2 # UseModWiki version 1.0.4 (December 1, 2007)
3 # Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Clifford A. Adams <caadams@usemod.com>
4 # Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Sunir Shah <sunir@sunir.org>
5 # Based on the GPLed AtisWiki 0.3 (C) 1998 Markus Denker
7 # ...which was based on
8 # the LGPLed CVWiki CVS-patches (C) 1997 Peter Merel
9 # and The Original WikiWikiWeb (C) Ward Cunningham
10 # <ward@c2.com> (code reused with permission)
11 # Email and ThinLine options by Jim Mahoney <mahoney@marlboro.edu>
13 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16 # (at your option) any later version.
18 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 # GNU General Public License for more details.
23 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 # along with this program; if not, write to the
25 # Free Software Foundation, Inc.
26 # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
27 # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
31 local $| = 1; # Do not buffer output (localized for mod_perl)
33 # Configuration/constant variables:
34 use vars
qw(@RcDays @HtmlPairs @HtmlSingle
35 $TempDir $LockDir $DataDir $HtmlDir $UserDir $KeepDir $PageDir
36 $InterFile $RcFile $RcOldFile $IndexFile $FullUrl $SiteName $HomePage
37 $LogoUrl $RcDefault $IndentLimit $RecentTop $EditAllowed $UseDiff
38 $UseSubpage $UseCache $RawHtml $SimpleLinks $NonEnglish $LogoLeft
39 $KeepDays $HtmlTags $HtmlLinks $UseDiffLog $KeepMajor $KeepAuthor
40 $FreeUpper $EmailNotify $SendMail $EmailFrom $FastGlob $EmbedWiki
41 $ScriptTZ $BracketText $UseAmPm $UseConfig $UseIndex $UseLookup
42 $RedirType $AdminPass $EditPass $UseHeadings $NetworkFile $BracketWiki
43 $FreeLinks $WikiLinks $AdminDelete $FreeLinkPattern $RCName $RunCGI
44 $ShowEdits $ThinLine $LinkPattern $InterLinkPattern $InterSitePattern
45 $UrlProtocols $UrlPattern $ImageExtensions $RFCPattern $ISBNPattern
46 $FS $FS1 $FS2 $FS3 $CookieName $SiteBase $StyleSheet $NotFoundPg
47 $FooterNote $EditNote $MaxPost $NewText $NotifyDefault $HttpCharset
48 $UserGotoBar $DeletedPage $ReplaceFile @ReplaceableFiles $TableSyntax
49 $MetaKeywords $NamedAnchors $InterWikiMoniker $SiteDescription $RssLogoUrl
50 $NumberDates $EarlyRules $LateRules $NewFS $KeepSize $SlashLinks $BGColor
51 $UpperFirst $AdminBar $RepInterMap $DiffColor1 $DiffColor2 $ConfirmDel
52 $MaskHosts $LockCrash $ConfigFile $HistoryEdit $OldThinLine
53 @IsbnNames @IsbnPre @IsbnPost $EmailFile $FavIcon $RssDays $UserHeader
54 $UserBody $StartUID $ParseParas $AuthorFooter $UseUpload $AllUpload
55 $UploadDir $UploadUrl $LimitFileUrl $MaintTrimRc $SearchButton
56 $EditNameLink $UseMetaWiki @ImageSites $BracketImg );
57 # Note: $NotifyDefault is kept because it was a config variable in 0.90
58 # Other global variables:
59 use vars qw(%Page %Section %Text %InterSite %SaveUrl %SaveNumUrl
60 %KeptRevisions %UserCookie %SetCookie %UserData %IndexHash %Translate
61 %LinkIndex $InterSiteInit $SaveUrlIndex $SaveNumUrlIndex $MainPage
62 $OpenPageName @KeptList @IndexList $IndexInit $TableMode
63 $q $Now $UserID $TimeZoneOffset $ScriptName $BrowseCode $OtherCode
64 $AnchoredLinkPattern @HeadingNumbers $TableOfContents $QuotedFullUrl
65 $ConfigError $UploadPattern );
67 # == Configuration =====================================================
68 $DataDir = "/tmp/mywikidb"; # Main wiki directory
69 $UseConfig = 1; # 1 = use config file, 0 = do not look for config
70 $ConfigFile = "$DataDir/config"; # Configuration file
72 # Default configuration (used if UseConfig is 0)
73 $CookieName = "Wiki"; # Name for this wiki (for multi-wiki sites)
74 $SiteName = "Wiki"; # Name of site (used for titles)
75 $HomePage = "HomePage"; # Home page (change space to _)
76 $RCName = "RecentChanges"; # Name of changes page (change space to _)
77 $LogoUrl = "/wiki.gif"; # URL for site logo ("" for no logo)
78 $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin/"; # Path used to find "diff"
79 $ScriptTZ = ""; # Local time zone ("" means do not print)
80 $RcDefault = 30; # Default number of RecentChanges days
81 @RcDays = qw(1 3 7 30 90); # Days for links on RecentChanges
82 $KeepDays = 14; # Days to keep old revisions
83 $SiteBase = ""; # Full URL for <BASE> header
84 $FullUrl = ""; # Set if the auto-detected URL is wrong
85 $RedirType = 1; # 1 = CGI.pm, 2 = script, 3 = no redirect
86 $AdminPass = ""; # Set to non-blank to enable password(s)
87 $EditPass = ""; # Like AdminPass, but for editing only
88 $StyleSheet = ""; # URL for CSS stylesheet (like "/wiki.css")
89 $NotFoundPg = ""; # Page for not-found links ("" for blank pg)
90 $EmailFrom = "Wiki"; # Text for "From: " field of email notes.
91 $SendMail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; # Full path to sendmail executable
92 $FooterNote = ""; # HTML for bottom of every page
93 $EditNote = ""; # HTML notice above buttons on edit page
94 $MaxPost = 1024 * 210; # Maximum 210K posts (about 200K for pages)
95 $NewText = ""; # New page text ("" for default message)
96 $HttpCharset = ""; # Charset for pages, like "iso-8859-2"
97 $UserGotoBar = ""; # HTML added to end of goto bar
98 $InterWikiMoniker = ''; # InterWiki moniker for this wiki. (for RSS)
99 $SiteDescription = $SiteName; # Description of this wiki. (for RSS)
100 $RssLogoUrl = ''; # Optional image for RSS feed
101 $EarlyRules = ''; # Local syntax rules for wiki->html (evaled)
102 $LateRules = ''; # Local syntax rules for wiki->html (evaled)
103 $KeepSize = 0; # If non-zero, maximum size of keep file
104 $BGColor = 'white'; # Background color ('' to disable)
105 $DiffColor1 = '#ffffaf'; # Background color of old/deleted text
106 $DiffColor2 = '#cfffcf'; # Background color of new/added text
107 $FavIcon = ''; # URL of bookmark/favorites icon, or ''
108 $RssDays = 7; # Default number of days in RSS feed
109 $UserHeader = ''; # Optional HTML header additional content
110 $UserBody = ''; # Optional <BODY> tag additional content
111 $StartUID = 1001; # Starting number for user IDs
112 $UploadDir = ''; # Full path (like /foo/www/uploads) for files
113 $UploadUrl = ''; # Full URL (like http://foo.com/uploads)
114 @ImageSites = qw(); # Url prefixes of good image sites: ()=all
117 $UseSubpage = 1; # 1 = use subpages, 0 = do not use subpages
118 $UseCache = 0; # 1 = cache HTML pages, 0 = generate every page
119 $EditAllowed = 1; # 1 = editing allowed, 0 = read-only
120 $RawHtml = 0; # 1 = allow <HTML> tag, 0 = no raw HTML in pages
121 $HtmlTags = 0; # 1 = "unsafe" HTML tags, 0 = only minimal tags
122 $UseDiff = 1; # 1 = use diff features, 0 = do not use diff
123 $FreeLinks = 1; # 1 = use [[word]] links, 0 = LinkPattern only
124 $WikiLinks = 1; # 1 = use LinkPattern, 0 = use [[word]] only
125 $AdminDelete = 1; # 1 = Admin only deletes, 0 = Editor can delete
126 $RunCGI = 1; # 1 = Run script as CGI, 0 = Load but do not run
127 $EmailNotify = 0; # 1 = use email notices, 0 = no email on changes
128 $EmbedWiki = 0; # 1 = no headers/footers, 0 = normal wiki pages
129 $DeletedPage = 'DeletedPage'; # 0 = disable, 'PageName' = tag to delete page
130 $ReplaceFile = 'ReplaceFile'; # 0 = disable, 'PageName' = indicator tag
131 @ReplaceableFiles = (); # List of allowed server files to replace
132 $TableSyntax = 1; # 1 = wiki syntax tables, 0 = no table syntax
133 $NewFS = 0; # 1 = new multibyte $FS, 0 = old $FS
134 $UseUpload = 0; # 1 = allow uploads, 0 = no uploads
137 $LogoLeft = 0; # 1 = logo on left, 0 = logo on right
138 $RecentTop = 1; # 1 = recent on top, 0 = recent on bottom
139 $UseDiffLog = 1; # 1 = save diffs to log, 0 = do not save diffs
140 $KeepMajor = 1; # 1 = keep major rev, 0 = expire all revisions
141 $KeepAuthor = 1; # 1 = keep author rev, 0 = expire all revisions
142 $ShowEdits = 0; # 1 = show minor edits, 0 = hide edits by default
143 $HtmlLinks = 0; # 1 = allow A HREF links, 0 = no raw HTML links
144 $SimpleLinks = 0; # 1 = only letters, 0 = allow _ and numbers
145 $NonEnglish = 0; # 1 = extra link chars, 0 = only A-Za-z chars
146 $ThinLine = 0; # 1 = fancy <hr> tags, 0 = classic wiki <hr>
147 $BracketText = 1; # 1 = allow [URL text], 0 = no link descriptions
148 $UseAmPm = 1; # 1 = use am/pm in times, 0 = use 24-hour times
149 $UseIndex = 0; # 1 = use index file, 0 = slow/reliable method
150 $UseHeadings = 1; # 1 = allow = h1 text =, 0 = no header formatting
151 $NetworkFile = 1; # 1 = allow remote file:, 0 = no file:// links
152 $BracketWiki = 0; # 1 = [WikiLnk txt] link, 0 = no local descriptions
153 $UseLookup = 1; # 1 = lookup host names, 0 = skip lookup (IP only)
154 $FreeUpper = 1; # 1 = force upper case, 0 = do not force case
155 $FastGlob = 1; # 1 = new faster code, 0 = old compatible code
156 $MetaKeywords = 1; # 1 = Google-friendly, 0 = search-engine averse
157 $NamedAnchors = 1; # 0 = no anchors, 1 = enable anchors,
158 # 2 = enable but suppress display
159 $SlashLinks = 0; # 1 = use script/action links, 0 = script?action
160 $UpperFirst = 1; # 1 = free links start uppercase, 0 = no ucfirst
161 $AdminBar = 1; # 1 = admins see admin links, 0 = no admin bar
162 $RepInterMap = 0; # 1 = intermap is replacable, 0 = not replacable
163 $ConfirmDel = 1; # 1 = delete link confirm page, 0 = immediate delete
164 $MaskHosts = 0; # 1 = mask hosts/IPs, 0 = no masking
165 $LockCrash = 0; # 1 = crash if lock stuck, 0 = auto clear locks
166 $HistoryEdit = 0; # 1 = edit links on history page, 0 = no edit links
167 $OldThinLine = 0; # 1 = old ==== thick line, 0 = ------ for thick line
168 $NumberDates = 0; # 1 = 2003-6-17 dates, 0 = June 17, 2003 dates
169 $ParseParas = 0; # 1 = new paragraph markup, 0 = old markup
170 $AuthorFooter = 1; # 1 = show last author in footer, 0 = do not show
171 $AllUpload = 0; # 1 = anyone can upload, 0 = only editor/admins
172 $LimitFileUrl = 1; # 1 = limited use of file: URLs, 0 = no limits
173 $MaintTrimRc = 0; # 1 = maintain action trims RC, 0 = only maintainrc
174 $SearchButton = 0; # 1 = search button on page, 0 = old behavior
175 $EditNameLink = 0; # 1 = edit links use name (CSS), 0 = '?' links
176 $UseMetaWiki = 0; # 1 = add MetaWiki search links, 0 = no MW links
177 $BracketImg = 1; # 1 = [url url.gif] becomes image link, 0 = no img
179 # Names of sites. (The first entry is used for the number link.)
180 @IsbnNames = ('bn.com', 'amazon.com', 'search');
181 # Full URL of each site before the ISBN
182 @IsbnPre = ('http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?isbn=',
183 'http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=',
184 'http://www.pricescan.com/books/BookDetail.asp?isbn=');
185 # Rest of URL of each site after the ISBN (usually '')
186 @IsbnPost = ('', '', '');
188 # HTML tag lists, enabled if $HtmlTags is set.
189 # Scripting is currently possible with these tags,
190 # so they are *not* particularly "safe".
191 # Tags that must be in <tag> ... </tag> pairs:
192 @HtmlPairs = qw(b i u font big small sub sup h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 cite code
193 em s strike strong tt var div center blockquote ol ul dl table caption);
194 # Single tags (that do not require a closing /tag)
195 @HtmlSingle = qw(br p hr li dt dd tr td th);
196 @HtmlPairs = (@HtmlPairs, @HtmlSingle); # All singles can also be pairs
198 # == You should not have to change anything below this line. =============
199 $IndentLimit = 20; # Maximum depth of nested lists
200 $PageDir = "$DataDir/page"; # Stores page data
201 $HtmlDir = "$DataDir/html"; # Stores HTML versions
202 $UserDir = "$DataDir/user"; # Stores user data
203 $KeepDir = "$DataDir/keep"; # Stores kept (old) page data
204 $TempDir = "$DataDir/temp"; # Temporary files and locks
205 $LockDir = "$TempDir/lock"; # DB is locked if this exists
206 $InterFile = "$DataDir/intermap"; # Interwiki site->url map
207 $RcFile = "$DataDir/rclog"; # New RecentChanges logfile
208 $RcOldFile = "$DataDir/oldrclog"; # Old RecentChanges logfile
209 $IndexFile = "$DataDir/pageidx"; # List of all pages
210 $EmailFile = "$DataDir/emails"; # Email notification lists
213 push @ReplaceableFiles, $InterFile;
216 # The "main" program, called at the end of this script file.
218 if ($UseConfig && (-f
$ConfigFile)) {
220 if (!do $ConfigFile) { # Some error occurred
222 if ($ConfigError eq '') {
223 # Unfortunately, if the last expr returns 0, one will get a false
224 # error above. To remain compatible with existing installs the
225 # wiki must not report an error unless there is error text in $@.
226 # (Errors in "use strict" may not have error text.)
227 # Uncomment the line below if you want to catch use strict errors.
228 # $ConfigError = T('Unknown Error (no error text)');
233 if (!&DoCacheBrowse
()) {
235 &InitRequest
() or return;
236 if (!&DoBrowseRequest
()) {
243 # == Common and cache-browsing code ====================================
244 sub InitLinkPatterns
245 my ($UpperLetter, $LowerLetter, $AnyLetter, $LpA, $LpB, $QDelim);
247 # Field separators are used in the URL-style patterns below.
249 $FS = "\x1e\xff\xfe\x1e"; # An unlikely sequence for any charset
251 $FS = "\xb3"; # The FS character is a superscript "3"
253 $FS1 = $FS . "1"; # The FS values are used to separate fields
254 $FS2 = $FS . "2"; # in stored hashtables and other data structures.
255 $FS3 = $FS . "3"; # The FS character is not allowed in user data.
256 $UpperLetter = "[A-Z";
257 $LowerLetter = "[a-z";
258 $AnyLetter = "[A-Za-z";
260 $UpperLetter .= "\xc0-\xde";
261 $LowerLetter .= "\xdf-\xff";
263 $AnyLetter .= "\x80-\xff";
265 $AnyLetter .= "\xc0-\xff";
269 $AnyLetter .= "_0-9";
271 $UpperLetter .= "]"; $LowerLetter .= "]"; $AnyLetter .= "]";
272 # Main link pattern: lowercase between uppercase, then anything
273 $LpA = $UpperLetter . "+" . $LowerLetter . "+" . $UpperLetter
275 # Optional subpage link pattern: uppercase, lowercase, then anything
276 $LpB = $UpperLetter . "+" . $LowerLetter . "+" . $AnyLetter . "*";
278 # Loose pattern: If subpage is used, subpage may be simple name
279 $LinkPattern = "((?:(?:$LpA)?\\/$LpB)|$LpA)";
280 # Strict pattern: both sides must be the main LinkPattern
281 # $LinkPattern = "((?:(?:$LpA)?\\/)?$LpA)";
283 $LinkPattern = "($LpA)";
285 $QDelim = '(?:"")?'; # Optional quote delimiter (not in output)
286 $AnchoredLinkPattern = $LinkPattern . '#(\\w+)' . $QDelim if $NamedAnchors;
287 $LinkPattern .= $QDelim;
288 # Inter-site convention: sites must start with uppercase letter
289 # (Uppercase letter avoids confusion with URLs)
290 $InterSitePattern = $UpperLetter . $AnyLetter . "+";
291 $InterLinkPattern = "((?:$InterSitePattern:[^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim)";
293 # Note: the - character must be first in $AnyLetter definition
296 $AnyLetter = "[-,.()' _0-9A-Za-z\x80-\xff]";
298 $AnyLetter = "[-,.()' _0-9A-Za-z\xc0-\xff]";
301 $AnyLetter = "[-,.()' _0-9A-Za-z]";
304 $FreeLinkPattern = "($AnyLetter+)";
306 $FreeLinkPattern = "((?:(?:$AnyLetter+)?\\/)?$AnyLetter+)";
308 $FreeLinkPattern .= $QDelim;
309 # Url-style links are delimited by one of:
310 # 1. Whitespace (kept in output)
311 # 2. Left or right angle-bracket (< or >) (kept in output)
312 # 3. Right square-bracket (]) (kept in output)
313 # 4. A single double-quote (") (kept in output)
314 # 5. A $FS (field separator) character (kept in output)
315 # 6. A double double-quote ("") (removed from output)
316 $UrlProtocols = "http|https|ftp|afs|news|nntp|mid|cid|mailto|wais|"
317 . "prospero|telnet|gopher";
318 $UrlProtocols .= '|file' if ($NetworkFile || !$LimitFileUrl);
319 $UrlPattern = "((?:(?:$UrlProtocols):[^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim)";
320 $ImageExtensions = "(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg|ico|tiff?)";
321 $RFCPattern = "RFC\\s?(\\d+)";
322 $ISBNPattern = "ISBN:?([0-9- xX]{10,})";
323 $UploadPattern = "upload:([^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim";
328 my ($query, $idFile, $text);
330 return 0 if (!$UseCache);
331 $query = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
332 if (($query eq "") && ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET")) {
333 $query = $HomePage; # Allow caching of home page.
335 if (!($query =~ /^$LinkPattern$/)) {
336 if (!($FreeLinks && ($query =~ /^$FreeLinkPattern$/))) {
337 return 0; # Only use cache for simple links
340 $idFile = &GetHtmlCacheFile
342 local $/ = undef; # Read complete files
343 open(INFILE
, "<$idFile") or return 0;
352 sub GetHtmlCacheFile
355 return $HtmlDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory
($id) . "/$id.htm";
358 sub GetPageDirectory
361 if ($id =~ /^([a-zA-Z])/) {
370 if (defined($Translate{$text}) && ($Translate{$text} ne '')) {
371 return $Translate{$text};
377 my ($text, $string, $noquote) = @_;
379 $string = &QuoteHtml
($string) unless $noquote;
381 $text =~ s/\%s/$string/;
393 $text =~ s/\%([1-9])/$args[$1]/ge;
400 $html =~ s/&/&/g;
403 $html =~ s/&([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);/&$1;/g; # Allow character references
407 # == Normal page-browsing and RecentChanges code =======================
408 $BrowseCode = ""; # Comment next line to always compile (slower)
409 #$BrowseCode = <<'#END_OF_BROWSE_CODE';
411 use CGI
414 my @ScriptPath = split('/', "$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}");
= $MaxPost;
= 0; # allow uploads
= 1; # no uploads
423 # Fix some issues with editing UTF8 pages (if charset specified)
424 if ($HttpCharset ne '') {
425 $q->charset($HttpCharset);
427 $Now = time; # Reset in case script is persistent
428 $ScriptName = pop(@ScriptPath); # Name used in links
429 $IndexInit = 0; # Must be reset for each request
432 $MainPage = "."; # For subpages only, the name of the top-level page
433 $OpenPageName = ""; # Currently open page
434 &CreateDir
($DataDir); # Create directory if it doesn't exist
436 &ReportError
('Could not create %s', $DataDir) . ": $!");
439 &InitCookie
(); # Reads in user data
446 undef $q->{'.cookies'}; # Clear cache if it exists (for SpeedyCGI)
447 %UserData = (); # Fix for persistent environments.
