3 ## Firefox Extension Reviewers
5 Below are the requirements and build steps for our ProtonPass extension release. Please replace `{version}` and `{commit}` with the appropriate values when following the steps.
9 Before building the extension, please ensure that you have the following versions installed:
17 - `ProtonPass-{version}-{commit}-FF.zip` : firefox add-on release
18 - `ProtonPass-{version}-{commit}-FF-sources.zip` : firefox add-on source files
22 To build the Firefox version of the ProtonPass extension, please follow these steps:
24 1. Unzip `ProtonPass-{version}-{commit}-FF-sources.zip`
25 2. Navigate to the unzipped folder in your terminal: `cd ProtonPass-{version}-{commit}-FF`
26 3. Install dependencies: `yarn`
27 4. Navigate to the extension folder: `cd applications/pass-extension`
28 5. Build the Firefox addon: `yarn run build:extension:ff` (this may take several minutes to complete)
29 6. Build files are located at `applications/pass-extension/dist`