ENH: autoLayerDriver: better layering information message
[OpenFOAM-2.0.x.git] / src / meshTools / searchableSurface / searchableSurfacesQueries.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14     (at your option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "searchableSurfacesQueries.H"
27 #include "ListOps.H"
28 #include "OFstream.H"
29 #include "meshTools.H"
31 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
33 defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries, 0);
35 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
37 Foam::pointIndexHit Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::tempFindNearest
39     const searchableSurface& surf,
40     const point& pt,
41     const scalar initDistSqr
44     pointField onePoint(1, pt);
45     scalarField oneDist(1, initDistSqr);
46     List<pointIndexHit> oneHit(1);
47     surf.findNearest(onePoint, oneDist, oneHit);
48     return oneHit[0];
52 // Calculate sum of distance to surfaces.
53 Foam::scalar Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::sumDistSqr
55     const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
56     const labelList& surfacesToTest,
57     const scalar initDistSqr,
58     const point& pt
61     scalar sum = 0;
63     forAll(surfacesToTest, testI)
64     {
65         label surfI = surfacesToTest[testI];
67         pointIndexHit hit
68         (
69             tempFindNearest(allSurfaces[surfI], pt, initDistSqr)
70         );
72         // Note: make it fall over if not hit.
73         sum += magSqr(hit.hitPoint()-pt);
74     }
75     return sum;
79 // Reflects the point furthest away around the triangle centre by a factor fac.
80 // (triangle centre is the average of all points but the ihi. pSum is running
81 //  sum of all points)
82 Foam::scalar Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::tryMorphTet
84     const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
85     const labelList& surfacesToTest,
86     const scalar initDistSqr,
87     List<vector>& p,
88     List<scalar>& y,
89     vector& pSum,
90     const label ihi,
91     const scalar fac
94     scalar fac1 = (1.0-fac)/vector::nComponents;
95     scalar fac2 = fac1-fac;
97     vector ptry = pSum*fac1-p[ihi]*fac2;
99     scalar ytry = sumDistSqr(allSurfaces, surfacesToTest, initDistSqr, ptry);
101     if (ytry < y[ihi])
102     {
103         y[ihi] = ytry;
104         pSum += ptry - p[ihi];
105         p[ihi] = ptry;
106     }
107     return ytry;
111 bool Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::morphTet
113     const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
114     const labelList& surfacesToTest,
115     const scalar initDistSqr,
116     const scalar convergenceDistSqr,
117     const label maxIter,
118     List<vector>& p,
119     List<scalar>& y
122     vector pSum = sum(p);
124     autoPtr<OFstream> str;
125     label vertI = 0;
126     if (debug)
127     {
128         wordList names(surfacesToTest.size());
129         forAll(surfacesToTest, i)
130         {
131             names[i] = allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[i]].name();
132         }
133         Pout<< "searchableSurfacesQueries::morphTet : intersection of "
134             << names << " starting from points:" << p << endl;
135         str.reset(new OFstream("track.obj"));
136         meshTools::writeOBJ(str(), p[0]);
137         vertI++;
138     }
140     for (label iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++)
141     {
142         // Get the indices of lowest, highest and second-highest values.
143         label ilo, ihi, inhi;
144         {
145             labelList sortedIndices;
146             sortedOrder(y, sortedIndices);
147             ilo  = sortedIndices[0];
148             ihi  = sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size()-1];
149             inhi = sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size()-2];
150         }
152         if (debug)
153         {
154             Pout<< "Iteration:" << iter
155                 << " lowest:" << y[ilo] << " highest:" << y[ihi]
156                 << " points:" << p << endl;
158             meshTools::writeOBJ(str(), p[ilo]);
159             vertI++;
160             str()<< "l " << vertI-1 << ' ' << vertI << nl;
161         }
163         if (y[ihi] < convergenceDistSqr)
164         {
165             // Get point on 0th surface.
166             Swap(p[0], p[ilo]);
167             Swap(y[0], y[ilo]);
168             return true;
169         }
171         // Reflection: point furthest away gets reflected.
172         scalar ytry = tryMorphTet
173         (
174             allSurfaces,
175             surfacesToTest,
176             10*y[ihi],             // search box.
177             p,
178             y,
179             pSum,
180             ihi,
181             -1.0
182         );
184         if (ytry <= y[ilo])
185         {
186             // If in right direction (y lower) expand by two.