448 %UserCookie = $q->cookie($CookieName);
449 $UserID = $UserCookie{'id'};
450 $UserID =~ s/\D//g; # Numeric only
454 &LoadUserData
457 if (($UserData{'id'} != $UserCookie{'id'}) ||
458 ($UserData{'randkey'} != $UserCookie{'randkey'})) {
460 %UserData = (); # Invalid. Consider warning message.
463 if ($UserData{'tzoffset'} != 0) {
464 $TimeZoneOffset = $UserData{'tzoffset'} * (60 * 60);
468 sub DoBrowseRequest
469 my ($id, $action, $text);
471 if (!$q->param) { # No parameter
472 &BrowsePage
475 $id = &GetParam
('keywords', '');
476 if ($id) { # Just script?PageName
477 if ($FreeLinks && (!-f
($id))) {
478 $id = &FreeToNormal
480 if (($NotFoundPg ne '') && (!-f
($id))) {
483 &BrowsePage
($id) if &ValidIdOrDie
486 $action = lc(&GetParam
('action', ''));
487 $id = &GetParam
('id', '');
488 if ($action eq 'browse') {
489 if ($FreeLinks && (!-f
($id))) {
490 $id = &FreeToNormal
492 if (($NotFoundPg ne '') && (!-f
($id))) {
495 &BrowsePage
($id) if &ValidIdOrDie
497 } elsif ($action eq 'rc') {
498 &BrowsePage
500 } elsif ($action eq 'random') {
503 } elsif ($action eq 'history') {
504 &DoHistory
($id) if &ValidIdOrDie
507 return 0; # Request not handled
512 my ($fullHtml, $oldId, $allDiff, $showDiff, $openKept);
513 my ($revision, $goodRevision, $diffRevision, $newText);
518 $revision = &GetParam
('revision', '');
519 $revision =~ s/\D//g; # Remove non-numeric chars
520 $goodRevision = $revision; # Non-blank only if exists
521 if ($revision ne '') {
522 &OpenKeptRevisions
524 if (!defined($KeptRevisions{$revision})) {
527 &OpenKeptRevision
530 # Raw mode: just untranslated wiki text
531 if (&GetParam
('raw', 0)) {
532 print &GetHttpHeader
536 $newText = $Text{'text'}; # For differences
537 # Handle a single-level redirect
538 $oldId = &GetParam
('oldid', '');
539 if (($oldId eq '') && (substr($Text{'text'}, 0, 10) eq '#REDIRECT ')) {
541 if (($FreeLinks) && ($Text{'text'} =~ /\#REDIRECT\s+\[\[.+\]\]/)) {
542 ($id) = ($Text{'text'} =~ /\#REDIRECT\s+\[\[(.+)\]\]/);
543 $id = &FreeToNormal
545 ($id) = ($Text{'text'} =~ /\#REDIRECT\s+(\S+)/);
547 if (&ValidId
($id) eq '') {
548 # Consider revision in rebrowse?
549 &ReBrowsePage
($id, $oldId, 0);
551 } else { # Not a valid target, so continue as normal page
557 $MainPage =~ s
|/.*||; # Only the main page name (remove subpage)
558 $fullHtml = &GetHeader
($id, &QuoteHtml
($id), $oldId, 1);
559 if ($revision ne '') {
560 if (($revision eq $Page{'revision'}) || ($goodRevision ne '')) {
561 $fullHtml .= '<b>' . Ts
('Showing revision %s', $revision) . "</b><br>";
563 $fullHtml .= '<b>' . Ts
('Revision %s not available', $revision)
564 . ' (' . T
('showing current revision instead')
568 $allDiff = &GetParam
('alldiff', 0);
570 $allDiff = &GetParam
('defaultdiff', 1);
572 if ((($id eq $RCName) || (T
($RCName) eq $id) || (T
($id) eq $RCName))
573 && &GetParam
('norcdiff', 1)) {
574 $allDiff = 0; # Only show if specifically requested
576 $showDiff = &GetParam
('diff', $allDiff);
577 if ($UseDiff && $showDiff) {
578 $diffRevision = $goodRevision;
579 $diffRevision = &GetParam
('diffrevision', $diffRevision);
580 # Eventually try to avoid the following keep-loading if possible?
581 &OpenKeptRevisions
('text_default') if (!$openKept);
582 $fullHtml .= &GetDiffHTML
($showDiff, $id, $diffRevision,
583 $revision, $newText);
584 $fullHtml .= "<hr class=wikilinediff>\n";
586 $fullHtml .= '<div class=wikitext>';
587 $fullHtml .= &WikiToHTML
588 $fullHtml .= '</div>';
589 if (($id eq $RCName) || (T
($RCName) eq $id) || (T
($id) eq $RCName)) {
591 print "<hr class=wikilinerc>\n";
592 print '<div class=wikirc>';
595 print &GetFooterText
($id, $goodRevision);
598 $fullHtml .= &GetFooterText
($id, $goodRevision);
600 return if ($showDiff || ($revision ne '')); # Don't cache special version
601 &UpdateHtmlCache
($id, $fullHtml) if ($UseCache && ($oldId eq ''));
605 my ($id, $oldId, $isEdit) = @_;
607 if ($oldId ne "") { # Target of #REDIRECT (loop breaking)
608 print &GetRedirectPage
611 print &GetRedirectPage
($id, $id, $isEdit);
616 my ($rcType) = @_; # 0 = RSS, 1 = HTML
617 my ($fileData, $rcline, $i, $daysago, $lastTs, $ts, $idOnly);
618 my (@fullrc, $status, $oldFileData, $firstTs, $errorText, $showHTML);
627 if (&GetParam
("from", 0)) {
628 $starttime = &GetParam
("from", 0);
630 print "<h2>" . Ts
('Updates since %s', &TimeToText
634 $daysago = &GetParam
("days", 0);
635 $daysago = &GetParam
("rcdays", 0) if ($daysago == 0);
637 $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$daysago);
639 print "<h2>" . Ts
('Updates in the last %s day'
640 . (($daysago != 1)?
"s":""), $daysago) . "</h2>\n";
642 # Note: must have two translations (for "day" and "days")
643 # Following comment line is for translation helper script
644 # Ts('Updates in the last %s days', '');
647 if ($starttime == 0) {
649 $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$RssDays);
651 $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$RcDefault);
654 print "<h2>" . Ts
('Updates in the last %s day'
655 . (($RcDefault != 1)?
"s":""), $RcDefault) . "</h2>\n";
657 # Translation of above line is identical to previous version
659 # Read rclog data (and oldrclog data if needed)
660 ($status, $fileData) = &ReadFile
663 # Save error text if needed.
664 $errorText = '<p><strong>' . Ts
('Could not open %s log file', $RCName)
665 . ":</strong> $RcFile<p>"
666 . T
('Error was') . ":\n<pre>$!</pre>\n" . '<p>'
667 . T
('Note: This error is normal if no changes have been made.') . "\n";
669 @fullrc = split(/\n/, $fileData);
671 if (@fullrc > 0) { # Only false if no lines in file
672 ($firstTs) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[0]);
674 if (($firstTs == 0) || ($starttime <= $firstTs)) {
675 ($status, $oldFileData) = &ReadFile
677 @fullrc = split(/\n/, $oldFileData . $fileData);
679 if ($errorText ne "") { # could not open either rclog file
682 . Ts
('Could not open old %s log file', $RCName)
683 . ":</strong> $RcOldFile<p>"
684 . T
('Error was') . ":\n<pre>$!</pre>\n";
690 if (@fullrc > 0) { # Only false if no lines in file
691 ($lastTs) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[$#fullrc]);
693 $lastTs++ if (($Now - $lastTs) > 5); # Skip last unless very recent
695 $idOnly = &GetParam
("rcidonly", "");
696 if ($idOnly && $showHTML) {
697 print '<b>(' . Ts
('for %s only', &ScriptLink
($idOnly, &QuoteHtml
($idOnly)), 1)
701 foreach $i (@RcDays) {
702 print " | " if $showbar;
704 print &ScriptLink
705 Ts
('%s day' . (($i != 1)?
's':''), $i));
706 # Note: must have two translations (for "day" and "days")
707 # Following comment line is for translation helper script
710 print "<br>" . &ScriptLink
711 T
('List new changes starting from'));
712 print " " . &TimeToText
($lastTs) . "<br>\n";
715 while ($i < @fullrc) { # Optimization: skip old entries quickly
716 ($ts) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[$i]);
717 if ($ts >= $starttime) {
718 $i -= 1000 if ($i > 0);
723 $i -= 1000 if (($i > 0) && ($i >= @fullrc));
724 for (; $i < @fullrc ; $i++) {
725 ($ts) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[$i]);
726 last if ($ts >= $starttime);
728 if ($i == @fullrc && $showHTML) {
729 print '<br><strong>' . Ts
('No updates since %s',
730 &TimeToText
($starttime)) . "</strong><br>\n";
732 splice(@fullrc, 0, $i); # Remove items before index $i
733 # Consider an end-time limit (items older than X)
735 print &GetRcRss
737 print &GetRcHtml
741 print '<p>' . Ts
('Page generated %s', &TimeToText
($Now)), "<br>\n";
748 my ($rcline, $date, $newtop, $author, $inlist, $result);
749 my ($showedit, $link, $all, $idOnly, $headItem, $item);
750 my ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp);
751 my ($rcchangehist, $tEdit, $tChanges, $tDiff);
752 my ($headList, $pagePrefix, $historyPrefix, $diffPrefix);
758 $showedit = &GetParam
("rcshowedit", $ShowEdits);
759 $showedit = &GetParam
("showedit", $showedit);
760 if ($showedit != 1) {
762 foreach $rcline (@outrc) {
763 ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline);
764 if ($showedit == 0) { # 0 = No edits
765 push(@temprc, $rcline) if (!$isEdit);
766 } else { # 2 = Only edits
767 push(@temprc, $rcline) if ($isEdit);
772 # Optimize param fetches out of main loop
773 $rcchangehist = &GetParam
("rcchangehist", 1);
774 # Optimize translations out of main loop
775 $tEdit = T
776 $tDiff = T
777 $tChanges = T
778 $pagePrefix = $QuotedFullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar
779 $diffPrefix = $pagePrefix . &QuoteHtml
780 $historyPrefix = $pagePrefix . &QuoteHtml
781 foreach $rcline (@outrc) {
782 ($ts, $pagename) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline);
783 $pagecount{$pagename}++;
784 $changetime{$pagename} = $ts;
787 $all = &GetParam
("rcall", 0);
788 $all = &GetParam
("all", $all);
789 $newtop = &GetParam
("rcnewtop", $RecentTop);
790 $newtop = &GetParam
("newtop", $newtop);
791 $idOnly = &GetParam
("rcidonly", "");
795 @outrc = reverse @outrc if ($newtop);
796 foreach $rcline (@outrc) {
797 ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp)
798 = split(/$FS3/, $rcline);
799 next if ((!$all) && ($ts < $changetime{$pagename}));
800 next if (($idOnly ne "") && ($idOnly ne $pagename));
801 %extra = split(/$FS2/, $extraTemp, -1);
802 if ($date ne &CalcDay
($ts)) {
803 $date = &CalcDay
804 if (1 == $rcType) { # HTML
805 # add date, properly closing lists first
807 $result .= "</UL>\n";
810 $result .= "<p><strong>" . $date . "</strong></p>\n";
817 if (0 == $rcType) { # RSS
818 ($headItem, $item) = &GetRssRcLine
($pagename, $ts, $host,
819 $extra{'name'}, $extra{'id'}, $summary, $isEdit,
820 $pagecount{$pagename}, $extra{'revision'},
821 $diffPrefix, $historyPrefix, $pagePrefix);
822 $headList .= $headItem;
825 $result .= &GetHtmlRcLine
($pagename, $ts, $host, $extra{'name'},
826 $extra{'id'}, $summary, $isEdit,
827 $pagecount{$pagename}, $extra{'revision'},
828 $tEdit, $tDiff, $tChanges, $all, $rcchangehist);
832 $result .= "</UL>\n" if ($inlist); # Close final tag
834 return ($headList, $result); # Just ignore headList for HTML
840 ($extra, $html) = &GetRc
(1, @_);
845 my ($pagename, $timestamp, $host, $userName, $userID, $summary,
846 $isEdit, $pagecount, $revision, $tEdit, $tDiff, $tChanges, $all,
848 my ($author, $sum, $edit, $count, $link, $html);
851 $host = &QuoteHtml
852 if (defined($userName) && defined($userID)) {
853 $author = &GetAuthorLink
($host, $userName, $userID);
855 $author = &GetAuthorLink
($host, "", 0);
858 if (($summary ne "") && ($summary ne "*")) {
859 $summary = &QuoteHtml
860 $sum = "<strong>[$summary]</strong> ";
863 $edit = "<em>$tEdit</em> " if ($isEdit);
865 if ((!$all) && ($pagecount > 1)) {
866 $count = "($pagecount ";
868 $count .= &GetHistoryLink
($pagename, $tChanges);
875 if ($UseDiff && &GetParam
("diffrclink", 1)) {
876 $link .= &ScriptLinkDiff
(4, $pagename, $tDiff, "") . " ";
878 $link .= &GetPageLink
879 $html .= "<li>$link ";
880 $html .= &CalcTime
($timestamp) . " $count$edit" . " $sum";
881 $html .= ". . . . . $author\n";
886 my ($rssHeader, $headList, $items);
888 # Normally get URL from script, but allow override
889 $FullUrl = $q->url(-full
=>1) if ($FullUrl eq "");
890 $QuotedFullUrl = &QuoteHtml
891 $SiteDescription = &QuoteHtml
893 my $ChannelAbout = &QuoteHtml
($FullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar
896 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
898 xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
899 xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/"
900 xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
901 xmlns:wiki="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/wiki/"
903 <channel rdf:about="$ChannelAbout">
904 <title>${\(&QuoteHtml($SiteName))}</title>
905 <link>${\($QuotedFullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar() . &QuoteHtml("$RCName"))}</link>
906 <description>${\(&QuoteHtml($SiteDescription))}</description>
908 <rdf:Description link="$QuotedFullUrl">
909 <rdf:value>$InterWikiMoniker</rdf:value>
915 ($headList, $items) = &GetRc
(0, @_);
916 $rssHeader .= $headList;
922 <image rdf:about="${\(&QuoteHtml($RssLogoUrl))}">
923 <title>${\(&QuoteHtml($SiteName))}</title>
924 <url>$RssLogoUrl</url>
925 <link>$QuotedFullUrl</link>
933 my ($pagename, $timestamp, $host, $userName, $userID, $summary, $isEdit,
934 $pagecount, $revision, $diffPrefix, $historyPrefix, $pagePrefix) = @_;
935 my ($pagenameEsc, $itemID, $description, $authorLink, $author, $status,
936 $importance, $date, $item, $headItem);
938 $pagenameEsc = CGI
939 # Add to list of items in the <channel/>
940 $itemID = $FullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar
941 . &GetOldPageParameters
('browse', $pagenameEsc, $revision);
942 $itemID = &QuoteHtml
943 $headItem = " <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"$itemID\"/>\n";
944 # Add to list of items proper.
945 if (($summary ne "") && ($summary ne "*")) {
946 $description = &QuoteHtml
948 $host = &QuoteHtml
950 $author = &QuoteHtml
951 $authorLink = 'link="' . $QuotedFullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar
() . $author . '"';
955 $status = (1 == $revision) ?
'new' : 'updated';
956 $importance = $isEdit ?
'minor' : 'major';
957 $timestamp += $TimeZoneOffset;
958 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($timestamp);
960 $date = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+%02d:00",
961 $year, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $TimeZoneOffset/(60*60));
962 $pagename = &QuoteHtml
963 # Write it out longhand
965 <item rdf:about="$itemID">
966 <title>$pagename</title>
967 <link>$pagePrefix$pagenameEsc</link>
968 <description>$description</description>
969 <dc:date>$date</dc:date>
971 <rdf:Description wiki:host="$host" $authorLink>
972 <rdf:value>$author</rdf:value>
975 <wiki:status>$status</wiki:status>
976 <wiki:importance>$importance</wiki:importance>
977 <wiki:diff>$diffPrefix$pagenameEsc</wiki:diff>
978 <wiki:version>$revision</wiki:version>
979 <wiki:history>$historyPrefix$pagenameEsc</wiki:history>
982 return ($headItem, $item);
986 print "Content-type: text/xml\n\n";
993 @pageList = &AllPagesList
(); # Optimize?
994 $id = $pageList[int(rand($#pageList + 1))];
995 &ReBrowsePage
($id, "", 0);
1000 my ($html, $canEdit, $row, $newText);
1002 print &GetHeader
('', Ts
('History of %s', $id), '') . '<br>';
1005 $newText = $Text{'text'};
1007 $canEdit = &UserCanEdit
($id) if ($HistoryEdit);
1010 <form action="$ScriptName" METHOD="GET">
1011 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="browse"/>
1012 <input type="hidden" name="diff" value="1"/>
1013 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="$id"/>
1014 <table border="0" width="100%"><tr>
1017 $html = &GetHistoryLine
($id, $Page{'text_default'}, $canEdit, $row++);
1018 &OpenKeptRevisions
1019 foreach (reverse sort {$a <=> $b} keys %KeptRevisions) {
1020 next if ($_ eq ""); # (needed?)
1021 $html .= &GetHistoryLine
($id, $KeptRevisions{$_}, $canEdit, $row++);
1025 my $label = T
1026 print "<tr><td align='center'><input type='submit' "
1027 . "value='$label'/> </td></table></form>\n";
1028 print "<hr class=wikilinediff>\n";
1029 print &GetDiffHTML
('defaultdiff', 1), $id, '', '', $newText);
1031 print &GetCommonFooter
1041 $logText = T
1042 if (!($text =~ s/\d+$/$logText/)) { # IP address (ending numbers masked)
1043 $text =~ s/^[^\.\(]+/$logText/; # Host name: mask until first .
1048 sub GetHistoryLine
1049 my ($id, $section, $canEdit, $row) = @_;
1050 my ($html, $expirets, $rev, $summary, $host, $user, $uid, $ts, $minor);
1051 my (%sect, %revtext);
1053 %sect = split(/$FS2/, $section, -1);
1054 %revtext = split(/$FS3/, $sect{'data'});
1055 $rev = $sect{'revision'};
1056 $summary = $revtext{'summary'};
1057 if ((defined($sect{'host'})) && ($sect{'host'} ne '')) {
1058 $host = $sect{'host'};
1060 $host = $sect{'ip'};
1062 $host = &GetMaskedHost
1063 $user = $sect{'username'};
1067 $minor = '<i>' . T
('(edit)') . '</i> ' if ($revtext{'minor'});
1068 $expirets = $Now - ($KeepDays * 24 * 60 * 60);
1071 $c1 = 'checked="checked"' if 1 == $row;
1072 $c2 = 'checked="checked"' if 0 == $row;
1073 $html .= "<tr><td align='center'><input type='radio' "
1074 . "name='diffrevision' value='$rev' $c1/> ";
1075 $html .= "<input type='radio' name='revision' value='$rev' $c2/></td><td>";
1077 if (0 == $row) { # current revision
1078 $html .= &GetPageLinkText
($id, Ts
('Revision %s', $rev)) . ' ';
1080 $html .= &GetEditLink
($id, T
('Edit')) . ' ';
1083 $html .= &GetOldPageLink
('browse', $id, $rev,
1084 Ts
('Revision %s', $rev)) . ' ';
1086 $html .= &GetOldPageLink
('edit', $id, $rev, T
('Edit')) . ' ';
1089 $html .= ". . " . $minor . &TimeToText
($ts) . " ";
1090 $html .= T
('by') . ' ' . &GetAuthorLink
($host, $user, $uid) . " ";
1091 if (defined($summary) && ($summary ne "") && ($summary ne "*")) {
1092 $summary = &QuoteHtml
($summary); # Thanks Sunir! :-)
1093 $html .= "<b>[$summary]</b> ";
1095 $html .= $UseDiff ?
