAll(patches, patchI)
448         {
449             const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
451             if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
452             {
453                 const processorPolyPatch& procPp =
454                     refCast<const processorPolyPatch>(pp);
456                 IPstream fromProcNbr(Pstream::blocking, procPp.neighbProcNo());
458                 labelList nbrRegions(fromProcNbr);
461                 // Compare with my regions to see which get merged.
463                 label faceI = pp.start();
465                 forAll(pp, i)
466                 {
467                     if
468                     (
469                         faceRegion[faceI] < 0
470                      || nbrRegions[i] < 0
471                     )
472                     {
473                         if (faceRegion[faceI] != nbrRegions[i])
474                         {
475                             FatalErrorIn("regionSplit::calcRegionSplit(..)")
476                                 << "On patch:" << pp.name()
477                                 << " face:" << faceI
478                                 << " my local region:" << faceRegion[faceI]
479                                 << " neighbouring region:"
480                                 << nbrRegions[i] << nl
481                                 << "Maybe your blockedFaces are not"
482                                 << " synchronized across coupled faces?"
483                                 << abort(FatalError);
484                         }
485                     }
486                     else
487                     {
488                         label uncompactGlobal =
489                             globalRegions.toGlobal(faceRegion[faceI]);
491                         label myGlobal = mergedGlobal[uncompactGlobal];
493                         if (myGlobal != nbrRegions[i])
494                         {
495                             label minRegion = min(myGlobal, nbrRegions[i]);
497                             if (debug)
498                             {
499                                 Pout<< "Merging region " << myGlobal
500                                     << " (on proc " << Pstream::myProcNo()
501                                     << ") and region " << nbrRegions[i]
502                                     << " (on proc " << procPp.neighbProcNo()
503                                     << ") into region " << minRegion << endl;
504                             }
506                             mergedGlobal[uncompactGlobal] = minRegion;
507                             mergedGlobal[myGlobal] = minRegion;
508                             mergedGlobal[nbrRegions[i]] = minRegion;
510                             nMerged++;
511                         }
512                     }
514                     faceI++;
515                 }
516             }
517         }
520         reduce(nMerged, sumOp<label>());
522         if (debug)
523         {
524             Pout<< "nMerged:" << nMerged << endl;
525         }
527         if (nMerged == 0)
528         {
529             break;
530         }
532         // Merge the compacted regions.
533         Pstream::listCombineGather(mergedGlobal, minEqOp<label>());
534         Pstream::listCombineScatter(mergedGlobal);
535     }
538     // Compact global regions
539     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
541     // All procs will have the same global mergedGlobal region.
542     // There might be gaps in it however so compact.
544     labelList mergedToCompacted(globalRegions.size(), -1);
546     label compactI = 0;
548     forAll(mergedGlobal, i)
549     {
550         label merged = mergedGlobal[i];
552         if (mergedToCompacted[merged] == -1)
553         {
554             mergedToCompacted[merged] = compactI++;
555         }
556     }
558     if (debug)
559     {
560         Pout<< "Compacted down to " << compactI << " regions." << endl;
561     }
563     // Renumber cellRegion to be global regions
564     forAll(cellRegion, cellI)
565     {
566         label region = cellRegion[cellI];
568         if (region >= 0)
569         {
570             label merged = mergedGlobal[globalRegions.toGlobal(region)];
572             cellRegion[cellI] = mergedToCompacted[merged];
573         }
574     }
576     return compactI;
580 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
582 Foam::regionSplit::regionSplit(const polyMesh& mesh)
584     labelList(mesh.nCells(), -1),
585     mesh_(mesh),
586     nRegions_(calcRegionSplit(boolList(0, false), List<labelPair>(0), *this))
590 Foam::regionSplit::regionSplit
592     const polyMesh& mesh,
593     const boolList& blockedFace
596     labelList(mesh.nCells(), -1),
597     mesh_(mesh),
598     nRegions_(calcRegionSplit(blockedFace, List<labelPair>(0), *this))
602 Foam::regionSplit::regionSplit
604     const polyMesh& mesh,
605     const boolList& blockedFace,
606     const List<labelPair>& explicitConnections
609     labelList(mesh.nCells(), -1),
610     mesh_(mesh),
611     nRegions_(calcRegionSplit(blockedFace, explicitConnections, *this))
615 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
618 // ************************************************************************* //