187             ytry = tryMorphTet
188             (
189                 allSurfaces,
190                 surfacesToTest,
191                 10*y[ihi],
192                 p,
193                 y,
194                 pSum,
195                 ihi,
196                 2.0
197             );
198         }
199         else if (ytry >= y[inhi])
200         {
201             // If inside tet try contraction.
203             scalar ysave = y[ihi];
205             ytry = tryMorphTet
206             (
207                 allSurfaces,
208                 surfacesToTest,
209                 10*y[ihi],
210                 p,
211                 y,
212                 pSum,
213                 ihi,
214                 0.5
215             );
217             if (ytry >= ysave)
218             {
219                 // Contract around lowest point.
220                 forAll(p, i)
221                 {
222                     if (i != ilo)
223                     {
224                         p[i] = 0.5*(p[i] + p[ilo]);
225                         y[i] = sumDistSqr
226                         (
227                             allSurfaces,
228                             surfacesToTest,
229                             y[ihi],
230                             p[i]
231                         );
232                     }
233                 }
234                 pSum = sum(p);
235             }
236         }
237     }
239     if (debug)
240     {
241         meshTools::writeOBJ(str(), p[0]);
242         vertI++;
243         str()<< "l " << vertI-1 << ' ' << vertI << nl;
244     }
246     // Failure to converge. Return best guess so far.
247     label ilo = findMin(y);
248     Swap(p[0], p[ilo]);
249     Swap(y[0], y[ilo]);
250     return false;
254 //// Get all intersections (in order) for single surface.
255 //void Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::findAllIntersections
257 //    const searchableSurface& s,
258 //    const pointField& start,
259 //    const pointField& end,
260 //    const vectorField& smallVec,
261 //    List<List<pointIndexHit> >& surfaceHitInfo
264 //    surfaceHitInfo.setSize(start.size());
266 //    // Current start point of vector
267 //    pointField p0(start);
269 //    List<pointIndexHit> intersectInfo(start.size());
271 //    // For test whether finished doing vector.
272 //    const vectorField dirVec(end-start);
273 //    const scalarField magSqrDirVec(magSqr(dirVec));
275 //    while (true)
276 //    {
277 //        // Find first intersection. Synced.
278 //        s.findLine(p0, end, intersectInfo);
280 //        label nHits = 0;
282 //        forAll(intersectInfo, i)
283 //        {
284 //            if (intersectInfo[i].hit())
285 //            {
286 //                nHits++;
288 //                label sz = surfaceHitInfo[i].size();
289 //                surfaceHitInfo[i].setSize(sz+1);
290 //                surfaceHitInfo[i][sz] = intersectInfo[i];
292 //                p0[i] = intersectInfo[i].hitPoint() + smallVec[i];
294 //                // If beyond endpoint set to endpoint so as not to pick up
295 //                // any intersections. Could instead just filter out hits.
296 //                if (((p0[i]-start[i])&dirVec[i]) > magSqrDirVec[i])
297 //                {
298 //                    p0[i] = end[i];
299 //                }
300 //            }
301 //            else
302 //            {
303 //                // Set to endpoint to stop intersection test. See above.
304 //                p0[i] = end[i];
305 //            }
306 //        }
308 //        // returnReduce(nHits) ?
309 //        if (nHits == 0)
310 //        {
311 //            break;
312 //        }
313 //    }
317 // Given current set of hits (allSurfaces, allInfo) merge in those coming from
318 // surface surfI.
319 void Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::mergeHits
321     const point& start,
322     const scalar mergeDist,
324     const label testI,                          // index of surface
325     const List<pointIndexHit>& surfHits,  // hits on surface
327     labelList& allSurfaces,
328     List<pointIndexHit>& allInfo,
329     scalarList& allDistSqr
332     // Precalculate distances
333     scalarList surfDistSqr(surfHits.size());
334     forAll(surfHits, i)
335     {
336         surfDistSqr[i] = magSqr(surfHits[i].hitPoint()-start);
337     }
339     forAll(surfDistSqr, i)
340     {
341         label index = findLower(allDistSqr, surfDistSqr[i]);
343         // Check if equal to lower.