"</tr>\n" : "<br>\n";
1099 # ==== HTML and page-oriented functions ====
1100 sub ScriptLinkChar
1108 my ($action, $text) = @_;
1110 return '<a href="' . $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar
() . &UriEscape
1114 sub ScriptLinkClass
1115 my ($action, $text, $class) = @_;
1117 return '<a href="' . $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar
() . &UriEscape
1118 . '" class="' . $class . "\">$text</a>";
1121 sub GetPageLinkText
1122 my ($id, $name) = @_;
1124 $id =~ s
1126 $id = &FreeToNormal
1129 return &ScriptLinkClass
($id, $name, 'wikipagelink');
1135 return &GetPageLinkText
($id, $id);
1139 my ($id, $name) = @_;
1142 $id = &FreeToNormal
1145 return &ScriptLinkClass
("action=edit&id=$id", $name, 'wikipageedit');
1149 my ($id, $name, $confirm) = @_;
1152 $id = &FreeToNormal
1155 return &ScriptLink
("action=delete&id=$id&confirm=$confirm", $name);
1158 sub GetOldPageParameters
1159 my ($kind, $id, $revision) = @_;
1161 $id = &FreeToNormal
($id) if $FreeLinks;
1162 return "action=$kind&id=$id&revision=$revision";
1165 sub GetOldPageLink
1166 my ($kind, $id, $revision, $name) = @_;
1168 $name =~ s/_/ /g if $FreeLinks;
1169 return &ScriptLink
($kind, $id, $revision), $name);
1172 sub GetPageOrEditAnchoredLink
1173 my ($id, $anchor, $name) = @_;
1174 my (@temp, $exists);
1182 $id =~ s
1184 $id = &FreeToNormal
1189 @temp = &AllPagesList
(); # Also initializes hash
1191 $exists = 1 if ($IndexHash{$id});
1192 } elsif (-f
($id)) { # Page file exists
1196 $id = "$id#$anchor" if $anchor;
1197 $name = "$name#$anchor" if $anchor && $NamedAnchors != 2;
1198 return &GetPageLinkText
($id, $name);
1200 if ($FreeLinks && !$EditNameLink) {
1201 if ($name =~ m
| |) { # Not a single word
1202 $name = "[$name]"; # Add brackets so boundaries are obvious
1205 if ($EditNameLink) {
1206 return &GetEditLink
($id, $name);
1208 return $name . &GetEditLink
($id, '?');
1212 sub GetPageOrEditLink
1213 my ($id, $name) = @_;
1214 return &GetPageOrEditAnchoredLink
($id, "", $name);
1217 sub GetBackLinksSearchLink
1221 $id =~ s
|.+/|/|; # Subpage match: search for just /SubName
1223 $name =~ s/_/ /g; # Display with spaces
1224 $id =~ s/_/+/g; # Search for url-escaped spaces
1226 return &ScriptLink
("back=$id", $name);
1230 return &ScriptLink
("action=editprefs", T
1234 return &ScriptLink
("action=random", T
('Random Page'));
1237 sub ScriptLinkDiff
1238 my ($diff, $id, $text, $rev) = @_;
1240 $rev = "&revision=$rev" if ($rev ne "");
1241 $diff = &GetParam
("defaultdiff", 1) if ($diff == 4);
1242 return &ScriptLink
("action=browse&diff=$diff&id=$id$rev", $text);
1245 sub ScriptLinkDiffRevision
1246 my ($diff, $id, $rev, $text) = @_;
1248 $rev = "&diffrevision=$rev" if ($rev ne "");
1249 $diff = &GetParam
("defaultdiff", 1) if ($diff == 4);
1250 return &ScriptLink
("action=browse&diff=$diff&id=$id$rev", $text);
1254 return &ScriptLink
('action=upload', T
1257 sub ScriptLinkTitle
1258 my ($action, $text, $title) = @_;
1263 return '<a href="' . $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar
() . &UriEscape
1264 . "\" title=\"$title\">$text</a>";
1268 my ($host, $userName, $uid) = @_;
1269 my ($html, $title, $userNameShow);
1271 $userNameShow = $userName;
1273 $userName =~ s/ /_/g;
1274 $userNameShow =~ s/_/ /g;
1276 if (&ValidId
($userName) ne "") { # Invalid under current rules
1277 $userName = ""; # Just pretend it isn't there.
1279 if (($uid > 0) && ($userName ne "")) {
1280 $html = &ScriptLinkTitle
($userName, $userNameShow,
1281 Ts
('ID %s', $uid) . ' ' . Ts
('from %s', $host));
1288 sub GetHistoryLink
1289 my ($id, $text) = @_;
1294 return &ScriptLink
("action=history&id=$id", $text);
1298 my ($id, $title, $oldId, $backlinks) = @_;
1302 my $embed = &GetParam
('embed', $EmbedWiki);
1303 my $altText = T
1305 $result = &GetHttpHeader
1307 $title =~ s/_/ /g; # Display as spaces
1309 $result .= &GetHtmlHeader
("$SiteName: $title");
1310 return $result if ($embed);
1312 $result .= '<div class=wikiheader>';
1314 $result .= $q->h3('(' . Ts
('redirected from %s',
1315 &GetEditLink
($oldId, &QuoteHtml
($oldId)), 1) . ')');
1317 if ((!$embed) && ($LogoUrl ne "")) {
1318 $logoImage = "img src=\"$LogoUrl\" alt=\"$altText\" border=0";
1320 $logoImage .= " align=\"right\"";
1322 $header = &ScriptLink
($HomePage, "<$logoImage>");
1324 if ($id and $backlinks) {
1325 $result .= $q->h1($header . &GetBackLinksSearchLink
1327 $result .= $q->h1($header . $title);
1329 if (&GetParam
("toplinkbar", 1)) {
1330 $result .= &GetGotoBar
($id) . "<hr class=wikilineheader>";
1332 $result .= '</div>';
1340 $type = 'text/html' if ($type eq '');
1341 if (defined($SetCookie{'id'})) {
1342 $cookie = "$CookieName="
1343 . "rev&" . $SetCookie{'rev'}
1344 . "&id&" . $SetCookie{'id'}
1345 . "&randkey&" . $SetCookie{'randkey'};
1346 $cookie .= ";expires=Fri, 08-Sep-2013 19:48:23 GMT";
1347 if ($HttpCharset ne '') {
1348 return $q->header(-cookie
1349 -type
=>"$type; charset=$HttpCharset");
1351 return $q->header(-cookie
1353 if ($HttpCharset ne '') {
1354 return $q->header(-type
=>"$type; charset=$HttpCharset");
1356 return $q->header(-type
1361 my ($dtd, $html, $bodyExtra, $stylesheet);
1364 $dtd = '-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN';
1365 $html = qq(<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
1366 $title = $q->escapeHTML($title);
1367 $html .= "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE>\n";
1368 if ($FavIcon ne '') {
1369 $html .= '<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="' . $FavIcon . '">'
1371 if ($MetaKeywords) {
1372 my $keywords = $OpenPageName;
1373 $keywords =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1, $2/g;
1374 $html .= "<META NAME='KEYWORDS' CONTENT='$keywords'/>\n" if $keywords;
1376 # we don't want robots indexing our history or other admin pages
1377 my $action = lc(&GetParam
('action', ''));
1378 unless (!$action or $action eq "rc" or $action eq "index") {
1379 $html .= "<META NAME='robots' CONTENT='noindex,nofollow'>\n";
1381 if ($SiteBase ne "") {
1382 $html .= qq(<BASE HREF
1384 $stylesheet = &GetParam
('stylesheet', $StyleSheet);
1385 $stylesheet = $StyleSheet if ($stylesheet eq '');
1386 $stylesheet = '' if ($stylesheet eq '*'); # Allow removing override
1387 if ($stylesheet ne '') {
1388 $html .= qq(<LINK REL
="stylesheet" HREF
1390 $html .= $UserHeader;
1392 if ($UserBody ne '') {
1393 $bodyExtra = ' ' . $UserBody;
1395 if ($BGColor ne '') {
1396 $bodyExtra .= qq( BGCOLOR
1398 $html .= "</HEAD><BODY$bodyExtra>\n";
1403 my ($id, $rev) = @_;
1406 if (&GetParam
('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
1407 return $q->end_html;
1409 $result = '<div class=wikifooter>';
1410 $result .= "<hr class=wikilinefooter>\n";
1411 $result .= &GetFormStart
1412 $result .= &GetGotoBar
1413 if (&UserCanEdit
($id, 0)) {
1415 $result .= &GetOldPageLink
('edit', $id, $rev,
1416 Ts
('Edit revision %s of this page', $rev));
1418 $result .= &GetEditLink
($id, T
('Edit text of this page'));
1421 $result .= T
('This page is read-only');
1424 $result .= &GetHistoryLink
($id, T
('View other revisions'));
1427 $result .= &GetPageLinkText
($id, T
('View current revision'));
1430 $result .= ' | <a href="http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl?' . &UriEscape
($id) . '">'
1431 . T
('Search MetaWiki') . '</a>';
1433 if ($Section{'revision'} > 0) {
1435 if ($rev eq '') { # Only for most current rev
1436 $result .= T
('Last edited');
1438 $result .= T
1440 $result .= ' ' . &TimeToText
1441 if ($AuthorFooter) {
1442 $result .= ' ' . Ts
('by %s', &GetAuthorLink
1443 $Section{'username'}, $Section{'id'}), 1);
1447 $result .= ' ' . &ScriptLinkDiff
(4, $id, T
('(diff)'), $rev);
1449 $result .= '<br>' . &GetSearchForm
1450 if ($AdminBar && &UserIsAdmin
()) {
1451 $result .= '<br>' . &GetAdminBar
1453 if ($DataDir =~ m
|/tmp/|) {
1454 $result .= '<br><b>' . T
('Warning') . ':</b> '
1455 . Ts
('Database is stored in temporary directory %s',
1458 if ($ConfigError ne '') {
1459 $result .= '<br><b>' . T
('Config file error:') . '</b> '
1460 . $ConfigError . '<br>';
1462 $result .= $q->endform;
1463 if ($FooterNote ne '') {
1464 $result .= T
1466 $result .= '</div>';
1467 $result .= &GetMinimumFooter
1471 sub GetCommonFooter
1474 $html = '<div class=wikifooter>' . '<hr class=wikilinefooter>'
1475 . &GetFormStart
() . &GetGotoBar
1476 . &GetSearchForm
() . $q->endform;
1477 if ($FooterNote ne '') {
1478 $html .= T
1480 $html .= '</div>' . $q->end_html;
1484 sub GetMinimumFooter
1485 return $q->end_html;
1489 return $q->startform("POST", "$ScriptName",
1490 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
1495 my ($main, $bartext);
1497 $bartext = &GetPageLink
1500 $main =~ s
|/.*||; # Only the main page name (remove subpage)
1501 $bartext .= " | " . &GetPageLink
1503 $bartext .= " | " . &GetPageLink
1504 $bartext .= " | " . &GetPrefsLink
1505 if ($UseUpload && &UserCanUpload
()) {
1506 $bartext .= " | " . &GetUploadLink
1508 if (&GetParam
("linkrandom", 0)) {
1509 $bartext .= " | " . &GetRandomLink
1511 if ($UserGotoBar ne '') {
1512 $bartext .= " | " . $UserGotoBar;
1514 $bartext .= "<br>\n";
1518 # Admin bar contributed by ElMoro (with some changes)
1519 sub GetPageLockLink
1520 my ($id, $status, $name) = @_;
1523 $id = &FreeToNormal
1525 return &ScriptLink
("action=pagelock&set=$status&id=$id", $name);
1532 $result = T
('Administration') . ': ';
1533 if (-f
($id)) {
1534 $result .= &GetPageLockLink
($id, 0, T
('Unlock page'));
1537 $result .= &GetPageLockLink
($id, 1, T
('Lock page'));
1539 $result .= " | " . &GetDeleteLink
($id, T
('Delete this page'), 0);
1540 $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink
("action=editbanned", T
("Edit Banned List"));
1541 $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink
("action=maintain", T
("Run Maintenance"));
1542 $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink
("action=editlinks", T
("Edit/Rename pages"));
1543 if (-f
"$DataDir/noedit") {
1544 $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink
("action=editlock&set=0", T
("Unlock site"));
1546 $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink
("action=editlock&set=1", T
("Lock site"));
1554 $result = T
('Search:') . ' ' . $q->textfield(-name
=>'search', -size
1555 if ($SearchButton) {
1556 $result .= $q->submit('dosearch', T
1558 $result .= &GetHiddenValue
("dosearch", 1);
1563 sub GetRedirectPage
1564 my ($newid, $name, $isEdit) = @_;
1568 # Normally get URL from script, but allow override.
1569 $FullUrl = $q->url(-full
=>1) if ($FullUrl eq "");
1570 $url = $FullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar
() . &UriEscape
1571 $nameLink = "<a href=\"$url\">$name</a>";
1572 if ($RedirType < 3) {
1573 if ($RedirType == 1) { # Use CGI.pm
1574 # NOTE: do NOT use -method (does not work with old CGI.pm versions)
1575 # Thanks to Daniel Neri for fixing this problem.
1576 $html = $q->redirect(-uri
1577 } else { # Minimal header
1578 $html = "Status: 302 Moved\n";
1579 $html .= "Location: $url\n";
1580 $html .= "Content-Type: text/html\n"; # Needed for browser failure
1583 $html .= "\n" . Ts
('Your browser should go to the %s page.', $newid);
1584 $html .= ' ' . Ts
('If it does not, click %s to continue.', $nameLink);
1587 $html = &GetHeader
('', T
('Thanks for editing...'), '');
1588 $html .= Ts
('Thank you for editing %s.', $nameLink);
1590 $html = &GetHeader
('', T
('Link to another page...'), '');
1593 $html .= Ts
('Follow the %s link to continue.', $nameLink);
1594 $html .= &GetMinimumFooter
1599 # ==== Common wiki markup ====
1600 sub RestoreSavedText
1603 1 while $text =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore saved text
1610 # Note: must remove all $FS, and $FS may be multi-byte/char separator
1611 $text =~ s/($FS)+(\d)/$2/g;
1616 my ($pageText) = @_;
1622 $SaveNumUrlIndex = 0;
1623 $pageText = &RemoveFS
1625 $pageText =~ s/<html>((.|\n)*?)<\/html>/&StoreRaw
1627 $pageText = &QuoteHtml
1628 $pageText =~ s/\\ *\r?\n/ /g; # Join lines with backslash at end
1630 # Note: The following 3 rules may span paragraphs, so they are
1631 # copied from CommonMarkup
1633 s/\<nowiki\>((.|\n)*?)\<\/nowiki\>/&StoreRaw
1635 s/\<pre\>((.|\n)*?)\<\/pre\>/&StorePre
($1, "pre")/ige
1637 s/\<code\>((.|\n)*?)\<\/code\>/&StorePre
($1, "code")/ige
1638 $pageText =~ s/((.|\n)+?\n)\s*(\n|$)/&ParseParagraph($1)/geo;
1639 $pageText =~ s/(.*)<\/p>(.+)$/$1.&ParseParagraph
1641 $pageText = &CommonMarkup
($pageText, 1, 0); # Multi-line markup
1642 $pageText = &WikiLinesToHtml
($pageText); # Line-oriented markup
1644 while (@HeadingNumbers) {
1645 pop @HeadingNumbers;
1646 $TableOfContents .= "</dd></dl>\n\n";
1648 $pageText =~ s/<toc>/$TableOfContents/gi;
1649 if ($LateRules ne '') {
1650 $pageText = &EvalLocalRules
($LateRules, $pageText, 0);
1652 return &RestoreSavedText
1656 my ($text, $useImage, $doLines) = @_;
1659 if ($doLines < 2) { # 2 = do line-oriented only
1660 # The <nowiki> tag stores text with no markup (except quoting HTML)
1661 s/\<nowiki\>((.|\n)*?)\<\/nowiki\>/&StoreRaw
1662 # The <pre> tag wraps the stored text with the HTML <pre> tag
1663 s/\<pre\>((.|\n)*?)\<\/pre\>/&StorePre
($1, "pre")/ige
1664 s/\<code\>((.|\n)*?)\<\/code\>/&StorePre
($1, "code")/ige
1665 if ($EarlyRules ne '') {
1666 $_ = &EvalLocalRules
($EarlyRules, $_, !$useImage);
1668 s/\[\#(\w+)\]/&StoreHref(" name=\"$1\"")/ge if $NamedAnchors;
1671 foreach $t (@HtmlPairs) {
1672 s/\<$t(\s[^<>]+?)?\>(.*?)\<\/$t\>/<$t$1>$2<\
1674 foreach $t (@HtmlSingle) {
1675 s/\<$t(\s[^<>]+?)?\>/<$t$1>/gi;
1678 # Note that these tags are restricted to a single line
1679 s/\<b\>(.*?)\<\/b\>/<b
1680 s/\<i\>(.*?)\<\/i\>/<i
1681 s/\<strong\>(.*?)\<\/strong\>/<strong
1682 s/\<em\>(.*?)\<\/em\>/<em
1684 s/\<tt\>(.*?)\<\/tt\>/<tt
/tt>/gis; # <tt> (MeatBall)
1685 s/\<br\>/<br>/gi; # Allow simple line break anywhere
1687 s/\<A(\s[^<>]+?)\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/&StoreHref
($1, $2)/gise
1690 # Consider: should local free-link descriptions be conditional?
1691 # Also, consider that one could write [[Bad Page|Good Page]]?
1692 s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/&StorePageOrEditLink($1, $2)/geo;
1693 s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/&StorePageOrEditLink($1, "")/geo;
1695 if ($BracketText) { # Links like [URL text of link]
1696 s/\[$UrlPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\]/&StoreBracketUrl($1, $2, $useImage)/geos;
1697 s
($1, $2,
1699 if ($WikiLinks && $BracketWiki) { # Local bracket-links
1700 s/\[$LinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\]/&StoreBracketLink($1, $2)/geos;
1701 s
1702 $2, $3)/geos
if $NamedAnchors;
1705 s/\[$UrlPattern\]/&StoreBracketUrl($1, "", 0)/geo;
1706 s/\[$InterLinkPattern\]/&StoreBracketInterPage($1, "", 0)/geo;
1707 s/\b$UrlPattern/&StoreUrl($1, $useImage)/geo;
1708 s/\b$InterLinkPattern/&StoreInterPage($1, $useImage)/geo;
1710 s/$UploadPattern/&StoreUpload($1)/geo;
1713 s
1714 $2, ""))/geo
if $NamedAnchors;
1715 # CAA: Putting \b in front of $LinkPattern breaks /SubPage links
1716 # (subpage links without the main page)
1717 s/$LinkPattern/&GetPageOrEditLink($1, "")/geo;
1719 s/\b$RFCPattern/&StoreRFC($1)/geo;
1720 s/\b$ISBNPattern/&StoreISBN($1)/geo;
1722 if ($OldThinLine) { # Backwards compatible, conflicts with headers
1723 s/====+/<hr noshade class=wikiline size=2>/g;
1724 } else { # New behavior--no conflict
1725 s/------+/<hr noshade class=wikiline size=2>/g;
1727 s/----+/<hr noshade class=wikiline size=1>/g;
1729 s/----+/<hr class=wikiline>/g;
1732 if ($doLines) { # 0 = no line-oriented, 1 or 2 = do line-oriented
1733 # The quote markup patterns avoid overlapping tags (with 5 quotes)
1734 # by matching the inner quotes for the strong pattern.
