2 -- first, define the functions. Turn off echoing so that expected file
3 -- does not depend on contents of tablefunc.sql.
5 SET client_min_messages = warning;
7 RESET client_min_messages;
10 -- no easy way to do this for regression testing
12 SELECT avg(normal_rand)::int FROM normal_rand(100, 250, 0.2);
21 CREATE TABLE ct(id int, rowclass text, rowid text, attribute text, val text);
22 \copy ct from 'data/ct.data'
23 SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' and (attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3'') ORDER BY 1,2;');
24 row_name | category_1 | category_2
25 ----------+------------+------------
31 SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' and (attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3'') ORDER BY 1,2;');
32 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3
33 ----------+------------+------------+------------
39 SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' and (attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3'') ORDER BY 1,2;');
40 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4
41 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------
42 test1 | val2 | val3 | |
43 test2 | val6 | val7 | |
47 SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;');
48 row_name | category_1 | category_2
49 ----------+------------+------------
55 SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;');
56 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3
57 ----------+------------+------------+------------
58 test1 | val1 | val2 | val3
59 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7
60 | val9 | val10 | val11
63 SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;');
64 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4
65 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------
66 test1 | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4
67 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 | val8
68 | val9 | val10 | val11 | val12
71 SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' and (attribute = ''att1'' or attribute = ''att2'') ORDER BY 1,2;');
72 row_name | category_1 | category_2
73 ----------+------------+------------
78 SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' and (attribute = ''att1'' or attribute = ''att2'') ORDER BY 1,2;');
79 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3
80 ----------+------------+------------+------------
85 SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' and (attribute = ''att1'' or attribute = ''att2'') ORDER BY 1,2;');
86 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4
87 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------
88 test3 | val1 | val2 | |
89 test4 | val4 | val5 | |
92 SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' ORDER BY 1,2;');
93 row_name | category_1 | category_2
94 ----------+------------+------------
99 SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' ORDER BY 1,2;');
100 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3
101 ----------+------------+------------+------------
102 test3 | val1 | val2 | val3
103 test4 | val4 | val5 | val6
106 SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' ORDER BY 1,2;');
107 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4
108 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------
109 test3 | val1 | val2 | val3 |
110 test4 | val4 | val5 | val6 |
113 SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;') AS c(rowid text, att1 text, att2 text);
115 -------+------+-------
121 SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;') AS c(rowid text, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text);
122 rowid | att1 | att2 | att3
123 -------+------+-------+-------
124 test1 | val1 | val2 | val3
125 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7
126 | val9 | val10 | val11
129 SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;') AS c(rowid text, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text, att4 text);
130 rowid | att1 | att2 | att3 | att4
131 -------+------+-------+-------+-------
132 test1 | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4
133 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 | val8
134 | val9 | val10 | val11 | val12
137 -- check it works with OUT parameters, too
138 CREATE FUNCTION crosstab_out(text,
139 OUT rowid text, OUT att1 text, OUT att2 text, OUT att3 text)
141 AS '$libdir/tablefunc','crosstab'
143 SELECT * FROM crosstab_out('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;');
144 rowid | att1 | att2 | att3
145 -------+------+-------+-------
146 test1 | val1 | val2 | val3
147 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7
148 | val9 | val10 | val11
152 -- hash based crosstab
154 create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
155 NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "cth_id_seq" for serial column "cth.id"
156 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
157 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
158 -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute
159 -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003');
160 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
161 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
162 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
163 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
164 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
165 -- next group tests for NULL rowids
166 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,NULL,'25 October 2007','temperature','57');
167 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,NULL,'25 October 2007','test_result','PASS');
168 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,NULL,'25 October 2007','test_startdate','24 October 2007');
169 insert into cth values(DEFAULT,NULL,'25 October 2007','volts','1.41234');
170 -- return attributes as plain text
171 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
172 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
173 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
174 AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
175 rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
176 -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+---------
177 test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987
178 test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | 01 March 2003 | 3.1234
179 | Thu Oct 25 00:00:00 2007 | 57 | PASS | 24 October 2007 | 1.41234
182 -- this time without rowdt
183 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
184 'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
185 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
186 AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
187 rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
188 -------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+---------
189 test1 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987
190 test2 | 53 | FAIL | 01 March 2003 | 3.1234
191 | 57 | PASS | 24 October 2007 | 1.41234
194 -- convert attributes to specific datatypes
195 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
196 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
197 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
198 AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
199 rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
200 -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+---------
201 test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987
202 test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
203 | Thu Oct 25 00:00:00 2007 | 57 | PASS | Wed Oct 24 00:00:00 2007 | 1.41234