344         if
345         (
346             index >= 0
347          && (mag(allDistSqr[index]-surfDistSqr[i]) < mergeDist)
348         )
349         {
350             // Same. Do not count.
351             //Pout<< "point:" << surfHits[i].hitPoint()
352             //    << " considered same as:" << allInfo[index].hitPoint()
353             //    << " within tol:" << mergeDist
354             //    << endl;
355         }
356         else
357         {
358             // Check if equal to higher
359             label next = index+1;
360             if
361             (
362                 next < allDistSqr.size()
363              && (mag(allDistSqr[next]-surfDistSqr[i]) < mergeDist)
364             )
365             {
366                 //Pout<< "point:" << surfHits[i].hitPoint()
367                 //    << " considered same as:" << allInfo[next].hitPoint()
368                 //    << " within tol:" << mergeDist
369                 //    << endl;
370             }
371             else
372             {
373                 // Insert after index
374                 label sz = allSurfaces.size();
375                 allSurfaces.setSize(sz+1);
376                 allInfo.setSize(allSurfaces.size());
377                 allDistSqr.setSize(allSurfaces.size());
378                 // Make space.
379                 for (label j = sz-1; j > index; --j)
380                 {
381                     allSurfaces[j+1] = allSurfaces[j];
382                     allInfo[j+1] = allInfo[j];
383                     allDistSqr[j+1] = allDistSqr[j];
384                 }
385                 // Insert new value
386                 allSurfaces[index+1] = testI;
387                 allInfo[index+1] = surfHits[i];
388                 allDistSqr[index+1] = surfDistSqr[i];
389             }
390         }
391     }
395 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
397 // Find any intersection
398 void Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::findAnyIntersection
400     const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
401     const labelList& surfacesToTest,
402     const pointField& start,
403     const pointField& end,
404     labelList& hitSurfaces,
405     List<pointIndexHit>& hitInfo
408     hitSurfaces.setSize(start.size());
409     hitSurfaces = -1;
410     hitInfo.setSize(start.size());
412     // Work arrays
413     labelList hitMap(identity(start.size()));
414     pointField p0(start);
415     pointField p1(end);
416     List<pointIndexHit> intersectInfo(start.size());
418     forAll(surfacesToTest, testI)
419     {
420         // Do synchronised call to all surfaces.
421         allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[testI]].findLineAny(p0, p1, intersectInfo);
423         // Copy all hits into arguments, continue with misses
424         label newI = 0;
425         forAll(intersectInfo, i)
426         {
427             if (intersectInfo[i].hit())
428             {
429                 hitInfo[hitMap[i]] = intersectInfo[i];
430                 hitSurfaces[hitMap[i]] = testI;
431             }
432             else
433             {
434                 if (i != newI)
435                 {
436                     hitMap[newI] = hitMap[i];
437                     p0[newI] = p0[i];
438                     p1[newI] = p1[i];
439                 }
440                 newI++;
441             }
442         }
444         // All done? Note that this decision should be synchronised
445         if (newI == 0)
446         {
447             break;
448         }
450         // Trim and continue
451         hitMap.setSize(newI);
452         p0.setSize(newI);
453         p1.setSize(newI);
454         intersectInfo.setSize(newI);
455     }
459 void Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::findAllIntersections
461     const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
462     const labelList& surfacesToTest,
463     const pointField& start,
464     const pointField& end,
465     labelListList& hitSurfaces,
466     List<List<pointIndexHit> >& hitInfo
469     // Note: maybe move the single-surface all intersections test into
470     // searchable surface? Some of the tolerance issues might be
471     // lessened.
473     // 2. Currently calling searchableSurface::findLine with start==end
474     //    is expected to find no intersection. Problem if it does.
476     hitSurfaces.setSize(start.size());
477     hitInfo.setSize(start.size());
479     if (surfacesToTest.empty())
480     {
481         return;
482     }
484     // Test first surface
485     allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[0]].findLineAll(start, end, hitInfo);
487     // Set hitSurfaces and distance
488     List<scalarList> hitDistSqr(hitInfo.size());
489     forAll(hitInfo, pointI)
490     {
491         const List<pointIndexHit>& pHits = hitInfo[pointI];
493         labelList& pSurfaces = hitSurfaces[pointI];
494         pSurfaces.setSize(pHits.size());
495         pSurfaces = 0;
497         scalarList& pDistSqr = hitDistSqr[pointI];
498         pDistSqr.setSize(pHits.size());
499         forAll(pHits, i)
500         {
501             pDistSqr[i] = magSqr(pHits[i].hitPoint() - start[pointI]);
502         }
503     }
506     if (surfacesToTest.size() > 1)
507     {
508         // Small vector to increment start vector by to find next intersection
509         // along line. Constant factor added to make sure that start==end still
510         // ends iteration in findAllIntersections. Also SMALL is just slightly
511         // too small.