1735 s/('*)'''(.*?)'''/$1<strong>$2<\/strong
1736 s/''(.*?)''/<em>$1<\/em>/g
1738 s/(^|\n)\s*(\=+)\s+([^\n]+)\s+\=+/&WikiHeading($1, $2, $3)/geo;
1741 s/((\|\|)+)/"<\/TD
=\"" . (length($1)\/2) . "\">"/ge;
1747 sub EmptyCellsToNbsp {
1750 $row =~ s/(?<=\|\|)\s+(?=\|\|)/ /g;
1751 $row =~ s/^\s+(?=\|\|)/ /;
1752 $row =~ s/(?<=\|\|)\s+$/ /;
1756 sub WikiLinesToHtml {
1757 my ($pageText) = @_;
1758 my ($pageHtml, @htmlStack, $code, $codeAttributes, $depth, $oldCode);
1763 foreach (split(/\n/, $pageText)) { # Process lines one-at-a-time
1765 $codeAttributes = '';
1768 if (s/^(\;+)([^:]+\:?)\:/<dt>$2<dd>/) {
1771 } elsif (s/^(\:+)/<dt><dd>/) {
1774 } elsif (s/^(\*+)/<li>/) {
1777 } elsif (s/^(\#+)/<li>/) {
1780 } elsif ($TableSyntax &&
1781 s/^((\|\|)+)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"<TR VALIGN
1782 . "ALIGN
='CENTER'><TD colspan
1783 . (length($1)\/2) . "'>" . EmptyCellsToNbsp($3) . "<\
) {
1785 $codeAttributes = "BORDER='1'";
1788 } elsif (/^[ \t].*\S/) {
1794 while (@htmlStack > $depth) { # Close tags as needed
1795 $pageHtml .= "</" . pop(@htmlStack) . ">\n";
1798 $depth = $IndentLimit if ($depth > $IndentLimit);
1799 if (@htmlStack) { # Non-empty stack
1800 $oldCode = pop(@htmlStack);
1801 if ($oldCode ne $code) {
1802 $pageHtml .= "</$oldCode><$code>\n";
1804 push(@htmlStack, $code);
1806 while (@htmlStack < $depth) {
1807 push(@htmlStack, $code);
1808 $pageHtml .= "<$code $codeAttributes>\n";
1812 s/^\s*$/<p>\n/; # Blank lines become <p> tags
1814 $pageHtml .= &CommonMarkup
($_, 1, 2); # Line-oriented common markup
1816 while (@htmlStack > 0) { # Clear stack
1817 $pageHtml .= "</" . pop(@htmlStack) . ">\n";
1822 sub EvalLocalRules
1823 my ($rules, $origText, $isDiff) = @_;
1824 my ($text, $reportError, $errorText);
1828 # Basic idea: the $rules should change $text, possibly with different
1829 # behavior if $isDiff is true (no images or color changes?)
1830 # Note: for fun, the $rules could also change $reportError and $origText
1833 if ($errorText eq '') {
1834 # Search for "Unknown Error" for the reason the next line is commented
1835 # $errorText = T('Unknown Error (no error text)');
1837 if ($errorText ne '') {
1838 $text = $origText; # Consider: should partial results be kept?
1840 $text .= '<hr><b>' . T
('Local rule error:') . '</b><br>'
1841 . &QuoteHtml
1850 $uri =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/ge;
1851 $uri =~ s/\&/\&/g;
1855 sub ParseParagraph
1858 $text = &CommonMarkup
($text, 1, 0); # Multi-line markup
1859 $text = &WikiLinesToHtml
($text); # Line-oriented markup
1860 return "<p>$text</p>\n";
1863 sub StoreInterPage
1864 my ($id, $useImage) = @_;
1867 ($link, $extra) = &InterPageLink
($id, $useImage);
1868 # Next line ensures no empty links are stored
1869 $link = &StoreRaw
($link) if ($link ne "");
1870 return $link . $extra;
1874 my ($id, $useImage) = @_;
1875 my ($name, $site, $remotePage, $url, $punct);
1877 ($id, $punct) = &SplitUrlPunct
1879 ($site, $remotePage) = split(/:/, $id, 2);
1880 $url = &GetSiteUrl
1881 return ("", $id . $punct) if ($url eq "");
1882 $remotePage =~ s/&/&/g; # Unquote common URL HTML
1883 $url .= $remotePage;
1884 return (&UrlLinkOrImage
($url, $name, $useImage), $punct);
1887 sub StoreBracketInterPage
1888 my ($id, $text, $useImage) = @_;
1889 my ($site, $remotePage, $url, $index);
1891 ($site, $remotePage) = split(/:/, $id, 2);
1892 $remotePage =~ s/&/&/g; # Unquote common URL HTML
1893 $url = &GetSiteUrl
1895 return "[$id $text]" if ($url eq "");
1897 return "[$id]" if ($url eq "");
1898 $text = &GetBracketUrlIndex
1900 $url .= $remotePage;
1901 if ($BracketImg && $useImage && &ImageAllowed
($text)) {
1902 $text = "<img src=\"$text\">";
1906 return &StoreRaw
("<a href=\"$url\">$text</a>");
1909 sub GetBracketUrlIndex
1913 # Consider plain array?
1914 if ($SaveNumUrl{$id} > 0) {
1915 return $SaveNumUrl{$id};
1917 $SaveNumUrlIndex++; # Start with 1
1918 $SaveNumUrl{$id} = $SaveNumUrlIndex;
1919 return $SaveNumUrlIndex;
1924 my ($data, $status);
1926 if (!$InterSiteInit) {
1927 ($status, $data) = &ReadFile
1929 %InterSite = split(/\s+/, $data); # Consider defensive code
1931 # Check for definitions to allow file to override automatic settings
1932 if (!defined($InterSite{'LocalWiki'})) {
1933 $InterSite{'LocalWiki'} = $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar
1935 if (!defined($InterSite{'Local'})) {
1936 $InterSite{'Local'} = $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar
1938 $InterSiteInit = 1; # Init only once per request
1940 return $InterSite{$site} if (defined($InterSite{$site}));
1947 $SaveUrl{$SaveUrlIndex} = $html;
1948 return $FS . $SaveUrlIndex++ . $FS;
1952 my ($html, $tag) = @_;
1954 return &StoreRaw
("<$tag>" . $html . "</$tag>");
1958 my ($anchor, $text) = @_;
1960 return "<a" . &StoreRaw
($anchor) . ">$text</a>";
1964 my ($name, $useImage) = @_;
1967 ($link, $extra) = &UrlLink
($name, $useImage);
1968 # Next line ensures no empty links are stored
1969 $link = &StoreRaw
($link) if ($link ne "");
1970 return $link . $extra;
1974 my ($rawname, $useImage) = @_;
1977 ($name, $punct) = &SplitUrlPunct
1978 if ($LimitFileUrl && ($NetworkFile && $name =~ m
:|)) {
1979 # Only do remote file:// links. No file:///c|/windows.
1980 if ($name =~ m
://[^/]|) {
1981 return ("<a href=\"$name\">$name</a>", $punct);
1983 return ($rawname, '');
1985 return (&UrlLinkOrImage
($name, $name, $useImage), $punct);
1988 sub UrlLinkOrImage
1989 my ($url, $name, $useImage) = @_;
1991 # Restricted image URLs so that mailto:foo@bar.gif is not an image
1992 if ($useImage && &ImageAllowed
($url)) {
1993 return "<img src=\"$url\">";
1995 return "<a href=\"$url\">$name</a>";
2000 my ($site, $imagePrefixes);
2002 $imagePrefixes = 'http:|https:|ftp:';
2003 $imagePrefixes .= '|file:' if (!$LimitFileUrl);
2004 return 0 unless ($url =~ /^($imagePrefixes).+\.$ImageExtensions$/i);
2005 return 0 if ($url =~ /"/); # No HTML-breaking quotes allowed
2006 return 1 if (@ImageSites < 1); # Most common case: () means all allowed
2007 return 0 if ($ImageSites[0] eq 'none'); # Special case: none allowed
2008 foreach $site (@ImageSites) {
2009 return 1 if ($site eq substr($url, 0, length($site))); # Match prefix
2014 sub StoreBracketUrl
2015 my ($url, $text, $useImage) = @_;
2018 $text = &GetBracketUrlIndex
2019 } elsif ($text =~ /^$InterLinkPattern$/) {
2020 my @interlink = split(/:/, $text, 2);
2021 $text = &GetSiteUrl
($interlink[0]) . $interlink[1];
2023 if ($BracketImg && $useImage && &ImageAllowed
($text)) {
2024 $text = "<img src=\"$text\">";
2028 return &StoreRaw
("<a href=\"$url\">$text</a>");
2031 sub StoreBracketLink
2032 my ($name, $text) = @_;
2034 return &StoreRaw
($name, "[$text]"));
2037 sub StoreBracketAnchoredLink
2038 my ($name, $anchor, $text) = @_;
2040 return &StoreRaw
("$name#$anchor", "[$text]"));
2043 sub StorePageOrEditLink
2044 my ($page, $name) = @_;
2047 $page =~ s/^\s+//; # Trim extra spaces
2049 $page =~ s
*/\s*|/|; # ...also before/after subpages
2053 return &StoreRaw
($page, $name));
2059 return &StoreRaw
2065 return "<a href=\"http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc${num}.html\">RFC $num</a>";
2071 return &StoreRaw
2075 my ($filename) = @_;
2078 return $filename if ($UploadUrl eq ''); # No bad links if misconfigured
2079 $UploadUrl .= '/' if (substr($UploadUrl, -1, 1) ne '/'); # End with /
2080 $url = $UploadUrl . $filename;
2081 $html = '<a href="' . $url . '">';
2082 if (&ImageAllowed
($url)) {
2083 $html .= '<img src="' . $url . '" alt="upload:' . $filename . '">';
2085 $html .= 'upload:' . $filename;
2094 return &StoreRaw
2098 my ($num, $pre, $post, $text) = @_;
2100 return '<a href="' . $pre . $num . $post . '">' . $text . '</a>';
2105 my ($rawprint, $html, $num, $numSites, $i);
2108 $rawprint = $rawnum;
2109 $rawprint =~ s/ +$//;
2111 $numSites = scalar @IsbnNames; # Number of entries
2112 if ((length($num) != 10) || ($numSites < 1)) {
2113 return "ISBN $rawnum";
2115 $html = &ISBNALink
($num, $IsbnPre[0], $IsbnPost[0], 'ISBN ' . $rawprint);
2116 if ($numSites > 1) {
2119 while ($i < $numSites) {
2120 $html .= &ISBNALink
($num, $IsbnPre[$i], $IsbnPost[$i], $IsbnNames[$i]);
2121 if ($i < ($numSites - 1)) { # Not the last site
2128 $html .= " " if ($rawnum =~ / $/); # Add space if old ISBN had space.
2136 if ($url =~ s/\"\"$//) {
2137 return ($url, ""); # Delete double-quote delimiters here
2141 ($punct) = ($url =~ /([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\x80-\xff]+)$/);
2142 $url =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\x80-\xff]+)$//;
2144 ($punct) = ($url =~ /([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\xc0-\xff]+)$/);
2145 $url =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\xc0-\xff]+)$//;
2147 return ($url, $punct);
2154 ($url, $junk) = &SplitUrlPunct
2158 sub WikiHeadingNumber
2159 my ($depth, $text) = @_;
2160 my ($anchor, $number);
2162 return '' unless --$depth > 0; # Don't number H1s because it looks stupid
2163 while (scalar @HeadingNumbers < ($depth-1)) {
2164 push @HeadingNumbers, 1;
2165 $TableOfContents .= '<dl><dt> </dt><dd>';
2167 if (scalar @HeadingNumbers < $depth) {
2168 push @HeadingNumbers, 0;
2169 $TableOfContents .= '<dl><dt> </dt><dd>';
2171 while (scalar @HeadingNumbers > $depth) {
2172 pop @HeadingNumbers;
2173 $TableOfContents .= "</dd></dl>\n\n";
2175 $HeadingNumbers[$#HeadingNumbers]++;
2176 $number = (join '.', @HeadingNumbers) . '. ';
2177 # Remove embedded links. THIS IS FRAGILE!
2178 $text = &RestoreSavedText
2179 $text =~ s/\<a\s[^\>]*?\>\?\<\/a\>//si
; # No such page syntax
2180 $text =~ s/\<a\s[^\>]*?\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/$1/si
2181 # Cook anchor by canonicalizing $text.
2183 $anchor =~ s/\<.*?\>//g;
2184 $anchor =~ s/\W/_/g;
2185 $anchor =~ s/__+/_/g;
2189 $anchor = '_' . (join '_', @HeadingNumbers) unless $anchor;
2190 $TableOfContents .= $number . &ScriptLink
2191 . "</dd>\n<dt> </dt><dd>";
2192 return &StoreHref
(" name=\"$anchor\"") . $number;
2196 my ($pre, $depth, $text) = @_;
2198 $depth = length($depth);
2199 $depth = 6 if ($depth > 6);
2200 $text =~ s/^\s*#\s+/&WikiHeadingNumber($depth,$')/e; # $' == $POSTMATCH
2201 return $pre . "<H$depth>$text</H$depth>\n";
2204 # ==== Difference markup and HTML ====
2206 my ($diffType, $id, $revOld, $revNew, $newText) = @_;
2207 my ($html, $diffText, $diffTextTwo, $priorName, $links, $usecomma);
2208 my ($major, $minor, $author, $useMajor, $useMinor, $useAuthor, $cacheName);
2212 $major = &ScriptLinkDiff
(1, $id, T
('major diff'), "");
2213 $minor = &ScriptLinkDiff
(2, $id, T
('minor diff'), "");
2214 $author = &ScriptLinkDiff
(3, $id, T
('author diff'), "");
2218 $diffType = &GetParam
("defaultdiff", 1) if ($diffType == 4);
2219 if ($diffType == 1) {
2220 $priorName = T
2221 $cacheName = 'major';
2223 } elsif ($diffType == 2) {
2224 $priorName = T
2225 $cacheName = 'minor';
2227 } elsif ($diffType == 3) {
2228 $priorName = T
2229 $cacheName = 'author';
2232 if ($revOld ne "") {
2233 # Note: OpenKeptRevisions must have been done by caller.
2234 # Eventually optimize if same as cached revision
2235 $diffText = &GetKeptDiff
($newText, $revOld, 1); # 1 = get lock
2236 if ($diffText eq "") {
2237 $diffText = T
('(The revisions are identical or unavailable.)');
2240 $diffText = &GetCacheDiff
2242 $useMajor = 0 if ($useMajor && ($diffText eq &GetCacheDiff
2243 $useMinor = 0 if ($useMinor && ($diffText eq &GetCacheDiff
2244 $useAuthor = 0 if ($useAuthor && ($diffText eq &GetCacheDiff
2245 $useMajor = 0 if ((!defined(&GetPageCache
('oldmajor'))) ||
2246 (&GetPageCache
("oldmajor") < 1));
2247 $useAuthor = 0 if ((!defined(&GetPageCache
('oldauthor'))) ||
2248 (&GetPageCache
("oldauthor") < 1));
2254 $links .= ", " if ($usecomma);
2259 $links .= ", " if ($usecomma);
2262 if (!($useMajor || $useMinor || $useAuthor)) {
2263 $links .= T
('no other diffs');
2266 if ((!defined($diffText)) || ($diffText eq "")) {
2267 $diffText = T
('No diff available.');
2269 if ($revOld ne "") {
2270 my $currentRevision = T
('current revision');
2271 $currentRevision = Ts
('revision %s', $revNew) if $revNew;
2273 . Tss
("Difference (from revision %1 to %2)", $revOld, $currentRevision)
2274 . "</b>\n" . "$links<br>" . &DiffToHTML
2276 if (($diffType != 2) &&
2277 ((!defined(&GetPageCache
("old$cacheName"))) ||
2278 (&GetPageCache
("old$cacheName") < 1))) {
2280 . Ts
('No diff available--this is the first %s revision.',
2281 $priorName) . "</b>\n$links";
2284 . Ts
('Difference (from prior %s revision)', $priorName)
2285 . "</b>\n$links<br>" . &DiffToHTML
2288 @HeadingNumbers = ();
2289 $TableOfContents = '';
2297 $diffText = &GetPageCache
2298 $diffText = &GetCacheDiff
('minor') if ($diffText eq "1");
2299 $diffText = &GetCacheDiff
('major') if ($diffText eq "2");
2303 # Must be done after minor diff is set and OpenKeptRevisions called
2305 my ($newText, $oldRevision, $lock) = @_;
2306 my (%sect, %data, $oldText);
2309 if (defined($KeptRevisions{$oldRevision})) {
2310 %sect = split(/$FS2/, $KeptRevisions{$oldRevision}, -1);
2311 %data = split(/$FS3/, $sect{'data'}, -1);
2312 $oldText = $data{'text'};
2314 return "" if ($oldText eq ""); # Old revision not found
2315 return &GetDiff
($oldText, $newText, $lock);
2319 my ($old, $new, $lock) = @_;
2320 my ($diff_out, $oldName, $newName);
2322 &CreateDir
2323 $oldName = "$TempDir/old_diff";
2324 $newName = "$TempDir/new_diff";
2326 &RequestDiffLock
() or return "";
2327 $oldName .= "_locked";
2328 $newName .= "_locked";
2330 &WriteStringToFile
($oldName, $old);
2331 &WriteStringToFile
($newName, $new);
2332 $diff_out = `diff $oldName $newName`;
2333 &ReleaseDiffLock
() if ($lock);
2334 $diff_out =~ s/\\ No newline.*\n//g; # Get rid of common complaint.
2335 # No need to unlink temp files--next diff will just overwrite.
2341 my ($tChanged, $tRemoved, $tAdded);
2343 $tChanged = T
2344 $tRemoved = T
2345 $tAdded = T
2346 $html =~ s/\n--+//g;
2347 # Note: Need spaces before <br> to be different from diff section.
2348 $html =~ s/(^|\n)(\d+.*c.*)/$1 <br><strong>$tChanged $2<\/strong
2349 $html =~ s/(^|\n)(\d+.*d.*)/$1 <br><strong>$tRemoved $2<\/strong
2350 $html =~ s/(^|\n)(\d+.*a.*)/$1 <br><strong>$tAdded $2<\/strong
2351 $html =~ s/\n((<.*\n)+)/&ColorDiff($1, $DiffColor1, 0)/ge;
2352 $html =~ s/\n((>.*\n)+)/&ColorDiff($1, $DiffColor2, 1)/ge;
2357 my ($diff, $color, $type) = @_;
2358 my ($colorHtml, $classHtml);
2360 $diff =~ s/(^|\n)[<>]/$1/g;
2361 $diff = &QuoteHtml
2362 # Do some of the Wiki markup rules:
2366 $SaveNumUrlIndex = 0;
2367 $diff = &RemoveFS
2368 $diff = &CommonMarkup
($diff, 0, 1); # No images, all patterns
2369 if ($LateRules ne '') {
2370 $diff = &EvalLocalRules
($LateRules, $diff, 1);
2372 1 while $diff =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore saved text
2373 $diff =~ s/\r?\n/<br>/g;
2376 $colorHtml = " bgcolor=$color";
2379 $classHtml = ' class=wikidiffnew';
2381 $classHtml = ' class=wikidiffold';
2383 return "<table width=\"95\%\"$colorHtml$classHtml><tr><td>\n" . $diff
2384 . "</td></tr></table>\n";
2387 # ==== Database (Page, Section, Text, Kept, User) functions ====
2392 $Page{'version'} = 3; # Data format version
2393 $Page{'revision'} = 0; # Number of edited times
2394 $Page{'tscreate'} = $Now; # Set once at creation
2395 $Page{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit
2398 sub OpenNewSection
2399 my ($name, $data) = @_;
2402 $Section{'name'} = $name;
2403 $Section{'version'} = 1; # Data format version
2404 $Section{'revision'} = 0; # Number of edited times
2405 $Section{'tscreate'} = $Now; # Set once at creation
2406 $Section{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit
2407 $Section{'ip'} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR
2408 $Section{'host'} = ''; # Updated only for real edits (can be slow)
2409 $Section{'id'} = $UserID;
2410 $Section{'username'} = &GetParam
("username", "");
2411 $Section{'data'} = $data;
2412 $Page{$name} = join($FS2, %Section); # Replace with save?
