Remove client-side isLoggedIn value
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / styles / scss / components / _dropdown.scss
1 @use 'sass:map';
3 .dropdown {
4         /*
5                 The border is set on the parent, but the max height is set on a child container.
6                 This breaks the available size computation because the parent element will be +2 pixels larger than the available max height.
7                 This causes an infinite loop in the floating ui library. To prevent that, border size is subtracted in a calc in the max height set in .dropdown-content.
8         */
9         $border-size: 1;
11         --custom-max-width: 20em;
12         --custom-max-height: 30em;
13         --min-width: 10em;
14         --max-width: min(var(--custom-max-width, 100vw), 100vw);
15         --max-height: min(var(--custom-max-height, 100vh), 100vh);
16         --selection-background-color: var(--interaction-norm);
17         --selection-text-color: var(--interaction-norm-contrast);
19         position: fixed;
20         z-index: map.get($z-indexes, 'modals');
22         // NOTE: Don't use logical properties. RTL positioning is done in JS.
23         /* stylelint-disable */
24         top: var(--top);
25         left: var(--left);
26         /* stylelint-enable */
27         transform: scale(1);
28         border-radius: var(--border-radius-md);
29         box-shadow: var(--shadow-lifted);
30         border: #{$border-size}px solid var(--border-norm);
31         background-color: var(--background-norm);
32         color: var(--text-norm);
33         animation: 0.15s easing(ease-out-cubic) both anime-dropdown-in-mouse;
35         @keyframes anime-dropdown-in-mouse {
36                 from {
37                         transform: scale(0.75);
38                         opacity: 0;
39                 }
41                 to {
42                         transform: scale(1);
43                         opacity: 1;
44                 }
45         }
47         // Out animation
48         &.is-dropdown-out {
49                 animation-name: anime-dropdown-out-mouse;
51                 @keyframes anime-dropdown-out-mouse {
52                         from {
53                                 transform: scale(1);
54                                 opacity: 1;
55                         }
57                         to {
58                                 transform: scale(0.75);
59                                 opacity: 0;
60                         }
61                 }
62         }
64         @include transform-origins;
66         @include media('touch', '<=small') {
67                 &.adaptive-for-touch-screens {
68                         inset: 0;
69                         display: flex;
70                         padding-block: 15%;
71                         padding-inline: 25%;
72                         overflow: hidden;
73                         transform: none;
74                         flex-flow: column nowrap;
75                         justify-content: center;
76                         align-items: center;
77                         border-radius: initial;
78                         box-shadow: none;
79                         border: none;
80                         background-color: var(--backdrop-norm);
81                         animation-name: anime-dropdown-in-touch;
83                         @keyframes anime-dropdown-in-touch {
84                                 from {
85                                         opacity: 0;
86                                 }
88                                 to {
89                                         opacity: 1;
90                                 }
91                         }
93                         // Out animation
94                         &.is-dropdown-out {
95                                 animation-name: anime-dropdown-out-touch;
97                                 @keyframes anime-dropdown-out-touch {
98                                         from {
99                                                 opacity: 1;
100                                         }
102                                         to {
103                                                 opacity: 0;
104                                         }
105                                 }
106                         }
107                 }
108         }
110         @include media('touch', '<=xsmall') {
111                 &.adaptive-for-touch-screens {
112                         padding-inline: 10%;
113                 }
114         }
116         /* Backdrop button, meant to override 'autoClose' option on mobile */
117         &-backdrop {
118                 display: none;
119         }
121         @include media('touch', '<=small') {
122                 &.adaptive-for-touch-screens &-backdrop {
123                         position: absolute;
124                         inset: 0;
125                         z-index: 0;
126                         display: block;
127                         inline-size: 100%;
128                         block-size: 100%;
129                         margin: 0;
130                         padding: 0;
131                         border: none;
132                         outline: none;
133                         background: none;
134                 }
135         }
137         /* Scrollable frame inside the dropdown */
138         &-content {
139                 inline-size: var(--width);
140                 block-size: var(--height);
141                 min-inline-size: min(var(--min-width, 1.5em), 100vw);
142                 min-block-size: min(var(--min-height, 1em), 100vh);
143                 max-inline-size: calc(min(var(--available-width, var(--max-width)), var(--max-width)) - #{$border-size * 2}px);
144                 max-block-size: calc(min(var(--available-height, var(--max-height)), var(--max-height)) - #{$border-size * 2}px);
145                 overflow: auto;
146                 border-radius: inherit;
147                 background-color: var(--background-norm);
148                 background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-side at 50% 0, var(--backdrop-norm), transparent),
149                         radial-gradient(farthest-side at 50% 100%, var(--backdrop-norm), transparent);
150                 background-position:
151                         50% 0,
152                         0 100%;
153                 background-size: calc(100% - #{rem(20)}) rem(3);
154                 background-repeat: no-repeat;
156                 &::before,
157                 &::after {
158                         content: '';
159                         position: relative;
160                         z-index: 1;
161                         display: block;
162                         block-size: rem(3);
163                         flex: 0 0 rem(3);
164                         background: var(--background-norm);
165                 }
166         }
168         @include media('touch', '<=small') {
169                 &.adaptive-for-touch-screens &-content {
170                         position: relative;
171                         z-index: 1;
172                         inline-size: 100%;
173                         max-inline-size: initial;
