Merge branch 'fix-typo-drive' into 'main'
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / pass / hooks / useSpotlightMessages.ts
1 import { useMemo } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import { usePassCore } from '@proton/pass/components/Core/PassCoreProvider';
6 import { AliasSync } from '@proton/pass/components/Onboarding/AliasSync';
7 import { BlackFriday2024Offer } from '@proton/pass/components/Onboarding/BlackFriday2024Offer';
8 import { UserRenewal } from '@proton/pass/components/Onboarding/UserRenewal';
9 import type { SpotlightMessageDefinition } from '@proton/pass/components/Spotlight/SpotlightContent';
10 import { FiveStarIcon, ShieldIcon } from '@proton/pass/components/Spotlight/SpotlightIcon';
11 import { useSpotlight } from '@proton/pass/components/Spotlight/SpotlightProvider';
12 import { UpsellRef } from '@proton/pass/constants';
13 import { SpotlightMessage } from '@proton/pass/types';
14 import { BRAND_NAME, PASS_APP_NAME, PASS_SHORT_APP_NAME } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
15 import { toMap } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/object';
16 import noop from '@proton/utils/noop';
18 export const useSpotlightMessages = () => {
19     const { onLink, openSettings, promptForPermissions, getRatingURL, onForceUpdate } = usePassCore();
20     const { setPendingShareAccess, setUpselling } = useSpotlight();
22     return useMemo<Partial<Record<SpotlightMessage, SpotlightMessageDefinition>>>(
23         () =>
24             toMap(
25                 <SpotlightMessageDefinition[]>[
26                     {
27                         type: SpotlightMessage.PENDING_SHARE_ACCESS,
28                         mode: 'default',
29                         id: 'welcome',
30                         hidden: true,
31                         title: c('Title').t`Pending access to the shared data`,
32                         message: c('Info').t`For security reasons, your access needs to be confirmed`,
33                         weak: true,
34                         onClose: () => setPendingShareAccess(false),
35                     },
36                     {
37                         type: SpotlightMessage.TRIAL,
38                         mode: 'default',
39                         id: 'trial',
40                         title: c('Title').t`Our welcome gift to you`,
41                         message: c('Info')
42                             .t`7 days to try premium features for free. Only during your first week of ${BRAND_NAME}.`,
43                         className: 'ui-orange',
44                         onClose: () => setUpselling(null),
45                         action: {
46                             label: c('Label').t`Learn more`,
47                             type: 'link',
48                             onClick: () => setUpselling({ type: 'free-trial', upsellRef: UpsellRef.FREE_TRIAL }),
49                         },
50                     },
51                     {
52                         type: SpotlightMessage.SECURE_EXTENSION,
53                         mode: 'default',
54                         id: 'pin',
55                         title: c('Title').t`Secure your data`,
56                         message: c('Info').t`Enable auto-locking to secure your data`,
57                         className: 'ui-violet',
58                         icon: ShieldIcon,
59                         action: {
60                             label: c('Label').t`Create lock`,
61                             type: 'button',
62                             onClick: () => openSettings?.('security'),
63                         },
64                     },
65                     {
66                         type: SpotlightMessage.UPDATE_AVAILABLE,
67                         mode: 'default',
68                         id: 'update',
69                         title: c('Title').t`Update available`,
70                         message: c('Info')
71                             .t`A new version of ${PASS_APP_NAME} is available. Update it to enjoy the latest features and bug fixes.`,
72                         className: 'ui-orange',
73                         action: {
74                             label: c('Label').t`Update`,
75                             type: 'button',
76                             onClick: onForceUpdate ?? noop,
77                         },
78                     },
79                     {
80                         type: SpotlightMessage.PERMISSIONS_REQUIRED,
81                         mode: 'default',
82                         id: 'permissions',
83                         title: c('Title').t`Grant permissions`,
84                         message: c('Info')
85                             .t`In order to get the best experience out of ${PASS_APP_NAME}, please grant the necessary extension permissions`,
86                         className: 'ui-orange',
87                         action: {
88                             label: c('Label').t`Grant`,
89                             type: 'button',
90                             onClick: () => promptForPermissions?.(),
91                         },
92                     },
93                     {
94                         type: SpotlightMessage.USER_RATING,
95                         mode: 'default',
96                         id: 'rating',
97                         title: c('Title').t`Enjoying ${PASS_APP_NAME}?`,
98                         message: c('Info').t`Please consider leaving a review.`,
99                         className: 'ui-lime',
100                         icon: FiveStarIcon,
101                         action: {
102                             label: c('Label').t`Rate us`,
103                             type: 'button',
104                             onClick: getRatingURL ? () => onLink(getRatingURL()) : noop,
105                         },
106                     },
107                     {
108                         type: SpotlightMessage.STORAGE_ISSUE,
109                         mode: 'default',
110                         id: 'storage',
111                         title: c('Title').t`Low disk space`,
112                         message: c('Info')
113                             .t`We are having trouble syncing data to your local storage. Please make sure you have sufficient disk space for ${PASS_SHORT_APP_NAME} to work smoothly.`,
114                         className: 'ui-red',
115                         action: {
116                             label: c('Label').t`Need help?`,
117                             type: 'button',
118                             onClick: () => openSettings?.('support'),
119                         },
120                     },
121                     {
122                         type: SpotlightMessage.B2B_ONBOARDING,
123                         mode: 'default',
124                         id: 'b2b',
125                         title: c('Title').t`Get Started`,
126                         message: '',
127                         className: 'ui-teal hidden',
128                         icon: ShieldIcon,
129                     },
130                     {
131                         type: SpotlightMessage.EARLY_ACCESS,
132                         mode: 'default',
133                         id: 'early-access',
134                         hidden: true,
135                         title: c('Title').t`Upgrade to Unlock Premium Features`,
136                         message: c('Info').t`Please upgrade to have early access ${PASS_APP_NAME} web app`,
137                         weak: true,
138                         onClose: () => setUpselling(null),
139                     },
140                     {
141                         type: SpotlightMessage.ALIAS_SYNC_ENABLE,
142                         mode: 'custom',
143                         component: AliasSync,
144                         id: 'alias-sync',
145                         className: 'ui-teal',
146                     },
147                     {
148                         type: SpotlightMessage.BLACK_FRIDAY_2024,
149                         mode: 'custom',
150                         component: BlackFriday2024Offer,
151                         id: 'bf-2024',
152                         className: 'pass-bf2024-banner ui-violet',
153                     },
154                     {
155                         type: SpotlightMessage.USER_RENEWAL,
156                         mode: 'custom',
157                         component: UserRenewal,
158                         id: 'user-renewal',
159                         className: 'ui-red',
160                     },
161                 ],
162                 'type'
163             ),
164         []
165     );