2416 my ($name) = @_; # Name of text (usually "default")
2418 if ($NewText ne '') {
2419 $Text{'text'} = T
2421 $Text{'text'} = T
('Describe the new page here.') . "\n";
2423 $Text{'text'} .= "\n" if (substr($Text{'text'}, -1, 1) ne "\n");
2424 $Text{'minor'} = 0; # Default as major edit
2425 $Text{'newauthor'} = 1; # Default as new author
2426 $Text{'summary'} = '';
2427 &OpenNewSection
("text_$name", join($FS3, %Text));
2433 return $PageDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory
($id) . "/$id.db";
2440 if ($OpenPageName eq $id) {
2445 $fname = &GetPageFile
2447 $data = &ReadFileOrDie
2448 %Page = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields
2452 if ($Page{'version'} != 3) {
2453 &UpdatePageVersion
2455 $OpenPageName = $id;
2461 if (!defined($Page{$name})) {
2462 &OpenNewSection
($name, "");
2464 %Section = split(/$FS2/, $Page{$name}, -1);
2471 if (!defined($Page{"text_$name"})) {
2472 &OpenNewText
2474 &OpenSection
2475 %Text = split(/$FS3/, $Section{'data'}, -1);
2479 sub OpenDefaultText
2480 &OpenText
2483 # Called after OpenKeptRevisions
2484 sub OpenKeptRevision
2485 my ($revision) = @_;
2487 %Section = split(/$FS2/, $KeptRevisions{$revision}, -1);
2488 %Text = split(/$FS3/, $Section{'data'}, -1);
2494 return $Page{"cache_$name"};
2497 # Always call SavePage within a lock.
2499 my $file = &GetPageFile
2501 $Page{'revision'} += 1; # Number of edited times
2502 $Page{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit
2503 &CreatePageDir
($PageDir, $OpenPageName);
2504 &WriteStringToFile
($file, join($FS1, %Page));
2508 my ($name, $data) = @_;
2510 $Section{'revision'} += 1; # Number of edited times
2511 $Section{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit
2512 $Section{'ip'} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR
2513 $Section{'id'} = $UserID;
2514 $Section{'username'} = &GetParam
("username", "");
2515 $Section{'data'} = $data;
2516 $Page{$name} = join($FS2, %Section);
2522 &SaveSection
("text_$name", join($FS3, %Text));
2525 sub SaveDefaultText
2526 &SaveText
2530 my ($name, $data) = @_;
2532 $Page{"cache_$name"} = $data;
2535 sub UpdatePageVersion
2536 &ReportError
('Bad page version (or corrupt page).'));
2540 return $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory
2541 . "/$OpenPageName.kp";
2544 sub SaveKeepSection
2545 my $file = &KeepFileName
2548 return if ($Section{'revision'} < 1); # Don't keep "empty" revision
2549 $Section{'keepts'} = $Now;
2550 $data = $FS1 . join($FS2, %Section);
2551 &CreatePageDir
($KeepDir, $OpenPageName);
2552 &AppendStringToFileLimited
($file, $data, $KeepSize);
2555 sub ExpireKeepFile
2556 my ($fname, $data, @kplist, %tempSection, $expirets);
2557 my ($anyExpire, $anyKeep, $expire, %keepFlag, $sectName, $sectRev);
2558 my ($oldMajor, $oldAuthor);
2560 $fname = &KeepFileName
2561 return if (!(-f
2562 $data = &ReadFileOrDie
2563 @kplist = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields
2564 return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty
2565 shift(@kplist) if ($kplist[0] eq ""); # First can be empty
2566 return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty
2567 %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $kplist[0], -1);
2568 if (!defined($tempSection{'keepts'})) {
2569 return; # Bad keep file
2571 $expirets = $Now - ($KeepDays * 24 * 60 * 60);
2572 return if ($tempSection{'keepts'} >= $expirets); # Nothing old enough
2576 $oldMajor = &GetPageCache
2577 $oldAuthor = &GetPageCache
2578 foreach (reverse @kplist) {
2579 %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1);
2580 $sectName = $tempSection{'name'};
2581 $sectRev = $tempSection{'revision'};
2583 if ($sectName eq "text_default") {
2584 if (($KeepMajor && ($sectRev == $oldMajor)) ||
2585 ($KeepAuthor && ($sectRev == $oldAuthor))) {
2587 } elsif ($tempSection{'keepts'} < $expirets) {
2591 if ($tempSection{'keepts'} < $expirets) {
2596 $keepFlag{$sectRev . "," . $sectName} = 1;
2602 if (!$anyKeep) { # Empty, so remove file
2606 return if (!$anyExpire); # No sections expired
2607 open (OUT
, ">$fname") or die (Ts
('cant write %s', $fname) . ": $!");
2609 %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1);
2610 $sectName = $tempSection{'name'};
2611 $sectRev = $tempSection{'revision'};
2612 if ($keepFlag{$sectRev . "," . $sectName}) {
2623 $fname = &KeepFileName
2624 return if (!(-f
2625 $data = &ReadFileOrDie
2626 @KeptList = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields
2629 sub OpenKeptRevisions
2630 my ($name) = @_; # Name of section
2631 my ($fname, $data, %tempSection);
2633 %KeptRevisions = ();
2635 foreach (@KeptList) {
2636 %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1);
2637 next if ($tempSection{'name'} ne $name);
2638 $KeptRevisions{$tempSection{'revision'}} = $_;
2643 my ($data, $status);
2646 ($status, $data) = &ReadFile
2648 $UserID = 112; # Could not open file. Consider warning message?
2651 %UserData = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields
2654 sub UserDataFilename
2657 return "" if ($id < 1);
2658 return $UserDir . "/" . ($id % 10) . "/$id.db";
2661 # ==== Misc. functions ====
2665 print $q->header, $q->start_html, "<H2>", &QuoteHtml
($errmsg), "</H2>", $q->end_html;
2671 if (length($id) > 120) {
2672 return Ts
('Page name is too long: %s', $id);
2675 return Ts
('Page name may not contain space characters: %s', $id);
2678 if ($id =~ m
|.*/.*/|) {
2679 return Ts
('Too many / characters in page %s', $id);
2682 return Ts
('Invalid Page %s (subpage without main page)', $id);
2685 return Ts
('Invalid Page %s (missing subpage name)', $id);
2692 return Ts
('Invalid Page %s (/ not allowed)', $id);
2695 if (!($id =~ m
|^$FreeLinkPattern$|)) {
2696 return Ts
('Invalid Page %s', $id);
2698 if ($id =~ m
$|) {
2699 return Ts
('Invalid Page %s (must not end with .db)', $id);
2701 if ($id =~ m
$|) {
2702 return Ts
('Invalid Page %s (must not end with .lck)', $id);
2706 if (!($id =~ /^$LinkPattern$/)) {
2707 return Ts
('Invalid Page %s', $id);
2717 $error = &ValidId
2719 &ReportError
2726 my ($id, $deepCheck) = @_;
2728 # Optimized for the "everyone can edit" case (don't check passwords)
2729 if (($id ne "") && (-f
($id))) {
2730 return 1 if (&UserIsAdmin
()); # Requires more privledges
2731 # Consider option for editor-level to edit these pages?
2734 if (!$EditAllowed) {
2735 return 1 if (&UserIsEditor
2738 if (-f
"$DataDir/noedit") {
2739 return 1 if (&UserIsEditor
2742 if ($deepCheck) { # Deeper but slower checks (not every page)
2743 return 1 if (&UserIsEditor
2744 return 0 if (&UserIsBanned
2750 my ($host, $ip, $data, $status);
2752 ($status, $data) = &ReadFile
2753 return 0 if (!$status); # No file exists, so no ban
2755 $ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
2756 $host = &GetRemoteHost
2757 foreach (split(/\n/, $data)) {
2758 next if ((/^\s*$/) || (/^#/)); # Skip empty, spaces, or comments
2759 return 1 if ($ip =~ /$_/i);
2760 return 1 if ($host =~ /$_/i);
2766 my (@pwlist, $userPassword);
2768 return 0 if ($AdminPass eq "");
2769 $userPassword = &GetParam
("adminpw", "");
2770 return 0 if ($userPassword eq "");
2771 foreach (split(/\s+/, $AdminPass)) {
2773 return 1 if ($userPassword eq $_);
2779 my (@pwlist, $userPassword);
2781 return 1 if (&UserIsAdmin
()); # Admin includes editor
2782 return 0 if ($EditPass eq "");
2783 $userPassword = &GetParam
("adminpw", ""); # Used for both
2784 return 0 if ($userPassword eq "");
2785 foreach (split(/\s+/, $EditPass)) {
2787 return 1 if ($userPassword eq $_);
2793 return 1 if (&UserIsEditor
2797 sub GetLockedPageFile
2800 return $PageDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory
($id) . "/$id.lck";
2803 sub RequestLockDir
2804 my ($name, $tries, $wait, $errorDie) = @_;
2807 &CreateDir
2808 $lockName = $LockDir . $name;
2810 while (mkdir($lockName, 0555) == 0) {
2812 die(Ts
('can not make %s', $LockDir) . ": $!\n") if $errorDie;
2815 return 0 if ($n++ >= $tries);
2821 sub ReleaseLockDir
2824 rmdir($LockDir . $name);
2828 # 10 tries, 3 second wait, possibly die on error
2829 return &RequestLockDir
("main", 10, 3, $LockCrash);
2833 &ReleaseLockDir
2836 sub ForceReleaseLock
2840 # First try to obtain lock (in case of normal edit lock)
2841 # 5 tries, 3 second wait, do not die on error
2842 $forced = !&RequestLockDir
($name, 5, 3, 0);
2843 &ReleaseLockDir
($name); # Release the lock, even if we didn't get it.
2847 sub RequestCacheLock
2848 # 4 tries, 2 second wait, do not die on error
2849 return &RequestLockDir
('cache', 4, 2, 0);
2852 sub ReleaseCacheLock
2853 &ReleaseLockDir
2856 sub RequestDiffLock
2857 # 4 tries, 2 second wait, do not die on error
2858 return &RequestLockDir
('diff', 4, 2, 0);
2861 sub ReleaseDiffLock
2862 &ReleaseLockDir
2865 # Index lock is not very important--just return error if not available
2866 sub RequestIndexLock
2867 # 1 try, 2 second wait, do not die on error
2868 return &RequestLockDir
('index', 1, 2, 0);
2871 sub ReleaseIndexLock
2872 &ReleaseLockDir
2876 my ($fileName) = @_;
2878 local $/ = undef; # Read complete files
2880 if (open(IN
, "<$fileName")) {
2889 my ($fileName) = @_;
2890 my ($status, $data);
2892 ($status, $data) = &ReadFile
2894 die(Ts
('Can not open %s', $fileName) . ": $!");
2899 sub WriteStringToFile
2900 my ($file, $string) = @_;
2902 open (OUT
, ">$file") or die(Ts
('cant write %s', $file) . ": $!");
2907 sub AppendStringToFile
2908 my ($file, $string) = @_;
2910 open (OUT
, ">>$file") or die(Ts
('cant write %s', $file) . ": $!");
2915 sub AppendStringToFileLimited
2916 my ($file, $string, $limit) = @_;
2918 if (($limit < 1) || (((-s
$file) + length($string)) <= $limit)) {
2919 &AppendStringToFile
($file, $string);
2926 mkdir($newdir, 0775) if (!(-d
2930 my ($dir, $id) = @_;
2933 &CreateDir
($dir); # Make sure main page exists
2934 $subdir = $dir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory
2935 &CreateDir
2936 if ($id =~ m
|([^/]+)/|) {
2937 $subdir = $subdir . "/" . $1;
2938 &CreateDir
2942 sub UpdateHtmlCache
2943 my ($id, $html) = @_;
2946 $idFile = &GetHtmlCacheFile
2947 &CreatePageDir
($HtmlDir, $id);
2948 if (&RequestCacheLock
()) {
2949 &WriteStringToFile
($idFile, $html);
2950 &ReleaseCacheLock
2954 sub GenerateAllPagesList
2955 my (@pages, @dirs, $id, $dir, @pageFiles, @subpageFiles, $subId);
2959 # The following was inspired by the FastGlob code by Marc W. Mengel.
2960 # Thanks to Bob Showalter for pointing out the improvement.
2961 opendir(PAGELIST
, $PageDir);
2962 @dirs = readdir(PAGELIST
2964 @dirs = sort(@dirs);
2965 foreach $dir (@dirs) {
2966 next if (substr($dir, 0, 1) eq '.'); # No ., .., or .dirs or files
2967 opendir(PAGELIST
, "$PageDir/$dir");
2968 @pageFiles = readdir(PAGELIST
2970 foreach $id (@pageFiles) {
2971 next if (($id eq '.') || ($id eq '..'));
2972 if (substr($id, -3) eq '.db') {
2973 push(@pages, substr($id, 0, -3));
2974 } elsif (substr($id, -4) ne '.lck') {
2975 opendir(PAGELIST
, "$PageDir/$dir/$id");
2976 @subpageFiles = readdir(PAGELIST
2978 foreach $subId (@subpageFiles) {
2979 if (substr($subId, -3) eq '.db') {
2980 push(@pages, "$id/" . substr($subId, 0, -3));
2987 # Old slow/compatible method.
2988 @dirs = qw(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z other);
2989 foreach $dir (@dirs) {
2990 if (-e
"$PageDir/$dir") { # Thanks to Tim Holt
2991 while (<$PageDir/$dir/*.db
>) {
3000 return sort(@pages);
3004 my ($rawIndex, $refresh, $status);
3007 return &GenerateAllPagesList
3009 $refresh = &GetParam
("refresh", 0);
3010 if ($IndexInit && !$refresh) {
3011 # Note for mod_perl: $IndexInit is reset for each query
3012 # Eventually consider some timestamp-solution to keep cache?
3015 if ((!$refresh) && (-f
$IndexFile)) {
3016 ($status, $rawIndex) = &ReadFile
3018 %IndexHash = split(/\s+/, $rawIndex);
3019 @IndexList = sort(keys %IndexHash);
3023 # If open fails just refresh the index
3027 @IndexList = &GenerateAllPagesList
3028 foreach (@IndexList) {
3031 $IndexInit = 1; # Initialized for this run of the script
3032 # Try to write out the list for future runs
3033 &RequestIndexLock
() or return @IndexList;
3034 &WriteStringToFile
($IndexFile, join(" ", %IndexHash));
3035 &ReleaseIndexLock
3042 $ts += $TimeZoneOffset;
3043 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($ts);
3045 return ($year + 1900) . '-' . ($mon+1) . '-' . $mday;
3047 return ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
3048 "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
3049 "December")[$mon]. " " . $mday . ", " . ($year+1900);
3056 $ts += $TimeZoneOffset;
3057 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($ts);
3059 if (($TimeZoneOffset == 0) && ($ScriptTZ ne "")) {
3060 $mytz = " " . $ScriptTZ;
3069 $hour = 12 if ($hour == 0);
3071 $min = "0" . $min if ($min<10);
3072 return $hour . ":" . $min . $ampm . $mytz;
3078 return &CalcDay
($t) . " " . &CalcTime
3082 my ($name, $default) = @_;
3085 $result = $q->param($name);
3086 if (!defined($result)) {
3087 if (defined($UserData{$name})) {
3088 $result = $UserData{$name};
3096 sub GetHiddenValue
3097 my ($name, $value) = @_;
3099 $q->param($name, $value);
3100 return $q->hidden($name);
3105 my ($rhost, $iaddr);
3107 $rhost = $ENV{REMOTE_HOST
3108 if ($UseLookup && ($rhost eq "")) {
3109 # Catch errors (including bad input) without aborting the script
3110 eval 'use Socket; $iaddr = inet_aton($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});'
3111 . '$rhost = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET)';
3114 $rhost = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR
3116 $rhost = &GetMaskedHost
($rhost) if ($doMask);
3124 $id = ucfirst($id) if ($UpperFirst || $FreeUpper);
3125 if (index($id, '_') > -1) { # Quick check for any space/underscores
3135 # Note that letters after ' are *not* capitalized
3136 if ($id =~ m
]|) { # Quick check for non-canonical case
3137 $id =~ s
])|$1 . uc($2)|ge;
3144 # == Page-editing and other special-action code ========================
3145 $OtherCode = ""; # Comment next line to always compile (slower)
3146 #$OtherCode = <<'#END_OF_OTHER_CODE';
3148 sub DoOtherRequest
3149 my ($id, $action, $text, $search);
3151 $action = &GetParam
("action", "");
3152 $id = &GetParam
("id", "");
3153 if ($action ne "") {
3154 $action = lc($action);
3155 if ($action eq "edit") {
3156 &DoEdit
($id, 0, 0, "", 0) if &ValidIdOrDie
3157 } elsif ($action eq "unlock") {
3159 } elsif ($action eq "index") {
3161 } elsif ($action eq "links") {
3163 } elsif ($action eq "maintain") {
3165 } elsif ($action eq "pagelock") {
3167 } elsif ($action eq "editlock") {
3169 } elsif ($action eq "editprefs") {
3171 } elsif ($action eq "editbanned") {
3173 } elsif ($action eq "editlinks") {
3175 } elsif ($action eq "login") {
3177 } elsif ($action eq "newlogin") {
3179 &DoEditPrefs
(); # Also creates new ID
3180 } elsif ($action eq "version") {
3182 } elsif ($action eq "rss") {
3184 } elsif ($action eq "delete") {
3186 } elsif ($UseUpload && ($action eq "upload")) {
3188 } elsif ($action eq "maintainrc") {
3190 } elsif ($action eq "convert") {
3192 } elsif ($action eq "trimusers") {
3195 &ReportError
('Invalid action parameter %s', $action));
3199 if (&GetParam
("edit_prefs", 0)) {
3203 if (&GetParam
("edit_ban", 0)) {
3207 if (&GetParam
("enter_login", 0)) {
3211 if (&GetParam
("edit_links", 0)) {
3215 if ($UseUpload && (&GetParam
("upload", 0))) {
3219 $search = &GetParam
("search", "");
3220 if (($search ne "") || (&GetParam
("dosearch", "") ne "")) {
3224 $search = &GetParam
3225 if ($search ne "") {
3226 &DoBackLinks
3230 # Handle posted pages
3231 if (&GetParam
("oldtime", "") ne "") {
3232 $id = &GetParam
("title", "");
3233 &DoPost
() if &ValidIdOrDie
3236 &ReportError
('Invalid URL.'));
3240 my ($id, $isConflict, $oldTime, $newText, $preview) = @_;
3241 my ($header, $editRows, $editCols, $userName, $revision, $oldText);
3242 my ($summary, $isEdit, $pageTime);
3245 $id = &FreeToNormal
($id); # Take care of users like Markus Lude :-)
3247 if (!&UserCanEdit
($id, 1)) {
3248 print &GetHeader
('', T
('Editing Denied'), '');
3249 if (&UserIsBanned
()) {
3250 print T
('Editing not allowed: user, ip, or network is blocked.');
3252 print T
('Contact the wiki administrator for more information.');
3254 print Ts
('Editing not allowed: %s is read-only.', $SiteName);
3256 print &GetCommonFooter
3259 # Consider sending a new user-ID cookie if user does not have one
3262 $pageTime = $Section{'ts'};
3263 $header = Ts
('Editing %s', $id);
3264 # Old revision handling
3265 $revision = &GetParam
('revision', '');
3266 $revision =~ s/\D//g; # Remove non-numeric chars
3267 if ($revision ne '') {
3268 &OpenKeptRevisions
3269 if (!defined($KeptRevisions{$revision})) {
3271 # Consider better solution like error message?
3273 &OpenKeptRevision
3274 $header = Ts
('Editing revision %s of ', $revision ) . $id;
3277 $oldText = $Text{'text'};
3278 if ($preview && !$isConflict) {
3279 $oldText = $newText;
3281 $editRows = &GetParam
("editrows", 20);
3282 $editCols = &GetParam
("editcols", 65);
3283 print &GetHeader
($id, &QuoteHtml
($header), '');
3284 if ($revision ne '') {
3286 . Ts
('Editing old revision %s.', $revision) . " "
3287 . T
('Saving this page will replace the latest revision with this text.')
3291 $editRows -= 10 if ($editRows > 19);
3292 print "\n<H1>" . T
('Edit Conflict!') . "</H1>\n";
3293 if ($isConflict>1) {
3294 # The main purpose of a new warning is to display more text
3295 # and move the save button down from its old location.