174                         max-block-size: initial;
175                         border-radius: var(--border-radius-md);
176                         box-shadow: var(--shadow-lifted);
177                         transition: transform 0.1s ease-out;
178                         animation: anime-dropdown-content-scale-in 0.15s ease-out both;
180                         @keyframes anime-dropdown-content-scale-in {
181                                 from {
182                                         transform: scale(0.8);
183                                 }
185                                 to {
186                                         transform: scale(1);
187                                 }
188                         }
189                 }
191                 & &-content {
192                         animation-name: anime-dropdown-content-scale-out;
194                         @keyframes anime-dropdown-content-scale-out {
195                                 from {
196                                         transform: scale(1);
197                                 }
199                                 to {
200                                         transform: scale(0.8);
201                                 }
202                         }
203                 }
204         }
206         &-item {
207                 &-button,
208                 &-link {
209                         @extend .interactive-pseudo-inset;
211                         position: relative;
213                         &::after {
214                                 z-index: 2;
215                         }
217                         &,
218                         &:hover,
219                         &:focus-visible,
220                         &:active {
221                                 color: var(--text-norm);
222                                 text-decoration: none;
223                         }
224                 }
226                 &--delete {
227                         &,
228                         &:hover,
229                         &:focus {
230                                 .dropdown-item-button {
231                                         color: var(--signal-danger);
232                                 }
233                         }
234                 }
236                 & [aria-current='true'],
237                 & &--is-selected {
238                         // Specificity -_-v
239                         &,
240                         &:hover,
241                         &:focus,
242                         &:active {
243                                 background-color: var(--selection-background-color);
244                                 color: var(--selection-text-color);
245                                 pointer-events: none;
246                         }
248                         @supports not selector(:focus-visible) {
249                                 &:focus {
250                                         z-index: 0;
251                                         background-color: unset;
253                                         &::after {
254                                                 background-color: var(--selection-background-color);
255                                                 box-shadow: 0 0 0 #{$focus-ring-size} var(--focus-ring);
256                                                 z-index: -1;
257                                         }
258                                 }
259                         }
261                         @supports selector(:focus-visible) {
262                                 &:focus-visible {
263                                         z-index: 0;
264                                         background-color: unset;
266                                         &::after {
267                                                 background-color: var(--selection-background-color);
268                                                 box-shadow: 0 0 0 #{$focus-ring-size} var(--focus-ring);
269                                                 z-index: -1;
270                                         }
271                                 }
272                         }
273                 }
275                 // Used when the dropdown action item has a tooltip while being disabled
276                 & &--fake-disabled {
277                         & span {
278                                 color: var(--text-norm);
279                                 opacity: 0.5;
280                                 font-weight: var(--font-weight-normal);
281                         }
283                         &:hover {
284                                 cursor: default;
285                                 background-color: var(--background-norm);
286                         }
287                 }
289                 // Dropdown item container which contains several elements
290                 // Created for specific use case in the mail composer
291                 &-container {
292                         @extend .interactive;
294                         &,
295                         &:hover,
296                         &:focus-visible,
297                         &:active {
298                                 color: var(--text-norm);
299                                 text-decoration: none;
300                         }
302                         &.active {
303                                 background-color: var(--interaction-default-hover);
304                         }
306                         &.dropdown-item--is-selected,
307                         & .dropdown-item--is-selected {
308                                 &,
309                                 &:hover,
310                                 &:focus,
311                                 &:active {
312                                         pointer-events: all;
313                                 }
314                         }
316                         .dropdown-item-button {
317                                 background-color: transparent;
319                                 &:hover,
320                                 &:focus,
321                                 &:active {
322                                         background-color: transparent;
323                                 }
324                         }
325                 }
326         }
328         &-item-hr {
329                 block-size: 0;
330                 box-sizing: content-box;
331                 border-block-start: 1px solid var(--border-norm);
332         }
334         &-search {
335                 position: sticky;
336                 inset-block-start: 0;
337                 padding: 1rem;
338                 background-color: var(--background-norm);
339                 box-shadow: var(--shadow-norm);
340                 z-index: 1;
342                 &-no-result {
343                         color: var(--text-weak);
344                         padding-block: rem(40);
345                         padding-inline: rem(10);
346                         letter-spacing: rem(0.25);
347                 }
348         }
350         &--is-searchable {
351                 .dropdown-content::before {
352                         content: none;
353                 }
354         }