206 -- source query and category query out of sync
207 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
208 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
209 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER BY 1')
210 AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp);
211 rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate
212 -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------
213 test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS |
214 test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003
215 | Thu Oct 25 00:00:00 2007 | 57 | PASS | Wed Oct 24 00:00:00 2007
218 -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error
219 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
220 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
221 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1')
222 AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
223 ERROR: provided "categories" SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
224 -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error
225 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
226 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
227 'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2')
228 AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
229 ERROR: provided "categories" SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
230 -- if source query returns zero rows, get zero rows returned
231 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
232 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth WHERE false ORDER BY 1',
233 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
234 AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
235 rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
236 -------+-------+-------------+-------------+----------------+-------
239 -- if source query returns zero rows, get zero rows returned even if category query generates no rows
240 SELECT * FROM crosstab(
241 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth WHERE false ORDER BY 1',
242 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE false ORDER BY 1')
243 AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
244 rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
245 -------+-------+-------------+-------------+----------------+-------
248 -- check it works with a named result rowtype
249 create type my_crosstab_result as (
250 rowid text, rowdt timestamp,
251 temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
252 CREATE FUNCTION crosstab_named(text, text)
253 RETURNS setof my_crosstab_result
254 AS '$libdir/tablefunc','crosstab_hash'
256 SELECT * FROM crosstab_named(
257 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
258 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1');
259 rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
260 -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+---------
261 test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987
262 test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
263 | Thu Oct 25 00:00:00 2007 | 57 | PASS | Wed Oct 24 00:00:00 2007 | 1.41234
266 -- check it works with OUT parameters
267 CREATE FUNCTION crosstab_out(text, text,
268 OUT rowid text, OUT rowdt timestamp,
269 OUT temperature int4, OUT test_result text,
270 OUT test_startdate timestamp, OUT volts float8)
272 AS '$libdir/tablefunc','crosstab_hash'
274 SELECT * FROM crosstab_out(
275 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
276 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1');
277 rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
278 -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+---------
279 test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987
280 test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
281 | Thu Oct 25 00:00:00 2007 | 57 | PASS | Wed Oct 24 00:00:00 2007 | 1.41234
287 -- test connectby with text based hierarchy
288 CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text, pos int);
289 \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data'
290 -- with branch, without orderby
291 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'row2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int, branch text);
292 keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch
293 -------+--------------+-------+---------------------
295 row4 | row2 | 1 | row2~row4
296 row6 | row4 | 2 | row2~row4~row6
297 row8 | row6 | 3 | row2~row4~row6~row8
298 row5 | row2 | 1 | row2~row5
299 row9 | row5 | 2 | row2~row5~row9
302 -- without branch, without orderby
303 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'row2', 0) AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int);
304 keyid | parent_keyid | level
305 -------+--------------+-------
314 -- with branch, with orderby
315 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'pos', 'row2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int, branch text, pos int) ORDER BY t.pos;
316 keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch | pos
317 -------+--------------+-------+---------------------+-----
318 row2 | | 0 | row2 | 1
319 row5 | row2 | 1 | row2~row5 | 2
320 row9 | row5 | 2 | row2~row5~row9 | 3
321 row4 | row2 | 1 | row2~row4 | 4
322 row6 | row4 | 2 | row2~row4~row6 | 5
323 row8 | row6 | 3 | row2~row4~row6~row8 | 6
326 -- without branch, with orderby
327 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'pos', 'row2', 0) AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int, pos int) ORDER BY t.pos;
328 keyid | parent_keyid | level | pos
329 -------+--------------+-------+-----
338 -- test connectby with int based hierarchy
339 CREATE TABLE connectby_int(keyid int, parent_keyid int);
340 \copy connectby_int from 'data/connectby_int.data'
342 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text);
343 keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch
344 -------+--------------+-------+---------
354 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 0) AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int);
355 keyid | parent_keyid | level
356 -------+--------------+-------
365 -- recursion detection
366 INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(10,9);
367 INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(11,10);
368 INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(9,11);
369 -- should fail due to infinite recursion
370 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text);
371 ERROR: infinite recursion detected
372 -- infinite recursion failure avoided by depth limit
373 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 4, '~') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text);
374 keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch
375 -------+--------------+-------+-------------
382 10 | 9 | 3 | 2~5~9~10
383 11 | 10 | 4 | 2~5~9~10~11
386 -- test for falsely detected recursion
387 DROP TABLE connectby_int;
388 CREATE TABLE connectby_int(keyid int, parent_keyid int);
389 INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(11,NULL);
390 INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(10,11);
391 INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(111,11);
392 INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(1,111);
393 -- this should not fail due to recursion detection
394 SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '11', 0, '-') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text);
395 keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch
396 -------+--------------+-------+----------
399 111 | 11 | 1 | 11-111
400 1 | 111 | 2 | 11-111-1