3296 print "\n<H2>" . T
('(This is a new conflict)') . "</H2>\n";
3298 print "<p><strong>",
3299 T
('Someone saved this page after you started editing.'), " ",
3300 T
('The top textbox contains the saved text.'), " ",
3301 T
('Only the text in the top textbox will be saved.'),
3303 T
('Scroll down to see your edited text.'), "<br>\n";
3304 print T
('Last save time:'), ' ', &TimeToText
3305 " (", T
('Current time is:'), ' ', &TimeToText
($Now), ")<br>\n";
3307 print &GetFormStart
3308 print &GetHiddenValue
("title", $id), "\n",
3309 &GetHiddenValue
("oldtime", $pageTime), "\n",
3310 &GetHiddenValue
("oldconflict", $isConflict), "\n";
3311 if ($revision ne "") {
3312 print &GetHiddenValue
("revision", $revision), "\n";
3314 print &GetTextArea
('text', $oldText, $editRows, $editCols);
3315 $summary = &GetParam
("summary", "*");
3316 print "<p>", T
3317 $q->textfield(-name
3318 -default=>$summary, -override
3319 -size
=>60, -maxlength
3320 if (&GetParam
("recent_edit") eq "on") {
3321 print "<br>", $q->checkbox(-name
=>'recent_edit', -checked
3322 -label
('This change is a minor edit.'));
3324 print "<br>", $q->checkbox(-name
3325 -label
('This change is a minor edit.'));
3328 print " " .
3329 $q->checkbox(-name
=> 'do_email_notify',
3330 -label
('Send email notification that %s has been changed.', $id));
3333 if ($EditNote ne '') {
3334 print T
($EditNote) . '<br>'; # Allow translation
3336 print $q->submit(-name
=>'Save', -value
('Save')), "\n";
3337 $userName = &GetParam
("username", "");
3338 if ($userName ne "") {
3339 print ' (', T
('Your user name is'), ' ',
3340 &GetPageLink
($userName) . ') ';
3342 print ' (', Ts
('Visit %s to set your user name.', &GetPrefsLink
(), 1), ') ';
3344 print $q->submit(-name
=>'Preview', -value
('Preview')), "\n";
3346 print "\n<br><hr><p><strong>", T
('This is the text you submitted:'),
3348 &GetTextArea
('newtext', $newText, $editRows, $editCols),
3352 print '<div class=wikipreview>';
3353 print "<hr class=wikilinepreview>\n";
3354 print "<h2>", T
('Preview:'), "</h2>\n";
3357 T
('NOTE: This preview shows the revision of the other author.'),
3361 $MainPage =~ s
|/.*||; # Only the main page name (remove subpage)
3362 print &WikiToHTML
($oldText) . "<hr class=wikilinepreview>\n";
3363 print "<h2>", T
('Preview only, not yet saved'), "</h2>\n";
3367 if (!&GetParam
('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
3368 print '<div class=wikifooter>';
3369 print "<hr class=wikilinefooter>\n";
3370 print &GetHistoryLink
($id, T
('View other revisions')) . "<br>\n";
3371 print &GetGotoBar
3374 print &GetMinimumFooter
3378 my ($name, $text, $rows, $cols) = @_;
3380 if (&GetParam
("editwide", 1)) {
3381 return $q->textarea(-name
=>$name, -default=>$text,
3382 -rows
=>$rows, -columns
=>$cols, -override
3383 -style
=>'width:100%', -wrap
3385 return $q->textarea(-name
=>$name, -default=>$text,
3386 -rows
=>$rows, -columns
=>$cols, -override
3391 my ($check, $recentName, %labels);
3393 $recentName = $RCName;
3394 $recentName =~ s/_/ /g;
3395 &DoNewLogin
() if ($UserID < 400);
3396 print &GetHeader
('', T
('Editing Preferences'), '');
3397 print '<div class=wikipref>';
3398 print &GetFormStart
3399 print GetHiddenValue
("edit_prefs", 1), "\n";
3400 print '<b>' . T
('User Information:') . "</b>\n";
3401 print '<br>' . Ts
('Your User ID number: %s', $UserID) . "\n";
3402 print '<br>' . T
('UserName:') . ' ', &GetFormText
('username', "", 20, 50);
3403 print ' ' . T
('(blank to remove, or valid page name)');
3404 print '<br>' . T
('Set Password:') . ' ',
3405 $q->password_field(-name
=>'p_password', -value
3406 -size
=>15, -maxlength
3407 ' ', T
('(blank to remove password)'), '<br>(',
3408 T
('Passwords allow sharing preferences between multiple systems.'),
3409 ' ', T
('Passwords are completely optional.'), ')';
3410 if (($AdminPass ne '') || ($EditPass ne '')) {
3411 print '<br>', T
('Administrator Password:'), ' ',
3412 $q->password_field(-name
=>'p_adminpw', -value
3413 -size
=>15, -maxlength
3414 ' ', T
('(blank to remove password)'), '<br>',
3415 T
('(Administrator passwords are used for special maintenance.)');
3419 print &GetFormCheck
('notify', 1,
3420 T
('Include this address in the site email list.')), ' ',
3421 T
('(Uncheck the box to remove the address.)');
3422 print '<br>', T
('Email Address:'), ' ',
3423 &GetFormText
('email', "", 30, 60);
3425 print "<hr class=wikilinepref><b>$recentName:</b>\n";
3426 print '<br>', T
('Default days to display:'), ' ',
3427 &GetFormText
('rcdays', $RcDefault, 4, 9);
3428 print "<br>", &GetFormCheck
('rcnewtop', $RecentTop,
3429 T
('Most recent changes on top'));
3430 print "<br>", &GetFormCheck
('rcall', 0,
3431 T
('Show all changes (not just most recent)'));
3432 %labels = (0=>T
('Hide minor edits'), 1=>T
('Show minor edits'),
3433 2=>T
('Show only minor edits'));
3434 print '<br>', T
('Minor edit display:'), ' ';
3435 print $q->popup_menu(-name
3436 -values=>[0,1,2], -labels
3437 -default=>&GetParam
("rcshowedit", $ShowEdits));
3438 print "<br>", &GetFormCheck
('rcchangehist', 1,
3439 T
('Use "changes" as link to history'));
3441 print '<hr class=wikilinepref><b>', T
('Differences:'), "</b>\n";
3442 print "<br>", &GetFormCheck
('diffrclink', 1,
3443 Ts
('Show (diff) links on %s', $recentName));
3444 print "<br>", &GetFormCheck
('alldiff', 0,
3445 T
('Show differences on all pages'));
3446 print " (", &GetFormCheck
('norcdiff', 1,
3447 Ts
('No differences on %s', $recentName)), ")";
3448 %labels = (1=>T
('Major'), 2=>T
('Minor'), 3=>T
3449 print '<br>', T
('Default difference type:'), ' ';
3450 print $q->popup_menu(-name
3451 -values=>[1,2,3], -labels
3452 -default=>&GetParam
("defaultdiff", 1));
3454 print '<hr class=wikilinepref><b>', T
('Misc:'), "</b>\n";
3455 # Note: TZ offset is added by TimeToText, so pre-subtract to cancel.
3456 print '<br>', T
('Server time:'), ' ', &TimeToText
3457 print '<br>', T
('Time Zone offset (hours):'), ' ',
3458 &GetFormText
('tzoffset', 0, 4, 9);
3459 print '<br>', &GetFormCheck
('editwide', 1,
3460 T
('Use 100% wide edit area (if supported)'));
3462 T
('Edit area rows:'), ' ', &GetFormText
('editrows', 20, 4, 4),
3463 ' ', T
('columns:'), ' ', &GetFormText
('editcols', 65, 4, 4);
3465 print '<br>', &GetFormCheck
('toplinkbar', 1,
3466 T
('Show link bar on top'));
3467 print '<br>', &GetFormCheck
('linkrandom', 0,
3468 T
('Add "Random Page" link to link bar'));
3469 print '<br>' . T
('StyleSheet URL:') . ' ',
3470 &GetFormText
('stylesheet', "", 30, 150);
3471 print '<br>', $q->submit(-name
=>'Save', -value
('Save')), "\n";
3474 if (!&GetParam
('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
3475 print '<div class=wikifooter>';
3476 print "<hr class=wikilinefooter>\n";
3477 print &GetGotoBar
3480 print &GetMinimumFooter
3484 my ($name, $default, $size, $max) = @_;
3485 my $text = &GetParam
($name, $default);
3487 return $q->textfield(-name
=>"p_$name", -default=>$text,
3488 -override
=>1, -size
=>$size, -maxlength
3492 my ($name, $default, $label) = @_;
3493 my $checked = (&GetParam
($name, $default) > 0);
3495 return $q->checkbox(-name
=>"p_$name", -override
=>1, -checked
3500 my ($username, $password, $stylesheet);
3502 # All link bar settings should be updated before printing the header
3503 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3504 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3505 print &GetHeader
('', T
('Saving Preferences'), '');
3507 if ($UserID < 1001) {
3509 Ts
('Invalid UserID %s, preferences not saved.', $UserID), '</b>';
3510 if ($UserID == 111) {
3512 T
('(Preferences require cookies, but no cookie was sent.)');
3514 print &GetCommonFooter
3517 $username = &GetParam
("p_username", "");
3519 $username =~ s/^\[\[(.+)\]\]/$1/; # Remove [[ and ]] if added
3520 $username = &FreeToNormal
3521 $username =~ s/_/ /g;
3523 if ($username eq "") {
3524 print T
('UserName removed.'), '<br>';
3525 undef $UserData{'username'};
3526 } elsif ((!$FreeLinks) && (!($username =~ /^$LinkPattern$/))) {
3527 print Ts
('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $username), "<br>\n";
3528 } elsif ($FreeLinks && (!($username =~ /^$FreeLinkPattern$/))) {
3529 print Ts
('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $username), "<br>\n";
3530 } elsif (length($username) > 50) { # Too long
3531 print T
('UserName must be 50 characters or less. (not saved)'), "<br>\n";
3533 print Ts
('UserName %s saved.', $username), '<br>';
3534 $UserData{'username'} = $username;
3536 $password = &GetParam
("p_password", "");
3537 if ($password eq "") {
3538 print T
('Password removed.'), '<br>';
3539 undef $UserData{'password'};
3540 } elsif ($password ne "*") {
3541 print T
('Password changed.'), '<br>';
3542 $UserData{'password'} = $password;
3544 if (($AdminPass ne "") || ($EditPass ne "")) {
3545 $password = &GetParam
("p_adminpw", "");
3546 if ($password eq "") {
3547 print T
('Administrator password removed.'), '<br>';
3548 undef $UserData{'adminpw'};
3549 } elsif ($password ne "*") {
3550 print T
('Administrator password changed.'), '<br>';
3551 $UserData{'adminpw'} = $password;
3552 if (&UserIsAdmin
()) {
3553 print T
('User has administrative abilities.'), '<br>';
3554 } elsif (&UserIsEditor
()) {
3555 print T
('User has editor abilities.'), '<br>';
3557 print T
('User does not have administrative abilities.'), ' ',
3558 T
('(Password does not match administrative password(s).)'),
3564 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3567 &UpdatePrefNumber
("rcdays", 0, 0, 999999);
3568 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3569 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3570 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3571 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3573 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3574 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3575 &UpdatePrefCheckbox
3576 &UpdatePrefNumber
("defaultdiff", 1, 1, 3);
3578 &UpdatePrefNumber
("rcshowedit", 1, 0, 2);
3579 &UpdatePrefNumber
("tzoffset", 0, -999, 999);
3580 &UpdatePrefNumber
("editrows", 1, 1, 999);
3581 &UpdatePrefNumber
("editcols", 1, 1, 999);
3582 print T
('Server time:'), ' ', &TimeToText
($Now-$TimeZoneOffset), '<br>';
3583 $TimeZoneOffset = &GetParam
("tzoffset", 0) * (60 * 60);
3584 print T
('Local time:'), ' ', &TimeToText
($Now), '<br>';
3585 $stylesheet = &GetParam
('p_stylesheet', '');
3586 if ($stylesheet eq '') {
3587 if (&GetParam
('stylesheet', '') ne '') {
3588 print T
('StyleSheet URL removed.'), '<br>';
3590 undef $UserData{'stylesheet'};
3592 $stylesheet =~ s/[">]//g; # Remove characters that would cause problems
3593 $UserData{'stylesheet'} = $stylesheet;
3594 print T
('StyleSheet setting saved.'), '<br>';
3597 print '<b>', T
('Preferences saved.'), '</b>';
3598 print &GetCommonFooter
3601 # add or remove email address from preferences to $EmailFile
3602 sub UpdateEmailList
3605 local $/ = "\n"; # don't slurp whole files in this sub.
3606 if (my $new_email = $UserData{'email'} = &GetParam
("p_email", "")) {
3607 my $notify = $UserData{'notify'};
3608 if (-f
$EmailFile) {
3609 open(NOTIFY
, $EmailFile)
3610 or die(Ts
('Could not read from %s:', $EmailFile) . " $!\n");
3611 @old_emails = <NOTIFY
3616 my $already_in_list = grep /$new_email/, @old_emails;
3617 if ($notify and (not $already_in_list)) {
3618 &RequestLock
() or die(T
('Could not get mail lock'));
3619 if (!open(NOTIFY
, ">>$EmailFile")) {
3620 &ReleaseLock
(); # Don't leave hangling locks
3621 die(Ts
('Could not append to %s:', $EmailFile) . " $!\n");
3623 print NOTIFY
$new_email, "\n";
3627 elsif ((not $notify) and $already_in_list) {
3628 &RequestLock
() or die(T
('Could not get mail lock'));
3629 if (!open(NOTIFY
, ">$EmailFile")) {
3631 die(Ts
('Could not overwrite %s:', "$EmailFile") . " $!\n");
3633 foreach (@old_emails) {
3634 print NOTIFY
"$_" unless /$new_email/;
3642 sub UpdatePrefCheckbox
3644 my $temp = &GetParam
("p_$param", "*");
3646 $UserData{$param} = 1 if ($temp eq "on");
3647 $UserData{$param} = 0 if ($temp eq "*");
3648 # It is possible to skip updating by using another value, like "2"
3651 sub UpdatePrefNumber
3652 my ($param, $integer, $min, $max) = @_;
3653 my $temp = &GetParam
("p_$param", "*");
3655 return if ($temp eq "*");
3656 $temp =~ s/[^-\d\.]//g;
3657 $temp =~ s/\..*// if ($integer);
3658 return if ($temp eq "");
3659 return if (($temp < $min) || ($temp > $max));
3660 $UserData{$param} = $temp;
3664 print &GetHeader
('', T
('Index of all pages'), '');
3666 &PrintPageList
3667 print &GetCommonFooter
3670 # Create a new user file/cookie pair
3672 # Consider warning if cookie already exists
3673 # (maybe use "replace=1" parameter)
3675 $SetCookie{'id'} = &GetNewUserId
3676 $SetCookie{'randkey'} = int(rand(1000000000));
3677 $SetCookie{'rev'} = 1;
3678 %UserCookie = %SetCookie;
3679 $UserID = $SetCookie{'id'};
3680 # The cookie will be transmitted in the next header
3681 %UserData = %UserCookie;
3682 $UserData{'createtime'} = $Now;
3683 $UserData{'createip'} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR
3688 print &GetHeader
('', T
('Login'), "");
3689 print &GetFormStart
3690 print &GetHiddenValue
('enter_login', 1), "\n";
3691 print '<br>', T
('User ID number:'), ' ',
3692 $q->textfield(-name
=>'p_userid', -value
3693 -size
=>15, -maxlength
3694 print '<br>', T
('Password:'), ' ',
3695 $q->password_field(-name
=>'p_password', -value
3696 -size
=>15, -maxlength
3697 print '<br>', $q->submit(-name
=>'Login', -value
('Login')), "\n";
3699 if (!&GetParam
('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
3700 print '<div class=wikifooter>';
3701 print "<hr class=wikilinefooter>\n";
3702 print &GetGotoBar
3705 print &GetMinimumFooter
3709 my ($uid, $password, $success);
3712 $uid = &GetParam
("p_userid", "");
3714 $password = &GetParam
("p_password", "");
3715 if (($uid > 199) && ($password ne "") && ($password ne "*")) {
3718 if ($UserID > 199) {
3719 if (defined($UserData{'password'}) &&
3720 ($UserData{'password'} eq $password)) {
3721 $SetCookie{'id'} = $uid;
3722 $SetCookie{'randkey'} = $UserData{'randkey'};
3723 $SetCookie{'rev'} = 1;
3728 print &GetHeader
('', T
('Login Results'), '');
3730 print Ts
('Login for user ID %s complete.', $uid);
3732 print Ts
('Login for user ID %s failed.', $uid);
3734 if (!&GetParam
('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
3735 print '<div class=wikifooter>';
3736 print "<hr class=wikilinefooter>\n";
3737 print &GetGotoBar
3740 print &GetMinimumFooter
3747 while (-f
($id+1000)) {
3750 while (-f
($id+100)) {
3753 while (-f
($id+10)) {
3756 &RequestLock
() or die(T
('Could not get user-ID lock'));
3757 while (-f
($id)) {
3760 &WriteStringToFile
($id), "lock"); # reserve the ID
3765 # Consider user-level lock?
3767 my ($userFile, $data);
3770 $userFile = &UserDataFilename
3771 $data = join($FS1, %UserData);
3772 &WriteStringToFile
($userFile, $data);
3778 if (!(-d
"$UserDir/0")) {
3779 &CreateDir
3782 $subdir = "$UserDir/$n";
3783 &CreateDir
3791 if ($string eq '') {
3795 print &GetHeader
('', &QuoteHtml
('Search for: %s', $string)), '');
3797 &PrintPageList
3798 print &GetCommonFooter
3804 print &GetHeader
('', &QuoteHtml
('Backlinks for: %s', $string)), '');
3806 # At this time the backlinks are mostly a renamed search.
3807 # An initial attempt to match links only failed on subpages and free links.
3808 # Escape some possibly problematic characters:
3809 $string =~ s/([-'().,])/\\$1/g;
3810 &PrintPageList
3811 print &GetCommonFooter
3817 print "<h2>", Ts
('%s pages found:', ($#_ + 1)), "</h2>\n";
3818 foreach $pagename (@_) {
3819 print ".... " if ($pagename =~ m
3820 print &GetPageLink
($pagename), "<br>\n";
3825 print &GetHeader
('', &QuoteHtml
('Full Link List')), '');
3826 print "<hr><pre>\n\n\n\n\n"; # Extra lines to get below the logo
3827 &PrintLinkList
3829 print &GetCommonFooter
3833 my ($pagelines, $page, $names, $editlink);
3834 my ($link, $extra, @links, %pgExists);
3837 foreach $page (&AllPagesList
()) {
3838 $pgExists{$page} = 1;
3840 $names = &GetParam
("names", 1);
3841 $editlink = &GetParam
("editlink", 0);
3842 foreach $pagelines (@_) {
3844 foreach $page (split(' ', $pagelines)) {
3845 if ($page =~ /\:/) { # URL or InterWiki form
3846 if ($page =~ /$UrlPattern/) {
3847 ($link, $extra) = &UrlLink
($page, 0); # No images
3849 ($link, $extra) = &InterPageLink
($page, 0); # No images
3852 if ($pgExists{$page}) {
3853 $link = &GetPageLink
3857 $link .= &GetEditLink
($page, "?");
3861 push(@links, $link);
3866 print join(' ', @links), "\n";
3870 sub GetFullLinkList
3871 my ($name, $unique, $sort, $exists, $empty, $link, $search);
3872 my ($pagelink, $interlink, $urllink);
3873 my (@found, @links, @newlinks, @pglist, %pgExists, %seen, $main);
3875 $unique = &GetParam
("unique", 1);
3876 $sort = &GetParam
("sort", 1);
3877 $pagelink = &GetParam
("page", 1);
3878 $interlink = &GetParam
("inter", 0);
3879 $urllink = &GetParam
("url", 0);
3880 $exists = &GetParam
("exists", 2);
3881 $empty = &GetParam
("empty", 0);
3882 $search = &GetParam
("search", "");
3883 if (($interlink == 2) || ($urllink == 2)) {
3887 @pglist = &AllPagesList
3888 foreach $name (@pglist) {
3889 $pgExists{$name} = 1;
3892 foreach $name (@pglist) {
3897 @links = &GetPageLinks
($name, $pagelink, $interlink, $urllink);
3902 foreach $link (@links) {
3903 if ($UseSubpage && ($link =~ /^\//)) {
3904 $link = $main . $link;
3907 if (($unique > 0) && ($seen{$link} != 1)) {
3910 if (($exists == 0) && ($pgExists{$link} == 1)) {
3913 if (($exists == 1) && ($pgExists{$link} != 1)) {
3916 if (($search ne "") && !($link =~ /$search/)) {
3919 push(@newlinks, $link);
3923 @links = sort(@links);
3925 unshift (@links, $name);
3926 if ($empty || ($#links > 0)) { # If only one item, list is empty.