512         const vectorField smallVec
513         (
514             1E2*SMALL*(end-start)
516         );
518         // Tolerance used to check whether points are equal. Note: used to
519         // compare distance^2. Note that we use the maximum possible tolerance
520         // (reached at intersections close to the end point)
521         const scalarField mergeDist(2*mag(smallVec)*mag(end-start));
523         // Test the other surfaces and merge (according to distance from start).
524         for (label testI = 1; testI < surfacesToTest.size(); testI++)
525         {
526             List<List<pointIndexHit> > surfHits;
527             allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[testI]].findLineAll
528             (
529                 start,
530                 end,
531                 surfHits
532             );
534             forAll(surfHits, pointI)
535             {
536                 mergeHits
537                 (
538                     start[pointI],          // Current segment
539                     mergeDist[pointI],
541                     testI,                  // Surface and its hits
542                     surfHits[pointI],
544                     hitSurfaces[pointI],    // Merge into overall hit info
545                     hitInfo[pointI],
546                     hitDistSqr[pointI]
547                 );
548             }
549         }
550     }
554 //// Find intersections of edge nearest to both endpoints.
555 //void Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::findNearestIntersection
557 //    const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
558 //    const labelList& surfacesToTest,
559 //    const pointField& start,
560 //    const pointField& end,
562 //    labelList& surface1,
563 //    List<pointIndexHit>& hit1,
564 //    labelList& surface2,
565 //    List<pointIndexHit>& hit2
568 //    // 1. intersection from start to end
569 //    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
571 //    // Initialize arguments
572 //    surface1.setSize(start.size());
573 //    surface1 = -1;
574 //    hit1.setSize(start.size());
576 //    // Current end of segment to test.
577 //    pointField nearest(end);
578 //    // Work array
579 //    List<pointIndexHit> nearestInfo(start.size());
581 //    forAll(surfacesToTest, testI)
582 //    {
583 //        // See if any intersection between start and current nearest
584 //        allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[testI]].findLine
585 //        (
586 //            start,
587 //            nearest,
588 //            nearestInfo
589 //        );
591 //        forAll(nearestInfo, pointI)
592 //        {
593 //            if (nearestInfo[pointI].hit())
594 //            {
595 //                hit1[pointI] = nearestInfo[pointI];
596 //                surface1[pointI] = testI;
597 //                nearest[pointI] = hit1[pointI].hitPoint();
598 //            }
599 //        }
600 //    }
603 //    // 2. intersection from end to last intersection
604 //    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
606 //    // Find the nearest intersection from end to start. Note that we
607 //    // initialize to the first intersection (if any).
608 //    surface2 = surface1;
609 //    hit2 = hit1;
611 //    // Set current end of segment to test.
612 //    forAll(nearest, pointI)
613 //    {
614 //        if (hit1[pointI].hit())
615 //        {
616 //            nearest[pointI] = hit1[pointI].hitPoint();
617 //        }
618 //        else
619 //        {
620 //            // Disable testing by setting to end.
