4 # Transactions are unsupported by MySQL - so for insertion of
5 # 8192 rows, 1 INSERT per Xaction, we returned "Transactions unsupported"
7 if ( $TestDBMS =~ /^mysql/ && $XACTBLOCK eq '' )
9 print STDERR " No_Xact\n";
13 `> .sqlf`; # clean file
16 # PgSQL specific: if all queries from inssimple.data must be executed in
17 # single xaction ($XACTBLOCK ne '') then add BEGIN/END arround queries
19 `echo "BEGIN;" >> .sqlf` if ( $TestDBMS =~ /^pgsql/ && $XACTBLOCK ne '' );
22 `cat sqls/inssimple.data >> .sqlf`;
26 `echo "END;" >> .sqlf` if ( $TestDBMS =~ /^pgsql/ && $XACTBLOCK ne '' );
29 `time $FrontEnd < .sqlf`;