3927 push(@found, join(' ', @links));
3934 my ($name, $pagelink, $interlink, $urllink) = @_;
3940 $text = $Text{'text'};
3941 $text =~ s/<html>((.|\n)*?)<\/html>/ /ig
3942 $text =~ s/<nowiki>(.|\n)*?\<\/nowiki>/ /ig
3943 $text =~ s/<pre>(.|\n)*?\<\/pre>/ /ig
3944 $text =~ s/<code>(.|\n)*?\<\/code>/ /ig
3946 $text =~ s/''+/ /g; # Quotes can adjacent to inter-site links
3947 $text =~ s/$InterLinkPattern/push(@links, &StripUrlPunct($1)), ' '/ge;
3949 $text =~ s/$InterLinkPattern/ /g;
3952 $text =~ s/''+/ /g; # Quotes can adjacent to URLs
3953 $text =~ s/$UrlPattern/push(@links, &StripUrlPunct($1)), ' '/ge;
3955 $text =~ s/$UrlPattern/ /g;
3959 my $fl = $FreeLinkPattern;
3960 $text =~ s/\[\[$fl\|[^\]]+\]\]/push(@links, &FreeToNormal($1)), ' '/ge;
3961 $text =~ s/\[\[$fl\]\]/push(@links, &FreeToNormal($1)), ' '/ge;
3964 $text =~ s/$LinkPattern/push(@links, &StripUrlPunct($1)), ' '/ge;
3971 my ($editDiff, $old, $newAuthor, $pgtime, $oldrev, $preview, $user);
3972 my $string = &GetParam
("text", undef);
3973 my $id = &GetParam
("title", "");
3974 my $summary = &GetParam
("summary", "");
3975 my $oldtime = &GetParam
("oldtime", "");
3976 my $oldconflict = &GetParam
("oldconflict", "");
3978 my $editTime = $Now;
3979 my $authorAddr = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR
3982 $id = &FreeToNormal
3984 if (!&UserCanEdit
($id, 1)) {
3985 # This is an internal interface--we don't need to explain
3986 &ReportError
('Editing not allowed for %s.', $id));
3989 if (($id eq 'SampleUndefinedPage') ||
3990 ($id eq T
('SampleUndefinedPage')) ||
3991 ($id eq 'Sample_Undefined_Page') ||
3992 ($id eq T
('Sample_Undefined_Page'))) {
3993 &ReportError
('%s cannot be defined.', $id));
3996 $string = &RemoveFS
3997 $summary = &RemoveFS
3998 $summary =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
3999 if (length($summary) > 300) { # Too long (longer than form allows)
4000 $summary = substr($summary, 0, 300);
4002 # Add a newline to the end of the string (if it doesn't have one)
4003 $string .= "\n" if (!($string =~ /\n$/));
4004 # Lock before getting old page to prevent races
4005 # Consider extracting lock section into sub, and eval-wrap it?
4006 # (A few called routines can die, leaving locks.)
4008 &RequestLock
() or die(T
('Could not get editing lock'));
4010 if (!&RequestLock
()) {
4011 &ForceReleaseLock
4013 # Clear all other locks.
4014 &ForceReleaseLock
4015 &ForceReleaseLock
4016 &ForceReleaseLock
4020 $old = $Text{'text'};
4021 $oldrev = $Section{'revision'};
4022 $pgtime = $Section{'ts'};
4024 $preview = 1 if (&GetParam
("Preview", "") ne "");
4025 if (!$preview && ($old eq $string)) { # No changes (ok for preview)
4027 &ReBrowsePage
($id, "", 1);
4030 if (($UserID > 399) || ($Section{'id'} > 399)) {
4031 $newAuthor = ($UserID ne $Section{'id'}); # known user(s)
4033 $newAuthor = ($Section{'ip'} ne $authorAddr); # hostname fallback
4035 $newAuthor = 1 if ($oldrev == 0); # New page
4036 $newAuthor = 0 if (!$newAuthor); # Standard flag form, not empty
4037 # Detect editing conflicts and resubmit edit
4038 if (($oldrev > 0) && ($newAuthor && ($oldtime != $pgtime))) {
4040 if ($oldconflict > 0) { # Conflict again...
4041 &DoEdit
($id, 2, $pgtime, $string, $preview);
4043 &DoEdit
($id, 1, $pgtime, $string, $preview);
4049 &DoEdit
($id, 0, $pgtime, $string, 1);
4052 $user = &GetParam
("username", "");
4053 # If the person doing editing chooses, send out email notification
4055 &EmailNotify
($id, $user) if &GetParam
("do_email_notify", "") eq 'on';
4057 if (&GetParam
("recent_edit", "") eq 'on') {
4061 &SetPageCache
('oldmajor', $Section{'revision'});
4064 &SetPageCache
('oldauthor', $Section{'revision'});
4069 &UpdateDiffs
($id, $editTime, $old, $string, $isEdit, $newAuthor);
4071 $Text{'text'} = $string;
4072 $Text{'minor'} = $isEdit;
4073 $Text{'newauthor'} = $newAuthor;
4074 $Text{'summary'} = $summary;
4075 $Section{'host'} = &GetRemoteHost
4078 &WriteRcLog
($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $Section{'revision'},
4079 $user, $Section{'host'});
4081 &UnlinkHtmlCache
($id); # Old cached copy is invalid
4082 if ($Page{'revision'} < 2) { # If this is a new page...
4083 &NewPageCacheClear
($id); # ...uncache pages linked to this one.
4086 if ($UseIndex && ($Page{'revision'} == 1)) {
4087 unlink($IndexFile); # Regenerate index on next request
4090 &ReBrowsePage
($id, "", 1);
4094 my ($id, $editTime, $old, $new, $isEdit, $newAuthor) = @_;
4095 my ($editDiff, $oldMajor, $oldAuthor);
4097 $editDiff = &GetDiff
($old, $new, 0); # 0 = already in lock
4098 $oldMajor = &GetPageCache
4099 $oldAuthor = &GetPageCache
4101 &WriteDiff
($id, $editTime, $editDiff);
4103 &SetPageCache
('diff_default_minor', $editDiff);
4104 if ($isEdit || !$newAuthor) {
4105 &OpenKeptRevisions
4108 &SetPageCache
('diff_default_major', "1");
4110 &SetPageCache
('diff_default_major', &GetKeptDiff
($new, $oldMajor, 0));
4113 &SetPageCache
('diff_default_author', "1");
4114 } elsif ($oldMajor == $oldAuthor) {
4115 &SetPageCache
('diff_default_author', "2");
4117 &SetPageCache
('diff_default_author', &GetKeptDiff
($new, $oldAuthor, 0));
4121 # Translation note: the email messages are still sent in English
4122 # Send an email message.
4124 my ($to, $from, $reply, $subject, $message) = @_;
4127 # -odq : send mail to queue (i.e. later when convenient)
4128 # -oi : do not wait for "." line to exit
4129 # -t : headers determine recipient.
4130 open (SENDMAIL
, "| $SendMail -oi -t ") or die "Can't send email: $!\n";
4131 print SENDMAIL
4138 close(SENDMAIL
) or warn "sendmail didn't close nicely";
4141 ## Email folks who want to know a note that a page has been modified. - JimM.
4143 local $/ = "\n"; # don't slurp whole files in this sub.
4146 my ($id, $user) = @_;
4148 $user = " by $user";
4151 return if (!-f
$EmailFile); # No notifications yet
4152 open(EMAIL
, $EmailFile)
4153 or die "Can't open $EmailFile: $!\n";
4154 $address = join ",", <EMAIL
4155 $address =~ s/\n//g;
4157 my $home_url = $q->url();
4158 my $page_url = $home_url . &ScriptLinkChar
() . &UriEscape
4159 my $pref_url = $home_url . &ScriptLinkChar
() . "action=editprefs";
4160 my $editors_summary = $q->param("summary");
4161 if (($editors_summary eq "*") or ($editors_summary eq "")){
4162 $editors_summary = "";
4165 $editors_summary = "\n Summary: $editors_summary";
4167 my $content = <<"END_MAIL_CONTENT";
4169 The $SiteName page $id at
4171 has been changed$user to revision $Page{revision}. $editors_summary
4173 (Replying to this notification will
4174 send email to the entire mailing list,
4175 so only do that if you mean to.
4177 To remove yourself from this list, visit
4180 my $subject = "The $id page at $SiteName has been changed.";
4181 # I'm setting the "reply-to" field to be the same as the "to:" field
4182 # which seems appropriate for a mailing list, especially since the
4183 # $EmailFrom string needn't be a real email address.
4184 &SendEmail($address, $EmailFrom, $address, $subject, $content);
4188 sub SearchTitleAndBody {
4190 my ($name, $freeName, @found);
4192 foreach $name (&AllPagesList()) {
4195 if (($Text{'text'} =~ /$string/i) || ($name =~ /$string/i)) {
4196 push(@found, $name);
4197 } elsif ($FreeLinks) {
4198 if ($name =~ m/_/) {
4200 $freeName =~ s/_/ /g;
4201 if ($freeName =~ /$string/i) {
4202 push(@found, $name);
4204 } elsif ($string =~ m/ /) {
4205 $freeName = $string;
4206 $freeName =~ s/ /_/g;
4207 if ($Text{'text'} =~ /$freeName/i) {
4208 push(@found, $name);
4220 foreach $name (&AllPagesList()) {
4223 if ($Text{'text'} =~ /$string/i){
4224 push(@found, $name);
4230 sub UnlinkHtmlCache {
4234 $idFile = &GetHtmlCacheFile($id);
4240 sub NewPageCacheClear {
4244 return if (!$UseCache);
4245 $id =~ s|.+/|/|; # If subpage, search for just the subpage
4246 # The following code used to search the body for the $id
4247 foreach $name (&AllPagesList()) { # Remove all to be safe
4248 &UnlinkHtmlCache($name);
4252 # Note: all diff and recent-list operations should be done within locks.
4254 my $LockMessage = T('Normal Unlock.');
4256 print &GetHeader('', T('Removing edit lock'), '');
4257 print '<p>', T('This operation may take several seconds...'), "\n";
4258 if (&ForceReleaseLock('main')) {
4259 $LockMessage = T('Forced Unlock.');
4261 &ForceReleaseLock('cache');
4262 &ForceReleaseLock('diff');
4263 &ForceReleaseLock('index');
4264 print "<br><h2>$LockMessage</h2>";
4265 print &GetCommonFooter();
4268 # Note: all diff and recent-list operations should be done within locks.
4270 my ($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $revision, $name, $rhost) = @_;
4271 my ($extraTemp, %extra);
4274 $extra{'id'} = $UserID if ($UserID > 0);
4275 $extra{'name'} = $name if ($name ne "");
4276 $extra{'revision'} = $revision if ($revision ne "");
4277 $extraTemp = join($FS2, %extra);
4278 # The two fields at the end of a line are kind and extension-hash
4279 my $rc_line = join($FS3, $editTime, $id, $summary,
4280 $isEdit, $rhost, "0", $extraTemp);
4281 if (!open(OUT, ">>$RcFile")) {
4282 die(Ts('%s log error:', $RCName) . " $!");
4284 print OUT $rc_line . "\n";
4289 my ($id, $editTime, $diffString) = @_;
4291 open (OUT, ">>$DataDir/diff_log") or die(T('can not write diff_log'));
4292 print OUT "------\n" . $id . "|" . $editTime . "\n";
4293 print OUT $diffString;
4297 # Actions are vetoable if someone edits the page before
4298 # the keep expiry time. For example, page deletion. If
4299 # no one edits the page by the time the keep expiry time
4300 # elapses, then no one has vetoed the last action, and the
4301 # action is accepted.
4302 # See http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?PageDeletion
4306 $expirets = $Now - ($KeepDays * 24 * 60 * 60);
4307 return (0, T('(done)')) unless $Page{'ts'} < $expirets;
4308 if ($DeletedPage && $Text{'text'} =~ /^\s*$DeletedPage\W*?(\n|$)/o) {
4309 &DeletePage($OpenPageName, 1, 1);
4310 return (1, T('(deleted)'));
4312 if ($ReplaceFile && $Text{'text'} =~ /^\s*$ReplaceFile\:\s*(\S+)/o) {
4314 # Only replace an allowed, existing file.
4315 if ((grep {$_ eq $fname} @ReplaceableFiles) && -e $fname) {
4316 if ($Text{'text'} =~ /.*<pre>.*?\n(.*?)\s*<\/pre>/ims)
4319 $string =~ s/\r\n/\n/gms;
4320 open (OUT, ">$fname") or return 0;
4323 return (0, T('(replaced)'));
4327 return (0, T('(done)'));
4331 my ($name, $fname, $data, $message, $status);
4332 print &GetHeader('', T('Maintenance on all pages'), '');
4334 $fname = "$DataDir/maintain";
4335 if (!&UserIsAdmin()) {
4336 if ((-f $fname) && ((-M $fname) < 0.5)) {
4337 print T('Maintenance not done.'), ' ';
4338 print T('(Maintenance can only be done once every 12 hours.)');
4339 print ' ', T('Remove the "maintain" file or wait.');
4340 print &GetCommonFooter();
4344 &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get maintain-lock'));
4345 foreach $name (&AllPagesList()) {
4348 ($status, $message) = &ProcessVetos();
4349 &ExpireKeepFile() unless $status;
4350 print ".... " if ($name =~ m|/|);
4351 print &GetPageLink($name);
4352 print " $message<br>\n";
4354 &WriteStringToFile($fname, Ts('Maintenance done at %s', &TimeToText($Now)));
4356 # Do any rename/deletion commands
4357 # (Must be outside lock because it will grab its own lock)
4358 $fname = "$DataDir/editlinks";
4360 $data = &ReadFileOrDie($fname);
4361 print '<hr>', T('Processing rename/delete commands:'), "<br>\n";
4362 &UpdateLinksList($data, 1, 1); # Always update RC and links
4363 unlink("$fname.old");
4364 rename($fname, "$fname.old");
4367 &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get lock for RC maintenance'));
4368 $status = &TrimRc(); # Consider error messages?
4371 print &GetCommonFooter();
4374 # Must be called within a lock.
4375 # Thanks to Alex Schroeder for original code
4377 my (@rc, @temp, $starttime, $days, $status, $data, $i, $ts);
4379 # Determine the number of days to go back
4382 $days = $_ if $_ > $days;
4384 $starttime = $Now - $days * 24 * 60 * 60;
4385 return 1 if (!-f $RcFile); # No work if no file exists
4386 ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($RcFile);
4388 print '<p><strong>' . Ts('Could not open %s log file', $RCName)
4389 . ":</strong> $RcFile<p>"
4390 . T('Error was') . ":\n<pre>$!</" . "pre>\n" . '<p>';
4393 # Move the old stuff from rc to temp
4394 @rc = split(/\n/, $data);
4395 for ($i = 0; $i < @rc; $i++) {
4396 ($ts) = split(/$FS3/, $rc[$i]);
4397 last if ($ts >= $starttime);
4399 return 1 if ($i < 1); # No lines to move from new to old
4400 @temp = splice(@rc, 0, $i);
4401 # Write new files and backups
4402 if (!open(OUT, ">>$RcOldFile")) {
4403 print '<p><strong>' . Ts('Could not open %s log file', $RCName)
4404 . ":</strong> $RcOldFile<p>"
4405 . T('Error was') . ":\n<pre>$!</" . "pre>\n" . '<p>';
4408 print OUT join("\n", @temp) . "\n";
4410 &WriteStringToFile($RcFile . '.old', $data);
4411 $data = join("\n", @rc);
4412 $data .= "\n" if ($data ne ''); # If no entries, don't add blank line
4413 &WriteStringToFile($RcFile, $data);
4418 print &GetHeader('', T('Maintaining RC log'), '');
4419 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4420 &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get lock for RC maintenance'));
4422 print '<br>' . T('RC maintenance done.') . '<br>';
4424 print '<br>' . T('RC maintenance not done.') . '<br>';
4427 print &GetCommonFooter();
4430 sub UserIsEditorOrError {
4431 if (!&UserIsEditor()) {
4432 print '<p>', T('This operation is restricted to site editors only...');
4433 print &GetCommonFooter();
4439 sub UserIsAdminOrError {
4440 if (!&UserIsAdmin()) {
4441 print '<p>', T('This operation is restricted to administrators only...');
4442 print &GetCommonFooter();
4451 print &GetHeader('', T('Set or Remove global edit lock'), '');
4452 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4453 $fname = "$DataDir/noedit";
4454 if (&GetParam("set", 1)) {
4455 &WriteStringToFile($fname, "editing locked.");
4460 print '<p>', T('Edit lock created.'), '<br>';
4462 print '<p>', T('Edit lock removed.'), '<br>';
4464 print &GetCommonFooter();
4470 print &GetHeader('', T('Set or Remove page edit lock'), '');
4471 # Consider allowing page lock/unlock at editor level?
4472 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4473 $id = &GetParam("id", "");
4475 print '<p>', T('Missing page id to lock/unlock...');
4478 return if (!&ValidIdOrDie($id)); # Consider nicer error?
4479 $fname = &GetLockedPageFile($id);
4480 if (&GetParam("set", 1)) {
4481 &WriteStringToFile($fname, "editing locked.");
4486 print '<p>', Ts('Lock for %s created.', $id), '<br>';
4488 print '<p>', Ts('Lock for %s removed.', $id), '<br>';
4490 print &GetCommonFooter();
4494 my ($banList, $status);
4496 print &GetHeader('', T('Editing Banned list'), '');
4497 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4498 ($status, $banList) = &ReadFile("$DataDir/banlist");
4499 $banList = "" if (!$status);
4500 print &GetFormStart();
4501 print GetHiddenValue("edit_ban", 1), "\n";
4502 print "<b>Banned IP/network/host list:</b><br>\n";
4503 print "<p>Each entry is either a commented line (starting with #), ",
4504 "or a Perl regular expression (matching either an IP address or ",
4505 "a hostname). <b>Note:</b> To test the ban on yourself, you must ",
4506 "give up your admin access (remove password in Preferences).";
4507 print "<p>Example:<br>",
4508 "# blocks hosts ending with .foocorp.com<br>",
4509 "\\.foocorp\\.com\$<br>",
4510 "# blocks exact IP address<br>",
4511 "^123\\.21\\.3\\.9\$<br>",
4512 "# blocks whole 123.21.3.* IP network<br>",
4513 "^123\\.21\\.3\\.\\d+\$<p>";
4514 print &GetTextArea('banlist', $banList, 12, 50);
4515 print "<br>", $q->submit(-name=>'Save'), "\n";
4517 if (!&GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
4518 print '<div class=wikifooter>';
4519 print "<hr class=wikilinefooter>\n";
4520 print &GetGotoBar('');
4523 print &GetMinimumFooter();
4526 sub DoUpdateBanned {
4527 my ($newList, $fname);
4529 print &GetHeader('', T('Updating Banned list'), '');
4530 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4531 $fname = "$DataDir/banlist";
4532 $newList = &GetParam("banlist", "#Empty file");
4533 if ($newList eq "") {
4534 print "<p>", T('Empty banned list or error.');
4535 print "<p>", T('Resubmit with at least one space character to remove.');
4536 } elsif ($newList =~ /^\s*$/s) {
4538 print "<p>", T('Removed banned list');
4540 &WriteStringToFile($fname, $newList);
4541 print "<p>", T('Updated banned list');
4543 print &GetCommonFooter();
4546 # ==== Editing/Deleting pages and links ====
4548 print &GetHeader('', T('Editing Links'), '');
4550 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4552 return if (!&UserIsEditorOrError());
4554 print &GetFormStart();
4555 print GetHiddenValue("edit_links", 1), "\n";
4556 print "<b>Editing/Deleting page titles:</b><br>\n";
4557 print "<p>Enter one command on each line. Commands are:<br>",
4558 "<tt>!PageName</tt> -- deletes the page called PageName<br>\n",
4559 "<tt>=OldPageName=NewPageName</tt> -- Renames OldPageName ",
4560 "to NewPageName and updates links to OldPageName.<br>\n",
4561 "<tt>|OldPageName|NewPageName</tt> -- Changes links to OldPageName ",
4563 " (Used to rename links to non-existing pages.)<br>\n",
4564 "<b>Note: page names are case-sensitive!</b>\n";
4565 print &GetTextArea('commandlist', "", 12, 50);
4566 print $q->checkbox(-name=>"p_changerc", -override=>1, -checked=>1,
4567 -label=>"Edit $RCName");
4569 print $q->checkbox(-name=>"p_changetext", -override=>1, -checked=>1,
4570 -label=>"Substitute text for rename");
4571 print "<br>", $q->submit(-name=>'Edit'), "\n";
4573 if (!&GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
4574 print '<div class=wikifooter>';
4575 print "<hr class=wikilinefooter>\n";
4576 print &GetGotoBar('');
4579 print &GetMinimumFooter();
4582 sub UpdateLinksList {
4583 my ($commandList, $doRC, $doText) = @_;
4588 &RequestLock() or die T('UpdateLinksList could not get main lock');
4589 unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex);
4590 foreach (split(/\n/, $commandList)) {
4592 next if (!(/^[=!|]/)); # Only valid commands.
