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[PaGMO.git] / GOclasses / algorithms / MPSO.cpp
1 /*
2 * MPSO.cpp
3 * PaGMO
5 * Created by Dario Izzo on 10/23/08.
6 * Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
8 */
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "MPSO.h"
14 using namespace std;
16 void MPSOalgorithm::initMPSO(int generationsInit, int SolDimInit, double omegaInit, double eta1Init, double eta2Init,double vcoeffInit, int nswarmsInit, uint32_t randomSeed){
17 generations = generationsInit;
18 SolDim = SolDimInit;
19 omega = omegaInit;
20 eta1 = eta1Init;
21 eta2 = eta2Init;
22 vcoeff = vcoeffInit;
23 nswarms = nswarmsInit;
24 drng.seed(randomSeed);
27 Population MPSOalgorithm::evolve(Population deme, GOProblem& problem){
29 const std::vector<double>& LB = problem.getLB();
30 const std::vector<double>& UB = problem.getUB();
32 int NP = deme.size()/nswarms; //potentially dangerous when the deme size is not divisible by the numberof swamrs
33 int D = LB.size();
35 vector<double> dummy(D,0); //used for initialisation purposes
36 vector<double> dummy2(NP,0); //used for initialisation purposes
37 vector< vector<double> > dummy3(NP,dummy); //used for initialisation purposes
39 //Particle position: X[i][j][k] = i-th swarm, j-th individual, k-th phenotype
40 vector< vector< vector<double> > > X(nswarms,dummy3);
41 //Particle velocity: V[i][j][k] = i-th swarm, j-th individual, k-th phenotype
42 vector< vector< vector<double> > > V(nswarms,dummy3);
43 //Particle fitness: fit[i][j] = i-th swarm, j-th individual
44 vector< vector<double> > fit(nswarms,dummy2);
45 //Global best swarm fitness: gbfit[i] = i-th swarm
46 vector<double> gbfit(nswarms,0);
47 //Global best swarm individual: gbX[i][j] = i-th swarm, j-th phenotype
48 vector< vector<double> > gbX(nswarms,dummy);
50 //Local best fitness: lbfit[i][j] = i-th swarm, j-th individual
51 vector< vector <double> > lbfit(nswarms,dummy2);
52 //Local best chromosome: lbX[i][j][k] = i-th swarm, j-th individual, k-th phenotype
53 vector< vector< vector<double> > > lbX(nswarms,dummy3);
55 double vwidth; //Width of the search space
56 vector<double> MINV(D),MAXV(D); //Maximum and minumum velocity allowed
58 // Initialise the particles (class Individual) positions, their velocities and their fitness to that of the deme
59 for ( int i = 0; i<nswarms; i++){
60 for ( int j = 0; j<NP; j++ ){
61 X[i][j] = deme[NP*i+j].getDecisionVector();
62 V[i][j] = deme[NP*i+j].getVelocity();
63 fit[i][j] = deme[NP*i+j].getFitness();
66 // Initialise the minimum and maximum velocity
67 for ( int i = 0; i<D; i++ ) {
68 vwidth = (UB[i]-LB[i])/vcoeff;
69 MINV[i] = -1.0*vwidth;
70 MAXV[i] = vwidth;
73 for (int i=0;i<nswarms;i++){
74 // Initialise the global and local bests
75 gbX[i]=X[i][0];
76 gbfit[i]=fit[i][0];
78 lbX[i]=X[i]; //at the first generation the local best position is the particle position
79 lbfit[i]=fit[i]; //same for the fitness
81 for (int j = 1; j<NP; j++){ //the int j = 1 jumps the first member as it is already set as the best
82 if (fit[i][j] < gbfit[i]){
83 gbfit[i] = fit[i][j];
84 gbX[i] = X[i][j];
89 // Main PSO loop
90 for (int iter = 0; iter<generations; iter++){
91 //loop through the swarms
92 for (int i = 0;i<nswarms;i++){
93 //1 - move the particles and check that velocity and positions are in allowed range
94 for (int j = 0; j< NP; j++){
95 for (int k = 0; k< D; k++){
97 //new velocity
98 V[i][j][k] = omega * V[i][j][k] + eta1 * drng() * (lbX[i][j][k] - X[i][j][k]) + eta2 * drng() * (gbX[i][k] - X[i][j][k]);
100 //check that it is within the allowed velocity range
101 if ( V[i][j][k] > MAXV[k] )
102 V[i][j][k] = MAXV[k];
104 else if ( V[i][j][k] < MINV[k] )
105 V[i][j][k] = MINV[k];
107 //update position
108 X[i][j][k] = X[i][j][k] + V[i][j][k];
110 if (X[i][j][k] < LB[k])
111 X[i][j][k] = drng() * (UB[k] - LB[k]) + LB[k];
112 else if (X[i][j][k] > UB[k])
113 X[i][j][k] = drng() * (UB[k] - LB[k]) + LB[k];
116 //We evaluate the new individual fitness now as to be able to update immediately the global best
117 //in case a better solution is found
118 fit[i][j] = problem.objfun(X[i][j]);
119 //update local and global best
120 if (fit[i][j] < lbfit[i][j]){
121 lbfit[i][j] = fit[i][j]; //local best
122 lbX[i][j] = X[i][j];
123 if(fit[i][j] < gbfit[i]){
124 gbfit[i] = fit[i][j]; //global best
125 gbX[i] = X[i][j];
128 } //End of loop on the population members
129 } //End of loop on the swarms
131 //exchanges two random elements from randomly selected swarms
132 if (iter % (int)5 == 0){
133 int sw1 = (int)(drng()*nswarms); //select 1st swarm
134 int sw2 = (int)(drng()*nswarms);
135 do{ //endless loop if nswarms<2
136 sw2 = (int)(drng()*nswarms); //selects 2nd swarm different from the first
137 } while (sw2 == sw1);
139 int in1 = (int)(drng()*NP); //select 1st individual
140 int in2;
141 do{ //endless loop if nswarms<2
142 in2 = (int)(drng()*NP); //selects 2nd individual
143 } while (in2 == in1);
144 //swap position
145 dummy = X[sw1][in1];
146 X[sw1][in1]=X[sw2][in2];
147 X[sw2][in2] = dummy;
149 //swap velocity
150 dummy = V[sw1][in1];
151 V[sw1][in1]=V[sw2][in2];
152 V[sw2][in2] = dummy;
154 //swap local bests lbX
155 dummy = lbX[sw1][in1];
156 lbX[sw1][in1]=lbX[sw2][in2];
157 lbX[sw2][in2] = dummy;
159 //swap local best lbfit;
160 dummy[0] = lbfit[sw1][in1];
161 lbfit[sw1][in1]=lbfit[sw2][in2];
162 lbfit[sw2][in2] = dummy[0];
163 }//end of swap
164 } // end of main PSO loop
166 //we end by constructing the object Population containing the final results
167 Population popout;
168 Individual temp;
169 for (int i=0; i<nswarms;i++){
170 for (int j=0; j<NP; j++){
171 temp.setDecisionVector(lbX[i][j]);
172 temp.setFitness(lbfit[i][j]);
173 temp.setVelocity(V[i][j]);
174 popout.addIndividual(temp);
177 return popout;