Use source loader for email sprite icons
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / wallet / store / hooks / useExchangeRate.test.tsx
1 import type { PropsWithChildren } from 'react';
3 import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks';
4 import type { MockedFunction } from 'vitest';
6 import type { WasmApiExchangeRateData, WasmExchangeRateClient } from '@proton/andromeda';
7 import { ProtonStoreProvider } from '@proton/redux-shared-store';
8 import { SECOND } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
9 import { getMockedApi } from '@proton/wallet/tests';
11 import { extendStore, setupStore } from '../store';
12 import { useGetExchangeRate } from './useExchangeRate';
14 describe('useExchangeRate', () => {
15     let mockedGetExchangeRate: MockedFunction<WasmExchangeRateClient['getExchangeRate']>;
17     const exchangeRateEur: WasmApiExchangeRateData['Data'] = {
18         ID: '00001',
19         BitcoinUnit: 'BTC',
20         FiatCurrency: 'EUR',
21         ExchangeRateTime: '0',
22         ExchangeRate: 64110,
23         Cents: 100,
24         Sign: '€',
25     };
26     const exchangeRateUsd: WasmApiExchangeRateData['Data'] = {
27         ID: '00002',
28         BitcoinUnit: 'BTC',
29         FiatCurrency: 'USD',
30         ExchangeRateTime: '0',
31         ExchangeRate: 70110,
32         Cents: 100,
33         Sign: '$',
34     };
35     describe('useGetExchangeRate', () => {
36         beforeEach(() => {
37             vitest.useFakeTimers();
38             vitest.setSystemTime(new Date(1713516247000));
40             mockedGetExchangeRate = vi
41                 .fn()
42                 .mockResolvedValueOnce({ Data: exchangeRateEur })
43                 .mockResolvedValueOnce({ Data: exchangeRateUsd });
45             extendStore({
46                 walletApi: getMockedApi({
47                     exchange_rate: {
48                         getExchangeRate: mockedGetExchangeRate,
49                     },
50                 }),
51             });
52         });
54         afterEach(() => {
55             vitest.useRealTimers();
56         });
58         it('should cache result for each fiat', async () => {
59             const store = setupStore();
61             function Wrapper({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>): JSX.Element {
62                 return <ProtonStoreProvider store={store}>{children}</ProtonStoreProvider>;
63             }
65             const { result } = renderHook(useGetExchangeRate, {
66                 wrapper: Wrapper,
67             });
69             expect(await result.current('EUR')).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateEur);
70             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
71             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('EUR', undefined);
73             expect(await result.current('USD')).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateUsd);
74             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
75             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('USD', undefined);
77             // getExchangeRate should not be called after that
78             mockedGetExchangeRate.mockClear();
80             expect(await result.current('EUR')).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateEur);
81             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
83             expect(await result.current('USD')).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateUsd);
84             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
85         });
87         it('should send request for specific time', async () => {
88             const store = setupStore();
90             function Wrapper({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>): JSX.Element {
91                 return <ProtonStoreProvider store={store}>{children}</ProtonStoreProvider>;
92             }
94             const { result } = renderHook(useGetExchangeRate, {
95                 wrapper: Wrapper,
96             });
98             expect(await result.current('EUR', new Date(1713516247 * SECOND))).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateEur);
99             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
100             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('EUR', BigInt(1713516247));
102             expect(await result.current('USD', new Date(1713516247 * SECOND))).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateUsd);
103             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
104             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('USD', BigInt(1713516247));
106             // getExchangeRate should not be called after that
107             mockedGetExchangeRate.mockClear();
109             expect(await result.current('EUR', new Date(1713516247 * SECOND))).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateEur);
110             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
112             expect(await result.current('USD', new Date(1713516247 * SECOND))).toStrictEqual(exchangeRateUsd);
113             expect(mockedGetExchangeRate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
114         });
115     });