4593 print "Processing $_<br>\n";
4595 &DeletePage($1, $doRC, $doText);
4596 } elsif (/^\=(?:\[\[)?([^]=]+)(?:\]\])?\=(?:\[\[)?([^]=]+)(?:\]\])?/) {
4597 &RenamePage($1, $2, $doRC, $doText);
4598 } elsif (/^\|(?:\[\[)?([^]|]+)(?:\]\])?\|(?:\[\[)?([^]|]+)(?:\]\])?/) {
4599 &RenameTextLinks($1, $2);
4602 &NewPageCacheClear("."); # Clear cache (needs testing?)
4603 unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex);
4607 sub BuildLinkIndex {
4608 my (@pglist, $page, @links, $link, %seen);
4610 @pglist = &AllPagesList();
4612 foreach $page (@pglist) {
4613 &BuildLinkIndexPage($page);
4617 sub BuildLinkIndexPage {
4619 my (@links, $link, %seen);
4621 @links = &GetPageLinks($page, 1, 0, 0);
4623 foreach $link (@links) {
4624 if (defined($LinkIndex{$link})) {
4625 if (!$seen{$link}) {
4626 $LinkIndex{$link} .= " " . $page;
4629 $LinkIndex{$link} .= " " . $page;
4636 my ($commandList, $doRC, $doText);
4638 print &GetHeader('', T('Updating Links'), '');
4640 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4642 return if (!&UserIsEditorOrError());
4644 $commandList = &GetParam("commandlist", "");
4645 $doRC = &GetParam("p_changerc", "0");
4646 $doRC = 1 if ($doRC eq "on");
4647 $doText = &GetParam("p_changetext", "0");
4648 $doText = 1 if ($doText eq "on");
4649 if ($commandList eq "") {
4650 print "<p>", T('Empty command list or error.');
4652 &UpdateLinksList($commandList, $doRC, $doText);
4653 print "<p>", T('Finished command list.');
4655 print &GetCommonFooter();
4658 sub EditRecentChanges {
4659 my ($action, $old, $new) = @_;
4661 &EditRecentChangesFile($RcFile, $action, $old, $new, 1);
4662 &EditRecentChangesFile($RcOldFile, $action, $old, $new, 0);
4665 sub EditRecentChangesFile {
4666 my ($fname, $action, $old, $new, $printError) = @_;
4667 my ($status, $fileData, $errorText, $rcline, @rclist);
4668 my ($outrc, $ts, $page, $junk);
4670 ($status, $fileData) = &ReadFile($fname);
4672 # Save error text if needed.
4673 $errorText = "<p><strong>"
4674 . Ts('Could not open %s log file:', $RCName)
4675 . "</strong> $fname"
4676 . "<p>" . T('Error was:') . "\n<pre>$!</pre>\n";
4677 print $errorText if ($printError);
4681 @rclist = split(/\n/, $fileData);
4682 foreach $rcline (@rclist) {
4683 ($ts, $page, $junk) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline);
4684 if ($page eq $old) {
4685 if ($action == 1) { # Delete
4686 ; # Do nothing (don't add line to new RC)
4687 } elsif ($action == 2) {
4689 $junk =~ s/^(\d+$FS3)$old($FS3)/"$1$new$2"/ge;
4690 $outrc .= $junk . "\n";
4693 $outrc .= $rcline . "\n";
4696 &WriteStringToFile($fname . ".old", $fileData); # Backup copy
4697 &WriteStringToFile($fname, $outrc);
4700 # Delete and rename must be done inside locks.
4702 my ($page, $doRC, $doText) = @_;
4703 my ($fname, $status);
4708 $status = &ValidId($page);
4709 if ($status ne "") {
4710 print Tss('Delete-Page: page %1 is invalid, error is: %2', $page, $status)
4714 $fname = &GetPageFile($page);
4715 unlink($fname) if (-f $fname);
4716 $fname = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($page) . "/$page.kp";
4717 unlink($fname) if (-f $fname);
4718 unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex);
4719 &EditRecentChanges(1, $page, "") if ($doRC); # Delete page
4720 # Currently don't do anything with page text
4723 # Given text, returns substituted text
4724 sub SubstituteTextLinks {
4725 my ($old, $new, $text) = @_;
4727 # Much of this is taken from the common markup
4730 $text =~ s/$FS(\d)/$1/g; # Remove separators (paranoia)
4732 $text =~ s/(<html>((.|\n)*?)<\/html>)/&StoreRaw($1)/ige;
4734 $text =~ s/(<pre>((.|\n)*?)<\/pre>)/&StoreRaw($1)/ige;
4735 $text =~ s/(<code>((.|\n)*?)<\/code>)/&StoreRaw($1)/ige;
4736 $text =~ s/(<nowiki>((.|\n)*?)<\/nowiki>)/&StoreRaw($1)/ige;
4739 s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/&SubFreeLink($1,$2,$old,$new)/geo;
4740 $text =~ s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/&SubFreeLink($1,"",$old,$new)/geo;
4742 if ($BracketText) { # Links like [URL text of link]
4743 $text =~ s/(\[$UrlPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\])/&StoreRaw($1)/geo;
4744 $text =~ s/(\[$InterLinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\])/&StoreRaw($1)/geo;
4746 $text =~ s/(\[?$UrlPattern\]?)/&StoreRaw($1)/geo;
4747 $text =~ s/(\[?$InterLinkPattern\]?)/&StoreRaw($1)/geo;
4749 $text =~ s/$LinkPattern/&SubWikiLink($1, $old, $new)/geo;
4751 # Thanks to David Claughton for the following fix
4752 1 while $text =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore saved text
4757 my ($link, $name, $old, $new) = @_;
4763 if (($link eq $old) || (&FreeToNormal($old) eq &FreeToNormal($link))) {
4766 $link = $oldlink; # Preserve spaces if no match
4773 return &StoreRaw($link);
4777 my ($link, $old, $new) = @_;
4781 if ($link eq $old) {
4783 if (!($new =~ /^$LinkPattern$/)) {
4784 $link = "[[$link]]";
4787 return &StoreRaw($link);
4790 # Rename is mostly copied from expire
4791 sub RenameKeepText {
4792 my ($page, $old, $new) = @_;
4793 my ($fname, $status, $data, @kplist, %tempSection, $changed);
4794 my ($sectName, $newText);
4796 $fname = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($page) . "/$page.kp";
4797 return if (!(-f $fname));
4798 ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($fname);
4799 return if (!$status);
4800 @kplist = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields
4801 return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty
4802 shift(@kplist) if ($kplist[0] eq ""); # First can be empty
4803 return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty
4804 %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $kplist[0], -1);
4805 if (!defined($tempSection{'keepts'})) {
4808 # First pass: optimize for nothing changed
4811 %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1);
4812 $sectName = $tempSection{'name'};
4813 if ($sectName =~ /^(text_)/) {
4814 %Text = split(/$FS3/, $tempSection{'data'}, -1);
4815 $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $Text{'text'});
4816 $changed = 1 if ($Text{'text'} ne $newText);
4819 return if (!$changed); # No sections changed
4820 open (OUT, ">$fname") or return;
4822 %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1);
4823 $sectName = $tempSection{'name'};
4824 if ($sectName =~ /^(text_)/) {
4825 %Text = split(/$FS3/, $tempSection{'data'}, -1);
4826 $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $Text{'text'});
4827 $Text{'text'} = $newText;
4828 $tempSection{'data'} = join($FS3, %Text);
4829 print OUT $FS1, join($FS2, %tempSection);
4837 sub RenameTextLinks {
4838 my ($old, $new) = @_;
4839 my ($changed, $file, $page, $section, $oldText, $newText, $status);
4840 my ($oldCanonical, @pageList);
4843 $oldCanonical = &FreeToNormal($old);
4845 $status = &ValidId($old);
4846 if ($status ne "") {
4847 print Tss('Rename-Text: old page %1 is invalid, error is: %2', $old, $status)
4851 $status = &ValidId($new);
4852 if ($status ne "") {
4853 print Tss('Rename-Text: new page %1 is invalid, error is: %2', $new, $status)
4859 # Note: the LinkIndex must be built prior to this routine
4860 return if (!defined($LinkIndex{$oldCanonical}));
4861 @pageList = split(' ', $LinkIndex{$oldCanonical});
4862 foreach $page (@pageList) {
4865 foreach $section (keys %Page) {
4866 if ($section =~ /^text_/) {
4867 &OpenSection($section);
4868 %Text = split(/$FS3/, $Section{'data'}, -1);
4869 $oldText = $Text{'text'};
4870 $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $oldText);
4871 if ($oldText ne $newText) {
4872 $Text{'text'} = $newText;
4873 $Section{'data'} = join($FS3, %Text);
4874 $Page{$section} = join($FS2, %Section);
4877 } elsif ($section =~ /^cache_diff/) {
4878 $oldText = $Page{$section};
4879 $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $oldText);
4880 if ($oldText ne $newText) {
4881 $Page{$section} = $newText;
4885 # Add other text-sections (categories) here
4888 $file = &GetPageFile($page);
4889 &WriteStringToFile($file, join($FS1, %Page));
4891 &RenameKeepText($page, $old, $new);
4896 my ($old, $new, $doRC, $doText) = @_;
4897 my ($oldfname, $newfname, $oldkeep, $newkeep, $status);
4900 $new = &FreeToNormal($new);
4901 $status = &ValidId($old);
4902 if ($status ne "") {
4903 print Tss('Rename: old page %1 is invalid, error is: %2', $old, $status)
4907 $status = &ValidId($new);
4908 if ($status ne "") {
4909 print Tss('Rename: new page %1 is invalid, error is: %2', $new, $status)
4913 $newfname = &GetPageFile($new);
4915 print Ts('Rename: new page %s already exists--not renamed.', $new)
4919 $oldfname = &GetPageFile($old);
4920 if (!(-f $oldfname)) {
4921 print Ts('Rename: old page %s does not exist--nothing done.', $old)
4925 &CreatePageDir($PageDir, $new); # It might not exist yet
4926 rename($oldfname, $newfname);
4927 &CreatePageDir($KeepDir, $new);
4928 $oldkeep = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($old) . "/$old.kp";
4929 $newkeep = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($new) . "/$new.kp";
4930 unlink($newkeep) if (-f $newkeep); # Clean up if needed.
4931 rename($oldkeep, $newkeep);
4932 unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex);
4933 &EditRecentChanges(2, $old, $new) if ($doRC);
4935 &BuildLinkIndexPage($new); # Keep index up-to-date
4936 &RenameTextLinks($old, $new);
4941 print &GetHeader('', T('Displaying Wiki Version'), '');
4942 print "<p>UseModWiki version 1.0.4</p>\n";
4943 print &GetCommonFooter();
4946 # Thanks to Phillip Riley for original code
4950 return if (!&ValidIdOrDie($id));
4951 print &GetHeader('', Ts('Delete %s', $id), '');
4952 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
4953 if ($ConfirmDel && !&GetParam('confirm', 0)) {
4955 print Ts('Confirm deletion of %s by following this link:', $id);
4956 print '<br>' . &GetDeleteLink($id, T('Confirm Delete'), 1);
4958 print &GetCommonFooter();
4962 if ($id eq $HomePage) {
4963 print Ts('%s can not be deleted.', $HomePage);
4965 if (-f &GetLockedPageFile($id)) {
4966 print Ts('%s can not be deleted because it is locked.', $id);
4968 # Must lock because of RC-editing
4969 &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get editing lock'));
4970 DeletePage($id, 1, 1);
4972 print Ts('%s has been deleted.', $id);
4976 print &GetCommonFooter();
4979 # Thanks to Ross Kowalski and Iliyan Jeliazkov for original uploading code
4981 print &GetHeader('', T('File Upload Page'), '');
4983 return if (!&UserIsEditorOrError());
4985 print '<p>' . Ts('The current upload size limit is %s.', $MaxPost) . ' '
4986 . Ts('Change the %s variable to increase this limit.', '$MaxPost');
4988 print '<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="' . $ScriptName
4989 . '" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">';
4990 print '<input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" />';
4991 print T('File to Upload:'), ' <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="file"><br><BR>';
4992 print '<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="', T('Upload'), '">';
4994 print &GetCommonFooter();
4998 my ($filename, $printFilename, $uploadFilehandle);
5000 print &GetHeader('', T('Upload Finished'), '');
5002 return if (!&UserIsEditorOrError());
5004 $UploadDir .= '/' if (substr($UploadDir, -1, 1) ne '/'); # End with /
5005 $UploadUrl .= '/' if (substr($UploadUrl, -1, 1) ne '/'); # End with /
5006 $filename = $q->param('file');
5007 $filename =~ s/.*[\/\\](.*)/$1/; # Only name after last \ or /
5008 $uploadFilehandle = $q->upload('file');
5009 open UPLOADFILE, ">$UploadDir$filename";
5011 while (<$uploadFilehandle>) { print UPLOADFILE; }
5013 print T('The wiki link to your file is:') . "\n<br><BR>";
5014 $printFilename = $filename;
5015 $printFilename =~ s/ /\%20/g; # Replace spaces with escaped spaces
5016 print "upload:" . $printFilename . "<BR><BR>\n";
5017 if ($filename =~ /$ImageExtensions$/i) {
5018 print '<HR><img src="' . $UploadUrl . $filename . '">' . "\n";
5020 print &GetCommonFooter();
5024 my ($oldFS, $newFS, $fname) = @_;
5025 my ($oldData, $newData, $status);
5027 return if (!-f $fname); # Convert only existing regular files
5028 ($status, $oldData) = &ReadFile($fname);
5030 print '<br><strong>' . Ts('Could not open file %s', $fname)
5031 . ':</strong>' . T('Error was') . ":\n<pre>$!</pre>\n" . '<br>';
5034 $newData = $oldData;
5035 $newData =~ s/$oldFS(\d)/$newFS . $1/ge;
5036 return if ($oldData eq $newData); # Do not write if the same
5037 &WriteStringToFile($fname, $newData);
5038 # print $fname . '<br>'; # progress report
5041 # Converts up to 3 dirs deep (like page/A/Apple/subpage.db)
5042 # Note that top level directory (page/keep/user) contains only dirs
5044 my ($oldFS, $newFS, $topDir) = @_;
5045 my (@dirs, @files, @subFiles, $dir, $file, $subFile, $fname, $subFname);
5047 opendir(DIRLIST, $topDir);
5048 @dirs = readdir(DIRLIST);
5050 @dirs = sort(@dirs);
5051 foreach $dir (@dirs) {
5052 next if (substr($dir, 0, 1) eq '.'); # No ., .., or .dirs
5053 next if (!-d "$topDir/$dir"); # Top level directories only
5054 next if (-f "$topDir/$dir.cvt"); # Skip if already converted
5055 opendir(DIRLIST, "$topDir/$dir");
5056 @files = readdir(DIRLIST);
5058 foreach $file (@files) {
5059 next if (($file eq '.') || ($file eq '..'));
5060 $fname = "$topDir/$dir/$file";
5062 # print $fname . '<br>'; # progress
5063 &ConvertFsFile($oldFS, $newFS, $fname);
5064 } elsif (-d $fname) {
5065 opendir(DIRLIST, $fname);
5066 @subFiles = readdir(DIRLIST);
5068 foreach $subFile (@subFiles) {
5069 next if (($subFile eq '.') || ($subFile eq '..'));
5070 $subFname = "$fname/$subFile";
5072 # print $subFname . '<br>'; # progress
5073 &ConvertFsFile($oldFS, $newFS, $subFname);
5078 &WriteStringToFile("$topDir/$dir.cvt", 'converted');
5082 sub ConvertFsCleanup {
5086 opendir(DIRLIST, $topDir);
5087 @dirs = readdir(DIRLIST);
5089 foreach $dir (@dirs) {
5090 next if (substr($dir, 0, 1) eq '.'); # No ., .., or .dirs
5091 next if (!-f "$topDir/$dir"); # Remove only files...
5092 next unless ($dir =~ m/\.cvt$/); # ...that end with .cvt
5093 unlink "$topDir/$dir";
5099 my $newFS = "\x1e\xff\xfe\x1e";
5101 print &GetHeader('', T('Convert wiki DB'), '');
5102 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
5103 if ($FS ne $newFS) {
5104 print Ts('You must change the %s option before converting the wiki DB.',
5108 &WriteStringToFile("$DataDir/noedit", 'editing locked.');
5109 print T('Wiki DB locked for conversion.') . '<br>';
5110 print T('Converting Wiki DB...') . '<br>';
5111 &ConvertFsFile($oldFS, $newFS, "$DataDir/rclog");
5112 &ConvertFsFile($oldFS, $newFS, "$DataDir/rclog.old");
5113 &ConvertFsFile($oldFS, $newFS, "$DataDir/oldrclog");
5114 &ConvertFsFile($oldFS, $newFS, "$DataDir/oldrclog.old");
5115 &ConvertFsDir($oldFS, $newFS, $PageDir);
5116 &ConvertFsDir($oldFS, $newFS, $KeepDir);
5117 &ConvertFsDir($oldFS, $newFS, $UserDir);
5118 &ConvertFsCleanup($PageDir);
5119 &ConvertFsCleanup($KeepDir);
5120 &ConvertFsCleanup($UserDir);
5121 print T('Finished converting wiki DB.') . '<br>';
5122 print Ts('Remove file %s to unlock wiki for editing.', "$DataDir/noedit")
5124 print &GetCommonFooter();
5127 # Remove user-id files if no useful preferences set
5129 my (%Data, $status, $data, $maxID, $id, $removed, $keep);
5130 my (@dirs, @files, $dir, $file, $item);
5132 print &GetHeader('', T('Trim wiki users'), '');
5133 return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
5136 opendir(DIRLIST, $UserDir);
5137 @dirs = readdir(DIRLIST);
5139 foreach $dir (@dirs) {
5140 next if (substr($dir, 0, 1) eq '.'); # No ., .., or .dirs
5141 next if (!-d "$UserDir/$dir"); # Top level directories only
5142 opendir(DIRLIST, "$UserDir/$dir");
5143 @files = readdir(DIRLIST);
5145 foreach $file (@files) {
5146 if ($file =~ m/(\d+).db/) { # Only numeric ID files
5148 $maxID = $id if ($id > $maxID);
5150 ($status, $data) = &ReadFile("$UserDir/$dir/$file");
5152 %Data = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields
5154 foreach $item (qw(username password adminpw stylesheet)) {
5155 $keep = 1 if (defined($Data{$item}) && ($Data{$item} ne ''));
5158 unlink "$UserDir/$dir/$file";
5159 # print "$UserDir/$dir/$file" . '<br>'; # progress
5166 print Ts
('Removed %s files.', $removed) . '<br>';
5167 print Ts
('Recommended $StartUID setting is %s.', $maxID + 100) . '<br>';
5168 print &GetCommonFooter
5172 &DoWikiRequest
() if ($RunCGI && ($_ ne 'nocgi')); # Do everything.
5173 1; # In case we are loaded from elsewhere
5174 # == End of UseModWiki script. ===========================================