621 //            nearest[pointI] = end[pointI];
622 //        }
623 //    }
625 //    forAll(surfacesToTest, testI)
626 //    {
627 //        // See if any intersection between end and current nearest
628 //        allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[i]].findLine(end, nearest, nearestInfo);
630 //        forAll(nearestInfo, pointI)
631 //        {
632 //            if (nearestInfo[pointI].hit())
633 //            {
634 //                hit2[pointI] = nearestInfo[pointI];
635 //                surface2[pointI] = testI;
636 //                nearest[pointI] = hit2[pointI].hitPoint();
637 //            }
638 //        }
639 //    }
643 // Find nearest. Return -1 or nearest point
644 void Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::findNearest
646     const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
647     const labelList& surfacesToTest,
648     const pointField& samples,
649     const scalarField& nearestDistSqr,
650     labelList& nearestSurfaces,
651     List<pointIndexHit>& nearestInfo
654     // Initialise
655     nearestSurfaces.setSize(samples.size());
656     nearestSurfaces = -1;
657     nearestInfo.setSize(samples.size());
659     // Work arrays
660     scalarField minDistSqr(nearestDistSqr);
661     List<pointIndexHit> hitInfo(samples.size());
663     forAll(surfacesToTest, testI)
664     {
665         allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[testI]].findNearest
666         (
667             samples,
668             minDistSqr,
669             hitInfo
670         );
672         // Update minDistSqr and arguments
673         forAll(hitInfo, pointI)
674         {
675             if (hitInfo[pointI].hit())
676             {
677                 minDistSqr[pointI] = magSqr
678                 (
679                     hitInfo[pointI].hitPoint()
680                   - samples[pointI]
681                 );
682                 nearestInfo[pointI] = hitInfo[pointI];
683                 nearestSurfaces[pointI] = testI;
684             }
685         }
686     }
690 //- Calculate point which is on a set of surfaces.
691 Foam::pointIndexHit Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::facesIntersection
693     const PtrList<searchableSurface>& allSurfaces,
694     const labelList& surfacesToTest,
695     const scalar initDistSqr,
696     const scalar convergenceDistSqr,
697     const point& start
700     // Get four starting points. Take these as the projection of the
701     // starting point onto the surfaces and the mid point
702     List<point> nearest(surfacesToTest.size()+1);
704     point sumNearest = vector::zero;
706     forAll(surfacesToTest, i)
707     {
708         pointIndexHit hit
709         (
710             tempFindNearest(allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[i]], start, initDistSqr)
711         );
713         if (hit.hit())
714         {
715             nearest[i] = hit.hitPoint();
716             sumNearest += nearest[i];
717         }
718         else
719         {
720             FatalErrorIn
721             (
722                 "searchableSurfacesQueries::facesIntersection"
723                 "(const labelList&, const scalar, const scalar, const point&)"
724             )   << "Did not find point within distance "
725                 << initDistSqr << " of starting point " << start
726                 << " on surface "
727                 << allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[i]].IOobject::name()
728                 << abort(FatalError);
729         }
730     }
732     nearest.last() = sumNearest / surfacesToTest.size();
735     // Get the sum of distances (initial evaluation)
736     List<scalar> nearestDist(nearest.size());
738     forAll(nearestDist, i)
739     {
740         nearestDist[i] = sumDistSqr
741         (
742             allSurfaces,
743             surfacesToTest,
744             initDistSqr,
745             nearest[i]
746         );
747     }
750     //- Downhill Simplex method
752     bool converged = morphTet
753     (
754         allSurfaces,
755         surfacesToTest,
756         initDistSqr,
757         convergenceDistSqr,
758         2000,
759         nearest,
760         nearestDist
761     );
764     pointIndexHit intersection;
766     if (converged)
767     {
768         // Project nearest onto 0th surface.
769         intersection = tempFindNearest
770         (
771             allSurfaces[surfacesToTest[0]],
772             nearest[0],
773             nearestDist[0]
774         );
775     }
777     //if (!intersection.hit())
778     //{
779     //    // Restart
780     //    scalar smallDist = Foam::sqr(convergenceDistSqr);
781     //    nearest[0] = intersection.hitPoint();
782     //    nearest[1] = nearest[0];
783     //    nearest[1].x() += smallDist;
784     //    nearest[2] = nearest[0];
785     //    nearest[2].y() += smallDist;
786     //    nearest[3] = nearest[0];
787     //    nearest[3].z() += smallDist;
788     //
789     //    forAll(nearestDist, i)
790     //    {
791     //        nearestDist[i] = sumDistSqr
792     //        (
793     //            surfacesToTest,
794     //            initDistSqr,
795     //            nearest[i]
796     //        );
797     //    }
798     //
799     //    intersection = morphTet
800     //    (
801     //        allSurfaces,
802     //        surfacesToTest,
803     //        initDistSqr,
804     //        convergenceDistSqr,
805     //        1000,
806     //        nearest,
807     //        nearestDist
808     //    );
809     //}
811     return intersection;
816 // ************************************************************************* //